Can learning about erogenous zones improve your sex life and marriage? Yes, erogenous zones are special parts of each human body. These sensual zones can support foreplay and a playful sex life. Also, couples in long-term relationship may stop exploring one another’s bodies. With the chaotic events of life, it can feel difficult to maintain a healthy sex life. Furthermore, from learning about erogenous zones, you and your partner can explore one another in a special, intimate way. To add, try using play and curiosity to get to know your partner’s erogenous zones. Receiving touch on erogenous zones makes you feel aroused.
Touching your partner’s body and improving your sex life in couples counseling can come with a variety of emotions.
Relationship counseling in Waterford, Connecticut helps couples who struggle with sex and intimacy. You might be flooded with anxiety, worry, fear, or insecurity around your sex life. The team of marriage and family therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling provide you a safe space. You can work with a marriage and intimacy therapist to understand erogenous zones and improve your sex life. Now, no matter what fears, anxieties, or emotions arise, couples counseling lets you voice them. Learning to talk about sex, desire, and needs are parts of couples counseling in Southeastern Connecticut.

Can starting with erogenous zones build foreplay?
Yes, touching erogenous zones supports a beautiful entrance into a sensual, sexual experience. However, emotional intimacy is the first step. Now, if you struggle with giving or receiving sexual pleasure, you are not alone. In sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut, you get a safe environment. In Waterford, Connecticut couples counseling, you get to share emotions around sexual experiences. As well, you can safely talk about what feels good sexually and what doesn’t. Giving and receiving sexual pleasure means processing various intense emotions like fear, insecurity, anger or anxiety as they arise in couples therapy.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for a more pleasurable sex life and more intimacy.
Can inner wrist touching improve sex life and intimacy?
For some, touching the inner wrist can be amazingly seductive. Don’t jump right to kissing your partner’s penis, nipples or breasts. Now, the penis, nipples, and breast area is pleasurable, but we need to go slow. To add, you want to focus on building anticipation, suspense, and mystery. For many women, having the neck area kissed first promotes more sexual openness. Jumping right into kissing the nipples and breasts before the neck can lead to anxiety and fear. At times, a woman may feel rushed into intercourse. As well, a woman may not feel open enough sexually first without having her neck kissed and teased.
Start by kissing their wrist or the nape of your partner’s neck.
Essentially, you want to build desire slowly and make your partner really want you. Take the time to slow down sexual experiences rather instead of rushing to intercourse. Yes, there can be a time and place for a quickie. However, learning your partner’s erogenous zones can support a more dynamic, positive sexual experience. Additionally, when you have sexual questions or challenges, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut can help. Now, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut loves helps couples thrive.
Can touching my partner’s bottom build desire?
The bottom area is another erogenous zone for sexual play. Being a good lover is all about knowing the pressure, speed, and desire your partner wants. Some people like their bottom caressed and others spanked. When thinking about building desire and attraction, touch first over clothes. Remember, you want to build desire slowly and increase passion through anticipation.
Ask your partner how they feel emotionally from how you are touching them.
To add, talking while touching can be a great way to communicate about sexual needs. Maybe, your partner wants more or less pressure. Essentially, intimacy and couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut supports emotional safety and expression to promote a healthy sex life. Try out all the erogenous zones and see what increases your partner’s desire.

How do certain erogenous zones increase desire and sex drive?
Touch your partner’s scalp
Commonly, partners with a healthy sex life incorporate various forms of sexual play. Additionally, your partner’s scalp is another erogenous zone that can promote relaxation. And, we know that relaxation frees the mind of responsibility. It can be difficult to get aroused sexually with responsibilities on your mind. Thinking about the laundry, home repairs, finances, and career development put a damper on sex. In turn, feeling relaxation from a scalp massage, encourages a healthy sex life. And, a scalp massage does not need to lead to intercourse. It can be a part of foreplay and sexual touch. Essentially, a scalp massage can pave the way for touching other sensual areas of your partner’s body.
Ear lobe touching
More so, your partner’s ear lobe can be an area that brings them positive feelings. Touching your partners ear, but more specifically the ear lobe, can be done sexually. It can create a feeling of inimtacy to graze your partner’s ear with your hot breath or tongue. In sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut, you can talk about how to improve your sex life.

Play footsie
For many people, the feet are another erogenous and sexual zone of the body. Foot massages can lead to flow state of mind. As well, touching feet can be playful like a game of footsie. Commonly, people like having their feet touched, licked, and sucked as a part of sexual play. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, you can talk about sex and desire. For many couples, the headache of child care can lead to challenges sexually. So, teasing and playing footsie can be something you don’t need a babysitter to do together. The specialty of sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut is available at Wisdom Within.
Belly touching supports a pleasurable sexual experience
Now, the belly button and lower stomach are sensual, sensitive areas. The belly is an erogrnous zone for some and sparks erotic thoughts. Gently touching the belly area above the genital region can build sexual desire. Intensifying passion can be from a touch or gentle tickle near these areas. Simply put, taking time to nurture and play with the belly area may build a strong sexual response in your partner.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for sex, intimacy and marriage therapy in Waterford Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling.
In what ways can sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford, Connecticut promote emotional safety?
Touching and kissing various erogenous zones can increase your sex life. For many people, exploring their partner’s body comes with overwhelming emotions. Shame, guilt, anxiety, worry, and fears are all parts of sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut.

Why is sex difficult in a marriage?
Sexual shame can dampen intimacy
Perhaps, you grew up in a strict, religious household, so feeling sexual pleasure comes with shame and guilt. The moment your partner begins touching your body, you feel tense. There is anxiety. You feel like enjoying sexual pleasure is wrong or shameful. Growing up, you never saw your parents kiss or show affection. Sometimes, when you partner shows you affection around your family, you feel that you are an embarrassment to your family. Maybe, you feel like you don’t deserve a healthy sex life.
Sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut helps release shame and guilt
Same and guilt come up in many ways around sexual expression. In sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut, you can talk about overcoming shame and guilt. Even body image issues can trigger shame and guilt. You can learn that you can create and deserve a pleasurable, sexual, and consensual sex life. Growing up in a strict, religious home leaves a traumatic impact. Couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut gives you a safe place to overcome sexual shame.

Other sexual and emotional issues that come up in marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling
There are a verity of emotional issues that play a role in a happy, satisfying, passionate sex life. For instance, you may feel sexually rejected by your partner and feel defeated. Sometimes, couples get into conflicts about money or finances that prevent openness sexually. High conflict fights, arguments, and emotional stress dampen a couple’s sexual life.
Sexual performance anxiety gets in the way of a healthy sex life
Maybe, you feel pressure to give your partner the best sexual experience of their life. There is sexual performance anxiety that impacts your ability to enjoy the experience sexually. And, when sexual expectations are set a bit too high, it is challenging to give and recieve. Overall, couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling helps you and your partner enjoy sexual experiences. In sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut, you can work through all of these emotional and sexual issues. At Wisdom Within Counseling, the team of therapists help couples develop sexual confidence.
What are reasons to seek sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford, Connecticut at Wisdom Within?
Fears of inimtacy
Fears around your body being touched or touching your partner’s body are reasons to seek sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut. As well, it is normal to have fears of intimacy or fears of getting closer sexually. Some people fear that if they let their partner in, they will inevitably get heartbroken. From a past abusive relationship, you may find it difficult to trust your current partner. Plus, in couples therapy in Waterford, Connecticut, you can talk about past trauma of any kind. As well, betrayal leads to challenges being emotionally and physically intimate. If there has been an affair, betrayal, or trust issue, these emotions need tending to. Healing trust issues begins with emotional intimacy within couples counseling.

To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for sex, intimacy and couples therapy in Waterford Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Trust issues in your romantic relationship cause problems in the bedroom.
As well, in your relationship, if there is a history of secret keeping, cheating, or affairs, sex may be more difficult. So, couples therapy can help. Sex and trust go hand in hand. At Wisdom Within, sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut can help you and your partner overcome blocks to a healthy sex life. The team of marriage and family therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling help couples feel confident understand one another’s sexual needs.
Can sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford, Connecticut support intimate, sensual time together?
Yes, sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut at Wisdom Within can support healthy emotional expression. There are a lot of reasons as to why couples stop having sex. You couples therapist in Southeastern Connecticut can help understand the root of sexual issues. Often, there are hurting emotional issues underneath a decrease in passionate sex.
Many couples are not talking about sexual needs, sexual desire, and their sex life.
Couples stop understanding one other’s emotional needs. Any break in trust or a betrayal leads to problems in the bedroom too. Worries about finances, stressors about health, and career develops begin to take over. Responsibilities seems overwhelming and sex life declines.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you get a safe place to bring the playfulness and desire back.
Working with a playful intimacy and marriage counselor refocuses energy and presence on sexual needs.

Sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut gives you a safe place to talk about stimulating erogenous zones
Often, for couples who have stopped touching one another, getting back into the groove takes time. For one, sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut, can be a safe place to talk about goals. You and your partner can talk about feelings after giving or receiving stimulation in an area.
If you feel anxious or uncomfortable talking to your partner, couples counseling for a healthier sex life can help.
The best way to enjoy erogenous zones is having safe, open, and healthy communication. If you struggle to talk, better communication will be an important step in support a healthy sex life. Marriage counseling in Waterford, Connecticut can help your partner find their voice. They can determine what they like sexually from marriage counseling. You can also talk about exploring different environments to see what you both like.
What is the best stimulation for these sensitive, erogenous zones for sexual pleasure?
Of course, you can use your finger tips and hands. At times, skin can be dry. So, find a lubricant you enjoy. For example, extra virgin coconut oil or KY jelly can both work. As well, you can use both your hands and mouth to stimulate your partner’s erogenous zones. Couples counseling gives you a safe place to talk about which lubricants and sex toys you want to bring into your bedroom.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut at Wisdom Within.

Play around with other sex toys such as a feather or vibrator on the erogenous zones.
Within the vibrator category, there are dozens to choose from. There are even remote control vibrators that can make your sex life suspenseful. You give your partner the remote and you don’t know when pleasure is coming. With a remote control vibrator, there is a sense of play and adventure that evolves. As well, you can talk to your partner about ice cubes or chocolate syrup. Remember, take time for each erogenous zone and to see how your partner receives your touch.
In couples therapy in Waterford, Connecticut, you will learn that foreplay is one of the keys to maintaining a healthy, passionate, lively sex life.
As well, marriage counseling supports you and your partner when you are looking for new ways to initiate foreplay. Improving your sex life means learning about the pleasure the erogenous zones can provide your partner. To add, understanding your partner’s erogenous zones can provide a more fulfilling, satisfying sexual experience. Learning how to touch your partner’s erogenous zones supports a healthy sex life.
Touching erogenous zones can build desire through a sensual foreplay experience.
Likewise, sex, intimacy, and marriage counseling in Southeastern Connecticut helps you understand how to touch those sensitive areas. Stimulating your partner’s erogenous zones in a confident way encourages relaxation. Similarly, learning to go slow and incorporate teasing into foreplay can boost your sex life. More than better intercourse, as couples therapists, we look at your whole emotional experience. Working with a sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut can be extremely rewarding for you and your partner. For one, learning how to tease builds anticipation, passion, desire, and elongates pleasure. Also, pay attention when you stimulate your partner, and notice what makes them go crazy.

Why go slow with these erogenous zones?
Have you ever wanted something really, really badly? Then, think of sexual experiences and intimacy this way too. Teasing your partner’s body builds anticipation or more pleasure. Now, teasing is not about getting anywhere or achieving a goal. And, teasing and going slow is not about just having sexual intercourse. Instead, in sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut, we take the focus off sexual intercourse and orgasming.
By going slowly, you’ll gain awareness and perception for your partner’s body.
You are learning all about what makes them feel pleasure sexually. Being a good lover means taking your sweet time with each body part. Learning to build up the passion and sexual pleasure is possible by touching the erogenous zones. Lastly, sex, intimacy and marriage counseling in Waterford Connecticut can help you enjoy your sexual experiences more. As well, your partner can experience a newfound level of desire from building sexual arousal slowly. More so, touching your partner’s erogrnous zones in a way they like improve sexual pleasure and can secondly help you partner reach an orgasm.