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Post affair, addiction, alcoholism, and infidelity in couples therapy

Affairs and infidelity in couples therapy requires couples to reattach to each other. Many times, exploring and explaining the hurt partner’s PTSD is a huge part of post affair healing. Essentially, allowing the betrayal to be acknowledged is important in affair recovery. Another component, in marriage therapy, you may want to express feelings, shock, and surprise. Often, you can release emotions that feel so intense right now like jealousy, loss and grief. Also, your marriage therapist will also encourage you to express emotions in healthy ways and limit negative communication use. Often, couples get stuck criticizing or belittling each other. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize with healing from an affair, addiction, alcoholism, and infidelity in couples therapy and family therapy.

How does the healing process of affair, addiction, alcoholism, and infidelity in couples therapy begin?

Now, for couples to truly heal from affairs and infidelity, they need professional guidance from a Gottman marriage therapist. Now, in couples therapy, you get to rebuilt marriage number two. However, a lot of couples struggle to heal the betrayal and try to develop a strong sense of attachment to each other too soon before betrayal is addressed. Often, affairs begin because couples miss out on important attachment bonds.

Therapy for couples is a safe place to learn to reattach after trauma and an affair in loving, meaningful ways.

In treating affairs and infidelity in couples therapy, your therapist will help you understand how to attune and reconnect. Essentially, Gottman marriage therapy is a method for healing distant couples who have multiple stressors and co morbidity challenges. Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut specializes in helping couples heal from affairs, addiction, alcoholism, and infidelity in couples therapy.

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To begin, click the button below to heal from an affair, addiction, alcoholism, and infidelity in couples therapy in Connecticut.

What are the specialities of addiction and alcoholism within marriage and couples therapy? 

Most often, addiction and alcoholism are important to address in couples therapy. However, many couples don’t learn to talk about alcoholism and addiction together in marriage counseling in Connecticut. Instead, most addiction and alcoholism therapies are more individual. But, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut, addiction and alcoholism recovery therapies are seen as valuable to the couples therapy experience. For many, alcoholism and addiction are serious and dangerous issues. Undoubtedly, alcohol and addiction concerns impact in-law’s, a spouse, children, teens and the whole family. When one or both people in a marriage or relationship use drugs, family life become chaotic.

What happens when affairs, addiction, alcoholism, and infidelity are present in a family?

Often, there are higher levels of violence, high conflict fights, separation, or divorce. So, people who have an alcoholic family member can find professional help in couples therapy. As well, when it comes to addiction and alcoholism, couples may use drugs and alcohol together alongside cycles of relapse and remission. A successful recovery emerges out of 4-6 years of continuous sobriety. As well, many people with addiction and alcoholism issues struggle to remain sober and keep secrets about their use. Also, as a family member maintains sobriety, the whole family becomes for calm.

How do the emotional ups and downs of an addict or alcoholic impact a whole family?

However, people with alcoholism and addiction have many emotional challenges when using. Alcoholism and drug use changes behaviors with others and creates dysfunctional emotional responses. A parent with alcoholism or addiction doesn’t have the ability to be present, loving or reliable for their growing children. So, when children grow up with a parent who is an addict or alcoholic, children tend to grow up much too quickly. The brain chemistry changes from prolonged use of drugs, which compromise healthy relationships and friendships. In family therapy, dealing with addiction and alcoholism are important issues.

To begin, click the button below to heal from an affair, addiction, alcoholism, and infidelity in couples therapy in Connecticut.

What is the best way to treat and heal and affair, addiction, alcoholism, and infidelity?

Furthermore, addiction and alcoholism treatment is most effective in a family therapy setting. Often, family therapy is one of the most important factors for help an addict or alcoholic have success in sobriety and recovery. So, we know that involving family members is important when it comes to getting an addict or alcoholic the mental health help they need. As well, when a spouse or loved one is struggling with alcoholism or addiction, individual therapy for children and for a spouse can have long term positive impacts. Individual therapy for other family members can help them stop enabling an addict or alcoholic.

Why should everyone in a family get counseling when addiction and alcoholism are present?

Essentially, holistic therapy for children and for people who love an addict or alcoholic can provide stress management tools and self-acceptance skills. Family therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut helps promote positive thinking, resilience, problem solving skills, and healthy communication tools. As well, the role of a romantic partner or spouse is an important role in helping a spouse with addiction issues maintain recovery and sobriety. More over, the non addict and non alcoholic partner needs theraputic help learning to remain calm, practicing self-care, and knowing the signs of an addiction coming back.

So, why is it important to address healing an affair, addiction, alcoholism, and infidelity in couples therapy and marriage sessions?

As well, family therapy for alcoholism and addiction allows couples to heal together and stop enabling each other. Without marriage therapy for alcoholism and addiction, couples have a difficult time changing the role they play in supporting their spouse’s alcoholism and addictive behaviors. Furthermore, marriage therapy helps a partner who has been sober communicate their needs to their spouse regarding staying sober. Getting into Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-anon can be incredible supports for a family who has a loved one is sobriety.

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Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in affair, addiction, alcoholism, and infidelity in couples therapy.

What are benefits to family therapy when it comes to addictions and alcoholism?

Even after getting sober, inflexible thinking can challenge someone in sobriety and recovery. Essentially, couples therapy can be a place to continue to grow in sober ways and build flexibility in thinking patterns. Also, there are different types of addiction and alcoholism in couples. Sometimes, both people in a couple unit are struggling with addiction or alcoholism. Other times, one person in a marriage is struggling with alcoholism or addiction. Now, when a distressed couple comes into therapy, a family therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut can provide positive coping tools for dealing with triggers.

Essentially, alcoholism and addiction recovery is a long term growth process of reflection, regular weekly therapy, exploring real relationships, and self-care tools.

Furthermore, alcoholism is a family pattern that is apparent across generations. So, it is common for an alcoholic or addict to look back at their family tree and have alcoholism in their grandparents. In Connecticut family therapy, your therapist will address your own family and individual people. So, the alcoholic’s recovery, the spouse’s recovery, and the family’s recovery are each a separate part of holistic. family therapy sessions.

On that note, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling help couples with alcoholism and addiction issues heal and build meaningful connection.

It is important that sobriety and recovery be a part of marriage and couples therapy. Lastly, your marriage therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling helps you understand that sobriety and addiction therapy takes some time. More that addiction and alcoholism being a quick decision, family therapy supports a variety of family members within the process of one member getting sober.

What to expect when it comes to healing an affair, addiction, alcoholism, and infidelity in couples therapy?

Family therapy and couples therapy supports reducing codependency behaviors. Often, enabling is present in families. A child may enable a parent who needs money. Or, a spouse may enable their spouse, calling out from work for them. Maybe, there has been a pattern of enabling within the addiction in your family too. So, in a sense, a relearning of enabling habits occurs in therapy to promote interdependence. Overall, at Wisdom Within Counseling, the process of fear and control around addiction and alcoholism can be released.

As well, to provide family therapy support, Wisdom Within Counseling offers art, yoga, music and outdoor nature therapies to rebuild healthy coping strategies.

And, as a group of family and marriage therapists, we find that couples who have a variety of creative expressive therapies and holistic outlets build more effective communication tools. Also, you can do creative acting, rehearsals for growth, drama therapy, mindfulness meditation, poses, and yoga therapies to build self-care tools after addiction and alcoholism. Essentially, expressive art therapies, drama therapies, yoga therapies, and walking therapies provide a sense of release and an outlet for life stress. Plus, Wisdom Within Counseling offers video sessions, phone sessions, and pen pal therapy. 

Locations for counseling in Connecticut

We offer in person and video counseling to Connecticut towns including Fairfield, Cos Cob, Darien, Colebrook, Woodbridge, Old Greenwich, Rye, Watertown, Greenwich, Southport, Cornwall, Easton, Darien, Byram, New Canann, Essex, Weston, Barkhamsted, Fenwick, Hamburg, East Haddam, Norwalk, East Lyme, Simsbury, Westport, Redding, Greenwich, Middletown, Bloomfield, Stamford, Washington, Madison, Monroe, Glastonbury, Ivoryton, Washington, Danbury, New Haven, Bethlehem, Morris, Middlebury, Sharon, Kent, West Hartford, Colchester, Columbia, Milford, New Milford, Griswold, Guilford, Tolland, Stonington, Goshen, Salisbury, Killingworth, Bloomfield, Rye, Plymouth, Enfield, Lyme, Madison, Clinton, Litchfield, Warren, Avon, Wilton, Bridgewater, Chester, Deep River, Hartford, Colchester, Old Lyme, Deep River, Mystic, Ridgefield, Shelton, and West Hartford. We also offer counseling to residents of Massachusetts and Florida.

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Walk and talk therapies in nature and the fresh air promote positive coping skills.

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