Part of intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist is overcoming negative beliefs around sex. We all develop negative messages to some degree from upbringing views, social influences, and culture. Lack of education around sex positive education plays a role too. A strict, religious upbringing can lead to shame and guilt around sex.
For instance, women are told not to have “too many” needs. When a woman begins to express herself and share her sexual desires, she may be called “needy.” Women are told to shut their mouths and look pretty, but not look too pretty. If a woman is “too beautiful,” she is looked down upon for being distracting or called a “slut.” If a woman’s collar is too high, she is called a prude. But, if she shows cleavage or is too revealing, she is told she is “not respecting herself” or “asking for it.”
Negative views around women’s bodies can be a form of societal trauma. Sexual trauma does not have to be unwanted touch. Sexual trauma can be having a naked photo sent to someone you didn’t want it sent to. Or, sexual trauma can be being forced to listen to or observe others doing sexual acts without your consent.
Furthermore, taking back your power of negative judgment and societal views around your body are parts of intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist. Katie Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapist, can help you reclaim your sense of sexual expression and intimacy with your body. In intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist, you can learn to blast past these negative views and opinions of others.

To begin, book your phone consult for positive coping skills through intimacy counseling.
How can intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist help?
You can gain a sense of self-confidence, take back your power over pleasure, and be yourself. Tuning into your sexual needs, sexual fantasies, and embrace your gender expression are healthy parts of intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist.
Each one of us has a different background that leads to negative views about our own bodies. Maybe, your partner has said something negative about your body size or shape. Or, your parents always criticized the way you looked, or how much you weighed. As well, you may have also grown up believing it was your fault for being beautiful. Sexual trauma and sexual harassment all add up too.
Women can talk about the pressure and fear around sex, pleasure, and intimacy in counseling.
On top of all that, a lack of sex positive sexual health education can lead women to fear orgasming and sexual pleasure. Intimacy counseling with, Katie Ziskind, a sex and pleasure specialist, helps you get back on track. You can finally have a safe place to feel comfortable talking about your needs and putting your sexual needs first. As well, women can learn to reconnect with themselves sexually and in an intimate way. From there, that self-confidence and self-love can extend to a trusted, sexual partner.
Wisdom Within Counseling helps women, their partners, and couples become comfortable talking about sex.

To begin, book a phone consult for intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist below.
Intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist supports overcoming sexual shame
From a young age, women are blamed for being too distracting to boys in class. Boys and men are not taught how to take responsibility or to be respectful.
Culturally, men are applauded by one another and society for objectifying the female body. If a man has sex, he is applauded. But, if a woman shares about her same sexual escapades, she is called a “slut.” or “too promiscuous.” Sadly, young girls and women and blamed for being too pretty or too distracting in a classroom setting. Teachers and parents don’t stand up to young body and stop them from bullying girls and young women. From being objectified, women may devalue themselves. As a result, young women may also learn to use their bodies and sexuality as leverage or to get what they want from men.
Sadly, society blames women for being “too” beautiful.
As well, women are blamed for not only being beautiful, but are objectified typically by men. Older males are permitted to stare a a younger women’s breasts while this is very inappropriate and disrespectful. A man may feel that he has the right or that it would be funny to snap a woman’s bra strap. This behavior is sexual harassment and a violation on body boundaries. Comments that are hyper sexual are disrespectful sexually. As well, women may feel awkward, uncomfortable, and anxious in sexually disrespectful situations like this. But, many women who are sexually harassed by a man who holds more power feel they can’t do anything.
Fear around speaking up makes women feel they don’t have a voice
A woman may fear that if she speaks up and shares she is being objectified, she may lose her job. Women who speak up about sexual harassment may not get a well deserved promotion. Overall, men in authority positions may do something bad or threatening as a fear tactic, as a result of a woman speaking up. A man in power doens’t want “a silly woman” ruining his reputation.
As you can see, women are forced to endure sexual trauma that is often minimize or ignored in a variety of environments. Women who are sexually harassed may harbor internal blame. A woman may blame herself for the mistreatment she is experiencing in a workplace or family environment. Internal blame can lead to anxiety around sex and intimacy. Sexual harassment that is not dealt with leads women to feel sexually invalidated.
Intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist support women in having a voice
Unfortunately, societal, political, and religious views teach women not to have a voice. Women’s bodies are objects for male pleasure. The boys aren’t taught how to focus on themselves and not objectify women. Women face blame when they are being sexualized against their will, whether or not it is verbalized.
These negative, traumatic sexually devaluing experiences can lead women to tune out when it comes to sexual pleasure. Even with a trusted, loving partner, a woman may not feel safe opening up. Sex may simply be a service task or obligation for many women. From intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist, women can start to discover themselves sexually again. Women in intimacy counseling can share about what turns them on.
Additionally, intimacy counseling with, Katie Ziskind, a sex and pleasure specialist, can open up a sex positive dialogue and conversation.
Wisdom Within Counseling helps women, their partners, and couples explore sexuality, intimacy, and foster deep bonding through pleasurable touch and intentional sex.

To begin, book a phone consult for intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist below.
After trauma, ideas and perceptions around sex can change
A woman may use her body and sexuality to numb out, reduce stress, or to give to a male partner. To add, women don’t receive education on body boundaries, consent or sexual abuse. Many women experience sexual abuse and sexual trauma in childhood without realizing abuse occurred until adult years. Even when a young women is sexually abused, friends may turn on her, blaming her for the trauma done to her. Her friends and family may blame her for the trauma she was forced to experience. People may blame a victim of trauma for the trauma, which leads to complex trauma. She was wearing something too promiscuous or a skirt that is too short. Or, she was asking for it. Being told that sexual abuse and unwanted touch is your fault is even more traumatizing. Losing friends and family relationships over sexual trauma and abuse creates complex trauma symptoms.
When sexual trauma occurs, parents and caregivers often don’t act in trauma sensitive ways. Parents may pretend their child wasn’t sexually abused, ignoring the need for mental health treatment.
Plus, religious leaders and coaches, in positions of power, take advance of children, sexually abusing them. Young girls are blamed and forced to carry shame and guilt regarding their developing bodies.
What can happen after sexual trauma and why is key to start in intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist?
At times, after sexual trauma, women may have a deep craving for sex or adverse behaviors around sex. Trauma symptoms can include fight, flight, and freeze. Sometimes, after sexual trauma, women have lots and lots of sex. But, when having sex when it is a trauma response, it may feel like your body is disconnected from your mind. Other times, women stop having sex for years and decades at a time. After sexual trauma, some women may shut down sexually.
They disconnect from all sexual urges, and fear sexual interactions. After sexual trauma, gaining a healthy relationship with sex is a wonderful part of intimacy counseling. And, talking with your therapist about mindful, intentional sex can be parts of healing after sexual trauma. You don’t have to stay suck in flight, fight, or freeze after sexual trauma.

What is intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist like after sexual trauma?
Talking about your desired frequency for sex and intimacy is a part of intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist. You can talk about what helps you feel emotionally safe in order to open up sexually. As well, you might talk about what you would do if you felt yourself getting re-triggered.
Positive coping tools are possible in at Wisdom Within Counseling
Wisdom Within Counseling helps women, their partners, and couples gain self-regulation and positive coping tools. At Wisdom Within Counseling, art, yoga, music, and expressive arts give you a language beyond words. We offer creative, holistic, somatic, alternative therapies alongside talk counseling. Mind body therapies help you slow down racing thoughts and anxiety. These positive coping tools can help you when you feel trauma memories resurfacing or a PTS flashback arising. Positive coping tools help you calm yourself down when you feel a panic attack coming on. You can use mindfulness meditation skills, yoga therapy, or breathing skills to center and calm yourself.
After trauma, how can women take back their sexual power?
Each woman has a different frequency of sex that she desires. You may be able to pinpoint a specific time of day that you enjoy having sex. Also, you can talk with your sex and intimacy specialist about how long you want foreplay to be. So often, a woman defaults to what her sexual partner wants and needs. If you partner wants to have sex for 2-5 minutes, you might be complacent and go along with it. But, you may want and need 45-90 minutes of foreplay or relaxing massage. You may want longer and more nurturing element of aftercare.
Talking about what you need in your ideal sexual experience can be a part of intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist
Intimacy counseling is about advocating for yourself and telling your sexual partner what you like and enjoy sexually. Perhaps, there is a specific thing that you think about that arouses you sexually. Maybe, there is a specific texture of clothing that helps you feel sexy and confident. As well, there may be certain things you want your partner to whisper in your ear. There may be needs that you have around orgasming, pleasure, and multiple orgasms. Or, there are other needs you have that support feeling sexually open and sexually alive. All of these things factor into what we call an erotic map or erotic blueprint. These can all be parts of your conversation in intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist.
Not all women how enjoy sex are disassociating or numbing out. Just because you enjoy sexual pleasure and have a lot of sex, it doens’t mean that you are numbing out.
But, one common piece that sexual trauma survivors struggle with is disassociating during sex. This means that your body is having sex, but your mind is elsewhere. Your mind disassociates commonly after sexual trauma. Women may consciously or unconscious use sexual activities to numb out and disassociate after sexual trauma. When you are having sex after sexual trauma, you may not be connected to your body.

To begin, book a phone consult for intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist below.
Numbing behaviors after trauma around sex and intimacy are common
As well, some women who experience sexual trauma may need to use alcohol and drugs to have sex with a trusted partner. A mixture of couples therapy and individual counseling can be very positive after sexual trauma. Overall, intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist can give sexual partners positive coping tools to reconnect. When you have a loving partner, different sex and intimacy techniques can help you and your partner tune in together.
At times, you might feel overly complacent, submissive, grateful, and compliant, after sexual abuse. These are trauma responses and PTSD symptoms. Flight, fight, and freeze responses can be a part of intimacy counseling. So, often there are complex, confusing, and painful trauma symptoms that you can work through in intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist.
Intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist can help you take back your power over sexual trauma and negative sexual messages.
Wisdom Within Counseling helps women, their partners, and couples overcome a sexual dry spell and build a deep bond and connection through sex.

Women are often taught the being sexual is bad.
Another negative belief from religion, culture, and society, is that liking sexual pleasure makes a woman greedy. But, setting body boundaries or not being sexually generous makes a woman prude. As well, women are often influenced by religious, societal and cultural views to avoid sexual pleasure.
Women are not taught from a young age how to build body confidence. More often that not, we grow up in homes with highly critical parents. Intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist is about loving the shape, size, and feel of your body. From self-acceptance and body confidence, a woman can extend that to a loving sexual partnership.
Overcome guilt, shame, regret, and sexual misinformation with intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist
If a woman feels excited sexually or has sex, she often feels internally regretful afterwards. Negative messages from religion, parental judgment, and society may lead her to feel guilt about receiving pleasure. On top of that, she may feel that she didn’t do enough to pleasure her partner.
Doing intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist can help women see themselves as sexual, erotic beings
Women are often in an overly responsible, caregiving role in life. Being a mother, caregiving for children, and even caring for elderly parents can all add up. To add, many women have mental stress. For instance, paying bills on time, pleasing her boss, picking up children from after school activities, and house and car maintenance all add up. Overcoming an overly caregiving mindset can be part of intimacy counseling. Caregiving qualities can be wonderful when it comes to running a family and being a wife. But, intimacy counseling can help women embrace themselves in a sexual, erotic, and orgasmic way.
Meeting with a sex specialist and couples counselor can help you connect to your inner sexual goddess energy
Our culture does not encourage women to tune into their own sexual pleasure. Instead, many women are told to do more. And, when a woman is doing everything possible to give, it’s still not good enough. Many women feel pressure to continually give, and give, and give. Sadly, a woman can lose a healthy sense of her own identity by giving to others too much. She might find herself giving from an empty bucket and being emotionally burnt out. This caregiving mindset can be challenging when it comes to receiving sexual pleasure.
Intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist helps women give back to themselves
Essentially, a woman needs help in intimacy counseling taking off her caregiving hat. Then, she and her intimacy therapist can work to identify and help her put on her erotic, sexual hat. Women wear many hats. A woman might be an employee, mother, a wife, daughter, a sibling, etc. In addition to all of these hats, every woman has an erotic, sexy, orgasmic hat to wear. And, part of intimacy counseling is a process of bringing an aliveness back to her orgasmic, sexy side. When a woman puts on her sexy, playful, and erotic hat, she starts viewing herself as a sexual goddess. Instead of viewing herself as a caregiver, mom, or a wife, she can see herself as a sexually expressive being. Learning to put on her erotic, sexy hat, means that she has to step out of a caregiving role.
Being in a sexual mindset means being open to receiving pleasure. But, when a woman is stuck in a caregiving mindset, she feels that she is obligated to give to pleasure her partner. Now, being generous in a sexual experience is not bad. But, when a female gives to her partner and sacrifices her own self pleasure, this can lead to low libido and low sexual desire. When a woman feels that sex is an obligation, she may suffer from low sexual desire issues. She may be sexually rejecting her partner because she feels that sex is not pleasurable for her. In order to have a healthy and organic level of sexual desire, a female needs help from an intimacy and sex specialist to put on her erotic, sexual hat.
Wisdom Within Counseling helps women, their partners, and couples get in touch with a sex, erotic, playful, and passionate self again.

Working with a sex and intimacy specialist can help you develop body confidence and see yourself as sexy
If you are always working or in a household caregiving mode, seeing yourself as sexy and being sexual can be hard. Part of stepping into a more sexual and erotic version of yourself is seeing yourself in a sexy way. If you have body confidence issues or feel like you need to lose weight to be more sexy, these can be limiting thoughts. Thinking you have to change or fix yourself in order to receive sexual pleasure is a limiting belief. Right now, no matter your size or weight, you deserve to receive sexual pleasure. It is your birthright to feel sexy, orgasm, and feel sexual pleasure. Many times, advertisements portray unrealistic body shapes and these are associated with being sexy. Anyone of any body shape or weight can be sexy, orgasm, and receive sexual pleasure.
Your intimacy and sex specialist can help you love the shape of your body, your weight, and your body size.
Anyone of any shape, size, nationality, ethnicity, and religion can all experience orgasms and sexual pleasure. In intimacy counseling, your therapists helps you overcome mental limitations that you may have around receiving pleasure.
One of these mental limitations is being stuck caregiving. As well, in intimacy counseling, you can talk about body confidence and loving your body.
Mindfulness and breathing skills are parts of intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist
Another mental limitation can be a lack of mindfulness or lack of presence. If you struggle to connect your mind and your body, your mind will be elsewhere while you are trying to receive sexual pleasure. To add, if your mind is worried about your child or worried about a sick parent, you will be unable to orgasm. Orgasming and receiving sexual pleasure about tuning into the sensations of your body. Essentially, intimacy counseling and help you learn mindfulness practices. Mindfulness meditation cannot only help you relax, but also help you be present in your body. By breathing deeply, you can be more aware of the sensations of pleasure on your skin. As well, orgasm is about being vulnerable, feeling a sense of emotional safety, and curiosity.
Wisdom Within Counseling helps women, their partners, and couples build confidence rather than approach sex and intimacy from a place of insecurity.

Working with a sex and intimacy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you have a safe space to talk about sex.
Whether you feel like you always have to give, or you want to love your body shape and weight, we can help. To note, there are important mental, emotional, and physical aspects when creating a healthy sex life. A healthy sex life with a partner comes from self-love and self-acceptance.
You may feel you aren’t a good enough sexual partner, and feel a lot of sexual insecurity. Lacking of body confidence, regret after sexual experiences, and lacking of self-acceptance pose issues with intimacy.
When you work with a marriage counselor that specializes in intimacy and sex, you can start to connect to yourself in a more intuitive way. You can learn about what types of touch you enjoy most. As well, you can talk with your partner about what areas of your body like touched. Talking about lengthening foreplay can be a beautiful and erotic conversation. Women and their partners can talk about trying to sex toys. You can explore different erogenous zones such as earlobes, the wrist, inner thighs, and belly.
Wisdom Within Counseling helps women, their partners, and couples learn about erogenous zones and lengthen foreplay.
Overcoming a sexless marriage with an intimacy counselor can help you have a mysterious, sensual, and playful sex life.
So often, couples will just have vaginal and penis sex. You don’t have to always have penis in vagina sex either. You can explore topics like oral sex. Unfortunately, some partners and couples avoid oral sex due to negative beliefs about it. You might be apprehensive to provide or receive oral sex for a number of reasons. Oral sex can be a great topic to talk about with your intimacy and sex specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Current sexual experiences may be painful for women, dull, and boring. And, women may even feel like sex is all about their partner’s pleasure.
Women can also have multiple orgasms, which can be fun to explore. Working with a sex and intimacy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can you give your sex life to reboot it needs. From having a more rich and erotic sex life, you might feel more bonded and close as a couple.
Shame, guilt, fear, and anxiety all play a role in intimacy issues couples face. There can be a lot of anxiety around sex that you can talk about in intimacy counseling with Katie, Ziskind, a sex and pleasure specialist.

To begin, book a phone consult for intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist below.
You can listen to your body and have a voice sexually from working with a sex and intimacy specialist, rather than enduring painful sex
Many women forfeit their own needs, and even endure painful sexual experiences. Because when are taught not to have a voice sexually, they suffer. A woman may feel excruciating pain when having sex with her partner. But, because she doesn’t feel she deserves a voice, she endures painful sexual experiences. Often, women forfeit their own needs for the sake of pleasuring and giving to their partner sexually.
Understanding adequate length of foreplay helps many females have more enjoyable and pleasurable sexual experiences
Now, painful sex can often occur because there’s a lack of foreplay. Furthermore, foreplay allows a woman’s vulva and clitoris to become engorged with blood. And over the course of foreplay, a female’s vagina becomes more wet and specific fluids are secreted. Natural lubrication can make sex more enjoyable. Just like a males penis gets hard and erect when sexually aroused, a female clitoris does the same.
However, a female clitoris takes about five to seven times as long as a male’s penis. For instance, the female body requires 45 to 90 minutes of foreplay. In 45 to 90 minutes, a female’s clitoris will have more blood circulation. Blood to the clitoris makes her more and more sexually alive. During this time, a female might be receiving a variety of different types of sexual stimulation from herself or her partner. Therefore, during foreplay, a female’s vagina will naturally become more wet.
On the other hand, a male’s body only requires about 3 to 7 minutes for his penis to become erect. This means that males often need more education around the female orgasmic system. Unfortunately, many men think that the female body is equivalent to theirs. When they are ready to have sex, a male will assume their female partner is also ready. This is just not true in many cases. And, a male asking for vaginal sex after 5 to 10 minutes can make sex very painful for his female partner. When a male partner expects his female partner to be sexually aroused in seven minutes, this can lead to very painful sexual experiences.
Wisdom Within Counseling helps women, their partners, and couples learn about the female sexual pleasure and create orgasmic and sexually pleasurable sexual experiences.
Learning about the female pleasure system in intimacy counseling can support more pleasurable, intimate, and positive sexual experiences
A female’s body does not properly develop lubrication in seven minutes. Over the course of 45 to 90 minutes, the female body becomes more sexually aroused. As a result of becoming more sexual arousal, secretion of vaginal fluids occurs. As a female’s vagina secretes more fluid, she can often feel this wetness developing. And, there is a natural sense of natural vaginal lubrication that develops over 45 to 90 minutes. A females body cannot become naturally wet in five or 10 minutes. When a male partner tries to penetrate a female’s vagina after only five or 10 minutes, sex can be incredibly painful.
Lack of proper education around the female pleasure system is the major issue for many couples. Intimacy counseling and help male and female partners better understand the female sexual pleasure system. Lengthening foreplay can make sexual activities more enjoyable for females.
Wisdom Within Counseling helps women, their partners, and couples through getting comfortable talking about sex.

As a result of painful sex, a female partner may start rejecting her partner sexually.
She may develop a disinterest in having sex altogether due to the painful sex experiences. Sexual rejection may be confusing for her male partner. On that note, a male partner may wonder why his female partner is this interested in having sex, when sex is so good for him.
As well, a male partner may deeply want to provide sexual pleasure to his female partner, but just not have the sexual education to do so. There can be a time in place for a quickie. However, males and females do not have proper health education on the female orgasmic and sexual pleasure system. Women can use self-pleasure techniques and masturbation within intimacy counseling to become aware of vaginal wetness.
When women fake orgasms, intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist can support speaking up
A woman may decide it is best to fake an orgasm. This is because she doesn’t want to make her sexual partner feel bad or guilty for not doing it right. Making loud noises can stroke the male ego. In reality, intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist helps women see the value in speaking up. A woman make fake an orgasm, but this is a form of lying. Your partner will not know how to improve unless you share what you prefer with them. It is totally okay to gently ask your sexual partner to stop if you don’t like what they are doing.
Some women may be able to identify they want something different. But, they may not be able to verbalize or know exactly what that “something different” is. Working with a sex and intimacy specialist can help you identify what you like better.
We don’t get to talk about sex, marriage, orgasm, and intimacy in many places in life.
At work, you have to remain professional. With your friends, it doesn’t feel like they will keep what you tell them about sex confidential. And, the last people you want to talk about your marriage and sex life with are your parents.
With your Wisdom Within Counseling marriage counselor, who specializes in sex and intimacy, you can feel safe talking about sex. You can explore what turns you on. Your sex and intimacy specialist can work with you to pinpoint and identify your erotic map and things that sexually arouse you.
As well, part of what sexually arouses you may be feeling safe and vulnerable with your partner. Sometimes, women cut themselves off from their sexy, erotic side for many years. Due to trauma, strict, cultural viewpoints, and a religious upbringing, you may not know you sexy side.
In sex and intimacy counseling, you can get to know your sexy, confident, and erotic side again.
Intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn about orgasming. There can be many reasons why women do not orgasm. At times, their clitoris is not receiving enough stimulation. Or, there is not enough foreplay and build up. Many women fake orgasms and put on a show, because they think this is what they should be doing. Talking about orgasming can be liberating. You may have never even had an orgasm before starting in intimacy counseling.
Who can goto intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling?
Couples can also attend intimacy therapy sessions with a sex and intimacy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling. Many times, you sexual partner wants to know how to pleasure you better. Instead of you faking an orgasm, they would probably prefer to know what you like sexually instead. As well, speaking up can support more honest, vulnerable communication. From honest communication, you can have a deeper connection.
Intimacy counseling with, Katie Ziskind, a sex and pleasure specialist can help women feel confident enjoying sexual pleasure
No woman should feel like sex is only for her partner’s pleasure. And, no woman should feel hesitant to speak up when sex or anything sexual is uncomfortable, dissatisfying, or painful.
Unfortunately, many women enter painful and dissatisfying sexual experiences for years. Dissatisfying and painful sexual experiences can lead to an aversion and avoidance of sex. Plus, painful sexual experiences can lead to sexual rejection with a partner due lack of communication. A woman may fear that if she tells her partner she is in pain, he will cheat, or leave her. Intimacy counseling can be a safe place to communicate about unmet sexual needs.
As well, women should not feel that sex is an obligation as part of being in a relationship or something to check off the to-do list.
You deserve to have pleasurable, beautiful, erotic, orgasmic, and safe sexual experiences.
There is no reason any woman should feel pressure to forfeit her own sexual pleasure. Women are taught to give to others from a very young age. Instead of always being in a giving position, intimacy counseling can help couples re-balance the scales. Also, attending a mixture of individual and couples therapy can help you feel sexual empowerment. Deepening the sexual pleasure in your relationship and partnership can promote more bonding. Instead of being sexually dissatisfied, females can learn that they deserve to have a voice. Overall, working with a sex and pleasure specialist and intimacy counseling, can help you and your partner have a deeper bond.
Sex, orgasming, and pleasure don’t have to be out of reach.
Learning to talk about sex can help you make your marriage more passionate, meaningful, and erotic.
Talking about sex and intimacy with your spouse or partner can be scary at first. But, intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist can support you in having sex positive conversations. No matter what comes up for you from anxiety to fear, sex and intimacy counseling can be beneficial. You can let go of shame and guilt that you may be carrying around sex. When couples have intentional conversations about sex and intimacy, they can change the defeat they feel from a sexless relationship.
Intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist can help women take back their inner goddess and erotic energy.
Sexual activities are a mutually beneficial experience of opening up and sexual exploration. Also, some sexual experiences can be devoted entirely to the female pleasure system. Sexual freedom and sexual confidence are parts of working with Katie Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapist, and intimacy therapist.

To begin, book a phone consult for intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist below.
Intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist helps women feel comfortable talking about sex for the first time in their lives.
You might want to talk about your erotic map or erotic blueprint, what turns you on, and your sexual fantasies. More so, many women may not even understand what they want in terms of a sexual fantasy. Women tend to shut down the erotic and sexy side of themselves from a very young age to avoid unwanted attention.
Share your sexual fantasies to create a positive sex life in your marriage
Intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist can help you get in touch with your sexy side. Sexual fantasies can be very different for each person. One person might want to have sex outdoors. Each person has a different environment that they fine sexy and erotic. As well, someone may find that being sexual in an airport bathroom is super hot. Another person may want to have sex in a comfortable bed. We all have different things that arouse us sexually.
Communicating these needs are essential when creating a healthy sex life. Also, couples counseling can be a safe place to talk about your sexual bucket list. Sexual fantasies can include a threesome for many people. Your partner’s sexual fantasies may include one person or multiple people. You may have always wanted to do something sexually that you have never gotten do. Even if you don’t do all the things on your sexual bucket list, talking about them with your partner can be a form of foreplay. Simply talking about sexual fantasies can get you both in an erotic, intimate, and sexy mood. To add, there may be certain outfits or role-play experiences that go along with sexual fantasies. Keep the conversation flowing and open when it comes to sexual fantasies.
Wisdom Within Counseling helps couples who may struggle or feel uncomfortable sharing sexual fantasies.
If you notice anxiety getting in the way of talking about sex or your sexual fantasies, sex and intimacy counseling can help. Talking with a sex and intimacy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you and your partner feel comfortable sharing your sexual fantasies. There are many marriage and sex life benefits to talking about sexual fantasies. Talking about your sexual fantasies can also help you both build erotic desire. This can be an activity that doesn’t necessarily have to lead to the fantasies being act it out. You can simply enjoy hearing your partner share about what turns them on sexually. As well, you can communicate your sexual fantasies too. Sharing sexual fantasies can lead to diverse sexual experiences, role-play experiences, and even BDSM scenes.
Explore different sex toys in intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling
As well, sexual fantasies can include a variety of different sex toys. You might have always wanted to use nipple clamps. You might like but play or a nipple play. Maybe, you want to take on BDSM roles, or be submissive or dominant. Or, you have always wanted to explore vibrating butt plug or anal beads. Talking about sex toys can be positive and help you get to know yourself sexually.
It’s okay if you don’t don’t know what turns you on or what you like sexually when starting intimacy counseling. Intimacy counseling can help you feel more comfortable talking about sex with your partner too.
You can learn about developing your inner sexual goddess and embracing yourself as a sexual being in a healthy way. It might be hard to push through the doubt and anxiety related to expressing yourself in a sexual way.
Sex and intimacy counseling is an intentional process of self-connection and mind body awareness. There are mental elements that can be distracting. For instance, being a parent, running a household, paying your mortgage, and even navigating marital conflicts all play a role in sex. There may be a lot on your mind that gets in the way of being mindful and playful in sexual experiences.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist supports developing your erotic side
Essentially, connecting to your sexual side and erotic self can be a process of becoming alive again.
Talking about sex and intimacy can include exploring new sex toys. You may have always wanted to try a new sex toy. But, fears from sexual trauma may be preventing you from exploring your sexual side and erotic map. Overall, you can have an opportunity to talk about what you like, need, and want sexually to feel open and expressive.
Gain sexual confidence in intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn about why you may have low sexual desire. And, you can learn ways to improve and increase your sexual desire, from a place of self-connection. Many women feel that they have to give to your partner in a sexual way out of obligation. Instead, you can develop sexual confidence. You can feel supported exploring your sexual side and developing more frequent intimacy from working with the team at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Your sex life may have never gotten the attention it deserves until now. Intimacy counseling with, Katie Ziskind, a sex and pleasure specialist, can help you understand the foundation for increasing sexual desire. Developing sexual fantasies and developing your erotic map are beautiful parts of working with a sex specialist in intimacy counseling.
All women have a potential to connect sexually with themselves and develop a healthy relationship with sex. Working with a Wisdom Within Counseling sex and pleasure specialist can help you live your life to the fullest by being sexually connected to yourself.

To begin, book a phone consult for intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist below.
Mindfulness in intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist, Katie Ziskind
When you are trying to enjoy sexual pleasure or orgasm, your mind may become filled with thoughts of work. Your job may be stressful. Or, the responsibilities you have at home and at work overload your mind. Mentally, you find it quite difficult to push aside the thoughts you have to finish your to-do tasks and list.
Intimacy counseling can teach you ways to navigate intrusive thoughts or distractions that come into your mind. By doing so, you can learn mindfulness strategies to be more present in your body and connect inward.
Mindfulness skills such as meditation can be relaxing, calming tools that you can use in all areas of your life too. Breathing skills and mindfulness techniques can help you learn to use your mind’s power to fully enjoy your sexuality.

Lack of sexual health education around foreplay can lead to intimacy issues
Men are not taught proper sexual skills to pleasure a female’s body. Many men learn what they know about sex and pleasure from pornography. Pornography can create unrealistic expectations around sex with a loving partners. As well, pornography use can become addictive, compulsive, and impulsive.
Instead, working with a sex and intimacy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling, can support proper, accurate sexual health education. A female needs about 45-90 minutes of foreplay to feel sexually aroused. On the other hand, a male’s body only needs about 3-7 minutes to feel sexually aroused. When women experience low sexual desire or don’t want to have sex, lack of adequate foreplay can be a problem.
Emotional stress and relationship conflict can lead to intimacy issues in your marriage.
Feeling upset, challenges around communication, and not dealing with anger, can lead to marriage and intimacy issues. If you partner is yelling or you are getting into high conflict issues, it can be difficult. Name calling is an unhealthy form of negative communication. Stonewalling behaviors mean that you and your partner shut down emotionally. Sadly, many sex life and intimacy issues have roots in negative, unhealthy communication styles.
Walking out of the room when your partner is speaking is not a positive way to react when upset. And, slamming doors negatively impacts intimacy and your sex life. Some couples see these negative, high conflict forms of communication in childhood. Your parents may have criticized you and criticism may be normal from your upbringing. Yelling may also be exceptionally hurtful from your spouse or romantic partner because your parents yelled at you as a child. When you are upset or in distress, couples counseling can help you increase emotional intimacy and communication. Couples can learn healthy communication tools to resolve conflict and feel closer.
Negative communication cycles impact intimacy, orgasming, sexual expression, and sexual satisfaction.
Verbal praise and verbal positive affirmations can help romantic partners improve your sex life and intimacy. So often, partners see the negative and complain about each other. You might be able to easily see what you partner is doing wrong or what you want them to improve or change. After years and decades together, it can be hard for you to focus on the things you love about your spouse. You may have seen them reacting poorly or at their worst. Your partner may have a sharp, angry side of them.
Couples counseling with a focus on sex and intimacy can help you heal after conflict and trauma.
It can be challenging to overcome a sexless marriage without the help of a couples and intimacy specialist.
However, building a healthy sex life is about seeing your partner in a positive light. When you are looking to increase your sex life and intimacy, verbalizing appreciation and adoration is key. In general, couples counseling can help you express fondness to your partner.
Expressing what you feel grateful for about your partner is a key part in building a healthy sex life and intimacy.
We all want to be seen as attractive and sexy to our partner. When your spouse is criticizing you, saying you didn’t do enough, or asking more from you, this can impact sex. It can feel overwhelming to have to navigate life goals and responsibilities alongside building a healthy sex life. The way you view and see your partner can directly relate to your sexual satisfaction and sex life. And, the way your partner treats you can lead you to feel more sexy and confident, or the opposite. Overall, marriage and couples therapy can help you be more flirty and playful rather than criticizing your partner.
Couples therapy with a focus on intimacy and sex can help spouses learn to express admiration and fondness for each other. For some people, it may be difficult to verbalize positive statements of appreciation. As well, if your parents didn’t say “I love you,” it may be hard to say it to your significant other. Couples therapy with a focus on sex and intimacy can help you figure out what more to say than or even say, “I love you.”

To begin, book a phone consult for intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist below.
Meeting with a sex and intimacy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you appreciate how much time your body needs to feel sexually aroused.
You don’t need to measure up or change yourself to be the same as the male body. Women are amazing, healing, and beautiful creatures. Therefore, working with a sex and intimacy specialist can help women embrace themselves. Going to therapy with a focus on intimacy can help women love, accept, and devote time to sexually explore themselves.
Males can learn the importance and value for lengthening foreplay. As well, males can understand and comprehend the need for 45-90 minutes of foreplay. Not all sexual activities have to end in penis vagina intercourse. Working with a sex and intimacy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can support diverse, playful sexual experiences.
Working with a sex and intimacy specialist can provide proper sexual health education on female orgasms
We don’t receive proper sexual health education from our parents and caregivers. Maybe, your parents even shamed and criticized you for wanting to talk about sex. Talking about sex, when growing up, was taboo and even dirty.
Learning the sec is dirty leads a person to develop anxiety and insecurities around being sexual. This ingrained belief can lead to intimacy issues within your relationship or marriage. So often, females especially grow up learning misinformation around their body, sexual pleasure, and orgasming. Some women learn that orgasming is bad for health.
In reality, fear-based messages around sex and intimacy like this are not evidence based.
Orgasming and multiple orgasms can boost mood and bring joy. Intimacy counseling with Katie Ziskind, a sex and pleasure specialist, can provide accurate information on orgasming. Many women who believe orgasming is harmful never give themselves pleasure sexually. Sadly, many women abandon themselves sexually due to fear-based messages.
Talking about your sexuality and getting more comfortable talking about sex are benefits of intimacy counseling with a sex and pleasure specialist. At Wisdom Within Counseling, Katie Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapist, helps women feel comfortable talking about sex. Katie encourages women to explore their own sexual pleasure, sexuality, body’s signals, breathing patterns, and mind body connection.
Overcoming blame, pressure, fear and guilt around your sexuality are beautiful parts of intimacy counseling with Katie Ziskind, LMFT.