It feels like the person you fell in love with when you started dating is a different person now. The person you are with now feels confusing, and can sometimes be hurtful. Right now, anger, loss, hurt, and jealousy are clouding what could be your happy, healthy relationship. As well, you remember the good times together, and feel sad. You wonder where those good times went. And, you want skills to create new, meaningful memories together. When you first started dating, you felt inspired, loved, and confident together. Now, you feel emotionally drained, hopeless after a fight, and wondering if you should keep trying. Before you call it quits or give divorced, try working with one of the therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Orlando, Florida. Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida helps distant couples heal from past pain and fall back in love.
To begin, book your free phone consultation online using the button below for a healthier, happier, more playful marriage.

Couples therapy in Orlando, Florida is a safe palce to regain playfulness, connection, and joy from a relationship professional.
Marriage counseling in Orlando, Florida can help you gain better communication tools and togetherness. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team is here to help your romantic relationship deepen.
Why do couples start in Orlando, Florida marriage therapy?
Perhaps, you’re struggling with fighting or anger in your relationship, or your romance is just not going the way you want it to. Maybe, you’re struggling with a sexless relationship after having children. Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida helps couples who need to repair trust issues. Affairs, cheating, betrayals, lying, and secret keeping are signs you need relationship support. As well as wanting to work on trust issues, you know you need help from a marriage therapist to manage the overwhelming responsibilities. Childcare, parenting, building you career, money and finances, and stressors overwhelm your plate.
How is Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida especially supportive for couples?
On this page, we are going to talk about couples therapy and specifically, Gottman couples therapy. So the Gottman method is a type of therapy that is healing for couples. Katie Ziskind, licensed marriage and family therapists, is a level two Gottman therapist.
In Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida, you get positive skills. Every couples counseling session you get specific homework to better enhance these skills at home. As well, you can understand different ways to get playful and build meaningful connection with your partner.
Can couples counseling help with fear, worry, and sexual anxiety?
Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida supports overcoming societal shame and cultural fears. As well, couples counseling helps air out sexual insecurities. You can talk about apprehensiveness that may occur when you think about trying new sex positions or sex toys. Some people have fears of intimacy. In addition, some people have jealousy that prevents closeness in their romantic relationship. You can talk about anything unresolved that needs to be processed and talked about. In couples counseling, you can share big emotions, anxiety, and your worries about the future. Partners get a safe space in therapy to share losses, sadness, and regrets about the past.
To begin, book your free phone consultation online using the button below for Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.
How does past sexual trauma play into a healthy marriage?
Any past sexual trauma that you’ve experienced can really play a huge role. Past rape, sexual abuse, emotional neglect, or sexual harassment impacts your sex life. Experiencing sexual trauma and sexual abuse effects your romance. At times, being touched can feel unsafe or be triggering to past painful experience. Also, sexual trauma, rape, or sexual assault experiences impact your marriage and even how you handle conflict.

What are childhood trauma responses and why do they matter in a healthy marriage?
If you grew up in a family where you had to be a people pleaser, you had to put other people’s emotions first. You may have some built up anger from your childhood. Being a people pleaser means that you may have a need now in your romantic relationship.
For instance, you may need attention, or need to feel important, or need reassurance. Working with a holistic Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida, you can learn about yoga therapy. Learning about your chakras can be healthy as it promotes spiritual healing. Understanding how to activate that throat chakra and speak up calmly can support a healthier relationship.
From couples counseling, you can learn how to communicate, and ask for your needs to be met.
You can also share with your romantic partner how your childhood trauma impacts you in your relationship. Talking about trauma responses allows partners to better understand one another. Marriage counseling can be a safe place to share with your partner what you are needing and wanting. Lastly, childhood trauma shapes us as humans and it creates closeness to talk about it.

Couples can learn to heal from childhood trauma as a unity and support one another through curiosity as a skill.
It is common for couples to get into angry, hopeless arguments due to trauma bonds. When couples have a history of trauma, fights can be more severe and intense. Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida is a process of building courage and confidence. Instead of feeding the fight and anger, you can learn healthy communication tools. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling help you and your partner learn how to get curious. Instead of getting angry, frustrated, or triggered, you can show curiousness. Essentially, couples get stuck fighting because they misunderstand one another frequently. As well, fighting, angry, hurt couples need help learning how to access and show curiosity.
To begin, book your free phone consultation online using the button below for playfulness and joy together again.
From couples counseling with a Gottman therapist in Orlando, Florida, you can develop healthy communication tools.
You can feel empowered to communicate verbally. As well, you can reflect on past experiences. For instance, in a past situation, you kind of froze up and didn’t know what to say when angry or how to ask about partner’s needs. Criticism, stonewalling or the silent treatment are negative forms of communication.

These leave couples feeling hurt, angry, and sad. Maybe, even hopeless about the future too. You are not alone. Instead, marriage therapy can be a safe place to emotionally connect. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you and your partner thrive.
What is negative communication and how can Orlando, Florida couples counseling help?
Without curiosity, couples use negative communication. For instance, criticism, put downs, judgement, and threats are negative forms of communication. Showing interest with an intention of curiosity about one another helps creates importance. From bringing about curiosity, you can get to know your partner’s deeper emotional parts. Often, these parts get triggered by you, but are deeper than you.
Do you feel stuck in roommate syndrome with your spouse?
Roommate syndrome is where you just feel like two ships passing in the night. As well, you don’t really have spice, fun, or passion anymore. Sex might be a chore now and sex is on the back burner. You feel confused, sad, and upset as there’s not much sex going on. Your married life just feels kind of heavy, tense, and boring. You are not alone. On that note, Wisdom Within Counseling helps fighting couples kind of get sexually playful again. From couples therapy, you can rebuild a sense of sexual passion and sexual connection together. And, Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in teaching couples how to create a positive sex life. Your sex life can improve from more trust and emotional intimacy.

Why is Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida so effective for couples?
Another reason why Gottman marriage therapy is very effective is because you get to learn about your partner in a new way than you never have before. A lot of times, couples don’t know how to create new and meaningful experiences. And, that’s part of Gottman marriage therapy. Studies show that when couples do different things, like things neither of them have ever done before, they are happier.
How can couples therapy help me and my spouse do new things?
Let’s say neither of you have ever gone to a certain nature park? Going to that nature park together is a new and beautiful experience. You can be near the ocean or look at the trees together. Be mindful of the whole experience. See the birds and the sunset colors. That park becomes a new experience for you both and a positive, shared experience together. From there, you can build upon more positive, new experiences. And, you can play around with new sexual experiences too.
To begin, book your free phone consultation online using the button below for meaningful connection.
Talking about sex in a positive way is a part of Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida
Another part of your couple’s therapy journey is talking about sex in a positive way. A lot of times, in our Americanized culture, we feel shame sexually. For one, we feel body shame for not looking a certain way. Many humans have sexual issues due to wanting our bodies to look different than they are due to advertisements. As well, any internalized shame around body image can play a role in marital conflicts and sexual activity. You may feel rejection sexually. There may also be like guilt and blame coming up around unresolved sexual experiences.

As couples therapists, we talk positively and open the conversation around sex.
There are not many places in your life where you have a safe space. you Now, you can’t talk about sex or sexual pleasure at work. And, you can’t talk about that with friends. Orlando, Florida couples therapy is that safe, confidential place to talk about improving your passion and sex life. You can talk about want you want your ideal sexual environment or sanctuary to look like. Additionally, you can talk about your ideal sexual experience and what pleasures you. Maybe, you want to talk about something you really like or really don’t favor. You can share with your partner what you want your bedroom to look like.
How does a messy bedroom cause conflicts for couples?
If your bedroom is cluttered or disorganized, you may fight more frequently. As well, if there are boxes everywhere, you might fight your sexual passion is struggling. If they are photos of family facing your bed or sexy area, sometimes that can kind of dampen your vibe.

A big step is being able to make your space in an environment to promote sexual pleasure and relaxation mentally.
If you’re looking over while receiving sexual pleasure and you see a giant pile of laundry, that’s probably going to dampen the mood. Talking about how to create an environment that supports intimacy is a big part of marriage counseling. Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida supports positive, lifestyle changes for couples. An easy one might be reorganizing your bedroom to feel more open, clean, and authentic. From there, you may feel more sexually free and connected.
Do you are your spouse need positive coping skills for a healthy relationship and better marriage?
Another component of Gottman marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling is building a tool kit. Yes, it’s an imaginary tool kit mostly. But, it may have some physical things in there too at your house like sex toys. Even lubricants can be a part of a healthy sex life for all ages and couples. Maybe people think that if they need lubricants to have a good sexual experience, they are inadequate. Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida normalizes sexual insecurities. In marriage counseling you are building positive coping tools to improve communication too. You can gain skills to know how to talk when you’re angry. To know how to calmly talk about betrayal or jealousy is a skill all couples benefit from. From couples therapy, you can identify big intense emotions that come up and release them in a healthy way.

To begin, book your free phone consultation online using the button below for Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.
How does timing play a role in healthy communication?
To also know when to have these emotional conversations is part of couples therapy. In Orlando, Florida, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can better understand the timing of communication. Tone of voice is huge. You can decide whether you want to use a more direct tone or a light playful tone. Often, you couples therapist will recommend a gentle, playful tone. Tone, communication and timing can all be part of couple’s therapy. You can also start to feel a sense of closeness, because you’re not using negative communication anymore. Fun and playful tone of voice activities in marriage counseling support couples in bonding again.
Healthy communication is part of your positive coping toolkit.
From Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida, you get to learn lifelong coping strategies for unity and trust. Additionally, you both can ways to positively build meaningful connection. Holistic couples therapy helps you to feel spiritually aligned as partners. Marriage counseling is your safe place to process when things don’t go well. You can share anger, hurt, and sadness after a fight occurs. Couples who get stuck fighting can learn to use emotional validation skills for next time.

Gottman marriage therapy is a beautiful experience of improving communication and supporting emotional intimacy.
As well, couples counseling is a process of building a desire, rekindling safety, and igniting passion. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Orlando, Florida, we give couples space to share and express deep emotions. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we offer video and in-person sessions. If you’re struggling with body image issues and this impacts your sex life, we can help. Additionally, couples therapy can improve self-esteem and your sex life. Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida helps couples struggling with conflicts that never seem to get resolved. Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you.

We offer some creative mind-body trauma therapies in Gottman marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.
Holistic, mind-body, somatic therapies help couples who have a trauma history. If you find it hard to trust, somatic, mind-body, and holistic therapies may be for you. As well, if you have been suffering from painful past experiences, negative memories, intrusive negative thoughts, mind-body therapies can help. Trauma means that your mind kind of gets stuck on the pain of the past. So, holistic, mind-body, creative therapies are helpful for getting in the present moment.

Trauma can make couples feel stuck in the past, but somatic, holistic, and mind-body therapies can support healing.
Art, painting, yoga, and meditation helps couples build new shared experiences together. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can pick from creative art, painting, yoga, meditation, mindfulness, breathing techniques. As well, outdoor walking sessions in nature support couples in healing past trauma together. Overall, positive lifestyle skills can help you make the most of your marriage. Plus, holistic, somatic, mind-body therapies help both people support themselves on a personal level. Holistic therapies promote the passionate, safe, meaningful love that you’re looking for in your romantic relationship.
LGBTQIA+, queer, non binary, transgender, intersex, asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, same sex couples, poly, kink affirming marriage therapy

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can gain skills to cope with distressing emotions in healthy ways. Holistic marriage counseling helps you build a meaningful, playful relationship. Working with a Gottman level two therapist gain give you skills you never had before. Katie Ziskind and the team at Wisdom Within Counseling have locations in Niantic, Connecticut and in Florida. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in a holistic, creative, mind-body approach to counseling couples. Many times, traditional talking is not effective alone. We are a holistic marriage and family therapist counseling group that loves helping couples and families.