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How to date after a breakup

Dating, a dreaded word. Mostly, people will stop dating because it’s too hard. Often, after a break up, it can feel hopeless. Yes, you can be vulnerable about these raw, sad feelings of deep loss. And, seeking professional help from a relationship therapist In Niantic, Connecticut can be a safe place to process. For example, if you and your ex dated for ten years, being single can be unknown. Right now, you may be used to being in a relationship or emotionally distant. At times, your ex was your best friend. So, there’s the loss of your best friend and your partner all in one. This article can help you learn more about how to date after a break up. And, you can truly create a healthy relationship for yourself.

Notes on dating again from a relationship therapist in Niantic, Connecticut

To note, your first date back in the game will most likely not be your next relationship. Instead, think about how to date after a break up as a way of getting to know new friends. Also, working with a relationship therapist in Niantic, Connecticut can help you feel confident about your body. Additionally, relationship counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you set healthy boundaries.

How can a relationship therapist in Niantic, Connecticut help with setting healthy boundaries?

Sometimes, when first dating again, all you want is to be back with someone, anyone. And, you may want a relationship, but find yourself with people who just want something casual. Your relationship therapist In Niantic, Connecticut can help you stay firm with healthy, self-care boundaries in a new relationship. And, your therapist can help you speak clearly and be confident about your relationship goals.

How do you know when you’ve met the right person to date? Notes from a relationship therapist in Niantic, Connecticut

Now, when you feel like you met a good friend who you want to have a relationship with, then you can take it to the relationship step. Take it slow and be gentle. In general, you want a person who respects you, your career, and your life. But, also someone who is emotionally empathetic, caring, and understands you. Seeking out a relationship therapist in Niantic, Connecticut can be very empowering in helping you create what you want. Also, when it comes to how to date after a break up, this article will give you some tips! For a phone consultation for relationship therapist in Niantic, Connecticut, text/call 860-451-9364.

Anxiety and dating after a break up

To begin, anxiety, being self conscious, and doubts are normal. And, you wonder if the person across from you at the restaurant table really like you. Yes, first dates can be anxiety provoking and cause panic attacks. Further, expressive arts therapists such as at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut can help you develop anxiety coping mechanisms. Or, outdoor walk and talk therapy along the Southeastern Connecticut shoreline can help you feel relaxed and connected to yourself. We teach positive coping skills for you to date confidently in healthy ways. Call/Text for a session with a holistic, alternative relationship therapist in Niantic, Connecticut 860-451-9364.

Growing a confident you!

Dating, yes, it takes effort and is hard at first. For one, more than finding a person to date, the lessons come from getting yourself out there. Simply put, the practice of dating, texting people, and responding back in a timely manor, will help you grow. Confidence, it comes from a relationship with your mind, body and spirit. And, from a healthy relationship with yourself, you’ll attract a healthy partner. At Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, you can work with a relationship therapist to get clear on your relationship goals! Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for holistic relationship counseling in Connecticut.

Our team can help you get clear on your relationship goals and be confident being you! Further, self confidence is the anti venom to anxiety. So, after a break up, you’ll develop self confidence by getting out there and dating again. You can lean skills to leave your ex in the dust and be open to new love. Sometimes, negative memories from the past can hold you back. With your personal confidence, you’ll be an even more attractive person. Just note, you don’t have to be different that who you are or put on a front. Always, focus on being authentically yourself! Call/text 860-451-9364 for a positive connection with a holistic, alternative relationship therapist in Niantic, Connecticut.

Motivation: How to date after a break up

To add, on a first date, you’ll notice someone’s motivation level. Often, if your date is unemployed, and you have a strong work ethic, it may not be the right fit. So, if you are clear on your moral and ethical values, you can share these up front. Further, you want to see how you can fit this new person into your life. Do you like yoga? And, do they want to try it too? Do you enjoy quiet time? And, your date likes going out to parties? Do you like staying up late, and are they in bed early? Also, if you aren’t clear about your motivation and relationship goals, you’ll be doing yourself and this person a disservice. Start thinking about your relationship goals. For one, do you want children? Do you want an open relationship, casual relationship, or a commitment? Also, do you like cats or dogs? Overall, is this person on top of nutriton and personal self care? And, will this person bring out your best and have your best interest in mind? The team at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut would love to help you create the relationship of your wildest dreams filled with joy, connection, and loyalty. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for working with a relationship therapist in Niantic, Connecticut.

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Call to begin with a phone consultation about creating a healthy relationship and to learn how to date after a break up 860-451-9364

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