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Frustrated and fighting with your spouse, and looking for happiness in your marriage? We offer marriage therapy in Waterford, CT.

Marriage Counseling In Niantic, Connecticut and Online

In couples therapy in Niantic, would you like to feel heard and listened to?  The day after a fight, do you feel like you lost your best friend? Are you stuck in the silent treatment cycle?

In fights, it is normal to feel unheard. Or, do you feel that you are the one doing all the talking? For example, in negative marriage fights, one person creates distance and the other is the pursuer. Often, one person will not talk or refuse to respond. Or, one person may do all the talking or yelling and crying. Couples therapy helps you identify negative cycles that you might be stuck in right now. Then, your marriage therapist in Waterford, Connecticut, helps you make positive changes to rebuild your marriage.

How we help you find hope and love again through marriage therapy in Waterford, CT?

Do your fights become a vicious cycle of fight or flight? Do you wonder how you started getting so separate, angry, and distant? Also, would you like a professional to help you reconnect and rebuild a positive relationship with each other? Cheery the therapists provide positive solutions and healthy coping tools. Better communication and closeness as a positive result of regular marriage therapy in Waterford, CT. Call or text 860-451-9364 for relationship help, marriage therapy, and couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut. 

Creating Positive Connection in Couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut

All in all, Wisdom Within Counseling would love to be the East Lyme, Connecticut couples therapist group that steps in to help you break your negative cycle and better the lives of your children. By practicing the fair fighting skills learned through healthy conversation skills, you will be modeling positive communication skills for your children. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for couples and marriage counseling. Request Appointment with Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500

As a result of couples therapy, your children will likewise learn ways to effectively and calmly communicate!

Healthy Fighting and Tools For Breaking Up Your Fights Calmly in Couples Therapy in Southeastern Connecticut

In addition, if one person is unhappy in a partnership or marriage, you need counseling. From couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut, you can learn ways to get clear on what happened. Overall, past, unresolved issues play a role in current relationship issues in couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut. Also, you can gain skills to rebuild after betrayal. Essentially, it is vital to ask for help to take appropriate next steps for both partners to be healthy. To begin, call or text 860-451-9364 marriage counseling and couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut or online. 

Do You Feel Misunderstood and Angry In Your Marriage?

Oftentimes, both people can feel unheard, unloved, and unacknowledged. Working together in marriage therapy in Waterford, CT, can help you rebuild trust after betrayal and hurt. Simply, feeling unappreciated can cause loads of angry feelings. With the help of a therapist, such as our team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, you can love each other deeper. Overall, marriage counseling and couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut incorporates yoga, art, music, and even nature. For example, painting and doing art in therapy can help couples repair after betrayal or cheating. Call/text 860-451-9364 for marriage and couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut. 

Fighting and Swearing In Front Of Your Children?

When parenting children, it is essential to keep fights to a minimum in front of your children, adolescents, or teens. Emotionally, when you get triggered or angry, it can be hard to pull back in from of your little ones. However, as Connecticut couples therapists would love to help guide you through the process of healing your love in East Lyme marriage counseling.

Do You Want To Feel More Attached and Connected To Your Partner?

To continue, couples counseling in Niantic helps both people to feel more secure and attached. At times, marriage therapy in Waterford, CT, gives you a safe, neutral space to talk about your intense, challenging feelings. Furthermore, our office becomes a safe place to open up. And, you and your partner can move from frustration and fighting to healing and intimacy. Thus, in couples therapy in Niantic, you and your partner can have healthier conversations about emotions and reconnect.


Call or text today at 860 451-9364 or schedule your session online at the button with the button.

Also, as your family and couples therapists in Niantic, Connecticut, our team recommend books for you to read. To add, reading about a better marriage help you deepen your journey of self-discovery. Plus, reading books can help you understand why things have been going not so well. Maybe, you need to cut down hours at work. Or, may you need to show affection physically more. Perhaps, you understand you needed to be there emotionally for your spouse when you were not.

What skills do you learn in marriage therapy in Waterford, CT?

In school, we are taught about math and science, but we don’t learn skills to nurture ourselves when we’re angry or anxious. In couples therapy, online and in person, you do meaningful work. Additionally, your counselor may assign you couples therapy homework to reinforce playfulness. Additionally, couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut helps you rebuild intimacy, have better sex, and laugh together again. Lastly, after your couple therapy sessions, it is normal to feel closer, more connection, and more meaningful, deeper love. Call or text 860-451-9364 to learn more about marriage, relationship, and couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut. 

Past, Present, and Future Goals in Couples Therapy in Niantic, Connecticut

From growing up, every person has mishaps, traumas, and patterns. In other words, these past experiences play a major role in your interactions in your current relationship, in how you parent your children, and the social-interaction skills your teenagers take into young adult years. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for couples, family, child, and marriage counseling. 

What are some things to expect in family therapy, relationship counseling, and couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut?

Well, the first session will be an intake. Then, you can meet together with your therapist. Or, your therapist may separate you both during marriage therapy in Waterford, CT for individual counseling. Overall, we offer online help for couples looking for deeper intimacy and in person counseling. Furthermore, in Niantic, Connecticut couple’s therapy, and marriage counseling sessions, your therapist will do a family history, which is called a genogram.

How can marriage therapy in Waterford, CT help you understand your childhood and how that plays into your marriage?

In general, a genogram is a hand drawn model that  looks back at three generations of your family patterns. Maybe, your father and grandpa were alcoholics, and you are drinking heavily too. Or, maybe they both were in the military. Perhaps, your mom and your grandma both married alcoholics or doctors. In marriage therapy in Waterford, CT, Who therapist helps you find healthy outlets for stress in this present moment too.

Holistic marriage therapy in Waterford, CT helps you grow!

Often, you may not don’t realize what family patterns you are carrying. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we use holistic, creative therapies alongside offer couples therapy in Niantic, Connecticut, online and in person. Lastly, we help angry, disconnected, distant couples learn to trust in each other and love each again! You can learn better communication and mental clarity in couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut.

Couples Therapy in Niantic, Connecticut, Understanding Past Family Patterns

Essentially, within the context of couple’s counseling, you will gain a better understanding of how your past patterns influence your social and intimate behaviors. Finally, you’ll also better understand your partner’s past, and PTSD in couples therapy. Therefore, understanding PTSD and your partner’s past helps to understand their emotional triggers. Lastly, at any stage of parenting or marriage, your past trauma, may resurface. Trauma, for example, is a lifelong condition. At any time, your trauma background may lead to a panic attack. So, your partner can learn skills to positive nurture you in those moments. And, PTSD and trauma experiences can interfere with the way you relate to your partner and children. So, we help couples who have PTSD learn to relax together, confide in each other, and support each other.

Do You And Your Partner Parent Differently and Want To See Eye-To-Eye? How can we rekindle the intimacy and passion we had at the beginning of our relationship?

For instance, the way your teenager speaks to you may be a trigger for you, but not your spouse. Then, this situation creates a divide in the strength of your marriage and parenting unit. During your couples therapy sessions in Niantic, Connecticut, as marriage counselors, we get to work through tough stuff. Mentally, you may be worried and exhausted. What you have been doing isn’t working. Therefore, experiential, holistic therapies can facilitate new healing, positive interactions with your partner. Call/text 860-451-9364 for relationship help, marriage counseling, and couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut. 

Can Meditation Really help My Partner And I Feel Closer? Furthermore, journalists will ask specialists in their fields for their expertise and quotes for articles. Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500 was featured as an expert in this article.

And, marriage counseling in East Lyme, CT helps you feel stable, solid, and confident with your spouse as you parent your children together from a unified front!

Couples Therapy in Niantic, The Couple’s Therapy Dance

Similarly, your marriage therapist will assess “your dance” a.k.a. your patterns of interactions. Additionally, from a professional perspective as a couples therapist in Niantic, we work together to help you whole family function better together. Also, you and your partner(s) will develop healthier communication skills. And, you will learn more effective ways of getting your needs met without yelling. Further, you will see how you both “dance” to distress, anger, and misunderstandings. As well, you can create a new joyful, intimate, beautiful, courageous, and successful dance.

How do you feeling exhausted and tired with fighting? Start with a free phone call to learn more about marriage therapy in Waterford, CT

The Pressure To Perform Sexually: Males & Sex Therapy in East Lyme

Have you wanted to talk about sex openly? Is it a sensitive subject in your marriage? Also, holistic marriage counseling in Connecticut involves taking about your sexual desires and needs. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you receive sex therapy as need be. Further, individuals and couples who find it challenging to have sex can benefit from sex therapy. In our culture, stereotypes and gender roles can negatively influence the ability for couples to have sex. Moreover, males are told by the media their “duty” is to preform better, which leads to performance anxiety. Overall, often decreased libido due in males is a result to overwhelming sexual pressure. Call/text 860-451-9364 for marriage counseling and couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling. 

Reasons For A Low Sex Drive: Females in Sex Therapy in East Lyme

Likewise, society places immense pressure on females to remain “skinny,” be beautiful, and to lose weight. Additionally, stereotypes state that a woman’s mere “duty” is to comply and fulfill the male’s desires. If a female initiates or asks for sex, she is considered “loose.” Sadly, these gender roles make it difficult for a woman to communicate her needs in her relationship and marriage. In conclusion, stigmas lead to a negative body image, eating disorders, and sexual insecurity for women and men.

Dissolving Stereotypes For A Committed Relationship – Couples Therapy in Southeastern Connecticut

Clearly, part of your couples therapy sessions in Niantic with me will address and dissolve these counter productive stereotypes placed on your and your partner through society. Overall, Katie Ziskind, holistic therapist in Southeastern Connecticut, is often mentioned in mental health, self-improvement, and wellness news articles. Read more about some tips about how to be a better wife, here.

Marriage Counseling For Gender-Questioning Clients

In addition, society also considers talking openly about sex taboo. Many therapists become embarrassed. Sex conversations are necessary in holistic marriage therapy in Waterford, CT. Nevertheless, we accept all people and talk openly about sexual needs and desires in couples therapy. Wisdom Within Counseling is an LGBTQIA+, kink, and poly friendly therapist group in Niantic, Connecticut. Read more, here. Further, we are trained to talk with you about about your past sexual experiences, past traumas that may be playing a role, your current sexual needs and desires. Therefore, for LGBTQ couples therapy, call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation. 

Wisdom Within Counseling is a bisexual, transgender, queer, gender non confirming, gender fluid affirming, and an LGBTQIA+ ally.

Together, during your couples therapy in Niantic, we can work together to negotiate sexual curiosities. For instance, we welcome all members of the LGBTQIA+ community. In counseling, you can freely talk about your sexual functioning, rekindling desire, and sexual satisfaction. Plus, we help couples who have been focused on work and building their careers, sexual knowledge of male and female anatomy.

Book a phone consultation for using the button below with to learn more about how we can help your distant, angry marriage thrive again through marriage therapy in Waterford, CT

Worries, Excitement, and Fears in LGBTQIA+ Couples Counseling

For instance, you may have found your husband wearing your clothes and feel a number of emotions. In contrast, you may find yourself married, but now are attracted to the same gender. Again, no problem is too big or too small. Please, talk with me. I am here for you at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, and I totally understand your frustrating, loss, and pain.

Couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut

Holistic Marriage Counseling in East Lyme and Sexual Attraction

When a couple gets in an argument, sex is the first thing to go and the last thing to come back. Before long, sex issues are in your marriage. Additionally, underlying emotional issues like sexual trauma and loss surface in therapy. Sometimes, anger from loss of a sibling, parent, or prior spouse need attention. Also, you can share experiences of sexual trauma and sexual abuse with your spouse safely in marital counseling. At times, loss, grief, anger, and frustration all go hand in hand. Therefore, in East Lyme, Wisdom Within Counseling nurtures and attends to families in need with compassion. Holistic marriage therapy in Waterford, CT allows you to better understand your background, and choose the positive parts of yourself that you want to bring into this new relationship!

Trauma Response: Sex As A Power Tool

Also, your partner may use sex to take a power stance or your partner may want to try something you have never done before. For some, this can be scary, shaming, and exciting all in one. To sum up, our counselors can speak with you on the phone about your sexual fears and desires. Call or text 860-451-9364 for marriage and couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut. Overall, our marriage and family therapists help you build a safe connection around sex. Often, when in couples therapy, sex can improve from reconnecting in your marriage. 

Couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut


Sex Therapy: Reasons To Ask a Professional Family Therapist For Help

Concerns and nervousness about sexual functioning, such as issues that have developed regarding libido, arousal, orgasm, and if you experience pain during foreplay or sex

Fundamental sex education for parents (advice for educating your children about sex)

Addressing sexual abuse and trauma and how these events influence your current partnership

Desire and how to rekindle desire after a lull among couples

Changes in Desire or Libido: Rekindling Intimacy

Changes in your hormones, lifespan, and emotional state

LGBTQIA+ Couples Welcome In Marriage Therapy in Waterford, CT

Interest in exploring polyamory, open marriage, swinging, fetishes, kinks, such as BDSM

Book your free consultation for marriage therapy in Waterford, CT to move from frustration and fighting to feeling heard, loved, connected, and understood in your relationship.

Wisdom Within Counseling, LLC. Holistic Marriage and Family Therapy, Couples Therapy in Niantic. 8 West Main St. Niantic, CT 06357. Call/Text: 860- 451-9364.

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