Are you feeling sexually frustrated and rejected because your wife has a low desire for sex and isn’t attracted to you? Or, are you as a female, yourself, struggling because you have a disinterest in sex and you see how this is hurting your partner? Is your sex life not where you want it to be? Do you have past memories of having, passionate, “hot and heavy,” sex? But, now, one of you has completely lost interest in sexy time together? Is your lack of sexual activity straining your marriage? At Wisdom Within Counseling, we specialize in intimacy, sexual desire disorders, low libido issues in couples therapy, and low sexual desire counseling. For many women, who have low libido and low sex drive, counseling can be helpful.
To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Do you have no interest in any type of sexual experience or sexual activity? As well, have you stopped masturbating, or don’t find masturbation important to you at all? Is your disinterest in sexual activity and sexual fantasies leading to stress, frustration, and disconnection in your marriage? Would you like help exploring sexual fantasies, sexual insecurities, and gaining sexual confidence? Does your partner, or do you, find it a struggle to get your sexy on?

To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
What issues can cause you and your partner to need help and how can low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy help?
Do you think back and imagine a time when your relationship was a blazing hot firework show in the beginning? Wanting the passion, spark, and sizzling chemistry back? Yet, as time has gone on, has life tossed in its surprises that have unfortunately caused sexual problems? Now, your once wild flames and not as sexually explosive anymore, and sex may not be happening at all.
You wonder, “What happened to our hot and heavy connection?”
Well, many aspects of life can lead to low sexual desire and low libido issues. For one, the mundane routine, laundry, grocery shopping, work deadlines, health issues – they become the unexpected villains in this story. Is sex, when you do have it, boring, dull, or the same every time? Right now, there may be no sexual diversity, sexual excitement, or novelty in your relationship anymore? It’s like ordering the same pizza every Friday.
Stress at work can be all consuming and overwhelming. Life gets busy, and suddenly, the only marathon you’re interested in involves your favorite TV series. The mental and emotional toll of adulting and paying bills can be exhausting. Being emotionally exhausted, leaving little energy for the spontaneous escapades that once defined your relationship.
Communication issues, unresolved conflicts, aggressive, high conflict fights, defensivness, and resentment can absolutely lead to low sexual desire issues. then, you feel tense, and never talk about unspoken desires and fantasies.
Pornography addiction issues, alcoholism and addiction, body image issues, even having a strict, religious upbringing, and a history of sexual trauma can all play a role in a disinterest in sexual activity and low sexual desire disorders. To note, a past history of sexual trauma can leave sex stained with anxiety, fear, worry, and self-protection.
Our team of low sexual desire specialists and sexuality counselors at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you bring passion, newness, diversity, and fun back into your sexual relationship and help you try something new.
Alcoholism is a great reason to start in low sexual desire counseling and sexuality-focused marriage therapy
As well, alcohol use and alcoholism can have profound effects on both a female’s and male’s sex drive and libido. Alcohol significantly decreases connection and presence in your intimate relationship and leads to disconnection in your marriage. While moderate alcohol consumption may initially create a sense of relaxation and lowered inhibitions, excessive drinking can disrupt your delicate hormonal balance. Hormone balance is necessary for a healthy sexual function and libido. Chronic alcohol use can impair both your physical and psychological aspects of sexual performance. Overall, alcoholism and alcohol use results in decreased sexual desire and arousal.
One of the primary ways alcohol impacts sexual health and sexual desire negatively is through its depressant effects on your central nervous system.
High levels of alcohol can dampen your nerve impulses, leading to difficulties in achieving and maintaining an erection in men and a decrease in arousal in women. This physical aspect can contribute to sexual dissatisfaction and frustration. When one of you has a low libido, it can create a rift in your marital bond. Moreover, alcohol abuse interferes with your body’s ability to produce and regulate sex hormones. Hormonal imbalance further exacerbates issues related to libido.

To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy can help you both gain awareness of how alcohol use is harming your marriage and connection.
To add, the psychological toll of alcoholism on sexual health is equally significant. Alcohol is known to impair judgment and decision-making, potentially leading to risky sexual behaviors or poor communication between you both. Additionally, there is emotional strain of dealing with a partner’s alcoholism. In general, alcoholism leads to financial instability or erratic behavior, which can create stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety are detrimental to a healthy sex life. Essentially, emotional disconnection resulting from these challenges may further erode the intimacy within your marriage.
Alcoholism often brings lifestyle changes that can further contribute to sexual dysfunction.
When you or your partner are struggling with alcohol addiction, you may neglect self-care, leading to poor overall health. To add, this decline in health can have a direct impact on your sexual performance and desire. Additionally, alcohol-related issues may consume a significant amount of time and attention. Alcoholism becomes your first priority, leaving little room for intimacy and connection.
Addressing the impact of alcohol on a couple’s sex life requires a holistic approach.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy helps you better understand how alcoholism is causing damage.
You can learn healthy, positive coping tools for releasing intense emotions. Dealing with the root cause of low sexual desire and low libido can help restore your healthy sex life. In low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy, our Wisdom Within Counseling therapists teach open communication skills. We help you both foster understanding and empathy, and support each other emotionally. Overall, rebuilding intimacy may take time, but with a commitment to sobriety, Wisdom Within Counseling helps sexually frustrated, disconnected couples can work towards reconnecting and revitalizing their marriage.

To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Anti-depressant (SSRI) medications can be a cause for low libido issues and low sexual desire
Furthermore, antidepressant medications known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s), are commonly known to lower your interest in sex. They make it harder to get sexually aroused. These medications have very common side effects on your sex drive, libido, and decrease your sexual arousal. Working with your psychiatrist or your prescriber, when you are experiencing low sexual desire, can help you decide if tapering down off your antidepressant medication will be helpful for increasing your sex drive.

To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Also, sexual activity can naturally be an anti-depressant.
Having regular sexual activity can boost levels of dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin in your brain. These are all natural mood boosting chemicals. So, having regular, daily sexual activities can be a natural antidepressant.
It’s important never to taper off your antidepressant medication without the guidance and professional oversight of your psychiatrist or prescriber. To note, stopping antidepressant (SSRI) medication cold turkey can lead to suicidal thinking. It is important to always meet with your psychiatrist or prescriber to taper down off your antidepressant medication when you want to reduce the dose.
Overall, reducing the dose of your SSRI medication can have a positive impact on your sex drive, libido, and improve your sexual arousal.
You might start to see how your body can respond to your partners touch and get more excited when you are on a lower dose or are off of your SSRI medication.
Plus, positive lifestyle choices such as daily exercise every morning and also helps boost serotonin naturally. By exercising every day, you can work with your prescriber or psychiatrist to lower the dose or come off of your antidepressant medication. Daily exercise also boosts dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin, which are what you need to feel happy, balanced, and content with yourself during the day.

To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Diabetes and medical issues can lead to low sexual desire and low libido issues
Also, certain medical issues can impact your sexual desire. For instance, if you have diabetes, this impacts your ability to be sexually aroused. For females, the clitoral area requires blood circulation in order for sexual arousal, libido, and sexual desire to increase.
Diabetes can lead to low circulation issues. Therefore, when you struggle with a medical condition like diabetes, you may also struggle with low sexual desire and low libido. To note, this is because the clitoris and vulva area do not have adequate circulation in order to support sexual arousal and orgasm. Additionally, diabetes can affect your sex drive, and make it very difficult to become sexually aroused.
So, learning about nutrition, real, whole foods, and taking on holistic lifestyle choices can improve your body’s circulation.
Doing regular exercise can improve how your body circulates blood flow. This way, your body will be able to circulate blood flow to your genitals, vulva, and clitoris, supporting more sexual arousal and libido. As a result of taking on a holistic lifestyle and eating more healthy foods, these choices can have a positive effect on your sex drive and libido when you have diabetes.

To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Process life adjustments and pregnancy in low sexual desire counseling and sexuality-focused marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling
For one, life adjustment in life transitions can lead to a low libido and a diss interest in having sex. Getting pregnant can change a females sex drive and mess with hormones. As well, having a newborn baby, and parenting can be very stressful. It is quite a life adjustment. Even though these may be incredibly joyful life experiences, your sexual desires can fluctuate as a result.
Additionally, due to pregnancy, you may be adjusting to the shape and the weight of your new body.
Our culture puts a lot of pressure on women to look a certain way and be a certain weight. You may have an inner critic that pops up telling you that you have to look a certain way or change your weight in order to be sexy.
Essentially, low libido and low sexual desire counseling can help you learn that you can be sexy in the body that you have right now.
You don’t have to change the way your body looks to be sexy. Low desire counseling and couples therapy can help you and your partner build a sense of attraction to each other in the bodies that you currently have.

To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, low sexual desire counseling can help you bring your focus back to your sexuality and sex life.
You can talk about ways to vocalize your sexual desires and explore your own body sexually. And, you can learn to feel sexually confident after pregnancy in low sexual desire counseling.
Body image issues can lead to lack of sexual intimacy and low sex drive
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we specialize in low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy to help you develop body confidence.
Poor body image can significantly affect your sex drive and contribute to low libido issues. You might think you have to go on a diet to look sexy. As well, body image insecurities, inner criticism, or fad dieting creates intimacy issues and challenges and frustration within your marriage.
When you harbor negative perceptions about your body, you may have feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and self-consciousness, which are detrimental to your sexual confidence.
To add, these body image and weight insecurities often manifest as anxiety or avoidance of intimate, sexual situations, and any naked experiences that don’t include clothing. As well, body image issues can lead to decreased desire for sexual connection with your partner.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we give you a safe place to process the root causes of body image issues and overcome any societal-based body shame and guilt.
The media’s portrayal of idealized body types can contribute to the development of poor body image. Societal views put pressure on women especially to be thinner and thinner.
The influences of society and media create unrealistic expectations and you may feel pressured to meet these unrealistic social norms. This societal pressure can lead to dissatisfaction with your appearance, impacting self-esteem and, subsequently, the ability to give and receive sexual, intimate touch. To add, when you are constantly comparing your body to societal standards, this can create a sense of unworthiness.
Inner criticism of your body can cause sexual withdrawal and emotionally withdrawal.
Poor body image can also lead to performance anxiety in the bedroom. Fear of judgment and a preoccupation with perceived physical flaws may distract you from the pleasurable aspects of your sexual experience. This heightened self-awareness can impede the natural flow of intimacy and arousal, resulting in a decreased sex drive. Furthermore, frustration stemming from body image issues can further strain your marriage and relationship. Your lack of sexual connection can lead to emotional distance between you and your partner.
To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
In marriages where one or both partners struggle with poor body image, couples therapy supports skills for open communication.
Overall, addressing concerns and fears related to body image issues can foster understanding and support.
Essentially, our Wisdom Within Counseling team of sexuality specialists encourage a positive and affirming environment. You and your partner express appreciation for each other’s bodies to help alleviate insecurities though counseling. Furthermore, professional help, such as couples counseling and sexuality therapy, can provide valuable tools to navigate the emotional challenges associated with poor body image and its impact on your sex life.
Our team of intimacy and sexuality counselors give you a safe place to talk about your sex life, body image issues, and intimacy.
Cultivating a healthy body image through counseling involves recognizing and challenging negative thought patterns. At Wisdom Within Counseling, low libido and low sexual desire counselors and couples therapists promote self-acceptance. From acceptance, you can embrace your unique qualities and body shape.
In your marriage, couples counseling can support you both in gaining mutual support. Low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling supports you in building a commitment to emotional intimacy, which is key overcoming poor body image issues.
By fostering a positive self-image in individual and couples counseling, you can learn to overcome self-criticism. Our Wisdom Within Counseling team of therapists reinforce the emotional connection between you both. You and your partner can work together to restore and enhance your sexual well-being through positive self-talk and reassuring each other.
Overall, low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling supports body acceptance, sexual exploration, and sexual confidence.

Past sexual trauma experiences and complex PTSD can impact your sex drive and cause low libido leading to disinterest in sex and sexual avoidance
To start, experiencing past sexual trauma can leave lasting scars that profoundly impact your sex drive.
Sexual trauma and complex post-traumatic stress disorder contribute to low libido, disinterest in sex, and sexual avoidance.
When you have endured sexual trauma, you may develop complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). C-PTSD is a condition that encompasses not only the traditional symptoms of PTSD but also pervasive issues with emotional regulation, self-perception, and interpersonal relationships.
In your marriage, past sexual trauma can lead to sexual libido challenges, leading disconnection between you and your partner. At Wisdom Within Counseling, low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy can help you start telling your partner about your past. Couples counseling for sexual intimacy issues can be incredibly beneficial. Our team specializes in relationship counseling for intimacy revitalization.
To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
With C-PTSD, you feel afraid unwanted or non consensual touch may occur again.
C-PTSD often manifests in hypervigilance and a heightened startle response, making it difficult for survivors to feel safe and relaxed in intimate and sexual experiences.
Your trauma memories and emotions can resurface during sexual encounters. Then, these memories trigger anxiety and a desire to avoid sex altogether. Sexual avoidance can lead to a significant reduction in sexual desire.
In your marriage, due to sexual avoidance, you both may feel frustrated and disconnected.
When you are a survivor of sexual trauma, issues of trust and vulnerability can be particularly challenging. Intimate acts may evoke feelings of powerlessness and re-traumatization. These intense feelings diminish your desire for sexual connection. The emotional toll of navigating these complexities can create distance between you and your partner.
As you, as a survivor, cope with trauma symptoms, couples counseling can help you prioritize the need for intimacy within your marriage.
To add, the impact of past sexual trauma on libido extends beyond the bedroom, influencing your overall relationship dynamics. As a survivor, you may grapple with feelings of shame, guilt, or self-blame. These can inhibit emotional intimacy and communication.
The lack of open dialogue about the effects of trauma can lead to misunderstandings between you and your partner. Overall, couples counseling with a focus on intimacy can help you talk about the sense of disconnection within your marriage as a result of sexual trauma.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapists gives you a holistic, trauma-informed approach.
Addressing the impact of past sexual trauma on your marriage requires the help of our Wisdom Within Counseling professionals. Our team of marriage therapists offer a compassionate and trauma-informed approach.
Seeking therapy, both individually and as a couple, can provide a safe space for you, as a survivor of sexual trauma, explore and process your experiences.
Trauma-focused therapy offers coping mechanisms, communication strategies, and tools for rebuilding trust and intimacy. Couples therapy can help your partner develop patience and understanding for your past sexual trauma experiences.
As well, Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in fostering a safe environment for survivors of sexual trauma to gain support and empathy. In marriage therapy sessions for deeper intimacy, couples can work together to navigate the complexities of past sexual trauma and rebuild a connection.
When it comes to low sexual desire counseling, the root of sexual avoidance can stem from sexual trauma and sexual abuse.
Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling supports couples in rebuilding intimacy based on trust, communication, and understanding.

How can a strict, conservative, religious upbringing and lack of sex positive education can impact your sex drive and cause low libido?
Additionally, a strict, conservative, religious upbringing, coupled with a lack of sex-positive education, can significantly influence and your perception of sexuality. A negative view of sexual urges leads to a range of challenges in your intimate relationship and marital dynamic.
In a strict, conservative, religious upbringing, sex may be talked about with fear, shame, guilt and anxiety. You may have learned that sex was dirty or taboo growing up. Also, a strict, conservative, religious upbringing creates barriers to healthy sexual expression.
As well, in a strict, conservative, religious upbringing, you often don’t get sex positive education. Therefore, the absence of comprehensive sex education can leave you ill-equipped to understand your own desires and communicate effectively with your partner. To add, a strict, conservative, religious upbringing can result in low libido, disinterest in sex, and even sexual avoidance.
To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
At Wisdom Within Counseling low sexual desire counseling and sexuality-focused marriage therapy can provide you with sex positive education and tools to overcome religious shame, guilt and anxiety.
In conservative religious contexts, where discussions around sex are often limited or stigmatized, you may internalize negative beliefs about your body and sexual desires.
Furthermore, feelings of guilt or shame associated with sexuality contribute to a diminished sense of self-worth. As a result of a strict, conservative, religious upbringing, you may struggle to fully engage in sexual intimacy. You may struggle with shame, guilt, and anxiety around sexual activities due to a strict, conservative, religious upbringing.
Your reluctance to explore and express your sexual needs can lead to a lack of arousal and desire sexually. In general, a strict, conservative, religious upbringing leads to disconnection within your sexual, marital relationship.
The absence of sex-positive education may also result in misconceptions and unrealistic expectations regarding sex.
On that note, limited information about sexual anatomy, pleasure, and communication can hinder a couple’s ability to navigate the complexities of intimacy. Counseling can provide education on a female’s clitoris, lengthening foreplay, and ways to give and receive sexual pleasure. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can talk about sex confidently.
Our team of sexuality focused marriage counselors help you get familiar and comfortable talking about body parts, erogenous zones, orgasming, and sexual fantasies. Overall, the lack of understanding and open dialogue around sex may lead to frustration, disappointment, and a reluctance to engage in sexual activities.
A strict, conservative, religious upbringing can contribute to a decline in libido and lack of interest in sex.
More so, in a marriage when you are influenced by a strict, religious upbringing, you may grapple with the challenge of balancing sexual desires with religious teachings.
Couples who have had a a strict, conservative, religious upbringing may find it difficult to communicate openly about their sexual needs. You both may fear judgment or condemnation. To add, this internal conflict can create a disconnection between you and your partner, as you struggle to align your sexual desires with the values imposed by your upbringing.
Therefore, the result you may need help in your marriage to talk about sex and your sexual needs.
The team at Wisdom within Counseling specializes in teaching coping strategies and exercises for low libido couples. You both can gain skills for improving sexual communication in couples counseling.
Couples counseling with our sex and intimacy specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you learn about sex in a positive way when you were raised with a strict, conservative, religious upbringing.
In general, a strict, conservative, religious upbringing can contribute to a lack of sexual fulfillment and emotional intimacy in your relationship and marriage.
Addressing the impact of a conservative, religious upbringing on your marriage and sexual dynamics requires the help of the team at Wisdom Within Counseling. As well, our team of low sexual desire counselors and sexuality specialists offer a thoughtful, holistic, and open-minded approach.
Seeking sex-positive education from marriage counseling can help you both navigate the complexities of your religious beliefs and sexual desires.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team of qualified sexuality therapists and couples counselors provide a safe space for you to explore your sexuality.
Overall, low sexual desire counseling and marriage therapy can help you challenge restrictive beliefs, and develop communication strategies that promote understanding and intimacy.
Overcoming the challenges posed by a conservative upbringing requires a willingness to question ingrained beliefs and engage in open, honest conversations about sex, fostering a more fulfilling and connected marital relationship.

To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Work stress can lead to low libido and low sexual desire
Additionally, you may have a sexual arousal disorder and a low sex drive if you are stressed out at work.
Having a boss that you hate or being overworked can lead to this interest in sex. Your body only makes a certain number of hormones a day. When you are stressed out and burned out emotionally from work, your body prioritizes using your hormone reserves for stress management.
When all of your hormone reserves are used to manage stress, your body lives in a fight, flight, and Fries state.
This means that you live in a go, go, go mindset. It makes it very difficult for your nervous system to have anything left at the end of the day to make sex hormones. You may be emotionally burnt out and feel overly responsible at your job leading to issues with stress. Counseling for low sexual desire and low libido can help you learn how to manage stress in a healthy way.
During low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy, you can learn positive coping strategies and creative options for releasing work stress.

To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Family dysfunction and issues can cause low libido and low sexual desire
As a result, being overstressed due to family issues causes a lack of interest in sex and a lack of interest in sexual activity. As well, having family issues can lead to sexual problems. You may have a parent with a chronic health issue or a parent who has cancer.
Maybe, you struggle with a sibling who has addiction or alcoholism issues. Having family stress, or even a child with special needs can lead to low libido issues and a low sex drive in women. Let’s say you are a parent, and your child has special needs, your mind is constantly worried about your child. These parental anxieties and worries can take away from your ability to enjoy sexual pleasure or even be able to think about sex. Counseling can help you get more connected to sexual activities, sexual fantasies, and learn about masturbation.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy can help you sort through and release family dysfunction stress. Our team of therapists offer a sex-positive approach for couples who feel sexually disconnected. Intimacy counseling for low sex drive can help you feel closer, more bonded, and more sexually playful.

To begin, book your phone consult below for marriage and couples counseling for sexual intimacy issues.
Compulsive pornography addiction and low libido
Additionally, a compulsive pornography addiction can have negative consequences on your libido and sex drives. Furthermore, a compulsive pornography addiction can harm the connection in your intimate relationship. Watching pornography compulsively results in low libido, disinterest in sex, and sexual avoidance with a real life partner.
Excessive consumption of pornography can alter your sexual expectations and create a distorted perception of intimacy.
To note, the constant exposure to explicit porn content may desensitize you, making it difficult for you to find satisfaction in real-life sexual experiences. As a result, with a compulsive pornography addiction, you may withdraw from physical intimacy with your partner. When you experience a decline in sexual desire with your spouse, counseling can help you gain awareness if it could be from a compulsive pornography addiction.
Compulsive pornography use often leads to a cycle of shame and guilt, especially when it interferes with daily life or romantic relationships.
Wen you are struggling with addiction, you may experience anxiety about your sexual behaviors. You might feel anxious, guilty, or feel shameful after watching pornography, leading to a diminished sense of self-worth.
The shame associated with a pornography addiction can further hinder your ability to engage in healthy sexual relationships. Your sexual arousal system becomes trained and conditioned to only be aroused from pornography.
To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy with our intimacy specialists.
Feeding a compulsive pornography addiction leads to a disconnection between you and your partner in your marriage.
Plus, pornography addiction can also contribute to sexual avoidance within your romantic relationship. The constant availability of explicit material may create an alternative outlet for sexual satisfaction. You might feel that it is “easier” to watch pornography than engage sexually with your spouse. A compulsive pornography addiction can diminish your motivation to engage in physical intimacy with your partner. This avoidance of physical intimacy with your partner can lead to frustration and feelings of rejection on the part of the non-addicted partner, causing a significant strain on your marital relationship.
The impact of compulsive pornography use extends beyond the physical realm, affecting emotional intimacy within your marriage.
Furthermore, partners may feel neglected or emotionally distant as a result of the addict’s preoccupation with explicit material.
Trust issues may arise, and betrayal can lead to marital conflicts. To add, trust issues can further exacerbating the sense of disconnection.
The secretive nature of addiction can make it challenging for couples to communicate openly about their needs and concerns. As well, couples counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling can hinder the development of a strong emotional bond.
Overall, addressing a compulsive pornography addiction within a marriage requires a multi-faceted approach.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, specialize in treating the root cause of low sexual desire and low libido, such as pornography addiction.
Pornography addiction is a great reasons to start in low sexual desire counseling and marriage counseling.
Open communication is a skill our low sexual desire counselors teach in marriage therapy. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we allow both partners to express their feelings and concerns without judgment. You have a safe place to process the impact of trust issues, betrayal, and rebuilding emotional security.
Seeking professional help at Wisdom Within Counseling through low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy is very beneficial. Overall, our team at Wisdom Within Counseling offers a supportive environment for addressing the root causes of the pornography addiction. Your marriage therapist can help you in developing holistic, positive coping strategies for recovery.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in rebuilding trust, fostering emotional intimacy, and establishing healthy sexual boundaries.
Low libido and low sexual desire counseling provides you with crucial steps toward reconnecting within your marriage. Our therapists teach you skills for restoring a fulfilling sexual relationship after pornography addiction.

To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Fighting and conflict in your relationship can be great reasons to start in low libido and low sexual desire counseling
To note, the dynamics of your marriage are intricately linked to emotional well-being and sexual intimacy. If you are yelling, fighting, arguing, these negative communication patterns can significantly impact the sexual aspect of your relationship. Yelling, criticism, and a lack of emotional support create an atmosphere of hostility that erodes the emotional connection between you both.
Constant exposure to negative communication results in stress and anxiety. Relationship stress and anxiety are known contributors to a diminished sex drive and sexless marriage. When you or your partner feels criticized or unsupported, it can be challenging to feel safe and vulnerable in an intimate space. Constant yelling can lead to a decline in libido and disinterest in sex.
Sexual health counseling for couples helps you learn healthy, calm, and effective communication tools.
Defensiveness, a common response in the face of criticism and relationship conflict, which escalate tension and disconnection within your marriage.
When you and your partner become defensive, you both often close yourselves off emotionally. Many couples don’t realize that “being right” prevents disconnection. As well, stubbornness creates emotional shutdown. Negative communication problems hinder flirting and sexual passion. To add, defensive posture prevents resolving conflicts, leaving underlying issues unresolved.
To add, unaddressed conflicts is a breeding ground for resentment, which can cast a long shadow over the ability to have a healthy sex life.
Furthermore, frequent fighting and unresolved conflicts create a volatile environment that makes it difficult for couples to connect intimately.
The emotional fallout from ongoing disagreements can lead to a sense of disconnection and emotional exhaustion.
As well, the chronic stress associated with relationship discord can disrupt hormonal balance, contributing to a decrease in libido.
Couples caught in a cycle of conflict often find it challenging to shift their focus to the more tender, sexual aspects of their relationship. Constant negative communication hinders the development and maintenance of a healthy sexual connection.

To begin, book your phone consult below to reconnect sexually in couples counseling and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Resentment, from prolonged emotional distress and unmet needs, is a silent force that can really damage your marriage.
Resentment festers when conflicts remain unaddressed. When the emotional wounds caused by criticism, anger, and defensiveness go untreated, this negatively impacts your sex drive and libido.
The toxic nature of resentment can create emotional distance between you both, stifling the desire for physical intimacy.
A healthy sex life can’t evolve when there is lingering resentment.
Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling helps you shift away from yelling and power dynamics, and create a safe space for mutual pleasure and emotional connection. Our Wisdom Within Counseling therapists offer couples a toolkit for rebuilding sexual desire. Sexuality and intimacy counseling for low sex drive can help you feel confident sexuality and develop skills for giving and receiving love.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy, supports emotional intimacy.
Recognizing and identifying the detrimental impact of negative patterns on your marriage is the first step toward healing your sex life.
Seeking couples counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling provides a structured environment where you can explore and address negative communication challenges. Our skilled therapists can help you both develop healthier communication strategies, resolve conflicts, and rebuild emotional intimacy.
Through low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples therapy, you both can learn to express your emotional needs. Also, our team of marriage counselors teach you how to provide emotional support. And, at Wisdom Within Counseling, low libido and low sexual desire counseling and couples counseling helps you both foster a home life environment that supports a fulfilling, passionate, and vibrant sex life.

Couples therapy is an opportunity to break free from the destructive cycle of criticism, defensiveness, and resentment.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, your marriage therapist creates a space for you both to develop renewed connection and tools for a more satisfying marital relationship.
When you are struggling with low sexual desire and a low libido, there may be many pieces to the pie. Essentially, emotional turmoil, conflict, resentment, sexual trauma experiences, pornography addiction, medication side effects, a strict, religious upbringing, life transitions, work stress, and many aspects contribute to low sexual desire and a low libido. Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling can assess the issues leading to your low sexual desire and low libido. Then, low sexual desire counseling can give you a safe place to process the emotional aspects underneath your lack of interest in sex and sexual activities.
Overall, there are many issues that lead to marital disconnection and low sexual desire counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling can help.
To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Where do the Wisdom Within Counseling couples therapists and marriage counselors offer low libido and low sexual desire counseling?
In Florida, you can rekindle desire through couples therapy and intimacy and sexuality focused marriage therapy
Our team of couples counselors help individuals and couples with low sexual desire in Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Tallahassee, Fort Lauderdale, Port St. Lucie, Cape Coral, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, Miramar, Gainesville, Coral Springs, Clearwater, Miami Gardens, Palm Bay, Pompano Beach, West Palm Beach, Lakeland Davie, Boca Raton, Sunrise, Plantation, Miami Beach, Deltona, Largo, Deerfield Beach, Melbourne, Boynton Beach, Fort Myers, Lauderhill, Weston, Kissimmee, Homestead, Delray Beach, Daytona Beach, Tamarac, Wellington, North Miami, Jupiter, Margate, Coconut Creek, Sanford, Ocala, Sarasota, Pensacola, Bradenton, Palm Coast, Indialantic, Rockledge, and Cocoa Beach, Indian Harbour Beach, Key West, Florida.
Connecticut marriage counseling and intimacy and sexuality focused couples therapy can help you improve sexual communication
In Connecticut, we offer couples therapy in Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury, New Britain, Bristol, Meriden, West Haven, Milford, Middletown, Norwich, Shelton, Torrington, New London, Ansonia, Derby, Groton, Stratford, East Haven, Naugatuck, Newington, Westport, Wethersfield, Mansfield, South Windsor, Farmington, Windham, Ridgefield, North Haven, Simsbury, Guilford, Glastonbury, Trumbull, Bloomfield, Southington, Waterford, Mystic, Stonington, Ledyard, Gales Ferry, Colchester, Rocky Hill, Berlin, Brookfield, Darien, Branford, New Canaan, Monroe, New Fairfield, East Lyme, Madison, Southbury, Killingly, and Niantic.

To begin, book your phone consult below for low libido marriage therapy and low sexual desire counseling with our intimacy specialists.
Wisdom Within Counseling can help you both develop sexual confidence and expressing your sexual desires and needs more vulnerability.
Your relationship has evolved over time. Notably, various factors that contribute to changes in sex drive and lead to low libido issues, even when the beginning was marked by a hot and passionate connection.
Life’s demands and stressors can also play a significant role in dampening libido. As you navigate the complexities of work, family, and other responsibilities, the mental and emotional exhaustion can be a lot. Family and work stress leave little room for the spontaneity and sexual energy. Furthermore, fatigue and stress often contribute to a decrease in sexual desire.
Another factor in lack of sexual passion is communication breakdown and unresolved conflict. Miscommunication and challenges expressing desires and needs leaves emotional disconnection.
The lack of open dialogue about sexual preferences, fantasies, or concerns can create a disconnect in the bedroom. Unresolved emotional issues or conflicts outside the realm of sex can spill over into the intimate sphere. As a result, negative communication skills lead to tension and inhibiting the desire for physical connection.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team of marriage therapists help you in rekindling desire, connection, intimacy, and playfulness through couples therapy.
Couples therapy with our sexuality, intimacy, and sex specialists can support you both in rebuilding sexual desire and give you tools for improving sexual intimacy.
We help couples who need help feeling comfortable and confident talking about sex. You might want to talk about a strict, religious, and conservative upbringing, or your views on sex. As well, couples therapy is a place where you both can learn how to express your sexual fantasies, desires and needs.
Marriage counseling can help you both ways to reintroduce excitement, newness, and novelty into your intimate lives.
Exploring new activities together, prioritizing self-care, and seeking couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help rekindle your flame. Our libido, sexuality, and intimacy specialists give you skills to restore the passion that characterized the early stages of your relationship. You deserve to create a satisfying and passionate sexual connection.
The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in assessing which factors are contributing to the decline in your desire for sexual intimacy.