Family estrangement is a devastating, traumatic, shocking, and confusing experience. There can be elements of complex grief and anger that go along with family estrangement. Your sibling may have cut you out of their life. As a parent, your adult child may have discarded you. Someone you love no longer finds you valuable in their life. Being pushed out of your own family and blamed for all of the problems your loved experiences is devastating. Meeting with a family estrangement therapist in Florida can give you a safe place to heal.
To begin, book your phone consult to work with a family estrangement therapist in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
When dealing with family estrangement, it’s normal to feel like an outcast in your own family.
This idea of an intact family seems far gone. It might feel like your family member, who has cut you out, holds all the power. Also, it seems like they have forgotten that you even exist. They have forgotten the good times. You have positive memories of the past that brought you great happiness. Having a relationship with your family member in the past, brought you great joy. You had envisioned this relationship being long lasting. However, as a result of family estrangement, you feel anxious, abandoned, dumbfounded, shocked, angry, and hopeless.
It’s also normal to feel angry alongside grief and sadness regarding a family estrangement.
As a result of family estrangement, you may feel upset or disgusted with other family members who choose to continue having a relationship with the person who has cut you out. You might feel torn with the complex emotions you are experiencing. And, you might even disapprove of other people continuing to have a relationship with the person that has cut you out. As well, you may feel empty and depressed.
Family estrangement counseling can help you process your feelings of anger. You may feel distant from your entire family as the result of one person cutting you out.

Cope with depression and sadness with your family estrangement therapist in Florida
When you experience family estrangement and you are on the opposite side of a cut off, you may experience depression. Overnight, it seems like your family member has decided that you are not necessary. They have gone on living happily without you as a part of their life. This can be incredibly devastating.
For parents of adult children, you may also lose a relationship with your grandchildren. If you are on the opposite side of a cut off from a sibling, you may lose relationships with your nieces and nephews. Also, as a result of family estrangement, you may not be invited to family celebrations, birthdays, holidays, or weddings. You may experience jealousy and envy, that other family members get to go to these wonderful gatherings.
Depression, sadness, and grief our normal parts of dealing with family estrangement. Working with your counselor, you can gain positive coping tools. Right now, it might feel like sleep is very difficult. Sometimes, you feel used, like you put all this love in, and now get nothing back.
Getting a good night of sleep is very challenging. You wake up at 2 AM thinking about your family member and worrying about them. And, you wonder if they are okay, if they are healthy, and if they miss you as much as you miss them. Sometimes, you find yourself crying and getting tearful because of how much you miss your family member.
To begin, book your phone consult for specialized family estrangement counseling in Florida.
You might find a sense of depression seeping into your life and hobbies.
For instance, the hobbies you used to enjoy are no longer enjoyable for you. You may have enjoyed running, gardening, meeting up with friends, and now life seems dull. If you are in a romantic relationship, it might feel difficult to become sexually aroused, or even enjoy sexual pleasure as a result of depression.
When you go to work, you can barely concentrate. At work, it seems like you are going through the motions and feel numb. Sometimes, you call in sick to work because you are so sad. When you have a loved one who no longer wants a relationship with you, and you want one with them, life loses its sparkle.

Working with a family estrangement therapist can help you learn that you deserve pleasure.
You can start to choose to take back your power.
Instead of giving your loved one the power to decide if you are happy or not, family estrangement counseling to help you learn to be happy while also experiencing sadness.
It might seem difficult to beat both happy and sad at the same time. But, working with a family estrangement therapist, you can learn how to feel multiple emotions at one time. There is a major part of grief and loss when it comes to family estrangement therapy. However, your family estrangement therapist in Florida can encourage you to socialize with friends, leave the house, and make nutritious meals for yourself.
Before getting into family arrangement counseling, you may experience panic attacks.
Anxiety and panic may be a part of your every day life.
It is often reassuring to speak on the phone with family members, and that let us know they are okay. However, when a family member cut you out of their life and is estranged from you, you may be craving for this reassurance. Not having reassurance, and not knowing they are okay, can lead to high levels of anxiety.
Due to high levels of anxiety and panic, you may be coping in negative ways. Counseling for family estrangement can help you cope in positive ways and love yourself.

To begin, book your phone consult for specialized family estrangement counseling in Florida.
Right now, you might be trying to cope with family estrangement in negative ways.
For instance, you may be drinking alcohol and access or have alcoholism. Alcohol and drugs are not healthy ways to cope with the feelings you have. Drinking alcohol when experiencing grief is unhealthy. This is a numbing and unhealthy coping mechanism. As well, you may find yourself drinking more and more alcohol every day.
When you used to drink one time a week, you are now drinking daily. If you used to have one beer a night, now you’re having eight or ten beers a night. When you used to have beer, now you are having mixed drinks with a higher alcohol content.
The glass that you pour wine into has now gotten much bigger. You find yourself bringing alcohol with you wherever you go to deal with the feelings you are experiencing. Every time you socialize with others, you have a drink of alcohol in your hand.
When you come home from work, you can’t help but stop at the package store to buy more alcohol before going home. Family estrangement there’s no doubt a painful experience.
However, when you find your alcohol consumption increasing, this means that you are on a slippery slope. Alcoholism can negatively impact your liver as well as your thinking patterns.
Commonly, people say things they don’t mean and aggressive ways after drinking alcohol. Instead of negatively coping with alcohol and drugs, you can learn to release the emotions you are feeling with healthy outlets.
Food and mood have a deep connection
Learning about nutrition, drinking water, and good sleep hygiene are parts of family estrangement counseling in Florida. You can talk about how you can use food to take good care of yourself. Drinking water throughout the day is one step to take good care of yourself. Going grocery shopping is another self-care practice. Food choices can positively impact your mood stability. If you are skipping meals, you may find yourself moody or cranky.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team specializes in family estrangement therapy. We offer a holistic, creative, whole person approach to relationships. From good self-care and self-love skills, healthy relationships with others are more possible.
Learn to take good care of yourself by working with a family estrangement therapist in Florida

Appetite changes can be a great topic to talk about with your family estrangement therapist in Florida
In addition to alcoholism, you may be eating candy, junk food, or even binge eating. When going through grief, anxiety, and depression, it’s normal to experience appetite changes. The foods you once enjoyed may not longer taste as good.
As well, certain foods and smells may remind to of your estranged family member. Maybe, you used to bake banana bread together when you had a positive relationship. Now, the smell of banana bread may bring bad sadness. Or, you shared a certain flavor of popsicle with your sibling. And, that flavor of popsicle brings tears to your eyes when you smell and taste it. Smells of food can bring back sadness and emotional pain. However, long-term, appetite changes can negatively affect your health.
The team at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you better understand how food taste and smells have a connection to memories.
At times, eating and smelling these foods can also be a positive way to remember your family member. Making a recipe you used to cook or bake together can offer closure. As well, making a recipe you had made together can provide clarity and help you keep the spirit of your family member alive.
If you are eating sugary foods, you are not getting adequate nutrition. And, this can negatively affect your mental health. You may have more mood swings when you are living off sugar and caffeine. Skipping meals and living off sugar and caffeine can lead to irritability and perpetuate your anxiety. Self-care is really important when it comes coping with intense emotions. Food and mood can be parts of family estrangement counseling in Florida.

To begin, book your phone consult to work with a family estrangement therapist in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Your family estrangement counselor can help you talk about if social media use is helping or hurting you
Or, you may be numbing out on social media. Another negative coping tool when it comes to family estrangement and spending hours on social media.
This can also lead to feelings of jealousy and anger. You may see all of your friends posting photos of their intact families on social media. If you are a parent, and your adult child has cut you out, you may find yourself feeling envious of your friends who appear to have beautiful relationships with their adult children. This may intensify your feelings of grief and loss even more.
You may feel like you can’t post a photo of your family on social media, because not everyone can be in the same room together due to the family estrangement.
Additionally, if your sibling has cut you out, seeing a photo of two siblings together at a friends wedding can be incredibly painful. When you see other friends and having beautiful relationships with their family members, you may start to cry. Waves of sadness comes over you when you were scrolling on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. It may be difficult to relate or even feel happy for your friends because you are going through grief.
Looking at other people on social media and their families can be painful.
It might cause you to feel sad that you don’t have what everyone else seems to have. Additionally, when you are going through family estrangement, you may start to negatively compare yourself to your friends in the photos they seem to be posting.
Working with a family estrangement counselor can help you remember that the photos you see on social media or one millisecond of someone’s life.
They could’ve gotten into an angry argument the moment after that photo was taken. Working with a family estrangement therapist in Florida can help you reduce your social media use. You can start to connect with the people in your life that do cherish the relationship they have with you.
Learn to resolve conflict and family estrangements by working with a family estrangement specialist and family therapist in Florida

To begin, book your phone consult for specialized family estrangement counseling in Florida.
Working with a family estrangement therapist in Florida can help you learn healthy communication skills
There may forms of toxic communication you are using to try to get your family member to speak to you again. You may be berating them with dozens of phone calls or text messages every day.
And, you may be overwhelming your family member, despite how deeply you want to communicate. Aggressive, belittling, and hurtful communication can be subconscious. There may be pressure or obligation as undertones in your communication.
Without realizing it, you may be using toxic and unhealthy communication, even if you want to hear from them again.
Communicating in an aggressive or toxic way with a family member may actually be pushing them away more. It is normal to have obsessive and compulsive thoughts about a family member when you love them, but they don’t want a relationship.
However, family estrangement counseling helps you understand healthy boundaries. As well, you can learn healthy communication tools and gain positive coping strategies.
How can working with a family estrangement therapist in Florida to help me with grief?
Family estrangement therapy can help you live your best life, even when your loved one is severely rejecting you.
Rejection doesn’t have to weigh you down like an anchor. Instead, you can feel rejection and grief, while also treating yourself with love and care. They can be a middle ground in a moderate balance where you can still be happy for yourself.

To begin, book your phone consult for specialized family estrangement counseling in Florida.
Finding things that bring you joy can be parts of family estrangement counseling
Working with a family estrangement therapist in Florida can help you go on living your best life. This way, if and when your family member does want to reconnect in the future, you have a strong and healthy sense of self. Your family estrangement therapist can help you decide what hobbies bring you joy.
This process of healing after family estrangement is about caring for yourself. Loving yourself takes time and the help of a family estrangement specialist. Instead of doing some thing you used to do, you might try want to something new. Even though it feels depressing without a relationship with your family member, your therapist can help you.
If you have never tried pickle ball or tennis, you may want to join a local team. Or, if you have never knitted before, you may want to try knitting. House well, resin pouring is becoming very popular as a hobby. Maybe, woodworking or whittling are on your bucket list.
You don’t have to go back to what you used to do. Sometimes, old hobbies can be sad reminders, especially if you used to do these things with your family member.
If you are in a romantic relationship or a marriage, family estrangement grief can take away the joy from romance.
Your family estrangement therapist can help you be playful again. Counseling can help you realize it is important to give back to your romantic partner. Even though you are experiencing grief, it is also okay to go on dates and have fun.
To cope with family estrangement, you may prioritize one night a week as a date night. During your date night, you might make talking about your family member who cut you out, off-limits.
For you to truly enjoy going out with your romantic partner, there may need to be a boundary to only speak about romantic things.
So much of your life may already be consumed with the grief and worry about family estrangement. It’s very important to set boundaries to not talk about these topics all the time.
Family estrangement counseling in Florida can help you find pleasure and joy in life even though you may be coping with loss

To begin, book your phone consult to work with a family estrangement therapist in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Family estrangement therapy can be part of your weekly schedule to give you space to talk about grief.
You can talk all you want about family estrangement in counseling, but not on a date night. If you feel obsessive thoughts on the date, you can learn to focus on the present moment.
From family estrangement counseling, you can have an outlet for when you are compelled to talk grief about your family member. So, on a date night, you may make a boundary and choose to talk about romance and playfulness. Going out on a date can help you focus on your romantic relationship. Even though you may be sad about the family estrangement in your life, you can choose to create joy for yourself.
In family arrangement counseling, you can learn positive ways to cope with intense emotions.
Creative art and painting in therapy can give you an outlet beyond words. You can play a drum or a different musical instrument to help you express what you’re feeling in family estrangement therapy. Using musical instruments can help you expressed using sounds, in addition to words.
Your family estrangement therapist in Florida may ask you to bring a song to session. A song may represent your relationship with your family member, who has cut you out and push you out of their life. Music and songs can be powerful tools in therapy.
As well, your family estrangement therapist may ask you to make a shadowbox or grief box. You can collect photos, ticket stubs, jewelry, and anything that physically reminds you of your family member. Every time you want to talk with them, you can pull out this grief shadowbox and remember the good times you’ve had.
Learn relaxation and self-care skills through meditation in family estrangement counseling

Yoga therapy in family estrangement counseling in Florida
Additional, yoga therapy and meditation skills can help you feel a sense of relaxation. Yoga therapy and mindfulness meditation skills are evidence-based ways to handle complex trauma. Self regulation and grounding skills provide lifelong strategies for coping with intense emotions.
As well, yoga therapy and mindfulness meditation can give you outlets for grief, sadness, shock, confusion, and acceptance. When you are going through family estrangement, you may not be able to convince your family member that you are important to them. You may not be able to force your family member to keep you in their life. There may be so much out of your hands.
To begin, book your phone consult for specialized family estrangement counseling in Florida.
Acceptance is a big part of healing from family estrangement and coping with grief.
Mindfulness meditation tools can help you remain present. It can be devastating to think about a future without your family member in it. Getting your mind stuck on the future can lead to anxiety and obsessive thoughts. Rather than focusing so much on the future, you can use mindfulness meditation and yoga therapy. Mindfulness meditation and yoga therapy can also help you heal from trauma.
You can learn to ground and center yourself when your mind becomes your worst enemy.
Sometimes, you may start thinking the worst, like your family member will never want you back in their life. Or during a panic attack, you feel like everything is closing in on you.
Sadness can feel overwhelming. Negative thinking like this is not productive or positive for you. When you feel overwhelming sadness or fear of the future, you can use yoga therapy and breathing techniques to calm yourself down. Also, yoga therapy and breathing techniques help you stay calm during triggering conversations.
How does yoga therapy and mindfulness meditation work in family estrangement therapy in Florida?
Instead, you can learn to gain self acceptance and be kind and compassionate to yourself through yoga therapy. In family estrangement counseling, you and your therapist can do physical poses and stretch your muscles. Or, you can do traditional talking and at the end of therapy and with a meditation.
Family estrangement counseling in Florida helps you center and ground yourself, and gain inner peace
Meditation allows your mind to feel connected to your body. Relaxing your mind can be one of the best gifts that you can give yourself when you suffer from anxiety and depression. When your family estrangement therapist guides you in a body scan or progressive muscle relaxation, you can feel at peace.
To start, you may only feel at peace for the meditation itself. Even if you start to feel acceptance and at peace for ten minutes, this is big progress. Overtime, relaxing for ten minutes make expand to 20 minutes or 30 minutes. Your family estrangement therapist in Florida will encourage you to meditate daily outside of counseling. You can take yoga therapy and mindfulness practices into your life as lifelong coping skills.
Walk and talk therapy in nature supports grounding skills and self-care

To begin, book your phone consult to work with a family estrangement therapist in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Walking therapy outdoors in nature in with you family estrangement therapist in Florida
If attending family estrangement therapy in person in Niantic Connecticut, and you can go for an outdoor walk and talk session on the boardwalk. In East Lyme, Connecticut, walking along the shore and putting your feet in the sand can be grounding.
You can meet with your family estrangement therapist in Florida on video or over phone no matter where you are.
Being in nature and outdoors, even on a video session, can be healing. You can listen to the sounds of the birds outside in nature. For many, being outdoors for family estrangement therapy can be positive.
Wisdom Within Counseling supports you in creating an environment that brings you joy and peace.
If sitting on a couch doesn’t work for you, you can be in an environment that truly serves. you. Sometimes, you car may feel like your safe place, so you can do your therapy session from your car. Working with a family estrangement therapist in Florida is about creating a soothing environment first and foremost.
Learning about complex trauma symptoms can be a part of meeting with a family estrangement therapist in Florida

Recognize your emotional triggers in family estrangement counseling in Florida
Another key part of family estrangement counseling in Florida is understanding yourself. You can gain self-awareness skills through family estrangement counseling. For example, you may find yourself going from 0 to 100 in a split second. Most of the time, you are happy go lucky. But, when someone gets under your skin, you find yourself triggered.
When speaking about trauma, there can be a variety of different triggers that you may experience. Being cut off or on the opposite side of the family estrangement can be traumatic. As well, the reason why your family member chooses to cut you off can be from trauma they have experienced. Understanding complex trauma is a big part of family estrangement counseling.
Identifying your triggers is an important part of family estrangement counseling.
Often times, your emotional triggers and reactions have also triggered your family member. Maybe, when you get upset, you immediately start yelling. In your mind, you may think this yelling an appropriate reaction to a situation. As a parent, you may have felt it was necessary to raise your voice at your child. But, at the time, you couldn’t control your emotional reaction. And, this may have scared your child, leading to a cut off, move, or estrangement.
Family estrangement counseling can also help you look at your upbringing. Certain negative communication tactics may seem normal to you, but they are still unhealthy for relationships. Perhaps, your parents yelled at you. Family estrangement counseling and help you identify and break negative generational patterns.
Working with a family estrangement therapist in Florida can help you become conscious of the patterns that no longer serve you. Yelling may be one of those negative family patterns. From counseling, you can become aware of the negative, generational patterns you want to break.
Looking at your own childhood upbringing and what you consider to be normal can be a part of family estrangement counseling.

To begin, book your phone consult for specialized family estrangement counseling in Florida.
Empathy in order to reconnect with your family member is a key part of working with a family estrangement therapist in Florida.
To note, empathy is being able to put yourself in your family member’s shoes. Even though you may be suffering, in pain, and incredibly sad about the estrangement, empathy is key. If at any point you and your loved one want to reestablish a connection, empathy skills will be of utmost importance.
To repair, it will be necessary to empathize with your adult child, sibling, or the person who cut you out. For example, to your adult child, when you yelled at them in their childhood, they felt very traumatized. There may be certain experiences were as a parent, you felt you were being a good parent. However, to your adult child, they remember these same experiences as traumatic events.
An adult child may have memories of a parent severely yelling at them, and a parent being emotionally and physically abusive. And, these traumatic childhood events can lead to estrangement behaviors later on in adulthood.
When it comes to empathy skills, these can be part of healthy communication tools to repair family estrangement.
Communicating that you understand and can empathize with what your loved one is key. A common mistake that people make is asking their family member to reconnect with them before truly apologizing. A loved one, who feels hurt, may be waiting for a heartfelt and direct apology. To repair, you’ll want to let them know you see what they are going through.
As well, to repair the relationship, you might need to validate your loved one’s experience of your emotional reaction. Essentially, this means recognizing and pointing out the times when you hurt them. Saying sorry is about noting when you acted inappropriately and disrespectfully. Your family estrangement therapist in Florida can help you take ownership and acknowledge your part.
This does not mean you are a bad person. And, this does not mean you are a bad parent. All parents make mistakes and all humans make mistakes. Part of recovering and healing after a mistake is acknowledging it.
Talking about it can be very positive. However, taking ownership and acknowledging how you hurt someone is key and repairing a family estrangement. Now, this is not a quick apology. But, instead, this is often part of a letter writing exercise in family estrangement therapy.
When you think about working with a family estrangement specialist, there may be resistance that comes up around apologizing.
A part of you we feel like it is also your family member’s fault. Or, you may have a negative belief that says, “I’ve done this before and it didn’t work.” Additionally, you may be resistant to apologizing because of a number of reasons. You may not even feel like the family estrangement or cut off was your fault at all. A part of you may blame your family member, that they have mental health issues, or that they can’t keep relationships due to their lack of social skills. These may be partly true.
But, in order to repair a family estrangement, it means acknowledging your part and taking ownership for the things that you have done that are hurtful.
To begin, book your phone consult to work with the family estrangement specialists in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Apologizing is a very humbling process. Working with a family estrangement counselor can help you process the grief, sadness, and anger that needs to occur before apologizing.
Even after you apologize, you may still not be able to create the type of close relationship that you want with your family member. But, apologizing can help.
Counseling after family estrangement can help you process what you hope to get out of apologizing. As well, family estrangement counseling and give you a safe space to deal with your family member’s reaction after you apologize to them. Letting go can be like working a new muscle.
Family estrangement counseling in Florida can help you grieve and let go, which cherishing the good memories from the past

Parents who have adult children who have pushed them out may benefit from talking about emotional triggers.
As a parent, self-regulation tools can help you talk about your triggers and express your emotions in a calm way.
As a parent, you may have lost your cool a few times. But, you consider yourself a good parent overall. However, your young adult child who has cut you out and is estranged from you may have a different interpretation of their childhood. A young adult may feel incredibly hurt and upset because they were emotionally and physically abused as a child. Emotional and physical abuse may only happen once or twice to lead to a family estrangement.
With your family estrangement counselor, you can better understand different traumatic experiences that your adult child may have a different interpretation of.
Being able to identify and talk about your emotional triggers as a parent can be reassuring to your adult child they won’t have to experience emotional abuse again. Communicating with your adult child that you are in therapy and gaining self regulation tools can reassure your adult child that it is safe to re-enter into a relationship with you.
Understand your emotions through family estrangement counseling in Florida
The stages of grief are very common in family estrangement. When experiencing grief, part of healing is acceptance. Family estrangement is so difficult because you have good memories from the past. And, it seems like your family member who cut you out, don’t remember the good times. It seems like your family member is so heavily remembering the bad times.
And, you have so many emotions, and overwhelming sadness about the family estrangement. Deep down, you want family estrangement therapy to repair the bond you once had.
Wisdom Within Counseling can help you as an individual in family estrangement therapy.
As well, you and your family member can attend counseling together in family estrangement therapy. Individual family estrangement counseling sessions can help you process all the feelings you have.
Being cut out of your family member’s life can be devastating, lead to anger, and even self-blame. But, on the journey to acceptance, there are many normal emotions you experience. More often than not, you may experience shock, confusion, denial, anger, bargaining, anxiety, depression, guilt, and acceptance. Talking about these emotions with your therapist can healing.
To begin, book your phone consult to work with a family estrangement therapist in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Family estrangement counseling can be a safe place to talk about surprise, shock, confusion, denial, anger, bargaining, anxiety, depression, guilt, and acceptance.
You may not be able to talk to your family member about these feelings. So, in family estrangement therapy, you get a space, confidential space to mourn, process the confusion, anger, and gain acceptance. Acceptance may be difficult to talk about when you are grieving.
A part of you may feel afraid to accept the family estrangement because you fear you will forget about your family member. Or, when you think about acceptance, you may feel you don’t deserve to be happy and live your best life. Acceptance is not about forgetting or fooling yourself that you are happy. Instead, acceptance is about healing, being resilient, remembering the good times, and not letting grief hold you back from living your life.
Learn about boundaries from family estrangement therapy in Florida
Your family estrangement therapist in Florida can help you identify healthy boundaries. Healthy boundaries promote better self-esteem, self-confidence, and demonstrate self regulation tools. Self-regulation tools means that you know what helps you feel emotionally fulfilled and what emotionally exhausts you. As well, you are aware of what emotionally exhausts other people around you and your support network. And, healthy boundaries means that you are respectful not to exhaust the other people around you.
For instance, talking about family estrangement grief for hours can be incredibly draining and exhausting for your friends and family, who are still in your life.
Talking about family estrangement for hours on end is much more productive to do with a professional therapist. If your adult child no longer speak to you, venting to your spouse about this for hours on end will damage your marriage. Lack of healthy boundaries will negatively impact your romantic relationship.
Gain and identify healthy boundaries in family estrangement counseling in Florida

Having healthy boundary means getting a family estrangement therapist to talk to.
You can talk to your family estrangement therapist in Florida when you have obsessive, worrisome thoughts or feel grief about your adult child.
Healthy boundary may mean having specific times when you can talk about the grief and loss you are experiencing. And, healthy boundaries also means having specific times when you do not bring up family estrangement. As mentioned above, when you are on a date with your romantic partner, you can learn to not bring up family estrangement topics. When you are in your family estrangement counseling session with your therapist, you can talk about family estrangement grief and sadness all you want.
In reconnecting with an estranged family member, you will need to stick to healthy boundaries.
When your family members sets a boundary, like they just want to communicate via email and not receive phone calls, it is important to be respectful. If your family member asks you to only email them, and you continue to call them on the phone, this is a boundary violation. Violating someone’s boundary may appear insignificant at first. But, it is it actually very disrespectful.
For instance, your adult child makes a social media account and asks you not to follow or friend them. But, as a parent, you feel you deserve to see what they are doing on social media. Then, you choose to do so anyway, this is a boundary violation. This behavior of violating boundaries may result in a parent getting blocked from their child’s social media account entirely.
To begin, book your phone consult to work with the family estrangement specialists in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Respecting someone else’s boundary shows them that what they say matters to you.
If you have not been respectful of your loved ones boundaries in the past, this can be a reason for them creating an estrangement.
Working with a family estrangement therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you understand the importance of respecting other peoples boundaries. If your family member does not want to talk about a certain topic, continuing a conversation on this triggering topic can cause them to create a family estrangement.
Healthy boundaries may include having a scheduled weekly or monthly phone call at a certain time. There is a specific start time and end time to this phone call. All parties know when this phone call will take place and make sure they will be available.
Overall, working with a family estrangement specialist can be really helpful. Not all therapists specialize in family estrangement. You need a counselor who specializes in family work and family estrangements.
Family estrangement means that you’re dealing with complex grief and trauma.
This change in relationship feels out of your control. And, it can be incredibly isolating, devastating, and make you feel very lonely. Other members of your family may still get to have a relationship with the person who has cut you out.
There can be feelings of jealousy and envy. Additionally, a family estrangement can make holiday gatherings and weddings very different. Help you talk about how to deal with the holidays, when you feel isolated.
Working with a family estrangement therapist in Florida can help you find joy, happiness, and gratitude while deal with grief

Working with a family estrangement specialist can help you feel validation.
Your family estrangement therapist understands that family estrangement is not some thing that you can quickly move on from or get over. There is no opportunity for a clear ending and there is no closure when it comes to family estrangement. Family estrangement is like a death and needs to be treated as one. When family members put physical and emotional distance between you and them, this can cause anxiety and depression for you.
In general, there are a variety of symptoms, both emotional and physical that you can release in family estrangement counseling.
Trouble sleeping, appetite changes, and concentration issues are common. To add, you may experience anger, confusion, shock, and jealousy.
There may be moments of extreme and overwhelming sadness and grief. You might experience resentment, become more standoffish, or even be bitter. When it comes to sadness, you might feel powerless, helpless, like an outcast in your family, and guilty.
Counseling for family estrangement wounds can help you process and release anger
Now, it is important to know that anger is a normal part of grief. Underneath anger can be an iceberg of emotions. It may be difficult to know who to trust within your family unit. Sometimes, you feel distant and withdrawn from all family members as a result of just one family member cutting you out. It’s hard not to feel offended when you are on the opposite side of the family estrangement.
As well, you might even find yourself feeling annoyed when you hear other family members talking about the person who has cut you out in a positive light. Being cut out of someone’s life and being on the opposite side of an estrangement is like being slapped in the face. It’s okay to be mad, hurt, sad, and jealous all at the same time.
As well, you may even suffer from disgust towards family members who continue to have a relationship with someone that has cut you out. It might be difficult to navigate the complex emotions around loss and grief without the help of a professional therapist. You might disapprove of other people continuing to stay in contact with this person, for how they have treated you.
There may be a negative ripple effect into your romantic relationship and your relationships with other family members as a result of estrangement.
To begin, book your phone consult to work with the family estrangement specialists in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
It may be difficult to find peace and acceptance as a result of family estrangement.
Working with a family estrangement specialist can help you be loving toward yourself. And, you can learn to be forgiving and compassionate towards yourself during this difficult time. Your family estrangement counselor can help you make a list of all the things that you are grateful for. As well, you can make a list of the people that value and respect you in your life in family estrangement counseling.
Part of healing in family estrangement counseling means overcoming fear of the future.
You might feel tense, uneasy, apprehensive, and even anxious when you think about your future without your family member in it. Even though their choice to cut you out is outside of your control, you may still feel concerned and worry about them. All of the feelings you are having our normal as part of the family estrangement process.
Working with a family estrangement specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you accept all the emotions you are experiencing.
From accepting what you feel, you can decide how you would like to cope in a healthy way. For instance, you may want to communicate your emotions in a calm and effective way to others. Or, you may want to journal to gain closure and clarity. Or, you may decide you want to write your loved one a letter.
Dealing with an unexpected family estrangement is a major loss and haling process.
Counseling for family estrangement can help you find coping tools for depression. To add, you can learn how to cope with the complex emotions of anger, loneliness, and abandonment.
Instead of using alcohol, drugs, or numbing out, you can learn lifelong positive coping mechanisms. As well, you can learn to stop comparing your family to other people’s, and you can learn to cope in healthy ways.
No matter how you choose to grieve and heal, your family estrangement therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in family estrangement therapy in Florida, Connecticut, and other states too.

To begin, book your phone consult to work with the family estrangement specialists in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
In Florida, where can I receive family estrangement therapy and family counseling?
As well, in Florida, Wisdom Within Counseling helps couples with infidelity focused marriage therapy in Lake Mary, Tampa, Sarasota, Bradenton, Pensacola, Gainesville, Melbourne, Naples, Tallahassee, Apalachicola, Destin, Daytona Beach, Jacksonville, Cape Coral, Miami, Orlando, Marco Island, Key Biscayne, Satellite Beach, Atlantic Beach, Cocoa Beach, Lynn Haven, Melbourne Beach, Cooper City, Weston, North Palm Beach, Fisher Island, West Palm Beach, Palm Beach, Oviedo, Parkland, Port St. Lucie, Leesburg, Lakeland, Lake City, Indian Harbor Beach, Longboat Key, Marathon, Safety Harbor, Neptune Beach, Ocala, Sanibel, Sweetwater, Sanford, Crystal River, Sebastian, Groveland, Pinecrest, Doral, Mexico Beach, Key West, Sunny Isles Beach, Boca Raton, Palatka, Coral Gables, Coconut Grove, Tequesta, Minneola, Fort Myers, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Winter Haven, Winter Park, Dunedin, Florida.
In addition to Florida, the team of family estrangement therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling help distant families in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansa, Louisiana, Tennessee North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Hampshire, and Maine.
Where in Connecticut do the family estrangement therapists support distant family members?
Our family estrangement therapists support distant families in Andover, Farmington, Middlebury, Avon, Chester, East Haddam, Wilton, Westport, Southport, Simsbury, Bloomfield, Hartford, Southington, Bolton, East Lyme, Hartland, Glastonbury, West Hartford, Stafford, Bristol, Hebron, Suffield, Burlington, Manchester, Tolland, Bethel, Bridgewater, Brookfield, Danbury, Darien, Greenwich, New Canaan, New Fairfield, Columbia, Hebron, Plainville, Coventry, Killingly, Plymouth, Cromwell, Meriden, Middletown, Wallingford, Wethersfield, Connecticut.