Now, is your marriage sexless and is intimacy lacking?
Are you or your spouse struggling with a pornography addiction?
Wondering where the passionate, sexy, intimate, and hot and heavy moments have gone and how to bring them back?
Does it feel like you and your spouse are business partners or room mates, like two ships passing in the night?
Does it feel like your partner compulsively uses pornography over spending time with you?
How can Melbourne, Florida couples therapy help me and my spouse improve our intimacy and sex life?
You and your partner may experience a decrease in your sex life for many reasons. And, pornography addiction may be one of those marital problems that negatively impacts your intimacy. Melbourne, Florida couples counseling can help you and your spouse talk about and heal from pornography addiction together.
Additionally, when sexual passion decreases, it can lead to feelings of insecurity and fear. For one, you might be wondering if you are lovable when you are not having sex anymore. In a sexless marriage, you doubt your partner still wants to be intimate with you.
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Are you making sexual advances and it feels like your partner rejects you constantly?
As well, you feel confusion and sadness because you are making sexual advances. But, it seems you partner is always busy. Your partner might be giving you a hard, “No.” And, it might feel really hard to figure out how to get through this block.
To add, your partner is rejecting your sexual advances regularly and doesn’t seem to be interested. Let’s talk about the hurt, rejection, loss, anger, and sexual needs you have in couples therapy in Melbourne, Florida. Being rejected can be very painful emotionally. When you are trying to show affection, it feels that your partner can not show it back.
At one time, you may have had a very passionate, hot and heavy sex life. But now, everything has changed.
You wonder where the good sex went and how to get back to that. Maybe, it feels like sex isn’t important anymore, but you want it to be a priority again.
Without marriage counseling, it feels difficult to bring back the intimacy. Melbourne, Florida couples counseling improve your sex life, intimacy, and talk about pornography addiction issues.
When you or your spouse have a pornography addiction, this can cause intimacy problems.
To start, people who struggle with pornography addiction may experience cravings to view more and more. As well, you may have a pornography addiction if you crave watching it.
You might think about pornography when at work, when having sex, and when with your friends. With a pornography addiction, may find yourself sneaking away to watch it.

To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for Melbourne, Florida couples counseling to improve sex and intimacy.
Pornography addiction can cause major marriage problems and Melbourne, Florida couples counseling can help.
As well, you may make excuses to avoid have sex with your partner. When anyone confronts you about your pornography use, you’ll give an excuse or get defensive.
When your spouse asks you about watching porn, you may minimize your use. Maybe, you feel the need to watch pornography two times per day. When you spouse asks you about it, you lie and tell them yo only watch it two times per week, not per day. Lies may start when questioned about your pornography use and addiction.
Melbourne, Florida couples counseling can help if you have a pornography addiction and if you are unable to stop using or viewing pornography.
Despite trying to stop pornography use on your own, it feels impossible to stop. Each time you watch pornography, you feel more and more of a high.
Additionally, with pornography addiction, you are spending more and more time on the internet. In Melbourne, Florida, couples counseling can give you both the safe space to talk about pornography addiction. You can share how you feel about your partner’s addictive behaviors. As well, your spouse can talk about why they may feel the need to numb out and use pornography compulsively.

To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for Melbourne, Florida couples counseling to improve sex and intimacy.
As well, if you’re addicted to porn, you’ll likely lose interest sexual experiences with your spouse.
As well, your sexual experiences with your spouse may become boring or dull from pornography use. With pornography addiction, you may find your partner less interesting and less attractive than before your addiction. Plus, people with pornography addiction tend to become unresponsive to romantic advances their spouse or romantic partner.
When porn addictions evolve, a person require more and more genital stimulation to feel the slightest bit of sexual arousal. Melbourne, Florida couples counseling can be a confidential place to overcome pornography addiction and rebuild intimacy. Lastly, you can talk, connect, and rebuild emotional intimacy in marriage counseling as a unit and team.
Over time, pornography addiction creates distance between couples.
The spouse of a pornography addict may develop low self-worth. Additionally, the spouse of a pornography addict loss and grief due to decrease in sexual connection.
Also, the spouse of a pornography addict may become sad, distant or aloof due to the disconnection. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Melbourne, Florida, the team of marriage therapists helps couples with pornography addictions.

In Melbourne, Florida, couples counseling can help improve your sex life and emotional intimacy.
In addition to pornography addiction, other issues can impact sex life, pleasure, and intimacy. At times, marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida can include topics of physical anatomy as well as emotional intimacy.
Maybe, your vagina feels less wet. So, sexual intercourse is not uncomfortable or even painful. Perhaps, your partner just goes for it and grabs you. Instead, you would like a more sensual, delicate, and slow entrance into a sexual experience.
Perhaps, your spouse needs help understand female anatomy and finding and stimulating your clit.
As well, when talking about physical anatomy, pressure of touch makes a huge difference in pleasure. So, your partner may have a domineering, firm, heavy touch. However, you are desiring a more sensitive, soft touch.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for Melbourne, Florida couples counseling to improve sex and intimacy.
Different marriage therapy experiences and homework can help couples get on the same page sexually.

How can Melbourne, Florida couples counseling bring back passion and sexual pleasure?
Many times, couples stop making out, stop kissing, and stop scheduling time to even be naked together. Additionally, having a child, stressors around child care, sleeping problems, insomnia, addiction, and even stressors at home can cause problems with sex drive and libido.
Plus, pregnancy can create sexual pleasure changes in both partners. Sometimes, one partner takes on the role of caretaker, which makes being sexually playful more challenging.
Additionally, menopause or having a major surgery like a hysterectomy decreases sexual desire. Having a newborn baby can make sex hard too. In Melbourne, Florida couples therapy, you can have a safe place to talk about your body image and sexual desire.

In addition, career stress can cause issues with sexual activity.
Essentially, your body creates hormones every day. And, stress from childcare to career development hinders sexual arousal. For example, stress hormones take priority over sex hormones.
So, when you are under career stress, your body has trouble getting sexually playful. As well, when you are worrying about the future, sexual excitement becomes more challenging. Sometimes, life feels very busy and overwhelming. So, it feels like there’s no time for cuddling and kissing.
To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for Melbourne, Florida couples counseling to improve sex and intimacy.
Melbourne, Florida couples counseling can help when you and your partner have sex drive and libido differences
One of you may have a high sex drive any other person may have a low sex drive. For instance, one of you may want to have sex daily.
On the other hand, you partner only desires sexual experiences weekly. Learning to talk about libido differences is a large part of marriage therapy in Melbourne, Florida. Your emotions of rejection, disappointment, fear, and anxiety get to have a voice in couples counseling.

Enjoying your intimate relationship means learning how to have a healthy sexual experience together.
To note, we do not learn these skills in school. Often, couples do not get the opportunity to learn to love each other deeply until sexual problems occur.
Therefore, from marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida, you can develop more a passionate, sensual relationship. Talking about touch and building a positive sex life are part of marriage counseling.
Cultural and religious shame play a role in sexual expression and expression of desire
As well, you can have a safe place to talk about cultural shame. To note, growing up in a strict, religious home means you grew up around cultural shame. Maybe, one of your parents shamed you for having sex for the first itme. Or, you felt afraid to talk to your parents about sex because you would get in trouble.
As well, you parents may have told you that you should to be a virgin until marriage. But, you had sex behind their back. Guilt, shame, and fear around sex stays with us into adult years. Additionally, some people who grow up in a strict religious homes become afraid fo their bodies. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can team up to overcome sexual shame and guilt from generations into the past.
This way, you can create the most intimate, amazing, meaningful sexual relationship in the present moment.

To begin, click the button below to book your phone consult for Melbourne, Florida couples counseling to improve sex and intimacy.
Melbourne, Florida couples counseling can help you if you grew up in a strict religious home and carry shame and guilt around sexual pleasure
You may carry shame a guilt and believe that you don’t deserve sexual pleasure. Perhaps, your religion tells you that sex is bad or you shouldn’t enjoy it. Maybe, you feel guilt for enjoying sex, as sex was taboo in your house growing up.
You never even saw you parents kiss or show affection, so you wonder if it is okay to do so as an adult. As well, growing up in a strict religious home may make you feel that you can’t be religious anymore if you enjoy sex.
You feel torn between picking the religious your parents taught you verses a healthy, sexual relationship with your spouse. Right now, with cultural and sexual shame, enjoying sex may cause you to feel dirty or un pure.
Talking about these cultural problems and overcoming sexual shame is a huge part of marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida.
More so, marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida give you a safe place to talk about anxiety around sexual performance. You may worry that you can’t preform sexually.
Additionally, you can also talk about anatomical sexual issues that you are experiencing. You might feel pressure to have sex with your partner. Any sexual performance anxiety can cause sexual problems.

Additionally, maybe there is some emotional relationship dynamic that has been dampening your desire or causing you to feel uneasy.
Talking about sex and the emotions around sex is a big part of marriage counseling. Pornography addiction can cause major marriage issues. And, sex is not just intercourse. Melbourne, Florida marriage counseling can be a safe place to talk about foreplay too.
As well, your marriage therapist in Melbourne, Florida can help you develop playfulness, passion, and help you be flirtatious. You can learn ways to connect with your spouse that feel safe, silly, and prioritize intimacy. Furthermore, you can talk about the differences and sexual desire. Maybe, one of you has certain times of the day where sex feels better.
Learning to get in the mood takes time and the help of a professional marriage therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Melbourne, Florida.

Gain tools to bring back the pulse of desire and sexual passion is a huge benefit of marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida.