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Self-Soothe Skill for Stopping Self-Harm and Cutting with DBT Therapy

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We Offer Teens and Young Adults Who Self-Harm Holistic, Positive Coping Tools Through Creative Therapies.

First, teenagers cut and harm themselves for a number of reasons. Understanding self injury and self harm are emotional aspects. As a parent, you might feel concerned, confused, and sad. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we teach teenagers all about stopping self-harm and cutting with DBT therapy. As well, you may even have your own anxiety about your teenager’s suicidal thinking.

To note, non-suicidal self injury is separate from suicidal self injury. Furthermore, this article will speak about mostly to non-suicidal self injury. Non-suicidal self-injury is about self injuring to feel better rather than to die. Furthermore, adolescents and teenagers who take part in non-suicidal self injury don’t want to die. But, injure themselves out of control and overwhelm. Below, learn to make your own DBT therapy self-soothe kit to overcome any feeling.

Self-soothe kits are part of DBT therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut

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Where does the urge to self-harm come from? Skills for stopping self-harm and cutting with DBT therapy

Sometimes, the urge or triggered to self harm comes from not wanting to feel pain, because the emotional pain feels like too much. Other times, teenagers and adolescents choose to cut themselves because they don’t know how to address underlying issues. In life, overwhelming feelings, sadness, loneliness, and anxiety can cause a teenager to self harm. After a habit of self injury has been started, it takes positive coping skills to change and stop that negative behavior. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our creative family therapists teach self-soothing DBT therapy skills for self-acceptance.

To begin, start with a phone consult to learn more about how we help teens with depression stop self-harm and cutting with DBT therapy.

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As holistic therapists, we help depressed teenagers reduce a stop self-harm behaviors and love themselves.

What causes an adolescent or teenager to cut and self-harm?

To add, teenagers who hurt themselves lack positive coping skills to alleviate angry feelings. Sometimes, teenagers want to punish themselves because they feel guilty or ashamed from an issue like sexuality or gender. At times, teenagers who are gay, transgender, or bisexual and don’t feel acceptance off and hurt themselves. Self harm is a form of disassociating from problems. As well, self harm and self injury produces pleasurable chemicals in the brain, leading to an addiction. Therefore, at Wisdom Within Counseling, in Southeastern Ct, we help teach teenagers learn positive coping tools. Plus, these holistic tools provide pleasurable life experiences, without self harm.

Self-soothe kits in DBT therapy helps teenager find self-love alternatives to self-harm.

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If your teenager wants to escape feelings of numbness, our counselors can teach them how to engage in self loving behaviors.

How to protect your teenager from themselves?

As well, if your teenager is self harming, it’s important to remove all razor blades, pieces of glass. Remove Motrin or medication they may overdose on. Do not keep anything in their access. Essentially, boundaries must be put in place around sharps. In Southeastern Ct, our therapists help teens with stopping self-harm and cutting with DBT therapy.

If you have Tylenol or medication in a medicine cabinet, start keeping them in a lock box.

As well, if you notice your teenager breaking lightbulbs or burning themselves, seek professional counseling immediately. So, if you teen self-harms, our therapists can teach DBT therapy skills for self-love. It’s really important to keep an eye on your teenager. Therefore, remove any sharps or objects found in backpacks and do not allow any kitchen knives to be left out. As well, if you know someone who is cutting and needing professional counseling, Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in DBT therapy and positive coping tools.

Why stop self-harm and cutting with DBT therapy to prevent relapse?

Often times, teenagers resort to self injury and self harm because they don’t know what to do with the feeling at hand. At the time, hurting themselves seems like the only way to release what’s going on. Often, teenagers and adolescents who self-harm relapse. But, over time, through counseling, self-harm can be stopped all together. We are a group of holistic therapists that specialize with people that currently hurt themselves and need more meaningful, loving outlets for a stress. Additionally, stopping self-harm and cutting with DBT therapy is skill focused. So, each therapy session, your teenager will have a new, positive skill.

Building a self-soothe kit in DBT therapy helps your teenager feel empowerment, leadership, and build self-acceptance skills.

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If your teenager is self harming currently, book a phone consultation and using the pink button below to get started in counseling.

At Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern CT, we teach healthier, positive coping strategies to replace negative behaviors like self harm and cutting. In order for a teenager to relinquish their self injury us behavior, teenagers need positive influences. Therefore, their Southeastern Ct therapist can give them healthy alternatives to self harm. For instance, the self soothe kit, using DBT therapy, can help your teenager handle their problems in a healthy way. Whatever the trigger may be, peer pressure, drama, drinking, or loss of a loved one, self injury can occur.

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What does self-injury mean?

Self injury is a sign that you’re a teenager is struggling with depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and trauma. Self harm in self injury can begin in early adolescence although it can happen at any age, even into adulthood. People of any age, ethnicity, and social economic status may turn to self harm as a negative coping tool. As well, risk factors include abuse, bullying, trauma, neglect, loss, self criticism, addiction, substance use, and mental illness. Through creative, holistic coping tools, we teach teen about stopping self-harm and cutting with DBT therapy. Learn to make your own self-soothe kit below.

What Is A Self-Soothe Kit with Wisdom Within Counseling?

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Use this box to cope with emotional stress. When triggered or overwhelmed, pick out items to use to find acceptance, relaxation, and nurture yourself by using your five senses.

Touch – Dough

Taste – Chocolate

Sight – Tissues and nail polish

Smell – Mints

Sound – Bubbles for calm breaths


Fun – Glow stick 

Creativity – Crayons 

Add to this box anything to help you love yourself:

A photo of someone you love, A photo of someone who inspires you

Something that you use to calm yourself, Your favorite quote

A list of three phone numbers to call, A list of three things you love about yourself

DBT therapist, Self-soothe kit, DBT therapy skills for stopping self-harm and cutting, cutting therapy, self-harm therapy, Southeastern CT, Connecticut, East Lyme, CT, Madison, Ct, Holistic child, adolescent, and teen counseling, Self-soothe kit, suicidal teen, depression, stopping self-harm and cutting with DBT therapy, teen depression specialist, teen anxiety therapist, specialist for self-harm.

To begin, click the pink button below for teen counseling for stopping self-harm and cutting with DBT therapy.

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