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Do You Use Primitive Defense Mechanisms? Anxiety and Trauma Counseling in Niantic, CT

Acting Out As A Primitive Protective Mechanism

Acting out, a negative coping skill, communicates a need. Perhaps, this could be a need for connection, support, attention, or something else. For example, a child might act out in order to get a parents attention because they feel lonely. And, they behave poorly because they don’t know how to communicate what i stuck inside. Or, an adult may act out, drinking excessively, due to feelings of stress, inadequacy, shame, or loneliness. Or, maybe there is deep hurt, pain, and trauma beneath acting out and bad, reckless behaviors. Sometimes, adults may use drugs and alcohol to numb out and act out. Therefore, holistic anxiety and trauma counseling in Niantic, CT can help you handle stress in a healthy way. You can create a life that is positive and amazing. Call/text 860-451-9364 to get started with holistic anxiety and trauma counseling in Niantic, CT at Wisdom Within Counseling.

Also, PTSD can cause all ages, of adults, children, and adolescents to experience and demonstrate any or all of the following changes in their behavior:

  • Difficulty sleeping, nightmares, insomnia, or sleeping too much
  • Irritability, frustration, or emotional anger outbursts
  • Difficulty focusing, concentration issues, or foggy thinking
  • Becoming extremely alert, to the point of anxiety and panic attacks
  • Having exaggerated startle responses, hyper vigilance

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, call/text 860-451-9364 today for an appointment.

What does therapy in Niantic, Connecticut help with?

With Niantic couples therapy, affairs and betrayals are healable. Also, improving your communication skills is possible. To note, acting out is a red flag behavior. Overall, acting out is a signal that your child or your partner can use a professional outside of the family to feel calm and safe again. So, here is tip if you have a loved one acting out! For instance, if someone acts out, instead of getting angry, see if you can get curious to see what’s really beneath the behavior. Call/text 860-451-9364 to schedule or use the orange button at the very, bottom of the page.

In, anxiety and trauma counseling in Niantic, CT., you can learn healthy communication skills.

Really, acting out is a sign that you or your loved one can benefit from therapy. And, it is a sign to improve connection and support in relationships. So, if you are in a midlife crisis, our team of Niantic, Connecticut marriage and family therapists can help! From therapy along the shoreline of Connecticut, you can feel support, open up, learn to be vulnerable, and develop an intimate relationship with your spouse. To add, the Niantic, CT counselors help married people, individuals, adults, children, and teenagers express emotions. Wisdom Within Counseling is a holistic marriage and family therapy group in Southeastern Connecticut.

What’s unique and out of the box about Wisdom Within Counseling and the anxiety and trauma counseling in Niantic, CT?

Furthermore, holistic and alternative outlets using art, yoga, music, meditation, and walking very helpful for positive energy. Often times, talking in therapy is not enough when it comes to releasing both your mind and your body. Therefore, our team of Niantic, CT marriage and family therapists help you feel closer to your spouse. And, you can learn to quiet anxiety and sleep through the night using meditation. Also, yoga and meditation in counseling can help help you feel confident socially. To add, you learn ways to calmly express your anxiety using yoga. In addition, you can always talk about your stress and unload on one of our comfy couches. From there, bad behaviors will naturally stop. Also, in anxiety and trauma counseling in Niantic, CT, your child can use play therapy, movement, and yoga to boost your child’s self-esteem. Call/text 860-451-9364 for highly specialized anxiety and trauma counseling in Niantic, CT at Wisdom Within Counseling.

Struggling with anxiety? With couples and adults, the marriage and family therapists teach anxiety management skills. Use the orange button at the very, very bottom of the screen to schedule a counseling session in Niantic, Connecticut.

How does regression play a role in anxiety and trauma counseling in Niantic, CT at Wisdom Within Counseling?

To add, for regression is when you learn something new and therefore mature. But, then you go back to something a younger person might do. Sometimes, adults who are happily married will resort to being reckless teenagers and cheating. But, children can regress as well. For example, bad behavior, being shy, acting out, being aggressive, biting, kicking, frequent crying, anxiety, and bedwetting. Overall, bedwetting is a sign that your child, or are you as an adult, would benefit from counseling. Sometimes, sexual abuse or trauma is the root of regression. Other times, it’s anxiety.

We help you gain skills to relax and handle anxiety at night.

Regression is a normal part of big changes. But, having a therapist can help you gain positive coping skills to handle anger, depression, and anxiety and healthy and self loving ways. Likewise, there are sad feelings underneath the regression that can use professional help being expressed confidently. We help you or your child express feelings, which creates emotional maturity naturally. To book, use the orange button at the very, very bottom of the screen to schedule a counseling session in Niantic, Connecticut. Lastly, the Wisdom Within Counseling Team in Niantic, Connecticut looks forward to helping your family thrive with confidence, clarity, and connection.


To begin, as a defense mechanism, projection is when you push your feelings onto someone else. For instance, if you feel mad and sad, you may ask someone if they are sad. And, this is because you don’t want anyone to think that you are sad. In this case, you may end up projecting sadness and aggression. Let the team at Wisdom Within Counseling help you thrive confidently! Also, projection is an unhealthy and indirect way of communication. Use the orange button at the very, very bottom of the screen to schedule a counseling session in Niantic, Connecticut.

Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut

Overall, the Wisdom Within Counseling Team enjoys helping all ages of people let go of anger, anxiety and depression in healthy ways. And, you can use a holistic, medication free approach with art, painting, yoga, music, and outdoor nature walking. It’s unique, alternative and different than traditional talk therapy. Though, talk therapy is perfect too!

Repression in anxiety and trauma counseling in Niantic, CT

Ever hear of repressed memories surfacing? Now, repression happens as a protective mechanism to push away an emotion in your memory that’s too much to handle. So, if you go through something traumatic in life, that is very difficult. And, you may have repressed memories, like sexual abuse or molestation. At the abusive time, it was not safe to feel what you were feeling. At that time, you didn’t have the ability to be in your body. Therefore, anxiety and trauma counseling in Niantic, CT helps you step into the present moment. Call/text 860-451-9364 to learn more about how Wisdom Within Counseling can help your family thrive.

What happened in repression of memories?

Therefore, your brain decided to push that memory aside in an effort to help you survive. For example, in anxiety and trauma counseling in Niantic, CT, you can finally let go of trauma. In other words, now that you’re safe, here, you can look at that memory in a reflective stance. With therapy, you can learn to heal from your past and traumas. Overall, you can learn to love and accept yourself. And, you can learn to value yourself for future loving relationships. Use the orange button at the very, very bottom of the screen to schedule a counseling session in Niantic, Connecticut.

Use the orange button at the bottom of the page to schedule. Or, call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation.

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