Marriage therapy for emotional affairs is a speciality at Wisdom Within Counseling. Emotional affairs and physical affairs can be incredibly heartbreaking for your marriage. Sometimes, couples counseling uncovers that both people have been taking part in negative behaviors that contribute to infidelity. There can be many issues under the surface of infidelity. As well, couples in counseling may realize there have been a variety of cracks in their marriage’s foundation upon discussing infidelity. Counseling with an infidelity specialist and marriage therapist at Wisdom Within can improve your communication and trust like never before.
To begin, click the button below to start with a phone consultation for marriage counseling.
Is your partner cheating and you’re feeling betrayed?
Finding out your partner is cheating on you can lead to feelings of insecurity, loss, anger, and jealousy. You may feel betrayal, hurt, and anxiety due to your partner’s lying and dishonesty. Working with an infidelity specialist and couples therapist can help spouses talk about living with integrity on a personal level. As well, you and your partner can understand the root cause of issues and start re-building a loving, meaningful life together.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team of therapists specialize in marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical cheating.
Where do communication skills and infidelity counseling intersect?
For one, you may feel afraid to have an important conversation with your spouse about what has been missing in your marriage. Or, you may feel like you’ve tried explaining what you need, and how you feel, but you feels pushed aside. Maybe, you feel that your spouse doesn’t spend enough time with you, so you’ve started talking to a work friend. Perhaps, your spouse has been avoiding your feelings and you felt you had no other option.
]There is no way to take away the pain, betrayal, and hurt caused by cheating. Wether you are cheating, or your spouse has been cheating, couples therapy can help you deal with the pain. Painful emotions after cheating like loss, grief, guilt, shame, hurt, betrayal, and anxiety are very real. However, marriage counseling can be a safe place to understand how to heal after realizing the emotional pain in there now. From marital counseling for infidelity, you and your spouse can better understand the root causes and function of infidelity.
Why do people cheat?
After working with an infidelity specialist and couples counselor, you and your partner may realize what has been missing.
For one, part of what leads to infidelity is that many couples no longer are having emotionally vulnerable, important conversations. Thinking back to 10 or 15 years ago, you were madly in love. But now, it feels like you are the last thing on your partner’s list. It feels like your needs come last. When couples are cheating or unfaithful, they are often feeling unwanted. Overall, at Wisdom Within Counseling, working with an infidelity specialist helps you put your marriage first again.

To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for start in marriage counseling and work with an infidelity specialist for meaningful connection.
How do emotional affairs start?
Emotional affairs do not start with sexual pictures, but months and years before. To note, an emotional affair is often about fulfilling an intimacy need that may be lacking in your marriage. In looking for that emotional need to be met, a person ends up bonding about troubles in their marriage with someone else. In an emotional affair, a person commonly speaks negatively about their spouse to their affair partner. Sometimes, emotional affairs lead to physical affairs. Wisdom Within Counseling can help you heal from the hurt and repair connection together after an emotional affair.

If you or your partner are having an emotional or physical affair, counseling can help you work on your marriage.
Learning to rebuild the foundation of your marriage means talking about connection, intimacy, and trust. After you find out your partner is having an emotional or physical affair, you may have a high level of anxiety.
Feeling skeptical about your spouse’s location? Are they still lying?
It is very normal for the partner, who feels betrayed to feel highly skeptical. Anxiety may be at an all-time high as you wonder about your spouse’s whereabouts.
Marriage therapy can help you deal and cope with anxiety in healthy ways.
It might be hard to believe anything they say after you find out they have been having an emotional or physical affair. Emotional and physical affairs can be equally as painful. Any sort of lying can create a massive crack in the foundation of the loving relationship you thought you had.
However, even though it hurts so much to find out, your partner has been having an emotional or physical affair, this is actually a very important step to get counseling.
Often times, counseling after a physical or emotional affair leads to the deepest and most intimate conversation couples have ever had.
Many times, before, and emotional or physical affair is uncovered, a couple is not feeling close.

Are you cheating on your spouse and feeling guilty?
If you have made a mistake and want to work together in your marriage, meeting with an infidelity specialist can help. It can be challenging to realize you have been unfaithful and want help.
There can be shame, guilt, self-hatred, and denial associated with cheating behaviors. As well, if you have been emotionally cheating, you need and deserve professional therapy too. In counseling, you can share about emotions you have not yet communicated.
Often, a person cheats because they lack important communication skills and feel unwanted or alone in their marriage. As well, cheating can take place because you are missing some level of intimacy that you deeply need. The lack of communication is a major marriage issue that couples counseling can address.
A physical or emotional affair is often a sign of a much larger issue in your marriage.
Marriage counseling for physical and emotional affairs can help you understand the deeper root issues.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for start in marriage counseling and work with an infidelity specialist for meaningful connection.
What leads to deeper marital issues and marriage problems and how can couples counseling help?
Having an emotional affair is truly a symptom of a deeper issue within your marriage. Working on your marriage in couples counseling can help you understand what needs to be repaired.
Criticism, anger, and name calling will lead to marriage arguments
For instance, any sort of criticism can lead to distrust and disconnection. Criticism can lead to hurt feelings for both people. Furthermore, belittling and name calling are major indicators of divorce and separation, not to mention affairs. Being called derogatory names when your spouse has been drinking alcohol can be very emotionally draining.
As well, anger and aggressive language can create a crack in your marriage’s foundation.
Any cracks in your relationship foundation can lead to emotional and physical cheating and infidelity behaviors of numbing.
Explosive anger can be emotionally damaging for your marriage. Having arguments over and over can lead to emotional exhaustion. Feeling hopeless and upset about your marriage can be very tiring. Depending on a spouse’s childhood experience, anger can trigger PTSD symptoms.

Surface conversations don’t lead to emotional vulnerability
Sometimes, couples who are seeking an emotional or physical affair, will engage in surface conversations with one another. Rather than having deep and emotionally, vulnerable conversations, couples, just talk about the weather. Lack of emotional bonding can lead to emotional and physical affairs.
Overall, a person takes part in an emotional and physical affair, because they are lacking some thing in their marriage.
Additionally, in your marriage, there might be a lack of meaningful apologies. An apology is meaningless when someone keeps doing the same behavior over and over after apologizing. If there is a rupture or disagreement, and it gets out of hand, it might be difficult for you, or your partner to truly apologize. Understanding the need and importance of behavior changes after apologizing is key in a healthy marriage. Learning to apologize and maintain change are important parts of bringing your best self to your romantic relationship.
Learn to overcome the silent treatment and better your marriage in counseling
Apologizing after a fight can improve your repair skills in your marriage. However, some couples get stuck in the silent treatment. Not talking and avoiding issues are signs your marriage is not strong. Giving a meaningful apology can be difficult. If you didn’t see your parents or caregivers do so growing up, apologizing can be confusing. To note, learning to say, “I am sorry,” is important in any healthy marraige. The process of marriage counseling can help you understand how to grow the love you want in your marriage.
Couples can learn, in counseling, how to meet intimacy needs for their partner on a physical and emotional level.

Sexual needs can be a big reason why a person becomes unfaithful, or has an affair.
Affairs are never a healthy way to cope. Couples therapy in Connecticut can help spouses understand healthier ways to cope with stress and painful emotions. To note, emotional and physical affairs are an indirect way to communicate something is wrong in the marriage.
Sexual education, understanding, female, pleasure, and talking about sex in a confident way can all be part of couples therapy.
Often times, our society does not give us proper sexual health, education, and couples go into marriage without this information. Until working with a sex and intimacy therapist, couples often don’t know what a clitoris is. The clitoris is essential when it comes to female pleasure and sexual satisfaction. A female’s sexual partner and spouse may have questions about finding her clitoris. As well, a female may not even know how to express her sexuality. Sometimes, females and males feel their sexual interests are shameful due to a strict religious upbringing. Overcoming cultural shame around sexual pleasure can be a great topic in your couples counseling experience. Many times, our culture puts too much focus on vaginal penetration as sex. Sex can be a triggering subject and talking about it in couples counseling can be very positive.
How can intimacy and sex therapy support couples in gaining confidence to talk about sex?
There is not enough focus in our society on sexual foreplay, sexual expression, and sexual activities besides vaginal penetration. So often, sexual experiences couples are having are too routine. There is not enough variety or mystery in sexual play as there could be from working with a sex and intimacy therapist at Wisdom Within. What is the problem with quickies?
Well, the female orgasmic system takes more time than the male body to become sexually aroused.
The male body needs about 4-7 minutes of sexual play and teasing to become aroused sexually. Jumping right to vaginal penetration can lead to painful sex due to lack of lubrication. A female’s body needs about 45-90 minutes of sexual foreplay to become aroused. With more foreplay, a female’s body will becomes sexually turned on and aroused. During the process of sexual arousal, a female’s clitoris will become engorged with blood. This process of sexual arousal also lubricates her vagina naturally. Too much focus on vaginal penetration can lead to painful, boring sex. So, if only 5-10 minutes is dedicated to sexual foreplay, a female’s vagina will not have enough time to get wet and lubricated.
Couples who suffer from affairs and unfaithful behavior can also be impacted by sexual issues from low desire disorders and low libido to premature ejaculation.
Sex and intimacy therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can be a safe place to talk about sexual dysfunction like premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.
In sex and intimacy therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling, couples learn how to diversify their sexual activities.
Having more time making out, passionately kissing, touching zone, and oral sex can be incredible. Spicing up your sex life and making your sex life more playful are positive benefits of marriage, sex, and intimacy therapy. Making time for each other and for a healthy sex life can come from working with a marriage therapist.
As well, intimacy and marriage therapy can help you feel confident using new sex toys, vibrators, and exploring BDSM.
Truly learning to understand your partner’s sexual needs and embracing them as a sexually expressive being is important. Working with a sex, intimacy, and marriage therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can support growing a healthy, satisfying sex life.

To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for start in marriage counseling and work with an infidelity specialist for meaningful connection.
Healing after an emotional and physical affair means truly talking about sex in a positive and confident way.
Often times, couples will shy away from talking about sex. However, sexual needs are a big contributors to emotional affairs and infidelity. Sometimes, sex is a triggering topic due to a past history of sexual abuse, rape, or incest.

If you or your partner have a history of childhood sexual abuse, therapy can really help your marriage. Sexual trauma can lead to marital conflicts and sexual arousal issues. For instance, fear and trauma shape a growing person’s mind.
Any experiences of sexual trauma may lead you or your spouse to have uncomfortable feelings during sexual intercourse.
A trauma response to sexual touching could be tears. For instance, your partner may start randomly crying when their body is touched. Working with a therapist who understands trauma and C-PTSD can help your partner feel safe sharing their trauma story. As well, after sexual trauma, you or your spouse may be closed off sexually. It is normal to push away sexuality and sexual expressiveness after sexual trauma. Overall, talking about a history of sexual trauma can promote understanding, connection, and intimacy in couples counseling for infidelity recovery.
Talking about sexuality and sexual needs in marriage therapy for infidelity can create a strong marital foundation.
Affairs can start due to sexual rejection.
If one person feels sexually rejected, they may feel unimportant and try to get sexual needs met from outside the marriage.
As well, sexual intercourse may be uncomfortable or painful, and this may be a reason for not wanting to have sex. And, declining sex repeatedly may come off as sexual rejection and lead to an affair. There can be a number of reasons underneath as to why a person doesn’t want to have sex. Sexual trauma experiences can play a role in declining sex too.
Couples therapy can be a safe place to artfully communicate sexual desires and sexual needs.
To note, asking for sex can get awkward and be tricky. We can not always meet our partner’s needs, but we can see and hear them. You can use new skills to share with your partner you’d like a different form of intimacy than sex or physical intimacy.
Being physically intimate and having a positive sex life takes time, presence, and commitment. The intimacy specialists and holistic marriage therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you rebuild your sexual intimacy.
Couples therapy for infidelity and affairs can be a safe space to learn about what your partner needs sexually.
Having sex after betrayal again can be a big step.
Simply having sex again after a trust wound or betrayal can be a great thing to talk about in couples counseling for affair recovery. At Wisdom Within Counseling, the team of couples therapists specialize in marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical cheating.
Many couples don’t feel sexually safe together due to dishonesty after an emotional or physical affair.
Sexual intercourse can be the most intimate experience after repairing trust. But, long before the affair took place, couples have stopped having a good sex life.

Marriage counseling can help improve your sex, life, and help you have confident conversations about your sexuality.
Many times, females, grind their teeth through dissatisfying and even painful sexual intercourse. As a female, you can learn how to talk about what you like sexually and what areas of your body you want touched.
And, you can talk about what causes you to feel safe and open sexually. For instance, you might like to have your belly kissed, but your partner doesn’t like to receive belly kisses themselves.
Maybe, you love getting your head scratched, but your partner prefers back rubs. Each person has certain areas that they love being touched and areas they don’t. Being able to confidently share in couples therapy, what you like, and what you don’t, is essential for a healthy marriage. Furthermore, learning about the female orgasmic system, how to orgasm, and how to have multiple orgasms are all great topics for marriage counseling.
To begin, click below for marriage therapy for emotional affairs and infidelity counseling for relationship healing.
Stress that is not handled well can lead to emotional and physical affairs
To add, different, stressful events can lead to cracks in your marriage’s foundation.
Wanting and trying for a baby can be stressful
You and your spouse may be wanting to have a child together. It feels like sex is now an obligation or some thing that has become a chore. Trying to have a baby together can be exciting, but also make sexual activity and sexual intercourse feel like a responsibility.
Miscarriage and unexpected loss
For instance, having a miscarriage can be a major grief and loss experience for both spouses. Then, after all the effort you have put in, you end up having a miscarriage. Miscarrying, along with other losses can be very challenging for a couples and create a rocky foundation. Losing a loved one, loss of a parent, or loss of a child, can all lead to marital issues. Working with the team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling helps couples handle loss and trauma in healthy ways together.
Having a sibling or family member who is an alcoholic or drug addict
If you have a sibling with a substance use issue or alcohol problem, these can be stressful.

New responsilbities can be great topics for marriage therapy
Even the most exciting responsibilities can add stress such as buying a home together or renovating your current home. Parenting stress can take a big toll on your marriage and romance. For instance, you may feel on different pages with your spouse over parenting values. How to discipline and teach children can divide parents and take away all romance. Deciding if you are going to bring your children to church can be stressful. Growing your family, buying your teen’s first car, and sending your child to college are all stressful responsilbities.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for start in marriage counseling and work with an infidelity specialist for meaningful connection.
You get a safe place to talk about money and financial stress with an infidelity specialist and couples therapist at Wisdom Within
Financial stress can lead to marital conflicts, disagreements, and disconnection. Finding out your partner has been hiding credit card debt behind your back can be anxiety provoking. Financial stress in your marriage can lead to a lack of communication.

What is the problem with too much stress?
When couples are not dealing with stressful events in healthy ways, and do not have healthy communication skills, they are more likely to have an emotional or physical affair. Emotional and physical infidelity comes from a lack of connection.
And, when stressors are not being dealt with in healthy ways, this can lead to a lack of connection in your marriage.
Marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical cheating is a couples counseling helps couples heal and recovery after an affair.
Working with an infidelity specialist and marriage therapist can help make time set aside each week to promote more connection.
Instead of feeling afraid to talk to your partner about money because it could make them angry is not a good place to be in. Instead, working with an infidelity specialist and couples therapist, you can have time each week to have important discussions calmly. At Wisdom Within Counseling, in additional to talk therapy, the couples therapists offer holistic options. Mind-body therapy and holistic counseling methods support self-care skills. For instance, yoga, art, painting, and clay can be parts of your couples therapy experience. When it comes to healing in marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical infidelity, painting can be very positive. Art and painting give couples access to a language beyond words, that talking can’t provide. As well, holistic, mind-body therapies give creative outlets to couples.
Holistic marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical infidelity can bring couples back together through yoga, meditation, and creative arts.

How do you learn stress management skills by working with an infidelity specialist and couples therapist?
You can learn how to manage stress, such as three breathing, yoga, classes, meditations, and even do these right in in session.
Through holistic couples therapy, you can learn how to lower your stress levels right in counseling through doing 10 minute of breathing at the end of your therapy session. Or, your infidelity specialist and couples therapist can teach you both a 10 minute guided meditation for mental clarity. Reducing anxiety through holistic marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical infidelity has many benefits.
Marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical cheating is a couples counseling speciality available at Wisdom Within Counseling.

Learning mind-body practices can help you be more in tune with your own anger levels, and reduce stress inside yourself.
Learning to reduce your stress on a personal level will help you be more authentic and calm in your marriage. By being more grounded, you can start to understand how to share what you are feeling in a calm way.
Holistic counseling helps couples, lower anxiety and feel more emotionally vulnerable while healing from infidelity.

After an affair or unfaithfulness, anger, anxiety, and fear can lead couples to get into nasty arguments.
Without the the help of a professional infidelity therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling, couples may have high conflict fights. Angry words can lead to battles and disagreements that never seem to be solved. Often, couples are talking in ways that are dysfunctional. Then, each person’s heart rate is increasing and blood pressure goes up in a fight. Often, high conflict fights start off with small matters, but snowball quickly. Maybe, you don’t find your partner’s jokes funny, especially on sensitive subjects. And, they joke about hurtful things which makes you angrier. Then, before you know it, you are both yelling and saying intentionally hurtful things. Yelling, name calling, and door slamming are unhealthy communication skills.
If you have high conflict fights with yelling and door slamming, marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical infidelity can help.
Are you using hurtful communication styles?
Name calling never helps a romantic, intimate relationship improve. Being called names or criticized can be upsetting and lead to hurt feelings. However, these negative communication skills are very common after affairs and infidelity.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn to be emotionally vulnerable. Infidelity counseling and marriage therapy can help you and your partner talk about intense feelings calmly. Wether you feel hurt, betrayal, or anger, marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical infidelity supports better communication.
Learning to take a break from fighting is an important skill for building a healthy marriage.

To begin, click below for marriage therapy for emotional affairs and healing.
You can learn to being your best self to your marriage through working with an affair and infidelity specialist.
Different stressors can impact couples differently. Without stress management, skills, married couples may take part in negative coping strategies such as affairs.
Other negative strategies may include drinking too much alcohol, staying out late with friends, rather than spending time with family, or spending too much time at work.
Alcoholism doesn’t help your relationship
Marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical infidelity can help you choose positive coping tools
You might notice your alcohol consumption increases slowly. At first, you were just drinking on the weekends, but now you are drinking every day after work. Maybe, you are fighting more when one of both of you are drinking alcohol.
Instead of having a beer with dinner, you are starting to have a beer in the first moment you walk through the door. Instead of just having one, now you are having three or five or ten per night. Alcoholism can impact your marriage negatively. Overall, marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical infidelity can help you understand how alcohol has an influence on fights.
Being a work-a-holic doesn’t help your marriage
Instead of getting home from work and going to your spouses work party or your child sports game, you spend an extra five hours at work, avoiding loved ones can be a sign of depression and numbing out.
As well, if your marriage feels lonely, and you start having emotional or physical affair, this is a negative coping strategy.
You might be lacking in important communication skills to talk about what you are really feeling.
As well, your spouse may need help in marital counseling addressing different childhood traumas that are resurfacing in the marriage.
Marriage Therapy for Emotional Affairs and Working with an Infidelity Specialist Can Heal Your Relationship

Working with a marriage specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling, can help you and your spouse understand how the affair took place.
Affairs and infidelity may lead to grief and loss of what you thought you had. From counseling, you get to rebuild an even stronger, more connected relationship afterwards.
If you have just found out that your partner is having an emotional or physical affair, the first step is to release and find outlets for your anger.
It is normal to feel angry that your partner has been lying to you. However, expressing your anger in an aggressive way will not help your marriage improve.
Instead, working with an infidelity specialist, can help you understand How your marriage got to the place it is in now. After meeting with an infidelity specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can have goals to improve your marriage. Your couples therapist can help make a plan for steps to build trust, check in with one another, and rebuild your marriage.
You and your partner can work to restructure your communication to be healthier. As well, you can talk about what trust, honesty, and meaningful connection mean to you.
By building healthier communication skills, you can start to build an even healthier foundation for your marriage. It’s normal to have anxiety and feel overwhelmed after dishonesty and infidelity have come into your marriage and romantic relationship.
Marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical infidelity can be a beautiful, meaningful process of intimacy and hope.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we specialize in infidelity and marriage therapy for emotional affairs and physical cheating.
By working with an infidelity specialist and couples therapist, you can learn how to release big, intense feelings in healthy ways, especially during times of high emotion. You can find positive coping strategies, heal, and learn how to reconnect with your spouse.