Many times, infidelity is a long time coming. Now, what this means is that infidelity often took years to happen. And, its everyone, not just one person to blame. Infidelity relationship counseling helps you get clear on what has happened and where you want to go. For instance, a partner of a ten year marriage may choose infidelity for a number of reasons. As family, individual, and marriage counselors, we help couples who feel betrayed and mistrust decide to separate or stay together.
What contributes to lack of trust? Online and in person East Lyme, Ct infidelity relationship counseling.
Overall, family troubles, marriage conflicts, marriage sexual problems, and lack of healthy communication create a problematic marriage. Further, porn addiction, alcohol addiction, working too much, and substance use can negatively impact a marriage. Right now, online or in person infidelity relationship counseling can help you understand the root of marriage issues. When combined, these stressors lead to feeling lonely, unloved, and unwanted. And, this is a recipe for infidelity relationship, and therefore couples counseling. As a group of marriage and family therapists, we accept you as you are. As well, lack of empathy and emotional connection leads to infidelity. Maybe, your partner was an jerk for years and you feel resentment. Well, a marriage counselor can help your partner learn skills emotionally care for you.
Call or text 860-451-9364 for emotional support and self-worth in your relationship goals through online or in person counseling.
Often, shame and guilt prevent couples from reaching out for relationship counseling. So, online counseling is entirely private and secure.Wisdom Within Counseling is LGBTQIA+ affirming therapists. And, we help you learn to accept your emotions, and get clear on ways to navigate them positively.
Low sexual connection can contribute to infidelity
Furthermore, if you are wishing for sexual pleasure, and your partner isn’t giving it, it can seem easy to look elsewhere. However, running from problems and unresolved emotions will only lead to more conflict. Instead, looking at what you and your partner need sexually from a therapist can be helpful. In general, would you like to be more physically intimate with your partner? Well, any frustrations and negative remarks about sex can cause even more of a decrease. In marriage counseling, your partner can learn skills to connect with you physically and emotionally. Remember, when you used to be so in love? Overall, marriage support can help you choose to mindfully get that back. Therefore, a marriage therapist can help you let go of resentment in a healthy way. Also, marriage therapy helps you constructively work on bettering communication sexual pleasures in your marriage. Call or text 860-451-9364 today for online or in person relationship support around sexual pleasure.
Lack of healthy communication and emotional distance contributes to cheating
Furthermore, does your spouse forget you, or not acknowledge your feelings? Or, does your spouse brush you off, when you only want to feel loved and validated?
Well, marriage therapy can help you express your feelings and release the emotional pain you are feeling. In a marriage, you may feel ashamed for wishing your partner was different. Our therapists can help you emotionally connect deeply with your partner. Likewise, we can help your spouse learn the essential social and emotional skills needed to nurture you. Often, engineers or people who were not raised in emotionally expressive homes need help in these areas.
Call or text 860-451-9364 for emotional support and emotionally positive martial success skills.
Do you and your partner regularly hug and kiss before one of you leaves your home? Or, does one of you leave unnoticed, without communicating? There is no, “Hey Sweetie, I’m headed out. I love you!” If so, marriage and relationship therapy would be very helpful. Also, do you sleep in separate beds after fighting? Do you sweep things under the rug? Well, individual and marriage counseling can help you speak confidently and move forward.
Call or text 860-451-9364 to begin in online video counseling or in person therapy for better communication and a healthy connection with yourself.

Feeling unwanted in a marriage contributes to infidelity
Did you cheat on your spouse?
Therefore, the feeling of being unwanted can be so deep. Unfortunately, this feeling can lead parts of people to act in ways they may not usually. A part of you, for example, may enjoy the new attention outside of your marriage. But, another part of you feels loyal to your spouse. But, they have really rejected you. In counseling, your therapist helps you understand why you cheated. And, your marriage therapist can help you decide what type of relationship you want. Right now, you feel anger, resentment at your spouse. In therapy, we help you become strong and equipped to handle anything that comes your way. Further, you can handle this feeling of loneliness and talk about it in therapy.
Call or text 860-451-9364 for emotional support and help figuring out and getting clear on your relationship goals.

When you think about your spouse, you are torn? Infidelity relationship counseling can help you get clear on relationship goals and challenging feelings.
Now, before cheating happens, it usually is not a one moment thing. For instance, you may have been experiencing pain in your marriage, conflicts, and lack of support. In counseling, you that you are worthy of love and respect in relationships. From there, you can choose a path that is healthy. Remember, your therapist, is completely on your team. Really, from relationship therapy, you can understand the root of emotional or physical cheating. Often, there are deep, underlying conflicts causes the betrayal and cheating. Plus, marriage counseling can help you and your spouse work through the things you have never talked about. Call or text 860-451-9364 for holistic infidelity relationship counseling online through video or in person for healthy self-worth skills in relationships.

Overall, infidelity relationship counseling can help you feel safe opening up, gain confidence to share your feelings, and love yourself as you are.
For years, you marriage was not so great. And, you may be sweeping things, like sharing your feelings, under the rug. Therefore, individual and marital therapy can help you learn to speak up. Plus, you can gain a positive, confident voice, and reach your relationship goals. Call or text 860-451-9364 for emotional support and help figuring out and getting clear on your relationship goals.
What can you do to manage loneliness?
For instance, loneliness may cause you to want to reach out to secretly someone outside your marriage, drink alcohol and goto a bar, or do something else negative. Well, self-sabotaging behaviors don’t stop at infidelity. Often, when relationships are challenging, humans turn to substances, alcohol, cheating, eating disorders, infidelity, and self-harming. Further, in counseling you can learn positive coping skills for self-acceptance and self-love. Really, none of these bring you any true happiness. Essentially, it is an illusion that these will bring pleasure. So, therapy allows you to build meaningful relationships with trust and commitment.
We can help you if you feel stuck in the past, and like you want to change old negative habits.
Overall, Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut offers online and in person counseling. In counseling, you can refocus on yourself, you career, your relationship goals, and find healthy coping outlets.
Call or text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for holistic marriage and family therapy.
At times, all humans have times where they feel sad, lonely, resentment, and disconnected. Cheating and infidelity is more common than you may imagine. And, without help, it can cause challenges with parenting and with childrearing. With counseling, you can gain positive, healthy ways to relieve stress rather than infidelity. Plus, your couple’s therapist can provide accountability in your marriage and goals. Really, a weekly or twice a weekly marriage counseling session can help your whole family gain closeness and connection. However, if you have been cheating or feel like you are gong to cheat, contact us today 860-451-9364.