Are you in a sexless marriage where you haven’t had sex for a number of months or years? Do you have fears, sexual performance anxieties, or questions about sex? Or, do you want a safe place to talk about new sex toys, sexual openness, and sexual diversity? Would you like more kissing, touch, and caressing in your marriage? Does it feel like with the responsibilities of owning a home, caring for elderly parents, and your children, that sexual passion has fallen to the back burner? Intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut helps couples identify the important elements missing they are need in order to create a healthy, meaningful sexual relationship.

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Communication is a benefit from intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling
Unfortunately, many distant and fighting couples communicate in negative ways. You might be criticizing each other or blaming each other without even realizing it.
Often times, couples are stuck in negative communication patterns that lead to insecurity, jealousy, anger, and anxiety. You might not know where to start to get back into a positive, fun loving cycle of communication.
Conflict seems to be increasing. Perhaps, you and your partner feel like you are business partners. The erotic, playfulness, and sensual touch is all gone and you don’t know how to get it back.
You are in a sexless marriage with your best friend. Yes, your spouse may be your best friend. However, with the help of intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling, you can rebuild sexual pleasure, your passionate connection, and a thriving sex life in addition to being best friends.
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LGBTQIA+ communication
Sometimes, communication issues arise around gender and sexuality. Your spouse might be coming out and might be evolving your sexual orientation. Perhaps, due to facing sexual rejection for a number of months or even years, you might wonder if your spouse is not interested in you sexually anymore.
You might wonder if your spouse is gay if you are in an opposite sex marriage. Wondering if you are still attractive to your spouse is a great topic to bring to intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut.
Maybe, your spouse identified as female or male, but now identifies as by gender or non-binary. Learning how to be respectful during this transition of your spouses gender identity can be a part of intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team of marriage therapists are LGBTQIA+ affirming.
This means that we are educated and love helping monogamous, ethically non-monogamous, polyamorous couples, same-sex couples, lesbian, gay, gender questioning couples, and even couples where one person is asexual.
As your spouse questions their gender or questions their sexual orientation, you can learn to feel reassured by working with a couples therapist. You can also learn about gender expression, gender identity, and even your own sexual orientation while keeping your sex life alive.

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Mismatched sex drives and communication
Furthermore, couples can also run into communication issues when they are not direct.
One person might want sex and intimacy on a daily basis. The other person may want sex and intimacy on a weekly or monthly basis.
When couples have mismatched sex drives, this can lead to challenges in the bedroom. Intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut helps couples meet each other’s needs better. Being able to talk about sex and intimacy can expand your use of different sex toys, understand sexual touch, increase sexy text messages, and even increase foreplay.
By being able to talk about sex and intimacy, you can create more sexual diversity and erotic desire in your marriage. You might not feel comfortable talking about sexual passion right now, due to a fear of facing criticism or having your partner laugh at you. In the safety of marriage counseling, you can talk about foreplay, sexual pleasure, having a higher sex drive or lower sex drive, and different insecurities.
Communication issues arise when couples feel afraid to talk about sex and intimacy needs. If you and your partner avoid talking about sex and intimacy, you might never be able to resolve issues around mismatched sex drive. Couples therapy can help you become comfortable and playful and talking about mismatched sex drives.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut helps couples talk about sex confidently
Sometimes, we grow up in strict, religious, and conservative upbringings. Growing up without sex positive education can lead to fears and insecurities around talking about sex. You and your spouse may have grown up in conservative, strict families where sex was just not talked about.
If you did want to talk about sex, you were punished or you were told that sex was taboo. Additionally, as we develop negative, taboo views of sex early in our adolescence and carry these into marriage. We often do not learn about consent. Being able to talk about your body boundaries, areas of your body that you love touched, and areas of your partners body like caressing, can be very helpful.

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Your Stamford, Connecticut marriage therapist can guide you in sexual, intimate and erotic conversations with a sense of playfulness.
As well, you may want to talk about how to set a side alone time. Right now, you might have dogs, cats, and children in your bed. Having other pets and children in your bed can prevent alone time. Scheduling alone time will be very important for creating and rekindling a healthy sex life.
Often times, couples need help prioritizing sexual pleasure after years of being in a sexless marriage. You might be really good at parenting. And, you love how your partner shares your same values, but sex is not there anymore. Or, you might be really good at working, building your career, and making money for your family. Sex just faded away.
However, when you don’t have alone time, sex falls on the back burner. Often times, sex becomes nonexistent.
If you are in a sexless marriage, intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut can help.
You might need help setting aside and scheduling time to play with new sex toys. Or, you may need to create time for sensual massages, and increase foreplay. We also talk about setting aside alone time as a couple and individually. Individually, self-pleasure and masturbation is important when rebuilding a sexless marriage.
Developing a sexual connection and relationship to yourself is how healthy sex life begins.
Your Stamford, Connecticut couples therapist may also recommend that you masturbate and talk to your partner about it. Many times, couples feel like they have to masturbate or self pleasure in secret. Growing up, you may have had a relative or a family member walk into the room while you were masturbating. This was embarrassing and sexually shaming.

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Communicate about the impact of your strict, conservative, and religious upbringing during adolescence
Furthermore, sometimes, people go into marriage with myths and negative beliefs about self pleasure and masturbation. For one, a person might truly believe that self pleasure and masturbation is a form of cheating. Instead of believing this negative, limiting belief about self pleasure and masturbation, your couples therapist can help you work through the anxiety around these beliefs.
Additionally, you may have been told by strict religious leaders or even your parents that self pleasure and masturbation would make you go to hell. Fear-based messages around sexual activities like self pleasure and masturbation are taught to adolescents from a young age.
Overcoming a shame-based messages due to a strict religious upbringing can be a part of healing in intimacy therapy in Stamford, Connecticut.
You developed shame and insecurity around masturbation and self pleasure due to your conservative upbringing. Now, in your adult years, you still keep masturbation and self pleasure experiences secret to yourself.
Marriage therapy in Stamford, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you talk about self pleasure and masturbation.
As well, couples can create a connection together. You can learn to talk to your spouse about self-pleasure and masturbation confidently. As well, learning about masturbation and self pleasure can help you feel confident in what your body likes.
Touching yourself, when you are alone, can give you important information. From self pleasure and masturbation, you can better communicate with your sexual partner what you want them to do to you.
You can better communicate your sexual needs due to knowing yourself, through self pleasure and masturbation. Instead of criticizing your partner about what they are doing wrong, you can tell your partner what you want them to do more of.
Couples counseling in Stamford, Connecticut at Wisdom Within helps you talk about sex drive issues, sexual urges, and how to fit sex into your daily life.

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Intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut supports emotional expression tools
Often times, couples do not talk about sexual experiences after they have them. Your partner may not know exactly what you like or what you would rather change for the future if you do not talk about sex.
For instance, after a pleasurable sexual experience, take the time during aftercare to process and talk about the things that you really enjoyed. Was there anything that you wish your partner would do more of your body? Or, was there something that you want to do next time, that you feel inspired about from this past sexual experience?
How did you and your partner communicate, negotiate, and respect each other’s sexual limits? Did either of you feel like your boundaries were crossed in anyway and how can this be better communicated and respected for the future?
Being able to talk about how the sexual experience was for both of you afterwards is important when building a healthy sex life.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut helps partners learn about each other sexually. When talking about sex, you can talk about feelings of attraction.
You might want to give your partner lots of compliments. Maybe, you really enjoy that your partner is very patient with you. Or, perhaps you love how gentle and sensitive your partner is with their fingertips on your body. Maybe, you really enjoyed how dominant your partner was, moving your body in different sex positions. Perhaps, you enjoyed the new sex toy. Or, using lubricant felt really pleasurable.

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Talk about sexual activity in intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling
On that note, couples therapy in Stamford, Connecticut can help partners express and verbalize sexual desire. Verbalizing sexual desire promotes more positive sexual experiences.
As well, you might want to tell your partner how much you loved making out with them and kissing them.
Couples therapy can help you overcome insecurities about vocalizing sexual compliments too. Perhaps, you really enjoyed how relaxing the back rub felt. Often, distant couples need help learning to communicate about what felt sexually amazing.
Or, do you want to cuddle her for longer after you have sex? You can talk about your sexual and intimate needs in marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Being able to talk about your sexual needs is part of creating a healthy, passionate, and intimate sex life.
Work on sexual rejection issues in intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut
Sometimes, couples find themselves stuck in a cycle of sexual rejection. One person is always pursuing the other person. In your relationship, if you have a lower sex drive, and your partner has a higher sex drive, they will always be trying to pursue you for sex. On the other hand, if you have a higher sex drive, you may always be the one initiating touch or initiating sex.
In this case, marriage therapy can help couples rebalance sexual connection.

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Notably, unresolved sexual rejection issues can lead to weakness and relationship insecurity
Sexual rejection can lead one partner to question if their sexual urges are normal. Often times, when we go into marriage or a romantic relationship, we expect sex. Sex is an unspoken requirement of being in a relationship. However, couples do not talk about what happens emotionally when sexual rejection occurs.
What are the effects of sexual rejection?
At times, sexual rejection can lead to feelings of frustration and even sadness. A person who is constantly being sexually rejected or turned down, may face loneliness.
Being sexually rejected repeatedly by your partner can lead you to feel low and self-esteem. There becomes a fear and power based cycle around sexual rejection. You might wonder if your partner will ever give you the sex that you are craving and desiring.
Sexual rejection creates an unhealthy power dynamic in your marriage. Your Stamford, Connecticut couples therapist can identify if sexual rejection patterns in cycles have created an unhealthy power dynamic.
Intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut is a safe place to talk about rejection, self-consciousness, and build confidence
In your relationship, you can talk about the effects of sexual rejection. On top of sexual rejection, there may be elements of sexual criticism, or fears of being vulnerable. Sexual rejection problems and cycles are great topics to bring to intimacy therapy in Stamford, Connecticut.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you and your partner can learn to have fun conversations around sexual rejection, fears of abandonment, and anxiety. As well, you can regain a sense of eroticism and playfulness in your marriage through intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut.

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Sexual performance anxiety can lead to sexual problems
When you are anxious about your sexual performance, this can lead you to not be able to maintain an erection, or even orgasm. Anxiety can range from many topics to sexual to non-sexual. You might feel anxious about other things going on in your life, like your to-do list. Or, you might feel anxious that someone is watching you and that can lead to a loss of erection. Maybe, you fear a child will come into your room, and that anxiety takes you out. A woman may not be able to experience pleasurable orgasms as a result of performance anxiety. Anxiety can be a pleasure killer.
Erectile dysfunction can be due to performance anxiety. Anxiety, in general, is often rooted in irrational fears. With that said, couples therapy in Stamford, Connecticut can be a safe place to process and overcome performance anxiety. To overcome performance anxiety around sex, you can build confidence and relaxation skills through mindfulness strategies.

In intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling, your therapist can teach you mindfulness strategies.
Mindfulness meditation, deep breathing techniques, and body scans can all help you get in touch with your body. Being in touch with your body means that your mind is no longer anxious.
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Instead of your mind going over your to do list or being stuck on worries about being a “good enough lover,” you can truly enjoy sexual pleasure from mindfulness strategies. Right in Stamford, Connecticut intimacy counseling therapy, you can learn how to be mindful of sexual sensations.
You can relax, and feel the sensation in your body. This way, your mind gets connected and relaxes into the experience of the present moment.

Wisdom Within Counseling teaches couples mindfulness tools to more fully enjoy sexual pleasure
Meditation, yoga, and mindfulness skills can have several benefits for your sex life and orgasming:
Increased relaxation:
Engaging in meditation, yoga, and mindfulness practices can help you relax and reduce stress. When you are more relaxed, it becomes easier to let go of distractions, be present in the moment, and fully enjoy sexual experiences. This can enhance your overall pleasure and make it easier to reach orgasm.
Heightened body awareness:
These practices cultivate a deeper sense of body awareness, helping you become more attuned to the sensations and subtle changes happening in your body during sexual arousal. Being more in tune with your body can lead to enhanced pleasure and a greater understanding of what feels good to you, ultimately improving your sexual experiences.

Improved focus and concentration:
Meditation and mindfulness techniques teach you how to focus your attention and be fully present in the moment. This can be particularly beneficial during sexual activities, as it allows you to concentrate on the sensations, your partner’s cues, and the intimate connection between you. Increased focus can intensify pleasure and enhance the quality of your sexual encounters.
Heightened sensitivity:
Mindfulness practices can heighten your sensory awareness, making you more attuned to touch, taste, smell, and other sensual experiences. By being fully present and engaged in the sensations of the moment, you can experience a deeper level of pleasure and intimacy during sex, leading to more satisfying orgasms.
Reduced sexual performance anxiety:
Engaging in regular meditation, yoga, or mindfulness can help alleviate performance anxiety or self-consciousness that may arise. The team of intimacy and sex specialists offer mindfulness and relaxation skills right in couples counseling and marriage therapy sessions.

In addition to mindfulness strategies, overcoming performance anxiety around sex means taking the pressure off vaginal penetration.
So often, males are told that they need to have a hard and erect penis to be a good lover. At the same time, females are told that they need to orgasm in order to show their partner that they are having a good time. Making an orgasm is very common for a female. You can overcome performance anxiety through intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut.
Essentially, couples therapy can help you remove a sexual agenda and take the pressure off vaginal and penis penetration. You can develop a relationship with sex that does not have a sexual agenda.
From Stamford, Connecticut marriage therapy, you can explore consensual, responsible, trustworthy, safe and giving sexual relationships. Couples can increase the touch they have in their relationship. In marriage therapy in Stamford, Connecticut, you can prioritize holding, caressing, kissing, and touch.

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Develop self-esteem and self-worth in intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut
Unfortunately, you may have faced criticism about your body in the past during sexual experiences. A passive sexual partner may have criticized the smell of your body. Maybe, a passive sexual partner criticize the look of your body image. You may have body image or weight issues as a result of criticism.
Rebuilding yourself where it can be a part of intimacy therapy for a couples. You can learn to appreciate your own body and embrace pleasure no matter your size or shape. When couples appreciate their own bodies, there is more present moment awareness. You are more able to stay conscious and aware of sensual touch.

Gain sexual confidence in marriage counseling
Additionally, from mindfulness and a connection to self-confidence in couples therapy, you can feel more joy and pleasure.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut, you can let go of disgust and shame. So often, shame and guilt develop from sexual criticism. In the past, you may have deeply wanted an ex to approve of you or compliment you. But, when you were incredibly vulnerable sexually, they shamed you and criticized you. You now have internalized disgust, shame, and guilt.
Explore sexual pleasure in intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut
From the healing process of marriage therapy, you can learn to touch your own body without feeling guilty, shame or disgust. Different positive affirmations can help you experience more sexual pleasure. Intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut can help you know that you deserve to have sexual pleasure.
Sometimes, due to shame and guilt, you might avoid sexual pleasure, or feel ashamed for wanting sexual pleasure. In intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut, you can learn to nurture yourself.
You can learn to accept and receive sexual pleasure from your partner. Also, in marriage therapy, you can get more in tune with what sensations are sexually pleasurable for you.
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What is pleasure all about?
Plus, pleasure can be a great topic for marriage counseling. Right now, you might be getting pleasure from your job. It feels very fulfilling to make money. Or, you might be getting pleasure from seeing your children laugh. Seeing your loved ones laugh can be incredibly pleasurable experience. However, sex can also be very pleasurable. But, sometimes, people cut off their ability to find and feel joy and pleasure during sexual activities due to trauma, criticism, disgust, or shame.
In couples therapy, you can verbalize what happened in your past that currently leads to sex not being as pleasurable. From there, you can talk about what helps you feel pleasure, and restore pleasurable feelings around sex. As well, in intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can gain an understanding of who you are as a sexual being.
At Wisdom Within Counseling in Stamford, Connecticut, couples can realize that, by working through sexual issues, you can truly heal from emotional wounding from past negative sexual experiences. Together, couples in counseling can identify and overcome damaging beliefs.
Intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling provides sex positive education
At Wisdom Within Counseling, marriage therapy provides sexual education that is not given anywhere else in life. Growing up, you may have received fear-based sexual messages and misinformation around sex. Perhaps, a parent told you that if you had sex before marriage, you would go to hell. Or, you would be disowned from your family if you were sexually active before marriage.
You may have also been shamed or punished for having sexual desires and wanting to speak up. The only thing you learned about sex was how to put a condom on a banana, if that. Maybe, your parents did not even talk to you about sex at all and so you learned all that you know from pornography. At Wisdom Within Counseling, couples get a safe, confidential space to talk about sexual health education.
Differences in sexual arousal between males and females
As well, but many couples do not understand is that there is sexual desire discrepancy between males and females. A female needs 45-90 minutes of foreplay in order to reach the same level of sexual arousal as a male, in only 3-8 minutes. For example, a male will become sexually aroused with an erect penis in about 3 to 8 minutes.
A female’s clitoris needs about 45 to 90 minutes in order to become swollen. During 45-90 minutes of foreplay, a female’s clitoris will become engorged with blood and she will become sexually turned on. She needs more time for her level of sexual arousal to increase to that same level.
Unfortunately, when sex and vaginal penetration occurs to soon, without adequate foreplay, sexual intercourse can actually be very painful for females.

What does it mean when my female partner wants more foreplay?
When your female partner expresses a desire for more foreplay, it generally means that she is seeking additional time, attention, and stimulation before engaging in sexual intercourse.
Further, foreplay is an essential part of sexual intimacy that focuses on building arousal, enhancing pleasure, and creating a deeper connection between partners.
For many women, foreplay plays a crucial role in promoting relaxation, lubrication, and overall sexual enjoyment.
Foreplay is the core of all sexual experiences. Overall, foreplay helps to stimulate the erogenous zones, heighten sensitivity, and build anticipation, all of which can lead to more satisfying and pleasurable sexual experiences.
When your female partner expresses the need for more foreplay, it is important to listen and respond with attentiveness and respect.
This communication is an opportunity to understand her desires and preferences, and to explore together what types of activities and stimulation enhance her pleasure and satisfaction.
By embracing and prioritizing more foreplay, you have the chance to engage in intimate activities that allow both partners to fully enjoy and explore their sexual connection. This can include sensual massages, kissing, caressing, oral sex, or any other activities that promote arousal and build anticipation.
Remember, every individual and couple has unique preferences and needs when it comes to sexual intimacy. Open and honest communication, along with a willingness to explore and experiment, can help create a mutually fulfilling and enjoyable sexual relationship.
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Lengthening foreplay can increase the level of vaginal wetness and more pleasurable sexual experiences.
Also, a female partner may feel like her male partner is being selfish, when sex occurs too soon for her. Due to painful sexual experiences, from lack of adequate foreplay, a female partner may begin declining his sexual advances.
And, a male partner may feel sexually rejected and confused as to why his female partner does not want to have sex anymore. Often times, lengthening foreplay can create more sexual desire, playfulness, and improve a female’s interest in sexual activity.
Anatomically, emotionally, and physiologically, a females body requires more sexual stimulation for an interest in sex.
Increasing clitoral stimulation in intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut
As well, many male partners do not understand the importance of the clitoris. A male partner may believe, due to improper education from pornography or other sources, that simply his penis being inside of her vagina, will make her orgasm. However, many women do not orgasm from vaginal intercourse. And, especially when foreplay has been too short, females often feel dissatisfied sexually.
Learning about how females orgasm can increase sexual pleasure and help you create a positive, erotic sex life
Women, often times, find it easier and accessible to orgasm from clitoral stimulation. Introducing more clinical simulation is a part of intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut at Wisdom Within. Clitoral stimulation can occur many ways. Hot breath on the inner thighs of a woman can be pleasurable.
Oral sex while fingering, oral sex alone, sex toys, and clitoral massage can all be very positive. However, some males may have mental limitations were fears around giving oral sex. And, they have fears around smell, taste, how to do it, or wetness. A male partner may not know how to give oral sex properly. Talking with an intimacy specialist and sex specialist can help males overcome oral sex for fears. Learning how to properly give oral sex, can be an incredible benefit for your sex life.

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When a male partner understands the female anatomy in the orgasmic system, this can improve your sex life and intimacy.
From couples counseling and sex education, a male can make the extra effort to be intentional about foreplay and clitoral stimulation.
Lengthening foreplay and clitoral stimulation can have very positive impacts on intimacy.
Examples of foreplay can include sexy text messages throughout the day too. Even though you both may be at work or in between meetings, texting about what you like sexually can be super hot. Mentally, get those juices flowing and build sexual arousal before you are physically together. At Wisdom Within Counseling, intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut, encourages couples to have more foreplay.
Values around sex
To add, in intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can talk about sexual values. This is crucial because it lays the foundation for a healthy and fulfilling intimate relationship.
Our sexual values shape our beliefs, desires, and boundaries when it comes to sexual expression. By openly discussing these values with our partner, couples can establish mutual understanding, respect, and consent. Couples in therapy in Stamford, Connecticut can align their expectations, explore shared desires, and navigate any potential conflicts or discrepancies.

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Having conversations about sexual values promotes emotional intimacy, deepens trust, and fosters a sense of safety and comfort within your relationship.
It also helps in establishing a framework for open communication and ongoing dialogue. Your couples therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling will ensure both of you feel heard and validated. By addressing sexual values, intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut creates a solid framework for exploring pleasure.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we do not discriminate. Our marriage therapists in Stamford, Connecticut help couples with different cultural values, ethnic heritages, races, and ages.
Couples may experience sex and intimacy issues no matter their socioeconomic status, religion, sexual orientation, and gender. You are not alone if you are wanting a better, more pleasurable sex life.
Taking responsibility for one’s own body and orgasms is crucial within a couple’s sexual relationship for several reasons. Firstly, it empowers individuals to understand and communicate their unique sexual needs and preferences.
By exploring and becoming familiar with their own bodies, individuals can effectively guide their partners toward pleasurable experiences. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can talk about orgasming for more sexual satisfaction.
Additionally, assuming responsibility for one’s own orgasms encourages a sense of self-reliance and self-empowerment. It shifts the focus from solely relying on their partner to provide pleasure and allows individuals to actively participate in their own sexual fulfillment.
This not only promotes personal growth, but also reduces the pressure and potential performance anxiety within the sexual dynamic.

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Taking responsibility for orgasming paves the way for a more satisfying and harmonious sexual connection.
Furthermore, taking ownership of one’s own pleasure helps in cultivating a culture of equality and mutual respect within the relationship. It encourages open communication, where partners can discuss their desires, boundaries, and fantasies without fear or judgment. By valuing and respecting each other’s autonomy, couples can create an environment that prioritizes consent, exploration, and shared pleasure.
Ultimately, when both partners take responsibility for their own bodies and orgasms, it fosters a collaborative and fulfilling sexual experience. It allows for a deeper understanding of each other’s needs, and promotes a sense of individual agency.
Also, if in sexual relationships with multiple people, partners can use intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut to discuss routine testing for STI’s.

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The role of spirituality when creating your ideal sex life in marriage therapy in Stamford, Connecticut
Honoring the sacred aspect of sexual union encompasses recognizing and appreciating the profound significance of the sexual connection within your relationship. Spirituality in sex involves approaching sex with reverence, mindfulness, and a deep sense of respect. You can learn to respect yourself and your partner more deeply in intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut.
To honor the sacred aspect of sexual union means to view sexual intimacy as a sacred and transformative experience. Spiritually, sex together goes beyond the physical act itself. Sex involves emotional, spiritual, and energetic dimensions. Also, when viewing sex spiritually, you can learn to view sex as a potential for deep connection, healing, and growth.
Gaining a spiritual perspective regarding sex and your sex life encourages couples to approach sexual encounters with presence and intention.
It involves creating a safe and nurturing space where both partners feel comfortable expressing their desires, vulnerabilities, and boundaries. Also, viewing sex in a spiritual way entails engaging in open and honest communication. In intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut, you can talk about consent and mutual agreements. As well, you can embrace the shared responsibility of cultivating a positive and pleasurable sexual experience.

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Honoring the sacred aspect of sexual union also involves embracing the concept of sexual mindfulness.
Mindfulness during sex means being fully present in the moment. From mindfulness skills in intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut, couples can cultivate an awareness of sensations. In the moment, your mind can be fully present of various emotions, and the energetic exchange happening between you both. More so, mindfulness in sexual activity encourages a focus on the here and now, allowing for a deeper connection. You can also experience heightened pleasure, and a sense of spiritual unity from mindfulness tools.
Couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling helps partners learn mindfulness skills for a better sex life.
Being mindful sexually and spiritually connected, you can create more sexual gratitude, sexual appreciation, and grow together.

In addition to Stamford, Connecticut, Wisdom Within Counseling helps couples in a sexless marriage or struggling with intimacy issues in Fairfield County. Wisdom Within Counseling helps couples in Bridgeport, Norwalk, Danbury, Greenwich, Fairfield, Westport, Stratford, Shelton Trumbull, Ridgefield, Darien, New Canaan, Newtown, Wilton, Monroe, Bethel, Brookfield, Easton, Weston, Redding, Sherman, New Fairfield, Connecticut.
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Why start in intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling?
If you are struggling with a sexless marriage, you are in the right place. Marriage therapy in Stamford, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you address many sexual challenges. From wanting more frequent sex, to erectile dysfunction, you care in the right place.
Maybe, you and your partner have different levels of sexual desire. You might have a high level of sexual desire and your partner may have a low level of sexual desire. Or, do you want to learn more about your body, or the female orgasmic system.
Perhaps, intimacy counseling can help you overcome fears of future sexual mistreatment, and gain confidence. Also, intimacy therapy for couples and sex focused marriage counseling in Stamford, Connecticut can help you verbalize your sexual needs in the moment.
From couples counseling, you can begin to develop a more spiritual connection with your sex life. Touching your body and more respectful and intentional ways can improve your sex life. Learning how to self pleasuring masturbate can be very healing. Overall, we help you connect with your mind, body, and spirit to see yourself as a being who deserves sexual pleasure.