Have you found your spouse cheating emotionally or sexually? Do you feel beyond hurt, betrayed, confused, and in deep emotional pain? Has all trust been broken and shattered due to betrayal? Wondering, “How could this happen to me? I thought we had a happy marriage.” Are you now in utter shock that your spouse would do this to you and feeling hurt and angry? Needing a safe space to process all of the feelings you have regarding discovering your spouse cheating? Are you looking to recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey? Wanting to repair, recover, and rebuild a strong commitment after infidelity? Katie Ziskind at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching specializes in infidelity and affair recovery in marriage therapy.

Addressing and understanding emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey means overcoming negative myths about cheating.
To note, anyone of any age, nationality, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and relationship structure can end up experiencing infidelity. You are not immune just because you’ve been together a longer period of time. From holistically understanding root causes of emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you can prevent cheating in the future. To add, there is not just a certain age group who cheats. Cheating, lying, and sexual and emotional unfaithfulness are signs of much deeper marital issues that need immediate addressing and attention.
Sometimes, we are cultured to believe only men are cheaters. Or negative myths like, that once a cheater, always a cheater, which is not true. Men are not the only people who can cheat. Or, we are taught that cheating is acceptable if a marriage is sexless, which is an unhealthy belief. To note, cheating is not a healthy way to cope with stress, disappointment, marital dissatisfaction, insecurity, confidence issues, or low self-esteem.
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you can learn about cheating and how to build a strong, healthy couple bubble.
As well, anyone of any ager, gender identity, nationality, and relationship type can cheat, lie, keep secrets, create betrayal, and be dishonest. People in monogamous relationship structures can find themselves suffering from infidelity. When there are just two people in a relationship, there can be issues of chronic lying. As well, people in ethically non-monogamous relationships or polyamorous relationships struggle with chronic lying and cheating too.
Learning about the root causes of cheating supports marital growth, self-confidence, impulsivity skills, and better communication.
Recovering from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey means repairing trust, co-creating connection, and learning to communicate vulnerabilities. We are never taught how to do these things anywhere else in life besides in couples therapy.
Recovering from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey means accepting it has happened.
Discovering that your spouse has been unfaithful is one of the most devastating and emotionally turbulent experiences.
In the aftermath of such finding a text message from someone suspicious on your spouse’s phone, you may be feeling very betrayed. And, putting the pieces together and finding out your spouse has been buying meals for another person is devastating.
Your spouse’s late evenings at work were really spent with another person, having sex and lying to you.
Finding naked photos of someone else on your spouse’s phone or computer is shocking, saddening, and you don’t know if you can’t trust again.
And, when your spouse has been avoiding sex with you, you might feel betrayed when you find yoru spouse having a pornography and masturbation addiction.
When you uncover your spouse’s cheating and secret keeping, it’s natural to feel a whirlwind of emotions – shock, anger, betrayal, sadness, grief, loss, and confusion.
Naturally, you are overwhelmed with anxiety about your spouse’s whereabouts and feel suspicious after discovering infidelity. You don’t know if you can believe a single thing they say.
Tearfulness and concentration issues are normal after finding your spouse has been unfaithful and stepping out of your marriage. You don’t know wether to be angry or if sadness should take dominance in your heart and mind.
As you grapple with the reality of infidelity, it’s important to remember that you are not alone in your pain. Working together to recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey is key. Both of you often need to communicate more deeply in ways that you have never done before. Couples therapy in Westfield, New Jersey with Gottman infidelity specialist, Katie Ziskind, gives you a safe space to reflect.
There is hope, healing, and restoration possible from the process of understanding the root causes of the affair.
Couples counseling with Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two marriage therapist, helps you talk together to create a new, more honest path.

What are signs my spouse has been cheating?
Emotional cheating is just as damaging as sexual cheating. Discovering that your spouse has been unfaithful emotionally is a devastating and emotionally tumultuous experience. It leaves you grappling with feelings of betrayal, hurt, anger, sadness, surprise, shock, disappointment, and confusion.
For one, you may have found physical signs of infidelity such as lipstick stains on clothing. You found a pair of underwear in yoru spouse’s gym back that don’t belong to either of you.
Or, you found the phone bills and saw your spouse making late-night phone calls.
You checked your spouse’s text message records and saw them texting someone else at 1am and 2am, while you were sleeping.
As well, you noticed your spouse changing their hair and working out more.
Emotional cheating can be more subtle and difficult to detect that physical cheating. And, there are several warning signs that may indicate that your spouse has been cheating emotionally. Both sexual and emotional cheating undermines the trust and intimacy in your relationship. When recovering from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, fully understanding the root causes is key. The act of cheating usually starts months, if not years prior to the actual affair. Unmet love needs, insecurities, emotional disconnection, and childhood trauma experiences play a role in affair behaviors. For now, let’s continue to talk about signs your partner may be unfaithful, lying, or keeping an affair a secret.
Secret keeping behaviors lead to disconnection, betrayal, grief, emotional pain, and deep hurt.
In order to recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you need the help of a specialist. An infidelity specialist has extra hours of training and specialized education in betrayal repairs, relationship injuries, and treatment of childhood neglect and trauma. To note, childhood trauma and neglect experiences play a role in secret keeping, affairs, and cheating, which we get into later in this article.
Katie Ziskind, at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, specializes in infidelity in marriage therapy. She helps couples who want to stay together after an affair learn skills to repair, bond, and co-create intimacy. Katie Ziskind, is a certified sex therapy informed professional, infidelity specialist, and complex trauma specialist. She helps couples post affair develop honest communication, rebuild trust, and repair emotional and sexual intimacy.

Katie Ziskind specializes in helping couples recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey.
One of the most common signs of emotional cheating is a sudden change in behavior or attitude towards you.
Your spouse may become more secretive or guarded when emotionally cheating. As well, your spouse may withdraw emotionally and physically from your relationship.
Seeming more distant, they may not communicate with you as much. When you call your spouse, they purposefully ignore your phone calls.
They may seem distant or preoccupied, showing less interest in spending time with you. Your spouse is not working late hours, working weekends, and out, without you, with their friends.
As well, your spouse, who is emotionally cheating, may be reluctant to engage in meaningful conversations. Your spouse appears unhappy in your marriage and avoids you.
They don’t want to be sexually intimate with you, and they seem emotionally checked out.
To add, your spouse’s shift in behavior may be accompanied by a lack of communication or a reluctance to share their thoughts and feelings with you.
Overall, emotional cheating leads to a sense of disconnection and alienation in your marriage and long-term relationship. If you think your spouse is cheating, addressing suspicions of emotional cheating and sexual cheating is something you can do in the calm environment of marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey.

What are other signs of emotional infidelity and emotional cheating?
Another red flag of emotional cheating is an increased reliance on a particular individual outside of the relationship for emotional support and validation.
Emotional cheating is when your spouse starts sharing intimate emotional details with someone else instead of you.
Your spouse may confide in a co-worker or someone at their work place. And, your spouse may share sexual frustrations or really intimate details about their dissatisfaction with your and your marriage, with this other person. Your spouse may put your down and talk badly about you to their affair partner. This signifies a weak couple bubble and need for infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey. Emotional cheating and sexual cheating means you both need help building a strong, secure bond and couple bubble.
As well, when emotionally cheating, your spouse shares intimate details of their life with their affair partner. They talk about and seek emotional support regarding personal stressors with their affair partner.
When emotionally cheating, your spouse will seek advice and guidance from this outside person.
As well, your spouse will share their hopes and dreams with them instead of you. To note, this emotional intimacy means your spouse forms a closer bond with someone outside of your relationship. Your spouse pulls away from you and your martial bond as a result.
And, emotional cheating and emotional infidelity creates a senses of exclusion, distance, pain, and betrayal. Your spouse erodes the trust and intimacy that you once shared in your marriage. You both can learn and gain an understanding for the root causes of emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey. At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, Katie Ziskind helps couples verbalize unmet love needs, feelings of loneliness, pain, and grief that need processing.
Changes in communication patterns can also be indicative of emotional cheating.
Your spouse may become more secretive about their phone or computer usage when emotionally cheating.
If you ask to order pizza using your spouse’s phone, they don’t want you looking at their phone. Your spouse will tell you to use your own phone.
Overall, when cheating, your spouse will be guarding their devices. Your spouse will change their passwords more frequently than before. They may also exhibit evasive or defensive behavior when questioned about their interactions with certain individuals. Your cheating spouse has become good at deflecting or minimizing your concerns in an attempt to avoid confrontation.
To note, this lack of transparency and openness in communication breeds mistrust and suspicion. Keeping secrets about communication with others damages marital trust and intimacy.
Emotional cheating may also manifest in changes in your spouse’s appearance or grooming habits. Overall, your spouse may start paying more attention to their physical appearance.
As well, your spouse may be dressing up more frequently or wearing cologne or perfume that they didn’t wear before. These changes alone may not necessarily indicate infidelity. But, when combined with other warning signs, they suggest that your spouse is seeking validation and attention from someone outside of your relationship.
When understanding emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, Katie Ziskind speaks to what honest communication really is.
Many times, both of you have grown up with different childhood trauma experiences that lead to different dysfunctional relationship behaviors. There may be expectations around honesty, but you both have a different definition of what healthy communication is.
We never learn about healthy, honest, transparent communication growing up, especially with neglectful or dishonest parents. So, affair recovery and infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey with Katie Ziskind helps you create shared meaning. Creating shared meaning around honesty is a process of building reassurance, security, and confidence in your marital bond.

Ultimately, the signs of emotional cheating may vary from person to person and relationship to relationship, making them difficult to pinpoint with certainty.
So, if you notice a pattern of behavior in your spouse that raises red flags or causes you to feel suspicious or uneasy, it’s important to trust your instincts.
Even when you talk to your spouse, they may only give you part of the truth due to their own shame, guilt, and insecurity. It is important to remain calm when you talk and address your concerns openly and honestly with your partner. Infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey with Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two infidelity specialist, is a safe place to have these emotional conversations.
While confronting the possibility of emotional infidelity can be painful and difficult, it’s essential for the health and longevity of your relationship. Avoiding talking or sweeping suspicions under the rug only leads to resentment.
Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two trained infidelity specialist, at Wisdom Within Counseling and coaching gives you tools to openly and calmly talk to address issues of trust and intimacy head-on.
In reality, emotional and sexual cheating are only surface issues. These signify much larger, deeper major issues in your marriage that need immediate tending to.
What are signs my spouse has been cheating sexually?
Realizing that your spouse has been unfaithful sexually can be a deeply painful and emotionally painful experience.
Learning your spouse has been confiding in someone else shakes the very foundation of trust and intimacy in your relationship. There are several common red flags that may indicate that your spouse has been cheating sexually. Sexual and physical unfaithfulness includes engaging in physical intimacy or sexual activities with someone outside of the monogamous marriage.
One of the most obvious signs of sexual infidelity is a sudden change in your spouse’s behavior or attitude towards you.
Your spouse, who is sexually cheating, may become more distant or withdrawn. Avoiding you and avoiding closeness sexually can be signs your spouse is sexually cheating.
They may being showing less interest in spending time with you or engaging in sexual, intimate activities together.
When you want to have sex, your spouse may find every excuse to avoid sexual activities with you.
Your spouse may also exhibit guilt or defensiveness when questioned about their whereabouts or activities, deflecting or avoiding the subject altogether.
When you want to talk about deep conversations, your spouse walks out of the room and avoids talking. This shift in behavior may be accompanied by a lack of communication or emotional intimacy in the relationship.
So, when your spouse is cheating, they don’t seem into you or attracted to you anymore. Overall, these distant behaviors leaving you feeling disconnected and alone in your marriage. If you feel that your partner may be emotional cheating and sexual cheating, you can bring up these concerns with Katie Ziskind in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey.
Another warning sign of sexual infidelity is a noticeable change in your spouse’s physical appearance or grooming habits.
Likewise in cases of emotional infidelity, when sexually cheating, your partner may start paying more attention to their appearance. For instance, they may begin buying a new brand, dressing in a different style clothing, or wearing provocative clothing that they didn’t wear before.
It seems your spouse is going through a full on personality change.
To add, they may suddenly become more conscious of their physical fitness and appearance. Maybe, they never jogged in their life. When you asked or invited your spouse to go for a jog, they never wanted to. But, all of a sudden, your spouse is jogging three times a week and doing 5k’s. Their affair partner may be really into jogging. They are signing up for 5k’s because they want to spend time with their affair partner.
To add, when sexually cheating, they suddenly have new interests, have picked up a new hobby, and something seems off. Someone outside your marriage may be influencing your spouse’s hobbies and interests.
As well, your spouse may work late hours much more frequently and not spend as much time with you as prior months. To note, these changes alone may not necessarily indicate infidelity. With that said, when combined with other warning signs, they suggest that your spouse is seeking validation and attention from someone outside of your relationship.
Remember that emotional cheating and sexual cheating means there are cracks in your marriage foundation.
Essentially, as painful as it is to accept, emotional and sexual cheating are never one single person’s fault. The cheater need to learn to accept accountability and profusely apologize for cheating and lying. As a whole, both people need to work on improving emotional communication.
This means becoming more in sync as a couple, more aware of emotional intimacy needs, and emotional expression skills. To note, cheating and an affair are symptoms of larger issues that infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey with Katie Ziskind can help identify. After a thorough assessment of your marriage, Katie Ziskind gives you a road map for how to repair trust, commitment, reassurance, comfort, security, playfulness.

Suspicious behavior around technology and communication devices can also be indicative of sexual infidelity.
Your spouse may become more secretive about their phone or computer usage when sexually having an affair. You feel suspicious because your spouse is guarding their phone and laptop more closely than before. Your spouse has their phone with them at all times and won’t share the unlock code with you.
They may also exhibit evasive, get angry, or become defensive when you ask them about their interactions with certain individuals.
As well, your spouse is hiding and lying to you chronically. Commonly, when cheating, your spouse will delete text messages or call logs in an attempt to cover their tracks. This lack of transparency and openness in communication breaks down the foundation of trust and intimacy.
Changes in sexual behavior or patterns can also be a sign of sexual infidelity.
Furthermore, your spouse may exhibit a sudden decrease in sexual interest or sexual desire towards you. Your spouse may claim to be too tired or stressed when you initiate sexual intimacy.
You feel sexually rejected and sexually unwanted.
Alternatively, they may display an increase in sexual appetite or experimentation, introducing new techniques or preferences that they learned from someone else.
These changes in sexual behavior may be accompanied by a sense of detachment or emotional disconnection during intimate moments. You feel unsatisfied and unfulfilled in your marriage.
Ultimately, the signs of sexual infidelity may vary depending on the individual circumstances of your relationship and the personalities involved.
However, if you notice a pattern of behavior in your spouse that raises red flags or causes you to feel suspicious or uneasy, it’s important to address emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey. At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, in the tri-state area, Katie Ziskind specializes with couples post affair.
Recovering from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey means teaming up to repair trust, communication, and develop an understanding of unmet love needs.
You can have a safe place to verbalize your concerns openly and honestly with your partner in marriage therapy.
Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two marriage therapist, licensed marriage and family therapist, specializes in helping couples develop more honest communication.
You get a safe space to talk about sexual infidelity and rebuild the health and longevity of your relationship. It is essential to address issues of trust and intimacy in order to recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey. Katie Ziskind helps you look at the root causes of secret keeping, lying, dishonesty like shame, guilt, and insecurity.
Cheating behaviors signal a need to address impulsively, lack of self-confidence, low self-worth, and emotional disconnection.
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you can learn to communicate vulnerability and express your feelings in an intimate way.

How to cope after finding out your spouse has been unfaithful, lying, has broken trust, and been cheating emotionally or sexually?
First and foremost, it’s essential to prioritize your own well-being in the wake of betrayal.
Give yourself permission to feel whatever emotions arise without judgment or self-criticism. As well, allow yourself the space and time to process the shock and pain of the discovery at your own pace.
You can talk about how you feel about the emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey. At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you and your spouse can team up to navigate this emotional, challenging journey.
In the midst of overwhelming emotions, it can be tempting to rush into making decisions about the future of your relationship. Don’t rush to file for divorce out of haste.
However, it’s important to take a step back and allow yourself the time and space to gather information. Couples counseling with Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two affair marriage therapist, helps you reflect on your feelings. You can slow down and consider your options carefully.
Talk about the root causes of emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey with Katie Ziskind.
Your friends may be quick to take sides. And, you may feel very town, pulled, yanked around, and vulnerable. Don’t let friends or family tell you what to do, how you should behave, or rush yo into making a decision. Only you know your marriage best. So, you can slow down and get grounded in post affair and infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey with Katie Ziskind.
Remember, there are deeper issues in your marriage that need your attention underneath the cheating, as hurtful as being cheated on is. Both of you have been emotionally disconnected, preoccupied with other things, and out of sync for months and years. Finding out about an affair means you and your partner need to take time to talk, very deeply and and get vulnerable together.
Learning to be emotionally vulnerable is a skill you gain from marriage therapy after an affair. Couples counseling is the best place to talk with your spouse because everything you talk about is confidential.
While the initial shock of infidelity may feel insurmountable, it’s possible to find clarity and direction as you move forward with the help of couples therapy.
How can infidelity specialized couples counseling help with reducing criticism, yelling, screaming, and anger due to hurt and emotional pain?
Discovering that your spouse has been unfaithful can unleash a torrent of intense emotions. After being cheated on, you may be feeling hurt, betrayed, and overwhelmed by anger and pain. But, it is never helpful to scream, yell, belittle, or name call, even if you feel hurt. Commonly, couples get stuck in high conflict, escalating fights after infidelity is discovered.
In the midst of such turmoil, it’s natural to feel an overwhelming urge to lash out in anger, to yell. You might even feel like yelling or screaming is permissible due to your partner cheating. Don’t fall into the trap of speaking in dysfunctional ways, or even repeating generational patterns of negative, abusive communication.
If you and your partner want to stay together, calm, effective communication supports rebuilding a secure bond.
When talking about emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you both can learn to use calm, effective communication skills.
Even if you are hurt from being cheated on, it does not make anything better to scream. It is not acceptable to criticize your spouse for their hurtful actions.
Instead, you both can learn to use, “I feel,” statements when discussing emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey.
Yelling, name calling, and dysfunctional reactions may provide a temporary release for your pent-up emotions. However, these ultimately exacerbate the already fragile state of your relationship. The healthiest couples talk gently, calmly, and respectfully, even when feeling betrayal, anger, grief, shock, hurt, and disappointment.
Negative communication out of anger and betrayal hinders the process of marital healing and reconciliation.

In order to recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, healthy, calm communication is essential.
Instead of succumbing to the temptation to react with anger and hostility, it’s important to recognize the power of calm, effective communication.
To add, talking in a respectful way is key in navigating the aftermath of infidelity. Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two trained marriage therapist, teaches calm, effective communication skills. You can both learn to take ownership for your emotional experience rather than getting into high conflict fights.
By approaching the situation with a sense of mindfulness and self-awareness, you can cultivate a space for open and honest dialogue with your spouse.
Marriage counseling with Katie Ziskind for affair and infidelity recovery fosters understanding, empathy, and ultimately, marital healing.
How can my spouse and I recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey?
Couples therapy teaches healthy, calm, and effective communication skills. Negative communication and high conflict fighting will always make the damage worse.
As well, avoiding conflict, avoiding talking, and withdrawing emotionally are problematic behaviors too. One of the first steps in using calm, effective communication skills is to take a step back.
Mindfulness practices from marriage counseling can help you ground yourself in the present moment.
Before engaging in conversation with your spouse, take a few deep breaths to center yourself and regulate your emotions.
Allow yourself the space and time to process your feelings of hurt and betrayal. Talk only when you can keep your voice gentle and respectful, which can be difficult after experiencing hurt and betrayal.
Katie Ziskind can help you acknowledge your emotions without judgment or self-criticism and calmly share them with your partner.
Once you feel more grounded and centered, approach the conversation with your spouse from a place of curiosity and openness.
Rather than jumping to conclusions or making assumptions about your partner’s intentions, seek to understand your spouse’s perspective and motivations behind their actions.
This can be exceptionally difficult when you are feeling sad, hurt, insecure, jealous, angry, and betrayed.
In the process of couples counseling after an affair, you can work together to ask each other open-ended questions.
As well, you can both learn to actively listen to each other’s responses without interrupting or reacting defensively.

In order to recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you can learn how to take ownership for your emotional experience.
It’s also important to express your own feelings and needs in a calm and assertive manner.
Marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching helps you learn to use “I” statements. These statements convey your emotions without blaming or accusing your spouse.
It is okay to feel hurt, betrayed, suspicious, unimportant, hurt, sad, devastated, and shocked. But, communicating how you feel is essential to do in an effective way.
For example, don’t say, “You cheated on me and betrayed my trust.” Instead, you might say, “I feel hurt and betrayed by your actions, and I need to understand why this happened.”
By expressing your emotions in a non-confrontational way, you create a safe space for communication. To add, this way, your spouse to respond with honesty and vulnerability.
How can marriage counseling support us in learning emotional validation skills and why are they important?
Throughout the process of infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two marriage therapist, helps you focus on validating your spouse’s feelings.
Your spouse can learn how to validate and understand your emotional experiences too. Validation is not about making cheating excusable. Instead, emotional validation skills are essential for recovering from emotional cheating and sexual cheating.
In infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, emotional validation skills improve trust and reassurance.
When understanding the root contributors to emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, emotional expression skills prevent disconnection in the future.
Emotional validation skills are necessary to use even when you disagree with your spouse’s unfaithfulness and hurtful actions.
Marriage counseling in teh tri-state area helps you both learn to validate each other’s emotions without condoning behaviors.
Essentially, this means acknowledging the pain and hurt that you each are experiencing as well. Healing from cheating and infidelity means understanding the recipe that has been brewing for years into the past. Usually, there are hurt feelings, feeling unappreciated, feeling inferior, feeling cast aside on both sides.
These emotions never justify or excuse cheating. Uncovering infidelity and cheating is an opportunity to share your vulnerabilities, fears, concerns, and worries more openly moving forward.

By demonstrating empathy and understanding towards each other, you create a foundation for mutual respect and compassion in your interactions.
It’s important to recognize that healing from infidelity is a process that takes time, patience, and commitment from both partners.
You and your spouse both need support expressing and verbalizing emotions that you haven’t shared for years. Affairs and unfaithfulness are signs of deeper marital issues that need addressing.
Right now, it may be tempting to resort to anger, yelling, name calling, blame, and criticism as a means of coping with your pain. However, it’s ultimately counterproductive to the goal of rebuilding trust and intimacy in your relationship.
By embracing calm, effective communication skills, you can create a space for healing and reconciliation.
Marriage counseling with Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two marriage therapist, helps you both foster a sense of connection and understanding that lays the groundwork for a stronger, more resilient relationship in the future.
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching in New Jersey, you get a safe space to improve your communication skills.
Communication is key in navigating the aftermath of infidelity.
Seeking professional help is necessary to recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating. In infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you get a safe space to have an open and honest conversation with your spouse about betrayal and loss.
You get to talk about what has transpired and how you are feeling.
While this conversation may be painful, uncomfortable, sad, and difficult, it can also provide an opportunity for acceptance.
Both of you can learn to accept the pain and express your emotions calmly. As well, you both get a safe space to share your perspectives, and begin to work through the underlying issues that led to the infidelity. There are often a number of marital issues and stressors that go ignored that contribute to the emotional disconnection that leads to affair behaviors.
Understanding the underlying, root issues that contribute to infidelity is part of learning to recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey.
In the process of healing from infidelity, it’s important to set boundaries and establish expectations for moving forward in the relationship. Boundary setting and really understanding the meaning of boundaries is essential.
For one, seeking couples therapy and individual counseling helps to address underlying issues under the affair.
Looking at the stressors leading up to the affair is key in gaining awareness. You both can team up to in marriage counseling rebuild trust, and develop effective communication skills.
As well, it’s also important to prioritize self-care and engage in activities that bring you joy, fulfillment, and a sense of peace during this challenging time.
You might be angry and not want to touch. However, even when repairing and recovering from infidelity, hold hands and physically touch. Continue to hold hands and partake in long hugs together as you recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating. You can learn about consent, asking before touching, and safe non-sexual touch in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey.
When exploring root causes of emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, lack of affectionate touch can lead to marital loneliness that crates a marital crack.
Marital cracks are what create and lead to a weak, insecure couple bubble. Understanding how marital cracks forms is a skill you will learn with Katie Ziskind, level two Gottman infidelity specialist, certified sex therapy informed professional. At All times, you and your partner are either doing things to co-create connection or to co-create disconnection. Listening to each other’s emotions forms a connection that is strong. Walking out of the room when you partner is speaking creates disconnection. Overall, affair recovery marriage therapy brings awareness to these things that may have been subconscious before discovering the affair.
Your couple bubble can get stronger and regrow through affair and infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey. Learning specific skills to build a more secure emotional connection and sexual connection improves the strength of your couple bubble.
What are boundaries you can set during the process of strengthening your couple bubble?
Though you may not want to have penetrative sex, you can talk about what touch feels safe. Having sex may not feel safe just yet. But, if it feels safe for you both, keep holding hands a hugging. Learn to incorporate affectionate touch through the process of infidelity marriage thera in Westfield, New Jersey at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching. Often, when understanding emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, lack of affectionate touch can be a contributing factor.
Many couples stop holding hands, touching, and this creates marital loneliness. The feeling of loneliness due to lack of affectionate touch can lead a person to seek physical connection and to the development of a sexual affair.
Ultimately, the journey of healing from infidelity is deeply personal and unique to each individual and couple.
While the road ahead may be fraught with challenges and uncertainties, it’s important to remember that healing your marriage is possible.
Katie Ziskind specializes in supporting couples in staying together after relationship injuries and traumas.
She is a Gottman level two trained marriage therapist. As well, she specializes in complex post-traumatic stress disorder and sex and intimacy issues in marriage therapy. At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you both can harness the strength and resilience to overcome this adversity as a team. You can learn reassurance tools and emotionally validation skills.
Furthermore, working through the aftermath of infidelity together means starting to rebuild trust from the ground up. This is a new chapter of your life and marriage.
Do people who get cheated on develop post traumatic stress disorder symptoms?
Being cheated on can lead to anxiety, panic attacks, and even changes in appetite. After finding your spouse being unfaithful, the emotions of betrayal can lead to stomach aches, digestive issues, body pain, and joint pain. These are known as somatic symptoms of trauma. When you go through something major emotionally, like finding out your spouse is having an affair, you may experience bodily symptoms.
As well, after you find your spouse cheating on you, emotionally or breaking trust sexually, you can develop post traumatic stress disorder symptoms.
Plus, post traumatic stress disorder means that you will have a high level of anxiety for a bit of time.
After finding your spouse cheating, you’ll always be waiting for the next shoe to drop.
As well, you’ll feel suspicious, like you don’t know if your spouse will lie to you again.
And, you are afraid to get hurt again and afraid to trust again. Post traumatic stress disorder is common in people who have been cheated on both emotionally and physically.
Couples counseling in Westfield, New Jersey with Katie Ziskind can help your spouse understand your new post traumatic stress disorder symptoms.
When your spouse cheats on you, they may want you to quickly get over it. Couples therapy helps your spouse slow down. Talking about the affair can be healing. There is no timeline when it comes to grieving this massive loss and relational trauma.
Learn to cope with heightened anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder symptoms after experiencing emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey with Katie Ziskind.
Many times, marriage counseling and be a safe place to better understand post traumatic stress disorder symptoms. For instance, when your partner tries to kiss you, you may pull away or freeze. It can trigger anxiety, fear, and betrayal to be touched or kissed after your partner has hurt you.
Fight, flight and freeze responses are common after being cheated on. You may have flashbacks to walking in on your spouse physically naked with someone else. Or, if your spouse took their affair partner to a specific hotel or restaurant, you may have a panic attack every time you drive by that location. Anxiety is a normal response to the trauma of being cheated on.
These are new symptoms that you are suffering from and it is important to gain positive coping skills through couples therapy. In marriage counseling, your spouse can learn to cope in holistic, positive ways with any new symptoms they are experiencing too.
Marriage counseling with Katie Ziskind at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching helps you know that you are deserving of love, respect, and happiness. From couples therapy, you can look forward and remember that brighter days lie ahead. Your spouse can learn reassurance skills to help ease your post traumatic stress disorder symptoms.

Gain positive coping skills for your new PTSD symptoms and heightened anxiety that develop after finding out your spouse has been having an affair and lying
Discovering that your spouse has been unfaithful can shatter the very foundation of trust and security in your relationship. Cheating and stepping out leaves behind a trail of emotional wreckage that can be overwhelming to navigate.
In the aftermath of betrayal, you experience a wide range of intense emotions and psychological responses. Commonly, when betrayed, there are symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
One of the hallmark symptoms of PTSD is the experience of intrusive thoughts. Intrusive thought are unwanted, distressing memories or images that intrude upon your consciousness.
These often come when you least expect them. For instance, you might be thinking of your spouse naked with someone else. Or, you may have pictures in your mind of your spouse laughing with or complimenting their affair partner.
For someone who has discovered their spouse’s infidelity, these intrusive thoughts may manifest as vivid mental images of their partner with the other person. Your mind may be good at replaying the scene of betrayal over and over again.
After being cheated on, it feels like your mind is a relentless film reel of intrusive thoughts.
To add, these intrusive thoughts can be incredibly distressing. And, they may contribute to feelings of intense emotional pain and despair.
Suspicion and hypervigilance are also common symptoms of PTSD following the discovery of infidelity. In the aftermath of betrayal, as the betrayed partner, you may find yourself constantly on edge. You may be scrutinizing your partner’s behavior for signs of further deception or betrayal.
Essentially, every missed phone call, every late night at the office, every unexplained absence becomes a source of heightened suspicion and anxiety.
Your post traumatic stress disorder symptoms fuel a perpetual state of hypervigilance, fear, anxiety, and mistrust.
Anxiety and panic attacks are another common response to the trauma of being cheated on and infidelity.
The sense of betrayal and loss of trust can trigger intense feelings of fear, helplessness, and vulnerability.
Betrayal leads to overwhelming waves of anxiety and panic through your body. You might have trouble sleeping or have trouble getting off to work in the morning. Depression and anxiety go hand in hand when you have been cheated on. You might find it difficult to eat, or you find yourself binge eating too much food. Panic attacks may come when you are driving due to the hurt, betrayal, loss, and trauma of being cheated on.
To add, these attacks may go along with physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, trembling, shortness of breath, and dizziness, further intensifying the sense of terror and distress. After experiencing, emotional cheating and sexual cheating, you can learn positive coping skills in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey. You can learn to manage and cope with anxiety and betrayal in healthy ways through couples therapy.
Katie Ziskind, Gottman marriage therapist and infidelity specialist, helps you become aware of quality time, appreciation, attention, physical touch, cognitive intimacy, emotional presence, communication, and sex and intimacy needs that went unattended to before the affair.
Trust problems are perhaps the most insidious and enduring symptom of PTSD following infidelity. To add, the betrayal of trust by your spouse can shatter the very fabric of your sense of security and safety.
Being cheated on leaves behind deep-seated wounds that can take years to heal. However, learning to verbalize your emotional experience, the pain and hurt, and talking about the root issues that contributed to the affair are all productive parts of healing. When an affair takes place, understanding emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey helps both of you identify what went wrong. Looking back and reflecting can be very helpful when it comes to repairing your marital bond.
Rebuilding trust in marriage counseling in the aftermath of infidelity is a process that requires both partners to commit to open and honest communication, transparency, and accountability.
Even with the best intentions and efforts, trust may remain elusive. Post affair, you may still feel anxious and experience panic. Emotional pain leaves behind a lingering sense of doubt and uncertainty that can strain your marriage and relationship.
In the wake of discovering your spouse’s infidelity, it’s important to prioritize self-care.
Going for walks, hikes, journaling, playing an instrument, painting, doing yoga, and meditating are all very healthy. Focus on connecting with your mind, body, and spirt. Don’t turn to alcohol or drugs when you feel overwhelmed. As well, working with a trained Gottman marriage therapist who specializes in relationship trauma and affairs is key.
Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two couples therapist, specializes in post affair recovery skills. She assesses your marriage for cracks and teaches skills to support emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy.
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you get to work with a specialist who provides guidance and validation as you navigate the turbulent waters of healing.
While the road ahead may be fraught with challenges and uncertainties, know that you are not alone in your pain. With time, patience, and resilience, it is possible to find healing and restoration.
How can I cope with betrayal and grieve after finding my spouse cheating?
Coping with betrayal and navigating the complex emotions that arise after discovering your spouse has been unfaithful can be an incredibly challenging and painful experience.
It’s important to recognize that healing from infidelity is a process that takes time, patience, and self-compassion.
Marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching provides strategies to help you cope with betrayal and navigate the grieving process.

Infidelity, affair, and betrayal couples therapy in New Jersey gives you a safe space to feel your emotions
It’s normal to experience a wide range of emotions after discovering your spouse’s infidelity, including shock, loss, anger, sadness, betrayal, and confusion.
Allow yourself to feel these emotions without judgment or self-criticism. Give yourself permission to cry, scream, or express your feelings in whatever way feels most cathartic for you. You might find crying is a release. Or, you might write a poem or song to release the pain in your heart. Perhaps, you exercise and physically move your body as an outlet for all that you feel.
Seek support after finding out your spouse has been emotionally cheating or sexually cheating
Reach out to trusted friends, family members, and a couples therapist, such as Katie Ziskind, who can provide validation, empathy, and support as you navigate the aftermath of betrayal. Talking about your feelings with someone you trust, like a marriage counselor who specializes in infidelity, can help you process your emotions.
You can gain perspective on your situation.
Take care of yourself through seeking infidelity, affair, and betrayal marriage therapy
Remember to prioritize self-care and engage in activities that bring you comfort and solace during this difficult time. Again, don’t turn to drinking alcohol or using drugs. These only delay healing and numb out your emotions. When you numb your feelings, you’ll still have to learn to cope with them and release them later on down the road.
To note, self-care may include getting plenty of rest, eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Goto the gym, yoga, recreational hobbies, start a vegetable garden in your backyard, and make a new recipe. This process of rebuilding your marriage is also a process of connecting with yourself again.
Infidelity, affair, and betrayal couples therapy helps you learn how set boundaries
Establish clear boundaries with your spouse to protect yourself emotionally and create a sense of safety and security. Be specific. Perhaps, you would like to go for a walk with your spouse to bond and relax. But, on the walk would not like to have any conversations about the affair. It is okay to want to talk about something stress-reducing to connect. Be clear on what you need and what feels safe. Maybe, you set limits on the types of interactions you’re willing to engage in moving forward. You both can discuss these more in marital therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching with Katie Ziskind.
Marriage counseling with a specialization in emotional cheating, sexual cheating, and trust wounds helps you practice forgiveness:
Furthermore, forgiveness is a process that takes time and effort.
And, it’s important to be patient and compassionate with yourself as you work through feelings of anger, resentment, and hurt.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning or excusing your spouse’s hurtful actions. But, rather, you are releasing the grip of anger and bitterness that can keep you trapped in a cycle of pain and suffering.
Focus on your own healing through individual therapy
To add, take time to focus on your own healing and personal growth in the aftermath of betrayal.
Explore activities and practices that nurture your emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. These can include reading, meditation, journaling, therapy, yoga, music, art, or creative expression.
When you and your spouse are both committed to rebuilding trust and intimacy in your relationship, couples therapy is a valuable resource for navigating the challenges of healing from infidelity.
Infidelity, affair, and betrayal couples therapy supports growth and self-awareness
A trained therapist such as Katie Ziskind at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching provides guidance, support, and tools. Marriage therapy after emotional and sexual cheating and infidelity provides skills for improving communication, rebuilding trust, and fostering intimacy in your relationship.
Be patient with yourself when you have been cheated on. Healing from betrayal takes time.
Couples counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching helps you both be patient and gentle with each other as you navigate the ups and downs of the healing process. Remember that it’s okay to take things one day at a time. To add, healing from infidelity, cheating, and unfaithfulness is a journey, not a destination.
You get a safe place to recover and rebuild trust and connection after emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey with Katie Ziskind.
Ultimately, coping with betrayal and grieving after finding your spouse cheating is a deeply personal and individual process. It’s important to honor your own feelings and needs.
Furthermore, specialized infidelity couples therapy gives you the space and time to heal in whatever way feels most authentic and empowering for you.
Remember that you are not alone in your pain, loss, and grief. With time, support, and self-compassion, it is possible to find healing, growth, and ultimately, a sense of peace, strength, and closure as a couple.

Gottman marriage therapy steps to repair trust after infidelity
Realizing that your spouse has been unfaithful can feel like the ground has crumbled beneath your feet, leaving you reeling in a maelstrom of emotions and uncertainty about the future of your relationship. It is a profound betrayal.
And, it may seem impossible to imagine a path forward, let alone envisioning the possibility of rebuilding trust. Couples counseling with level two trained Gottman therapist, Katie Ziskind, helps you create a new foundation for your marriage.
Renowned relationship experts Dr. Julie and John Gottman offer invaluable insights and practical steps that Katie Ziskind is trained in. These specific steps are a guide through the process of healing and rebuilding your relationship from the ground up.
One of the fundamental principles emphasized by the Gottman’s is the importance of open and honest communication in the aftermath of infidelity.
It’s essential for both of you to be willing and open to engage in difficult conversations.
As well, couples counseling with level two Gottman specialist, Katie Ziskind, helps you express your feelings, and listen with empathy and understanding to each other’s perspectives.
Having empathetic conversations involves setting aside dedicated time to talk, away from distractions and interruptions. You both are creating a safe, supportive environment where both of you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment or retribution.
Transparency and accountability are also crucial components of rebuilding trust in the wake of infidelity.
Your offending partner must be willing to take full responsibility for their actions. Essentially, your partner needs to acknowledge the hurt and pain they have caused, and commit to making amends and rebuilding trust.
This may involve being open and honest about their actions and answering questions truthfully. As well, your partner, who had an affair, needs to demonstrate through their words and actions that they are committed to regaining your trust.
In addition to communication and transparency, the Gottman method of couples therapy emphasizes the importance of creating shared meaning and purpose in your relationship.
The Gottman method of infidelity recovery involves identifying and nurturing the values, goals, and aspirations that are important to you both.
From couples therapy, you learn skills for working together to create a vision for the future that is grounded in mutual respect, trust, and commitment. By fostering a sense of shared purpose and direction, couples can strengthen their bond.
From Gottman couples therapy with Katie Ziskind, you both can create a sense of unity and solidarity. You and work together to recover from emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey.
Marriage counseling after an affair and cheating helps you both weather the storms of recovering from infidelity together.
As well, another key aspect of rebuilding trust and creating a new foundation for your marriage is forgiveness.
Furthermore, forgiveness is not about condoning or excusing the actions of your offending partner. Instead, it is about releasing the grip of anger, resentment, and bitterness that can keep you both trapped in a cycle of pain and suffering.
Couples counseling a process of letting go of the past, while remembering it. As unfortunate as emotional cheating and sexual cheating is, it becomes an opportunity to grow together. In infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you can learn to talk about the past, but from a reflective state.
From specialized infidelity recovery marriage counseling, you both are choosing to focus on the present moment and grow together.
You can learn what contributed to the cracks in your marital foundation, long before the affair began affair and infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey
As well, forgiveness is about the possibility of a brighter future together. Forgiveness may not happen overnight. And, it’s important to be patient and compassionate with yourself as you navigate this challenging journey.
Ultimately, rebuilding trust is about creating a new foundation for your marriage after infidelity. And, it is a deeply personal and individual process that requires commitment, patience, and resilience from both of you.
The road ahead may be fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but know that you have the guidance and support of Katie Ziskind, level two trained Gottman infidelity therapist. It is possible to heal from the wounds of betrayal and create a stronger relationship. Teaming up and understanding each other more, you can become more resilient, and more deeply connected than ever before.
Gain attunement and atonement skills in infidelity counseling
When you feel shocked, angry, shattered, betrayed after experiencing emotional cheating and sexual cheating, infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey is a safe place to attune and atone. Attuning and atoning are essential marital skills for a strong, healthy, secure couple bubble.
In the midst of relationship turmoil, it’s healthy to seek professional guidance to navigate the complex terrain of healing and rebuilding your relationship. After emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you both can learn how to attune and atone. Working with Katie Ziskind at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching supports skills for emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy, such as learning to attune and atone.
Katie Ziskind is level two trained in the Gottman method created by Dr. John and Julie Gottman. She offers practical strategies that can help you navigate this challenging journey of recovering from cheating and betrayal with grace and resilience.

At the heart of the Gottmans approach to relationship therapy is the concept of attunement.
What is attunement? Well, it is the ability to truly listen to and understand your partner’s thoughts, feelings, and needs with empathy and compassion. Before an affair, usually both partners are not in sync emotionally. You feel like two ships passing in the night, totally disconnected.
In the aftermath of infidelity, attunement takes on even greater significance as both of you navigate the turbulent waters of healing and rebuilding trust. Often, after emotional cheating and sexual cheating and getting started in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you learn how to attune and atone for the first time. Many couples do not learn how to attune or atone, which can be partly why an affair begins in the first place. Emotional intimacy skills are essential for a strong, healthy, secure couple bubble.
After emotional cheating and sexual cheating, in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you both learn emotional intimacy skills.
To add, the Gottman method of couples therapy emphasizes the importance of creating a safe and supportive space for emotional expression. At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching in New Jersey, you get a safe space where you both feel heard, validated, and understood as you process your emotions and work towards healing.
To add, the first step in the Gottmans’ attunement process is to attune to yourself.
First, couples therapy can help you to become aware of and acknowledge your own thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the betrayal. And, this may involve taking time for self-reflection, going for a walk, journaling, or meditation. By seeking support from the team at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you can learn to verbalize your emotions with your spouse. Marriage counseling helps you to process your emotions and gain clarity about your needs and boundaries moving forward. Then, your spouse can learn to listen to you without interrupting or jumping, and validate your emotional experience.
Why is attunement necessary after emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey?
Secondly, the next step is to attune to your partner.
Attuning to each other means learning to actively listen to each other’s perspective. As well, it means learning to validate each other’s feelings. And, you can learn to empathize with each other’s experiences without judgment or defensiveness.
You don’t interrupt or be defensive. This process in couples counseling requires creating a space for open and honest communication. After emotional cheating and sexual cheating, couples learn how to take in what their partner is saying. And, both people learn how to communicate emotions and emotional needs in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey
In New Jersey, Gottman marriage counseling, both of you can feel safe to express your emotions and sharing your vulnerabilities without fear of rejection or criticism.
The Gottman method of marriage counseling also emphasizes the importance of attuning to your relationship as a whole.
You both can learn to recognize the impact of infidelity on your martial dynamics and patterns of interaction.
Couples counseling helps you work together to rebuild trust, emotional and sexual intimacy, and connection. This may involve setting aside dedicated time to reconnect, prioritize the relationship, and engage in activities that foster closeness and mutual support.
In addition to attunement, Katie Ziskind, level two Gottman trained couples therapist, also emphasizes the concept of atonement.
More so, atonement is the process of taking responsibility for one’s actions.
Atonement means making amends, and rebuilding trust in the aftermath of betrayal. Also, atonement involves your partner, who cheated, acknowledging the hurt and pain they caused. Atonement involves your unfaithful spouse expressing genuine remorse and apologizing.
Your parter, who cheated, will begin showing consistent actions that they are committed to repairing the damage and rebuilding trust.
Ultimately, the journey of healing and rebuilding trust after infidelity is a deeply personal and individual process that requires commitment, patience, and resilience from both of you.
Working with Katie Ziskind, at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, trained Gottman therapist, helps you and your partner become more deeply connected than ever before.

When it comes to infidelity, can emotional cheating be just as hurtful and betraying as sexual cheating?
Uncovering that your partner has been unfaithful can be horrifying. Your whole world comes crashing down. To note, emotional cheating can be just as much of a betrayal as sexual cheating. So, part of atonement is recognizing the impact of hurt, and not minimizing it. When your partner cheats on you, your couples therapist helps them really understand the depth of your pain. As well, your partner can learn to identify their triggers such as feeling insecure, inferiority, wanting attention, impulsivity, feeling lonely, feeling stressed, self-sabotaging tendencies, and even feelings of self-hatred.
It’s important to recognize that emotional cheating can be just as hurtful and betraying as physical infidelity.
Essentially, emotional cheating occurs when your partner develops a deep emotional connection with someone outside of your relationship, often at the expense of your bond. To note, emotional cheating can manifest in various forms, such as confiding in another person about intimate details of their life. Emotional cheating may be seeking emotional support and validation from someone other than you. Maybe, your partner has been engaging in flirtatious or romantic interactions that blur the boundaries of platonic friendship.
Regardless of the severity of cheating, when you both want to work together, couples therapy is essential.
The pain of emotional cheating lies in the betrayal of trust and intimacy within the relationship.
When your partner shares intimate thoughts, feelings, and experiences with someone else instead of you, it can leave you feeling excluded, hurt, invalidated, and abandoned. It is normal to feel devastated and very betrayed.
After emotional cheating, you both can learn to turn towards each other and prioritize your couples bubble through infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey.
In couples therapy, you can share how the emotional bond that you believed was exclusive has become fractured. Your partner’s emotional cheating leaves you feeling betrayal, hurt, mistrust, and disillusionment. Talking together about the effects of emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey is a positive step in repairing and recovering.
Furthermore, emotional cheating erodes the foundation of your relationship in ways that may be even more insidious than physical infidelity.
While sexual indiscretions can often be attributed to lapses in judgment or momentary temptations, emotional cheating reflects a deeper disconnect and dissatisfaction within the relationship itself. Processing emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey means opening up about unmet love needs, emotions, and expectations.
Emotional cheating suggests that your partner may be seeking something outside of the relationship – whether it’s emotional fulfillment, validation, or excitement – that they feel is lacking within the confines of your partnership.
To add, the effects of emotional cheating can be far-reaching and long-lasting.
Emotional cheating impacts not only your sense of trust and security in the relationship, but also your self-esteem and confidence. You may find yourself questioning your worth and value as a partner. After your partner cheats, you may wonder if your body is attractive and doubt and question your self image.
As well, you may be wondering why your love and devotion weren’t enough to prevent your partner from seeking emotional fulfillment elsewhere. The feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt that arise from emotional cheating can inflict deep wounds on your psyche.
Being cheated on makes it difficult to fully trust and open yourself up to love again in the future. Couples counseling in New Jersey with Katie Ziskind supports you both in understanding the root causes of emotional cheating.
After emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you can learn what you need to both do to repair emotional intimacy.
Emotional intimacy skills are the foundation for sexual intimacy and sexual arousal. Katie Ziskind teaches you both how to rebuild elements of comfort, security, trust, reassurance, and be vulnerable.
In the aftermath of emotional cheating, it’s important to work with a Gottman trained marriage therapist, such as Katie Ziskind.
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you get a safe place to explore the root causes and stressors that contributed to emotional cheating. You can both have necessary conversations to rebuild emotional intimacy and sexual intimacy.

How can I recover from the anxiety and trust issues I have after finding my spouse cheating through infidelity counseling?
Recovering from the profound emotional wounds inflicted by discovering your spouse’s infidelity can be a challenging.
Marriage counseling helps you process and cope with feelings of betrayal, hurt, and insecurity. The aftermath of such a betrayal often leaves you both grappling with debilitating anxiety and deep-seated trust issues. So, through the guidance and support of infidelity counseling, it is possible to embark on a path of healing and reclaim a sense of trust and security.
Infidelity counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching in New Jersey offers a safe and supportive environment in which you both can explore your emotions. You can process your experiences, and gain insight into the underlying dynamics of your relationship.
Through individual and couples therapy sessions, Katie Ziskind, a trained Gottman therapist, provides tools and strategies for coping with the aftermath of infidelity. You both can work on addressing underlying issues that may have contributed to the betrayal and relationship injury.
In post affair recovery couples therapy in New Jersey at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you can work on rebuilding trust and intimacy in your relationship.
One of the key components of infidelity counseling is helping you both navigate the complex terrain of your emotions.
You can process the overwhelming anxiety and fear that often accompany the discovery of your partner’s betrayal. Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two trained therapist, works with you both to identify and challenge irrational beliefs and thought patterns that contribute to anxiety.
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, Katie Ziskind helps you develop healthier coping mechanisms and strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and uncertainty.
Additionally, infidelity counseling provides a space for you both to explore the root causes of your trust issues and insecurities.
Teaming up, marriage counseling helps you both in examining how past experiences and relationship dynamics may be contributing to current betrayals.
Through guided introspection and reflection, you both can gain insight into your patterns of childhood attachment.
Learning about your family pattern of interactions, generational trauma, and breaking the cycle of dysfunction can be very positive. Sometimes, families pass down chronic lying behaviors, dysfunctional forms of communication, and generation legacy burdens.
For instance, yelling and high conflict fighting may have been normalized growing up. Or, avoiding conflict, putting a happy face on, and never being vulnerable may have been passed down generationally.
Perhaps, you were told to cry alone, and only show your face if you were happy and put together. All families pass down negative habits and patterns, which we often don’t realize or recognize until couples therapy. You can gain awareness for the shared values and patterns of interaction you want to create now.
From couples counseling post affair and infidelity, you both can learn to cultivate greater self-awareness and self-compassion.
Infidelity counseling also focuses on rebuilding trust and intimacy, helping you both navigate the challenges of restoring trust and rebuilding your bond after betrayal.
The Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching Gottman therapists provide tools and exercises for improving communication. As well, you gain skills to foster emotional intimacy, and rebuild a sense of connection and partnership.
Couples in infidelity counseling learn to establish clear boundaries. You both team up to communicate more openly and honestly than ever before. Marriage counseling with Katie Ziskind, infidelity and affair recovery specialist, helps you both work together to rebuild trust. From emotional intimacy skills and vulnerable communication, you can create a stronger, more resilient relationship after betrayal.
Beyond addressing the immediate aftermath of infidelity, infidelity counseling also equips you both with the skills and resources you need to navigate future challenges and setbacks. You and your spouse learn to recognize and communicate your needs and boundaries more directly. Emotional intimacy skills help you both cultivate resilience in the face of healing from affair recovery.

Infidelity and affair recovery couples counseling in New Jersey helps you both develop a sense of agency and empowerment in your life together.
Ultimately, recovering from the anxiety and trust issues that arise after discovering your spouse’s infidelity requires patience, perseverance, and a commitment to self-exploration and growth.
Through the guidance and support of infidelity counseling, you both can embark on a journey of healing and transformation.
Gottman marriage counseling helps you both rebuild your sense of self-worth and rebuild trust. Couples therapy helps you forging a path towards a brighter, more fulfilling future as a stronger couple. You get a safe place to understand and identify causes of emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey with Katie Ziskind.
How long does infidelity trauma, anxiety, and suspicion last for a betrayed partner who was cheated on?
The duration of infidelity trauma varies greatly from person to person. And, it is influenced by a multitude of factors, including the your coping mechanisms.
If you yell, scream, develop alcoholism, use drugs, and cope in other negative ways, the healing takes longer.
Coping in negative ways prevents feelings all the human emotions and only heightens anxiety down the road. As well, healing after being cheated on involves the nature of the betrayal, the quality of support around you, and the your marital resilience. Some people may experience intense emotional distress in the immediate aftermath of discovering their partner’s infidelity. Other people take longer to process their feelings and work through the trauma.
All of your emotions are welcome at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching.
For many, New Jersey infidelity couples therapy helps with processing the effects of infidelity trauma.
To add, the symptoms of anxiety, fear, anger, hurt and suspicion can be long-lasting and may persist for months or even years after the initial discovery. The emotional wounds inflicted by betrayal can run deep.
You feel hurt, anger, sadness, and mistrust long after the shock has worn off. These feelings get triggered by reminders of the infidelity, such as encountering the affair partner. Or, revisiting places associated with the betrayal. When you have been blindsided by your partner’s affair, couples therapy helps you process what you are feeling.
Infidelity trauma can also have a profound impact on your sense of self-worth and identity.
Having been cheated on leads to feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and shame. You may struggle to make sense of the betrayal.
As well, you might begin questioning your own worthiness and desirability as a partner. It may be very challenging for you to trust your spouse’s whereabouts. And, you may feel nervous or hesitant being sexually intimate. You may also experience difficulties in trusting others. It is normal to fear that you will be betrayed once again.
While the intensity of infidelity trauma may lessen over time, emotional ups and downs are normal as you navigate the complex terrain of infidelity healing and recovery.
It is important to be patient and compassionate with yourself during this process. Allow yourself the time and space to grieve the loss of trust and intimacy in your marriage, partner, and relationship.
Couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching in New Jersey helps you have positive coping tools to handle infidelity trauma and move towards healing. Post affair marriage therapy provides a safe and supportive environment in which you can explore your emotions.
As well, you can process your experiences, and develop coping strategies for managing the challenges of infidelity recovery.
Gottman trained couples therapist, Katie Ziskind, helps couples work through and repair after emotional cheating and sexual cheating in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey.
After betrayal, you are both working together to rebuild and recreate trust, commitment, and connection. Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two marriage therapist, helps you both identify and challenge negative thought patterns.
Essentially, in infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you are saying goodbye to marriage number one. And, you are opening a new door and co-creating marriage number two together. Even though you are not getting divorced, you are co-creating connection, trust, intimacy, and a new bond from the ground up.
You and your spouse can develop healthy coping mechanisms, and cultivate marriage number two after betrayal.
Ultimately, the duration of infidelity trauma is highly individualized and may vary depending on a range of factors. Marriage counseling is a safe place to work through your feelings and rebuild trust in yourself and in your partner.
With patience, perseverance, and the right support, you can overcome the lasting effects of infidelity trauma. Through marriage counseling for affair recovery, both of you can emerge stronger, wiser, and more resilient than before.

Will I ever be the same after being cheated on?
Learning that your spouse has been unfaithful can shatter your sense of trust, security, and emotional well-being. It leaves you grappling with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions and existential questions about the future of your relationship. The decision to stay with a partner who has betrayed your trust and committed infidelity means seeking the support of a marriage therapist who specializes in affair recovery and complex trauma.
Couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching helps you both cope with grief, loss, anger, uncertainty, doubt, and fear.
Even when you ultimately choose to forgive your partner and work towards rebuilding their relationship, anxiety comes in waves. Infidelity is the end of marriage number one, and you both create marriage number two together from the ground up.
When you choose to stay with your spouse after infidelity, marriage therapy with Katie Ziskind, Gottman couples counseling, supports you both the journey towards healing and reconciliation.
Couples therapy is a safe environment to proess moments of doubt, insecurity, and emotional upheaval.
Rebuilding trust and intimacy in the aftermath of infidelity requires a tremendous amount of effort, energy, commitment, and mutual support. You both have to want to work together. It requires a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. Couples therapy helps you both to address underlying issues in your relationship.
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching in New Jersey, you gain positive skills to actively work towards rebuilding trust and repairing the marital damage caused by the betrayal.
It’s important to acknowledge that the experience of being cheated on can leave lasting scars. Couples therapy helps you improve your self-worth, your ability to trust others, and your outlook on your relationship.
You may need help feeling safe exploring intimacy sexually again. Being cheated on can erode your confidence in yourself and in your partner. It is normal to feel that you are questioning whether you will ever be able to fully trust again.
Despite these challenges, it is possible to find a sense of peace, healing, and even growth in the aftermath of infidelity. With time, patience, and the right couples therapist, you both can rebuild trust and intimacy in your relationship.
Through marriage counseling with infidelity specialist, Katie Ziskind, you can work towards forging a stronger, more resilient bond with your partner than ever before.
As well, you may find that the experience of overcoming adversity together strengthens your relationship and deepens your emotional connection. Marriage counseling ultimately leads to greater levels of fulfillment and satisfaction in your partnership that ever before.
However, it’s important to recognize that healing from infidelity is not a linear process.
Setbacks and challenges are to be expected along the way. It’s normal to experience moments of doubt, insecurity, and fear. And, it’s important to give yourself permission to feel and process these emotions as they arise.
Seeking support from a marriage therapist trained in the Gottman method and who specializes in affair recovery is key.
Having a marriage therapist who is also an infidelity specialist who understands trauma and betrayal is invaluable in navigating the complexities of healing after infidelity. Katie Ziskind at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching provides a safe and supportive space to explore your feelings. You and your spouse gain insight into each other’s experiences emotionally. And, you can develop coping strategies for managing the challenges of affair and betrayal recovery.
Ultimately, recovering from infidelity requires careful reflection and gentle, honest communication with your partner. Couples therapy teaches positive communication skills.
And, both of you need a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths about yourself and your relationship. While the journey towards healing and reconciliation may be long and challenging, it is possible to find a sense of peace.
Couples counseling with a focus on complex trauma and betrayal gives you a place to focus on growth in the aftermath of infidelity.
Together, with Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two trained marriage therapist, you can work on forging a path towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.

How can marriage counseling with help my spouse and I learn to rebuild our marriage, reaffirm our commitment, and improve communication after they cheated on me?
The discovery of infidelity within your marriage can inflict deep wounds. As you are experiencing now, it shakes the very foundation of trust, intimacy, and commitment that underpins your marital relationship.
In the aftermath of such a betrayal, you deal with feelings of hurt, anger, and confusion. You may feel unsure of how to move forward and rebuild your shattered marital bond. However, with the guidance and support of marriage counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching in New Jersey, you can embark on a journey of healing.
Couples therapy with Katie Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapist, helps you focus on growth and renewal. You both learn skills to rebuild your marriage from the ground up.
From couples therapy post affair, you can reaffirm your commitment and co-create trust. As well, you can work to improve and better your communication in the aftermath of infidelity in marriage therapy.
One of the main ways in which marriage counseling can help you both navigate the aftermath of infidelity is by providing a safe and supportive environment to explore your emotions and process your experiences.
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching in New Jersey, you both can gain insight into the underlying dynamics of your relationship. Through individual and couples therapy sessions, Katie Ziskind, trained Gottman marriage therapist, offers a nonjudgmental space in which couples can express their thoughts and feelings openly and honestly, without fear of judgment or reprisal.
Marriage counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching also provides couples with the tools and strategies they need to address the underlying issues that may have contributed to the infidelity.
Usually, an affair is a long-term process that begins many years and months before the affair even takes place. For instance, these cracks in your marriage may have begun long before the affair itself. Looking at the missing ingredients for a healthy marriage can include communication problems, unresolved conflicts, or unmet love needs.
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, Katie Ziskind, Gottman marriage therapist works with couples to identify unmet love needs. You can learn skills to resolve conflicts and improve communication skills. As well, couples counseling is a safe place to foster a deeper understanding of each other’s love needs and form a stronger connection.
Additionally, marriage counseling can help couples navigate the complex terrain of rebuilding trust and intimacy in the aftermath of infidelity.

At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, Katie Ziskind, Gottman marriage therapist, provides guidance and support as couples work through feelings of hurt, betrayal, and mistrust.
She specializes in helping them establish clear boundaries, rebuild emotional connection, and cultivate greater empathy and understanding towards one another.
Through guided introspection and reflection, couples can gain insight into the root causes of the infidelity and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their partner.
They can explore the impact of past experiences, traumas, and attachment patterns on their relationship dynamics, and learn to communicate their needs and boundaries in a healthy and assertive manner.
Furthermore, marriage counseling can help couples reaffirm their commitment to one another and create a shared vision for their future together. Katie Ziskind, Gottman marriage therapists, assist couples in identifying their core values, goals, and priorities as a couple.
You and your partner can develop strategies for moving forward in a way that honors your individual needs and desires while strengthening your bond as partners.
Ultimately, marriage counseling offers couples a roadmap for healing, growth, and renewal in the aftermath of infidelity.
When your spouse has emotionally bonded with someone else and has not sexually loyal, couples counseling with Katie Ziskind, sex and intimacy specialist, supports you in recovering.
Maybe, your spouse was not faithful multiple times or just once. It still hurts your heart so deeply. Perhaps, you are still concerned that your wife or husband will be unfaithful when traveling for work. You can talk about how their dishonesty impacts your marriage bond and leads to suspicion for you.
In couples counseling for affair recovery, you can share how you fear that your spouse will break your marital promises and be disloyal again. Your spouse can learn ways to reassure you and develop an awareness for why they withhold, cheat, and life. As well, you both can have a calm, neutral, and safe environment in marriage therapy to discuss healthy boundaries.
There are specific steps when it comes to overcoming adultery, betrayal injuries, and cheating.
You get a safe and supportive space to explore your core emotions. In general, you both get to become aware of and address underlying issues. While learning to rebuild trust and intimacy, marriage counseling empowers couples to navigate the challenges of infidelity with grace, compassion, and resilience.
Though it may be hard to picture at this time, after infidelity, marriage counseling gives you both an opportunity create brighter and more fulfilling future together.
How can childhood trauma experiences, unmet childhood love needs, sexual abuse, emotional abuse from parents, and other forms of childhood trauma lead to infidelity in adulthood and married life?
When your cheating spouse comes to couples therapy, part of the process is understanding the roots of lying. Sometimes, we grow up learning to lie and withhold information to survive abuse.
Childhood experiences play a significant role in shaping beliefs, behaviors, and patterns of relating to others. And, when it comes to cheating, lying, and keeping secrets, there are often dysfunctional generational patterns. These dysfunctional generational patterns of lying and not telling the full truth show up throughout our lives.
To add, traumatic experiences during childhood, such as unmet love needs, sexual abuse, emotional abuse from parents, and other forms of trauma, have profound and long-lasting effects on a person’s psychological and emotional well-being.
Childhood abuse and trauma manifests in dysfunctional relationship dynamics like cheating and chronic lying behaviors.
For some, survival mechanisms after experiencing abuse show up as lying, seeking attention, and seeking validation from others.
These can show up as an affair, lying, betraying, keeping secrets, and withholding the truth. Couples therapy with Katie Ziskind at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching provides awareness regarding these patterns of behavior in adulthood, including infidelity in married life.
One way in which childhood trauma can contribute to infidelity in adulthood is through the development of insecure attachment styles.
Attachment theory states that early experiences with caregivers lay the foundation for our attachment patterns in adulthood. Growing up with a parent or caregiver who was emotionally abusive, numb, or not loving can lead to an insecure attachment. This means that your spouse is very insecure deep down. They may have taken part in cheating and found an affair partner due to low self-esteem and low self-worth. An anxious and insecure attachment in childhood influences how we perceive ourselves, others, and romantic relationships.
More so, children who experience inconsistent or emotionally unavailable caregivers develop insecure attachment styles. Furthermore, these are characterized by fear of abandonment. As well, people with insecure attachment styles have difficulty trusting others. People with insecure attachment styles have a heightened need for validation and reassurance in romantic relationships.
If your spouse has an insecure attachment style, they seek out extramarital affairs or emotional connections outside of your marriage as a way to fulfill unmet emotional needs and soothe feelings of insecurity and inadequacy.
Having an insecure attachment style doesn’t make an affair okay and is not an excuse for having an affair. Affair behaviors are hurtful. But, in the process of infidelity couples counseling with Katie Ziskind, your spouse can learn about their insecure attachment style.
Learning about their insecure attachment style can help them develop self-confidence.
Having an affair never really treats the root issues of low self-worth, feelings of inadequacy, or deep insecurities.
When your spouse feels inadequate, they may seek approval from an affair partner to feel better about themselves. But, this feeling of contentment and confidence is often very short lived. When your spouse who cheated has an insecure attachment style, marriage counseling helps them develop confidence from the inside out.
This means understanding the impact of having abusive and neglectful parents and caregivers. As well, couples therapy supports your partner in understanding how to love and accept their wounded inner child.
Doing inner child work can help repair insecure attachment styles and build self-confidence.
To add, your spouse with an insecure attachment style may engage in infidelity as a means of seeking validation, attention, and intimacy. Often, you spouse with an insecure attachment style feels these are lacking in your marriage and primary relationship together. However, with an insecure attachment style, your spouse is trying to unconsciously attempting to recreate the emotional bonds they missed out on in childhood.
Rather than seeking validation and confidence outside your marriage, your spouse can verbalize core needs for validation, compliments, appreciation, and intimacy to you in couples counseling.
Katie Ziskind, Gottman level two marriage therapist in New Jersey, helps your cheating spouse understand their insecure attachment style.
From marriage counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching in New Jersey, your spouse can learn to ask for appreciation, validation, emotional intimacy, and sexual intimacy from you more directly. Improving awareness about childhood trauma is part of affair recovery. In couples therapy, you get to discuss how having neglectful, abusive, and harmful parents and caregivers impacted you both.
Talking about the root components of infidelity are key parts of affair recovery marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching.
Childhood trauma and neglect contributes to the development of maladaptive coping mechanisms. When your spouse cheats, they may be acting upon dysfunctional behavior patterns.
They may have learned survival mechanisms and dysfunctional patterns of behavior that increase the likelihood of infidelity in adulthood. When your spouse experiences trauma during childhood, they may struggle with emotional regulation, impulse control, and self-esteem issues.
Furthermore, having an affair is a sing that your spouse is seeking out external sources of validation and gratification. Uncovering an affair can be a process of learning impulsive control skills, positive coping tools, and self-esteem strategies. As well, when a person has extramarital affairs, they may do so as a way to cope with feelings of distress and discomfort.
Though finding out about an affair and adultery is painful, it can be an opportunity to learn skills to better cope with stressors of life as a team. You and your spouse can both learn emotional regulation skills, impulse control tools, and self-esteem techniques in Gottman couples therapy.

From Gottman couples therapy in New Jersey with Katie Ziskind, how else can you both recover from childhood trauma and neglect?
Furthermore, when your spouse cheats, they may have experienced childhood trauma. Therefore, they may may struggle with intimacy and vulnerability in your marriage and other relationships. Due to childhood abuse and neglect, your spouse may find it difficult to trust others and open themselves up emotionally.
As a result, your cheating spouse may engage in infidelity as a way to avoid intimacy with you. Your spouse would cheat with anyone they are with because getting close is scary. An affair is a way to stay far away emotionally. From Gottman marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, your spouse can learn to be vulnerable.
So, an affair functions as a way to maintain emotional distance from, you. Your spouse, who cheated, may have used sexual or emotional affairs as a means of self-protection.
An affair can function as a way to avoid intimacy, both sexually and emotionally. Looking holistically at infidelity is a key part in marriage counseling.
Infidelity and cheating behaviors signify a need to process and gain awareness from childhood trauma experiences and negative coping mechanisms.
Additionally, childhood trauma can contribute to the development of distorted beliefs and attitudes about relationships, sexuality, and fidelity. When your spouse cheats, they may have experienced sexual abuse or emotional abuse during childhood. Sexual and emotional abuse leads your spouse to internalize harmful messages about their worthiness, desirability, and capacity for love and intimacy. When a person has low self-worth, they tend to self-sabotage. A person with low self-worth doesn’t believe they will be a good partner, so they fulfill that prophecy. Or, they believe that they are unloveable and unworthy, so they have an affair to try to convince themselves otherwise.
Negative beliefs and inner criticism about worthiness, desirability, and capacity for love and intimacy play a role in emotional cheating and sexual cheating behaviors.
As well, when your spouse feels insecure in their ability to be a good lover, they may seek connections with others to try to validate that negative belief. Therefore, your spouse may have an affair and lie due to feelings of shame, guilt, and inadequacy.
Shame, guilt, and low self-worth issues that develop from experiencing childhood trauma and neglect play a role in adult relationships. To add, these deeply ingrained beliefs and attitudes may drive your spouse to engage in infidelity as a way to validate their self-worth.
Emotional cheating and sexual cheating are signs that your partner needs to work through shame, guilt, and low self-worth issues in couples therapy.
To add, trauma and neglect in childhood lead to feelings of helplessness and emotional pain. So, an affair is a behavior that is control seeking. In an affair or when cheating, your spouse may be trying to reclaim a sense of control and power in their life. There are may deep aspects to affairs, cheating, and when someone is emotionally or physically unfaithful in a marriage. It is essential to look comprehensively at childhood trauma and neglect experiences when treating the root causes of cheating, secret keeping, and infidelity.
In infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you can both openly talk about shame, guilt, and childhood neglect and trauma.
Where can we receive support when you want to stay together and work on our marriage after an affair?
Just south of Westfield, which is in Union County, Katie supports couples in Cranford, as well as Chatham, Scotch Plains, and east of Westfield, and in in Essex County, Short Hills. As well, Katie Ziskind supports couples in Summit in Union County, as well as in Bergen County, Franklin, Englewood Cliffs, Ridgewood, Saddle River, Tenafly, Alpine, and in Monmouth County, Holmdel, Colts Neck, and Rumson, and in Mercer County town, Princeton, Princeton Junction, and in Morris County, Mendham, and in Essex County, Montclair. She offers affair and complex trauma marraige therapy to couples in Burlington County in Moorestown as well as in in Somerset County in Bernardsville. Furthermore, Katie Ziskind is a licensed marriage and family therapist in Connecticut and Florida.
In Florida, where is infidelity couples therapy available?
Couples in Jupiter, Winter Park, just north of Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, Melbourne, Key Biscayne, off the coast of Miami,, Coral Gables, Miami Beach, Sarasota, on Florida’s Gulf Coast, Tampa, Palm Beach, along the Atlantic coast,, Naples on Florida’s Gulf Coast, Wellington in Palm Beach County, Delray Beach, Weston in Broward County, in Palm Beach County, Boca Raton, Orlando, Parkland, Pinecrest in Miami-Dade County, Aventura, Fisher Island, Key Largo in the Upper Florida Keys, Key West, and Coconut Grove often seek to work with Katie Ziskind.
Couples therapy with a focus on infidelity to repair emotional and sexual intimacy is available in Connecticut
Connecticut couples living in Simsbury, Avon, in Hartford County, Wilton, Fairfield, home to Fairfield University, Westport in Fairfield County, Darien, New Canaan, Ridgefield, Weston, Wilton, and in Fairfield County, Greenwich frequently seek out infidelity specialist, Katie Ziskind. As well, couples therapy is available in the Litchfield Hills in New Hartford, Greenwich, along the Connecticut River, Glastonbury, and just outside of Hartford, West Hartford and Farmington and in Fairfield County, Southport, as well as Essex, and along the Southeastern Connecticut shoreline, Madison, Clinton, Niantic, Waterford, and East Lyme.

Katie Ziskind at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching in New Jersey helps address the root causes of cheating and emotional or physical unfaithfulness.
In general, childhood trauma experiences, such as unmet love needs, sexual abuse, emotional abuse from parents, and other forms of trauma, have profound and far-reaching effects on a person’s psychological and emotional development.
These painful experiences lead to low self-esteem, shame, guilt, and show up in dysfunctional relationship patterns and behaviors in adulthood. When you find your partner cheating on you, it can bring about a range of painful emotions.
Feelings of shame, guilt, unworthiness, and inadequacy play a major role in infidelity in married life.
By understanding the ways in which childhood trauma influences adult behavior and relationships, your spouse can address the root causes of their unfaithfulness and cheating behaviors. Your spouse can begin to heal from past wounds and develop healthier coping mechanisms.
As well, from Gottman marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching your spouse can learn to cultivate more fulfilling and authentic connections with you.
It feels like the carpet that was underneath your feet has been ripped out. Betrayal wounds lead to anxiety, suspicion, fear, sadness, and emotional pain. However, working with infidelity specialist, Katie Ziskind, can help you view your marriage holistically.
During the process of infidelity marriage counseling in Westfield, New Jersey, you can gain tools to repair emotional intimacy, connection, and build a more secure bond than ever before.
In couples therapy, you get to look at the negative recipe brewing, the marital cracks and issues percolating long before the affair began. From there, you can rebuild emotional expression, deepen vulnerability, overcome conflict, and develop a strong bond. Katie Ziskind is a certified sex therapy informed professional, level two Gottman therapist, and licensed marriage and family therapist.
She specializes in giving distressed couples a safe place to heal together and reaffirm their commitment to each other. You both get to develop a roadmap to reconnect, gain emotional intimacy tools, and rebuild a safe foundation for sexual intimacy.