Why start New London, CT couples therapy?
First, building a happy marriage takes intentional, beautiful work. And, in a happy marriage, you have a best friend and a romantic partner. However, with stress, chronic pain, and losses and traumas, it can be hard to give and receive love. In this article, you will find some tips to level up your love. As well, you can find tools to build a healthy and happy marriage before starting counseling. Learn more about New London, CT couples therapy below.
For one, little disagreements and misunderstandings can have a big impact on marital satisfaction.
So, when you bring up a negative experience or misunderstanding, start by talking about some thing that went well. To begin, your partner will feel a more gentle approach. Frequently, resentment builds when couples start with an attack. It is really easy to focus on just the negative and complaints. So, next time you have a complaint, start with a complement. Remind your spouse of all that you appreciate and love. At first, it may be challenging to think of the good. For instance, focus on the good things that you appreciate about your partner. Next, bring up some thing you would like to express as a constructive criticism. As well, if when you talk, you fight or one of your feels like they can’t talk, we can help. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are a group of holistic marriage and family therapists.

New London, CT couples therapy allows you to prioritize emotional connection and conversations.
To begin, use the pink button below to book a phone consult for New London, CT couples therapy.
As well, it is important to understand the time and place to have deep conversations. Furthermore, having a discussion with your spouse needs to be calm and clear. Frequently, conflicts and arguments rise when anger or aggression is present. As well, it is important to understand the time and place to have deep conversations. Often, couples will put each other down in front of family and friends. Therefore, one person can feel small, insecure, and anxious. Over time, these tense feelings about your marriage can turn into resentment and distance. As well, for many males, it can feel like a lot of pressure to be the breadwinner. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we specialize in gender, sexuality, and removing gender roles.
Right now, does it feel like you want help improving communication?
Our therapists help couples develop emotional closeness that they can’t seem to create without a professional. Furthermore, having a discussion with your spouse needs to be calm and clear. Frequently, conflicts and arguments arise because conversations come from an angry place. Essentially, anger is one of the easiest emotions to show. But, the many feelings underneath are what our therapists help you verbalize. As well, couples who argue angry are more likely to divorce and separate. So, we can teach you skills to reduce conflict, but not avoid it. Over time, you can learn to confidently have calm conversations around big issues. Therefore, if you experience anger right now, do some self care strategies. Before a big conversation, to stay calmer, try going for a walk. So, before you have a big talk, try a mindfulness meditation. Do some yoga to calm yourself. So, by reducing your anger level, you can be more present and calm for emotional conversations. From there, emotional intimacy can evolve and grow. In marriage therapy, we help couples talk about sex, finances, trauma, anger, and family drama calmly.
Scheduling New London, CT couples therapy can help you get date night back on the calendar
To continue, making time for your marriage must be a priority for a lifelong, happy marriage. Here after year, it might be easy to take your spouse for granted. As well, I might feel like they take you for granted. Essentially, when you have children, it is important to schedule date night. As well, during your date night, do not talk about topics like work or bills. Essentially, your date night is a time for you to have a healthy boundary and ensure playfulness as possible. Just like you choose to go to work, you have to choose to be playful with your partner. If you find it hard to be playful, contact us today. Essentially, when you make time to go out on a date, you can remember why you fell in love. Start laughing again in couples therapy. And, choose to make your marriage a priority again.
From making your relationship important, you and your spouse can develop a newfound sense of trust and security.
New London, CT couples therapy helps make your relationship fun again
On that note, making your relationship as a priority for a long and healthy marriage. For example, make sure to frequently reach out to your spouse during the day. And, don’t wait for them to reach out to you. As well, problems in the relationship have often become too escalated to repair when couples wait too long. If you text throughout the day, you can help your spouse feel loved. Call and text a few times a day or send a fun photo of your day. Frequently, the average couple waits way too long to get into relationship counseling. Fears, worries, and anxieties become points of disconnection. Working with a marriage counselor is a sign of strength.
To begin, use the pink button below to book a phone consult for New London, CT couples therapy.

Leave notes for your spouse to find
To add, leaving little notes around the house for your spouse can help them feel your support. For example, leave a note on the mirror as a little momento of positive energy. Share one thing that you love about your partner and write it down. Or, you can leave a handwritten note in your partner’s gym bag sprayed with your perfume. To add, go the extra mile to help your spouse feel special, and your marriage will be filled with more love.
New London, CT couples therapy can help with distress, anger, and releasing tension
Remember, once you are in a long-term relationship, that is when the fun begins. Make an effort to seek out marriage counseling if you feel distress. As well, catch your problems before they snowball into frustrations. Our marriage counselors are here to help save your relationship and build an even better one. In your long–term relationship, marriage counseling can be the positive playfulness you’ve been looking for. As well, Marriage Counseling helps you grow together and find exciting new hobbies. You can talk about goals for your health. As well, you can find ways to build trust, and how to improve touch and emotional intimacy.