Are you in a sexless marriage? Wishing sex was more passionate, fun, playful, and frequent in your relationship? Feeling lonely, disconnected, confused, and sexually rejected by your spouse? Wondering how to fix your intimacy and sex problems in your marriage? Does your spouse no longer what to have sex with you? Wondering why you and your spouse struggle with physical and sexual intimacy? And, wondering how long is too long to go without sex in your marriage or relationship? The team of marriage therapists specialize in sexual challenges, and help couples regain sexual playfulness and rebuild erotic desire. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are a team of couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
What are signs you are in a sexless marriage?
When you are in a sexless marriage, the frequency or quality of sexual intimacy between you and your partner is significantly reduced or absent. It can be painful, saddening, frustrating, and lonely.
Some couples who consider their marriage sexless only have sex 7-10 times a year. Other couples feel the definition of a sexless marriage means no sex for over one year. Working with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida can help understand why and how you’ve ended up in a sexless marriage. Some signs that you may be in a sexless marriage are as follows.
Does your marriage lack of sexual intimacy and sexual connection?
One of the most obvious signs of a sexless marriage is a significant decrease in the frequency of sexual activity between you and your partner. Over time, sex just fell to the back burner. Maybe, the stress of work has really added up over the years. Or, raising children has become taxing. When you are stuck in a sexless marriage, you may feel unwanted, hurt, lack of desire, and even very alone. You and your spouse go for long periods without engaging in sexual activity. If you do find yourself sexually intimate, the sexual activities are short and infrequent. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are a team of couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida. In Brevard County, Florida, you can meet with our team to better understand how to rebuild the sexual passion in your marriage from the ground up.
The Wisdom Within Counseling team of marriage therapists and intimacy specialists near Melbourne, Florida supports all nationalities, genders, ethnicities, ages, and races of couples.
Sexual issues, anxieties, avoidances, and sexual frustrations can happy to any one, of any age, of any gender, of any stage in life. We are affirming to BIPOC (black, indigenous, and people of color) and bi-racial couples. As well, our couples therapists in Palm Bay, Florida help heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, bi-gender, non-binary, gender diverse, gender questioning, gender non-conforming, same sex couples, gay couples, transgender couples. No matter your race, ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, our team would love to help you feel safe and comfortable talking about your sex life and sexuality.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
Is there an absence of sexual desire or does your partner always turn down you when you initiate sex?
You or your partner may show a lack of interest in engaging in sexual activities. If you try to initiate sex or caress your partner’s body, they may push your hand away. Your partner may blatantly tell you that they are not in the mood. Also, when your partner turns down your sexual initiations, you may feel insecure, self-conscious, and wonder what is going on for them. You may feel sad and upset too.
To add, your romantic relationship partner may have strict rules around sexual touch. For instance, your partner may have a rule that you cannot give them oral sex. And, they do not want to give you oral sex. But, you may really enjoy receiving and giving oral sex. Your romantic relationship partner may be afraid to receive or to give oral sex. Perhaps, they feel shame, guilt, fear, and anxiety around oral sex. They may feel uncomfortable to a severe degree that intimacy counseling can help them process. If there is like a strict, unique, or strange rule that your partner is putting on your sex life, couples therapy with our sex and intimacy specialists near Melbourne, Florida can really help. Katie Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapist in Florida, runs a team of sex and intimacy specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Couples counseling in Palm Bay, Florida with our sex and intimacy specialists can be a safe place to become vulnerable together.
Both you and your partner can have uncomfortable conversations in a calm, playful way. You get a safe environment to have the conversations you have been avoiding. Not talking about sex increases anxiety, shame, and guilt around your sex life. When you learn to talk about your sexuality and your sexual desires in a safe environment, sex becomes more carefree, passionate, and playful. In couples therapy, you can get more comfortable talking about sex and intimacy as a whole. A good reason to start at Wisdom Within Counseling near Melbourne, Florida is when you partner shows no desire to initiate or respond to your sexual advances. We are a team of couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
Have you noticed a decrease in physical affection?
A reduction in physical intimacy is a sign you would benefit from working with our team of couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida. You may want to kiss, make out, or hold hands, but your spouse clearly doesn’t want to. When you reach to take your partner’s hand, they pull their hand away and seem frustrated. But, when you try to talk, they don’t have the words to talk about it. These are good reasons to get into marriage counseling.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
When you goto hug your spouse, they brush you off and dismiss you.
Do you sexual needs for touch seem insignificant and unimportant to your romantic partner? If you have stopped cuddling, this can be an indication of a sexless marriage.
When your emotional and physical connection is dwindling, you may experience anxiety, depression, jealousy, loss, grief, irritability, and even sleeping problems.
You may be suffering emotionally, feel tired, upset, hurt, melancholy, and sad. As well, you may even feel self-conscious wondering if you are causing your partner to reject you sexually. Couples counseling near Melbourne, Florida with our team of sex and intimacy specialists can help you gain calmness and clarity.
So, from working with our sex and intimacy specialists, you can feel more alive and safe in your sexual and romantic connection again.
Are you and your spouse avoiding intimate conversations and discussions about sex?
If conversations about sex become uncomfortable or avoided altogether, there is a problem in the sexual aspect of your relationship.
Growing up, sex is often considered a taboo subject. If you grew up in a strict, conservative, and religious home, your parents may not have taught you that talking about sex is normal and healthy.
Being raised in a strict, religious, purity culture can make you feel like the purpose of sex is only for procreation or getting pregnant.
Through marriage counseling with our sex and intimacy specialists near Melbourne, Florida, you can learn that sex can be recreational, fun, and safe, and pleasurable.
Often times, we grow up learning that sex is some thing that we have to give to someone else to keep them happy. There is pressure and obligation around sex too. There are fear-based messages around sex that we receive. Sex is often a chore or an obligation.
From meeting with the Wisdom Within Counseling sex and intimacy specialists near Melbourne, Florida, you can learn to feel pleasure in both giving and receiving sexually.
Also, sex doesn’t always have to end in penetrative sex or an orgasm either. Some of the best sexual activities are mindfulness practices about enjoying pleasure and building desire, rather than focusing on an outcome of penetrative sex.
Your parents may have made sex taboo to talk about when you were an adolescent. Growing up, you may have learned that talking about sex would cause you to get punished. Or, your strict, religious parents may have made you feel dirty for wanting to talk about sex or asking sexual questions.
Sexual shame, anxiety, and guilt develops at a very young age and in adolescent years.
Plus, part of Palm Bay, Florida marriage counseling with our sex and intimacy specialists means unlearning misinformation. You finally get to have a safe place to ask questions and gain proper sexual health education in intimacy therapy and couples counseling.

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Working with our team of sex and intimacy specialists in Palm Bay, Florida, you can learn that talking about intimate, sexual topics is positive and healthy.
In couples therapy in Brevard County, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling, you and your spouse can get encouragement when talking about sexual fantasies. You can learn to talk about the areas of your body you like touched, and what turns you on. We all have a different erotic map.
To note, your erotic map includes are the areas of your body like touched, the pressure of touch, certain sex toys you like, and even the time of day you like having sex.
Gain positive sexual health education at Wisdom Within Counseling in Palm Bay, Florida
As well, marriage counseling with an intimacy specialist in Palm Bay, Florida can help you understand the female pleasure system. The male sexual pleasure system is very different than the female sexual pleasure system. Many times, people are getting all the sexual education they have from pornography. Though pornography can be sexually arousing, it is paid actors and actresses.
You would never go to a Hollywood movie for marriage skills or parenting skills. So, you shouldn’t go to pornography to learn about how to build arousal or rebuild the sexual aspect of your marriage. But, people do. The team of sex and intimacy specialist in Palm Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you gain sexual skills. To note, pornography does not provide accurate, or sex positive, consensual health education. You are watching paid actors and actresses.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
You may be in a sexless marriage because you or your partner lacks sexual skills and feels insecure sexually
For one, you and your partner may have different sexual experience levels. When your partner has less sexual experience than you do, they may feel insecure, inferior, or self-conscious. This may lead to them avoiding sex altogether. Your partner may also fake an orgasm if they don’t know how to feel an orgasm in their body. Instead of feeling the need to fake an orgasm, you can both learn to intimately connect sexually through Melbourne, Florida relationship counseling.
Do you and your partner have different sexual experience levels?
You may have had a lot of sexual experience. On the other hand, your romantic partner may not have very much sexual experience and lack in sexual skills.
Wisdom Within Counseling offers you a safe, playful, and comfortable environment to grow together sexually. We talk about both male and female anatomy, orgasms, ejaculation, and pleasure in intimacy counseling.
One reason why females find sex boring, and begin rejecting and avoiding sex all together is that foreplay is too short.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
Couples therapy with our intimacy and sex specialists in Palm Bay, Florida can help you gain proper sexual health education.
So, in couples therapy with an intimacy specialist on our team, you can develop a better understanding of how to pleasure the female body. To note, the female body requires about 45 to 90 minutes to reach the same level of sexual arousal as the male body reaches in about 5 to 8 minutes.
This means that a male may be ready to have sex in about five minutes, when a female is not even aroused sexually. One common reason a female turns down and rejects her male partner is because of a lack of foreplay. If a female feels used, obligated to perform, or like sex is a chore, this will dampen your sex drive. A female will often times not want to have sex all together. And, you will end up in a sexless marriage when this is the case.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are a team of couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida who offer sex positive education on the female pleasure and orgasmic system
To note, the female body requires caressing, massage, and even emotional communication to become aroused. For many females, feeling emotionally safe and building emotional intimacy are important steps before sexual arousal begins.
Additionally, way too much focus is put on penetrative vaginal sex in our society. Learning to take the focus also off of penetrative intercourse can be a good start.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
Your sexual routine may have gotten boring or may be the same every time, so sex is disappointing and dissatisfying.
Working with our team of couples counselors and marriage therapists, you can learn to create sexual diversity and novelty. Instead of always ending with penetrative, vaginal sex, you might end with oral sex, or another exciting sexual activity.
As well, get a timer out and start to look at how long foreplay really is for you. The female body requires 45 to 90 minutes of foreplay before penetrative sex should ever be considered.
Building longer and more adequate foreplay can provide more pleasure for a female partner, which can improve your sex life.
More so, making sex more pleasurable can promote more sexual desire in a female. As a result of more foreplay, anticipation, sexual excitement, and suspense increase. Foreplay can also help a female in feeling wanted and valued.
Did you know that feeling wanted, important, connected, and valued is a huge part of building excitement and rekindling sexual desire?
From feeling wanted sexually, a female partner is more likely to accept her partner’s sexual initiations. If sex feels like a chore, is boring, or an obligation, you will commonly be turned down when you make sexual advances.
Couples therapy and marriage counseling in Palm Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help sex become a more playful, meaningful, and pleasurable for you both. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are a team of couples therapists who specialize in intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
Is there a lack of sexual satisfaction or fulfillment in your relationship?
When sexual encounters occur, there may be a lack of satisfaction or fulfillment for one or both of you. This could be due to various reasons, including mismatched expectations or unresolved issues. For instance, you may have a high sex drive or high libido, whereas, your partner has a low sex drive or a little libido. More so, mismatched sex drives and differences in libido can create sexual frustrations for couples.
With your sex and intimacy specialist in Palm Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn to talk about sex drives and sexual desires.
The meaning of sex
For one person, sex may mean connection. Having sex may equal feeling love and be an expression of love. Sex can symbolize reassurance and stability. For the other person, sex may have a different sense of meaning and mean something else entirely. Sex may mean a boring experience is coming. Or, sex may feel like a chore, be scary, uncomfortable, or painful.
To note, sex should never be painful.
If you experience painful vaginal intercourse, reach out to work with our team of couples therapists and intimacy specialists as soon as possible. There are a variety of different techniques, homework assignments, and interventions that we can offer to make sex more pleasurable.
Also, sexless couples often need help talking about sexual expectations. With your sex and intimacy specialist near Melbourne, Florida, you can discuss the meaning behind what physical intimacy is for you.
Often times, we grow up in different environments, with shame and guilt around sexual activity. Avoiding talking about sex makes those anxieties, fears, and shame bigger.
As a result, you are your spouse developed different meanings around sexual intimacy. Being able to talk about the meaning you have behind sex can be a beautiful part of couples counseling with a sex intimacy specialist.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can work with our sex specialists who offer couples therapy and intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida to rebuild a fulfilling sex life.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
Do you feel lonely or emotional distance in your sexless marriage?
Also, a sexless marriage often coincides with emotional distance. There may be a decrease in overall emotional intimacy.
When there is no emotional intimacy, you may feel like two ships passing in the night.
Also, when your partner comes home from work, it seems like they don’t even notice you. When you are making food, you eat separately and basically ignore each other. Emotional disconnection is a major issue for a lot of couples that struggle with a sexless marriage.
On the note of emotional distance, anger explosions and anger outbursts can also be very damaging.
If you feel like your spouse is mentally unstable, it can be very difficult to have sexual passion and feel sexually safe. Criticism, belittling each other, door slamming, yelling, and interrupting are all forms of negative communication.
Your Melbourne, Florida couples therapist can identify if you are using these negative forms of communication.
Also, in addition to criticism, talking down to each other, and being condescending, being harsh and rude to each other will damage your sex life.
Additionally, working with a sex and intimacy specialist can help you emotionally connect and build emotional safety.
Using any of these forms of negative communication will hinder and damage your sex life. Do not use the silent treatment or stonewalling if you want to have a healthy and safe sex life. However, many couples fall into the silent treatment and stonewalling behaviors. These are signs that you can benefit from gaining positive coping strategies and conflict resolution skills from working a couples therapist.
Learning to gain awareness about whether or not you are using these and replacing them with healthier forms of communication will help improve your sex life.
Rebuilding emotional connection can be a skill that you learn with your sex and intimacy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling.
In marriage therapy and couples counseling in Palm Bay, Florida, you can learn to repair the cracks in the foundation of your relationship. From working with a sex and intimacy specialist, you can gain healthy communication and connection skills.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
Resentment, anger, the silent treatment, frustration can cause a sexless marriage and intimacy problems
Feelings of frustration, resentment, or unmet needs in the sexual realm start to build up. This can lead to tension, conflicts, or a general feeling of dissatisfaction within your relationship.
The silent treatment, criticism, and belittling each other can also lead to sexual problems.
It’s important to note that before starting in couples counseling, many couples do not even realize that they are criticizing or hurting each other’s feelings.
You might just know that you upset your partner, but you don’t know how to rebuild connection and repair after the conflict. Working with our sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida can help you repair after conflicts.
Also, being able to talk about those upsetting moments in the safe place of your couples therapist office can be very healing.
At Wisdom Within Counseling in Palm Bay, Florida, you can gain emotional repair skills. You and your spouse can talk about what you both felt emotionally when you were triggered in marriage therapy.
As well, you can learn about each other more deeply on an emotional level where you can help each other feel valued, cared for, and loved more deeply too.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
Is it normal to feel lonely, disconnected, and confused, when sexually rejected by my spouse?
Yes, it is normal to feel lonely, disconnected, and confused when experiencing sexual rejection from your spouse. Sexual intimacy is an important aspect of many romantic relationships, and when it is lacking or inconsistent, it can have a significant impact on emotional well-being and relationship satisfaction.
Emotional connection
Sexual intimacy often serves as a way to connect emotionally with your partner. When you are sexually rejected, it can create a sense of emotional disconnection, leaving you feeling lonely and isolated.
Self-esteem and validation
Furthermore, sexual rejection can also affect your self-esteem and feelings of desirability. It’s common to question your attractiveness or worthiness when your advances are consistently turned down. This is where the team at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you feel confident while building your sex life.

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Communication breakdown
Sexual rejection may lead to a breakdown in communication and understanding between you and your spouse. It can be challenging to discuss and navigate the underlying issues causing the rejection, leading to confusion and frustration.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are a team of sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling and couples therapy in Palm Bay, Florida. Our team would love to help you reconnect sexually and build erotic desire.
Did you know that regular, passionate sexual intimacy increases relationship satisfaction?
Sexual intimacy is a significant factor in relationship satisfaction for many couples. When sex is absent or insufficient, it can lead to dissatisfaction. Also, there may be a general sense of unhappiness within your marriage and relationship.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our sex and intimacy specialist can help you address these feelings and concerns with your spouse in an open and honest manner.
You can gain communication skills, which are key in understanding each other’s needs, desires, and concerns. In Palm Bay, Florida, our team of marriage therapists provide a safe space for both of you to explore and resolve the underlying issues contributing to the pain of sexual rejection and resulting in emotional distance.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
Have you been exploring negative alternatives outside your relationship?
In some cases, one or both of you may seek sexual fulfillment outside the marriage when your marriage is sexless. Through these are not healthy behaviors, affairs and engaging in pornography can result. As a means of compensating for the lack of intimacy within your relationship, you may find yourself lying.
An affair, keeping secrets, and lying are never healthy coping mechanisms. Though these behaviors lead to short term high’s and short-term relief from emotional pain, they create more problems long term.
Having an affair, keeping secrets, and lying are detrimental to a healthy and trusting marriage. Instead of doing so, you can learn to communicate your feelings at Wisdom Within Counseling.

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Marriage therapy in Palm Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can give you honest communication tools.
Affairs, cheating, keeping secrets, and lying behaviors are unhealthy coping mechanisms and damage your sex life.
First, affairs, keeping secrets, infidelity, and lying leads to a betrayal of trust
Engaging in an affair, keeping secrets, or lying to your spouse are all acts that betray their trust.
Trust and honesty form the foundation of a strong marriage.
It is emotionally painful to be in a sexless marriage where you feel unloved and rejected. But, couples counseling is a much better place to learn to express these deeply vulnerable feelings. To add, trust is crucial for a healthy relationship. Overall, affairs, cheating, keeping secrets, and lying behaviors break trust. Affairs, cheating, keeping secrets, and lying causes significant emotional pain and damage.
These numbing, dishonest behaviors lead to a lack of open communication
As well, secrets and lies prevent open and honest communication between partners.
Open communication is vital for addressing issues, expressing needs and desires, and working together to resolve conflicts.
When secrets and lies exist, it becomes difficult to build a foundation of trust and foster intimacy. Instead of feeling like having an affair, cheating, keeping secrets, and lying are your only options, you can learn healthy communication skills.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our sex specialists offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida to help you deal with and communicate your feelings. You can learn healthy conflict resolution skills in couples counseling.
Emotional disconnection is a side effect of a sexless marriage where there are behaviors of affairs, keeping secrets, and lying
Having an affair or keeping secrets can lead to emotional disconnection within your marriage. The act of seeking emotional or physical intimacy outside your relationship creates a divide between you and your partner. Sadly, when you are in a sexless marriage, you are already in a state of deep emotional disconnection.
An affair, cheating, or infidelity will only lead to more emotional disconnection.
Affairs, cheating, and infidelity diminish the emotional connection that is essential for a thriving marriage.
Melbourne, Florida couples therapy helps you create a healthy, safe, and passionate sex life.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can meet with our sex specialists in intimacy counseling and couples therapy in Palm Bay, Florida to gain emotional intimacy skills. You can learn terms like your “couple bubble.” And, you can gain emotional intimacy skills to strengthen your couple bubble.
Loss of intimacy and closeness occurs in a sexless marriage where you’ve begun keeping secrets and lying
Essentially, engaging in an affair or keeping secrets can erode the intimacy and closeness between you and your spouse. When you want more physical intimacy, the last thing you want to do is lie, cheat, and create betrayal. Intimacy is built on trust, vulnerability, and emotional connection.
When one partner engages in lying, cheating, and infidelity behaviors, it damages the emotional bond and can lead to a lack of emotional and physical intimacy. You don’t have to numb out the painful emotions you are experiencing by lying, cheating, or being unfaithful.
When you experience feeling rejected by your spouse sexually, Melbourne, Florida couples counseling can help you rebuild sexual playfulness and reconnect sexually within your marriage.
Escalation of conflict is a side effect of affairs, keeping secrets, and betrayals
Secrets and lies often lead to an escalation of conflicts within your relationship. As the truth is revealed or suspicions arise, the betrayed spouse may feel hurt, loss, grief, angry, and betrayed. This can lead to further conflicts, a breakdown in communication, and an overall deterioration of your relationship.
Long-term consequences of numbing out
The consequences of having an affair, keeping secrets, or lying can be long-lasting and far-reaching. In general, affair, keeping secrets, infidelity, and lying can shatter the foundation of trust, create emotional trauma, and cause irreparable damage to your relationship.
Rebuilding trust after such breaches can be extremely challenging, and marriage therapy is required.

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Our sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida provide positive coping tools and communication skills
Also, when you are feeling sexually rejected, you amy feel alone in your marriage.
As well, you may feel hurt. So, going to couples counseling will be much more helpful than numbing out through having an affair.
You should never feel that an affair, keeping secrets, and lying is the way to go when overwhelmed or frustrated. Turning to marriage therapy is much more effective and productive.
Couples therapy in Palm Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can teach both of you healthy coping tools and strategies.
We all have different ways we like to be loved, but many couples don’t communicate those needs effectively.
Counseling at Wisdom Within with our sex and intimacy specialists gives you a safe place to talk about your needs, desires, and how you feel loved.

How can healthy coping tools and strategies such as art, yoga, meditation, music, and holistic mind body tools improve my marriage and help me communicate my feelings better?
Engaging in healthy coping tools and strategies, such as art, yoga, meditation, music, and holistic mind-body tools, can positively impact your marriage and improve your ability to communicate your feelings.
Each person is often needing positive coping tools when starting in couples therapy.
At Wisdom Within Counseling in Palm Bay, Florida, you can pick from art, yoga, mindfulness meditation, and holistic therapies alongside Gottman couples therapy.
Emotional expression is a benefit of working with a holistic, couples therapist in Palm Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling
Art, including painting, drawing, or writing, can serve as a creative outlet for expressing your emotions and inner thoughts. In couples counseling, your intimacy and sex specialist may offer art and creative art activities to support communication. At home, art can be a positive coping strategy for self-care.
Through art, you can explore and communicate your feelings in a nonverbal way. Also, creative art allow your spouse to gain insights into your emotional state and experiences. In couples counseling in Palm Bay, Florida, your therapist may offer art techniques for bonding.
Stress reduction is a benefit of holistic, positive coping tools
Plus, practices like yoga, meditation, and holistic mind-body tools are effective in reducing stress and promoting relaxation. When you are less stressed, you are more likely to approach communication in a calm and centered manner.
Instead of yelling, screaming, or slamming doors, mindfulness meditation can improve your ability to express yourself clearly.
Also, holistic mind-body tools can help you stop interrupting for instance, and more actively listen to your spouse’s needs.

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Mindfulness and presence skills are holistic coping tools that you learn about in couples counseling in Palm Bay, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling
Yoga, meditation, and other mindfulness practices help cultivate a sense of present-moment awareness, which helps improve your sex life.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, with our intimacy and sex specialists, you can learn mindfulness tools in session. Your therapist may guide you and your spouse in a calming meditation to build relaxation skills.
By being fully present with your spouse, you can actively listen, empathize, and respond more effectively. More so, mindfulness also promotes self-awareness.
As a result, mindfulness skills help you understand and express your own emotions with greater clarity. Mindfulness breathing skills can also help you stay present and in the moment in sexual and intimate experiences.
Improved self-awareness is a benefit from learning holistic coping tools
Engaging in these holistic practices encourages self-reflection and self-awareness. Also, holistic coping strategies can be used outside of couples counseling sessions. From couples therapy, gain a better understanding of your own thoughts, emotions, and triggers. This way, you can communicate your feelings more effectively to your spouse.
This increased self-awareness can also foster empathy and understanding for your partner’s perspective.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, Katie Ziskind and the team of sex and intimacy specialists help you develop greater self-awareness. From self-awareness, you can know yourself sexually. As well, you can increase the sexual passion, seductive qualities, playfulness, and physical affection in your marriage.
Become more in tune with your spouse’s non-verbal communication
Music, art, and body-based practices provide alternative forms of communication that transcend verbal language. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Palm Bay, Florida, you can take part in art, yoga, mindfulness, and holistic therapies.
Engaging in music together, for example, can create a shared emotional experience and facilitate nonverbal connection. To add, these creative, holistic activities in couples therapy can help you and your spouse connect on a deeper level, enhancing your overall communication.
Relationship bonding is a benefit of working with Katie Ziskind and the sex and intimacy specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling near Melbourne, Florida
Plus, participating in these activities together can strengthen your bond as a couple. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Palm Bay, Florida, our intimacy and sex specialists teach holistic, mind body coping activities right in session.
Essentially, engaging in shared interests and hobbies fosters a sense of connection and can lead to deeper emotional intimacy.
When you engage in these practices as a couple, it creates opportunities for open communication, mutual support, and understanding.
In general, positive coping tools can enhance your communication and emotional well-being.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn tools for self-regulation and open and direct communication, for a more positive and satisfying sex life. Regular and open conversations with your spouse remain crucial for understanding each other’s needs, concerns, and desires.
Couples counseling with a focus on sex and intimacy in Palm Bay, Florida helps you in engaging in open, honest, and empathetic communication with your spouse.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
In marriage therapy, we can help you have a safe place to build an emotional foundation to have a healthy, loving, satisfying, pleasurable, erotic, and positive sex life.
Emotional intimacy is a key part of sexual passion and intimacy. When you feel hurt, rejected, frustration, upset, or lonely, you and your spouse can learn to check in with each other. You can learn to address the feelings, conflicts, and issues as they arise and talk about them.
The team at Wisdom Within Counseling can teach healthy coping mechanisms. In marriage therapy, you can learn that a healthy marriage involves open communication, honesty, empathy, and professional guidance.
When facing sexual challenges, you can work with our sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida and through out Florida.
Building a strong and resilient relationship requires addressing issues together. But, these skills are often lacking in a sexless marriage. Not having sex can leave you frustrated, confused, self-conscious, insecure, jealous of others, and anxious.
You may fear that your partner will withhold sex forever. Couples counseling along the Space Coast in Florida gives you a safe place to uncover the feelings you have under your sexless marriage.

When you are in a sexless marriage, with sexual tension, where you find sex boring, or an avoidance of sex, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling near Melbourne, Florida can help.
There may be complex issues like pornography addiction or masturbation addiction in combination with your sexless marriage.
Maybe, one or both of you have fears around body image issues. Diet culture can have a negative impact on how you think about yourself. Anyone of any nationality, size, or weight can experience massive amounts of sexual pleasure.
Couples counseling near Melbourne, Florida can give you an opportunity to trust your body in a new way. Rather than thinking you have to lose weight to experience pleasure, you can trust that you deserve sexual pleasure no matter you shape, size or weight.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
Overcome anxiety around sexual performance with Katie Ziskind and the sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida
You may feel anxious about your sexual performance, or being good enough in bed, and this is contributing to avoiding sex.
Couples therapy near Melbourne, Florida can help you get to the root issues beneath your sexless marriage. It is common to experience anxiety if you have face sexual criticism in the past before. Untreated anxiety can be a huge blockage to having a healthy, satisfying, and fulfilling sex life. Medication is not always the best way to treat anxiety.
Learning coping tools and talking about the root of your anxiety is much more effective long term. Instead, our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida can help you intentionally build a healthy, confident, and satisfying sex life. Even if someone, ten years ago, criticized your sexual skills, this can be traumatic and lasting.
Negative criticisms that you faced in the past can lead to sexual performance anxiety. It feels really positive to be able to overcome sexual anxiety and engage in sexual pleasure together.
As a couple, sexual passion and sexual activities can be ways to express the love you both have for each other. Learning to talk about anxiety in couples counseling can help it reduce naturally. From talking about anxiety and being emotionally vulnerable, you can learn to reassure each other in more effective ways too.
Sexual performance anxiety can also be a result of insecurities or lack of proper sexual education.
Growing up, you may have not learned about sexual skills, the female pleasure system, how a female orgasms, or even your own sexual anatomy. Therapy can give you and your partner an opportunity to talk about sexual fear, skills, and gain proper sexual education in a safe, consensual, and healthy way.
Couples counseling with the Melbourne, Florida intimacy and sex specialists can help answer questions about squirting, orgasming, body sensations, erections, premature ejaculation, and sexual problems.
Anxiety is a protective mechanism and couples therapy can help you understand what purpose it serves. On that note, talking about anxiety in a safe space in couples counseling in key in overcoming it. Overcoming sexual shame, guilt, and anxiety imposed from strict, religious backgrounds and society can be a part of counseling.
Palm Bay, Florida marriage therapy can help you develop confidence and self-assurance, and talk about what you like sexually.
Growing up, you may have been told sex was a taboo subject. Couples counseling near Melbourne, Florida can help you shift from seeing sex as taboo, and see sex as a healthy, important, safe, and positive topic of conversation. Talking about sex in a comfortable way can lower anxiety.
You might want to share about your sexual fantasies or kinks in couples counseling. Maybe, you like being scratched, and that feels really good. Or, may you are a person who likes soft, gentle caressing, or foot massages. Talking about what you enjoy sexually and non-sexually can help you reduce performance anxiety.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
In marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling near Melbourne, Florida, you can develop present moment thinking and deeper intimate connection
When you are anxious about being good enough in bed, this can take you way from fully enjoying your sexual experience. You may struggle with being mentally present. Or, you may even fear losing your erection or going soft, and what that would mean to your partner. As well, you can develop more closeness, vulnerability, and intimate connection than ever before.
At Wisdom Within Counseling in Palm Bay, Florida, you may want to work with a couples therapist when you are wishing sex was more passionate, fun, playful, and frequent. Sex doesn’t just have to be for procreation or for the goal of having a child. Instead, sexual playfulness can be a part of your daily connection and bond. When life gets busy, sex may fall to the back burner.
Marriage therapy with the Wisdom Within Counseling sex and intimacy specialists can help when you feel lonely, disconnected, confused, and sexually rejected by your spouse.
Couples therapy in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you make sex fun, playful, and passionate. Sex should not feel like a chore, boring, or an obligation.
You are not alone in feeling this way about your sex life if if this how you feel right now though. Wisdom Within Counseling helps you feel comfortable talking about your sexuality, sexual fantasies, needs, and create a beautiful, intimate sex life.
Use the image below to start rebuilding your sexual passion with a fun, sexy, playful challenge.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
When you are wondering how to fix your intimacy and sex problems in your marriage, working with Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500 at Wisdom Within Counseling will be helpful.
So, if your spouse no longer what to have sex with you, you can process these emotions in couples counseling. Katie Ziskind can pinpoint and identify why you and your spouse struggle with physical and sexual intimacy. As well, you can get couples therapy homework to better your sex life outside of your marriage therapy sessions.
Also, Katie Ziskind and the team of marriage therapists in Palm Bay, Florida specialize in sexual challenges, and help couples regain sexual playfulness and rebuild erotic desire.
Katie Ziskind is licensed as a marriage and family therapist and specializes in sex and intimacy with couples in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansa, Louisiana, Tennessee, North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Hampshire, and Maine.
To add, Katie Ziskind, is am a licensed marriage and family therapist, holistic health expert, intimacy and sex specialist, and the owner of Wisdom Within Counseling.
Wisdom Within Counseling has multiple locations offer sex and intimacy support to couples in person counseling in Niantic, Connecticut and in a number of other states including Florida. Katie Ziskind runs a team of holistic, expressive marriage and family therapists and help distant couples in Palm Bay, Florida reconnect and thrive.
In Brevard County and in the Palm Bay area in Florida, Katie Ziskind helps couples after affairs develop their foundation of trust, love, and playfulness to feel safe growing together. Also, she helps couples with sexual dysfunctions and intimacy issues improve their sex life, passion, connection, and sexual pleasure.
Katie Ziskind has created a sex and intimacy course on teachable that couples wanting help with pleasure, orgasming and sexual intimacy can take for $20. Enroll and reserve your spot here

Additionally, couples often struggles with multiple, complex mental health issues that impact their marital bond.
For instance, Katie Ziskind helps when one or both people in a marriage struggle with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, self-harm, alcoholism, masturbation addiction, eating disorders, LGBTQIA+ gender expression, cross dressing, pornography addiction, anger management, and being adult child of narcissistic parents.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, Katie Ziskind and her team offer painting, art therapies, yoga therapies, music, walk and talk, mind body therapies for confidence, self-regulation, and positive coping tools.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida.
When working through conflicts, you get the help of experts on our team when creating and maintaining a foundation of trust and respect for a healthy sex life.
It’s important to remember that a sexless marriage doesn’t necessarily mean there are irreparable issues. Couples counseling in Palm Bay, Florida can very very beneficial.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can work with our team of sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida. We help couples improve their communication, gain mutual understanding, and emotional intimacy. As well, we offer support around addressing and resolving the underlying causes of your lack of desire and lack of sexual intimacy.
Where in Brevard County Florida can you work with the couples therapists and sex specialists who offer intimacy counseling in Palm Bay, Florida?
The team of intimacy and sex specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling help distant couples who want more romantic connection along the Space Coast in Melbourne, West Melbourne, Malabar, Grant-Valkaria, Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Melbourne Beach, Palm Shores, Satellite Beach, Micco, Sebastian, Rockledge, Cocoa, Cocoa Beach, Merritt Island, Titusville, Port St. John, Port Canaveral, Cape Canaveral, Sharpes, Scottsmoor, Oak Hill, Geneva, Miami, For Meyers, Sarasota, Tampa, Jacksonville, Pensacola, Destin, West Palm Beach, Homestead, Key West, Key Biscayne, Marathon, Live Oak, New Smyrna Beach, Edgewater, Mims, Oviedo, Winter Springs, Casselberry, Longwood, Altamonte Springs, Lake Mary, Punta Gorda, Port Charlotte, St. Petersburg, Sanford, Deltona, DeBary, DeLand, Orange City, Port Orange, Daytona Beach, Orlando, Ormond Beach, Florida.
Katie Ziskind and the Wisdom Within Counseling team near Melbourne, Florida would love to help you build a passionate, erotic, meaningful, intimate, and exciting sex life.