There is a lot of prejudice and marginalization in the world for queer and transgender people. Whether your child identifies as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, or you do, as a parent, Wisdom Within Counseling can help. Many people identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families is a speciality at Wisdom Within.
Wisdom Within Counseling offers a safe space for you. It might be hard to find an LGBTQIA+ affirming therapist who understands the marginalization that you and your child are facing.
To begin, book your phone consult below for positive coping skills to support your LGBTQIA+ queer child in family therapy.
As a parent, you may have questions, like “What does non-binary mean?” and, “What is asexual?” Do you want to protect your queer child from bullying, but need support? What are the differences between gender identity, biological sex, sexual orientation, and gender expression? Does it mean my male child is gay if he is cross dressing? How will my child’s strict, religious grandparents ever understand their new pronouns? These are all great questions queer affirming counseling can help you sort through.
On that note, family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer youth supports parents and their children. Parents and children can learn about the differences between sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Biological sex is not the same as gender identity.
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help parents process various emotions. A parent may need support process anxiety, shame, confusion, and fear. As well, counseling helps children and teens gain emotional coping strategies too.

There is a lot of hate and marginalization in the world when it comes to transgender and gender non conforming people. New laws being passed every day prohibit transgender people from using restrooms and changing rooms that correspond to their gender identity. When you think progress has been made, a Republican representative comes in, and limits freedom even more.
In family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families, we review different terms. For instance, biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation are common terms. Your family therapist in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer counseling can also talk about the ways that parents can be supporters of their children.
Parents can increase the support they give their LGBTQIA, gender non-conforming youth to combat societal prejudice. Family acceptance is one of the most valuable resources when it comes to saving the lives of transgender children.
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families is an area of expertise at Wisdom Within.

What is gender identity?
Gender identity is how someone perceives themselves and wants others to perceive them in the world. To note, gender identity is very separate from biological sex. Just because someone is born female and has the biological sex organs associated with a female, it does not mean that they identify as female.
A person who has a vulva or a vagina may identify as transgender, as a transgender male. People who are transgender do not decide this. But, overtime learn this about themselves. Usually, in utero, the chromosomes and hormones that a mother’s body produces are different for a transgender person. A cis-ender person has the same gender identity as their biological sex. And, a cis-gender person has different chromosomes than a transgender person.
Research studies show that transgender individuals have different chromosomes than a cis-gender person who identifies as male, intersex or female. It’s important to note that a person’s outside genitalia does not have to match their insides.
To begin, book your phone consult below to work with a therapist who specializes in transgender youth and LGBTQIA+ queer family therapy.
How can children and teens who are transgender receive medical support?
There may be a mixture of beta blockers and social acceptance that supports transgender children. Beta blockers stop puberty, and can give a child more time to think about their gender identity. Some adults take hormones and get gender reassignment surgery. Hormones and gender reassignment surgery are a larger decision counseling can help with.
People who identify as transgender males may take testosterone. And, people who identify as transgender females will take often estrogen. It is important to know that these hormones can lead to infertility issues. Some transgender people choose to have eggs and sperm frozen before beginning hormones.
Also, some transgender males may get top surgery and have their breasts removed. Top surgery allows transgender males to pass better as a male. Gender reassignment surgery can be validating and empowering for transgender adults. As well, a transgender male may choose to get their ovaries and uterus removed. This stops them from having a period.
A transgender female may choose to have breast implants. Getting breast implants allows a trans female to be perceived as female by others. As well, transgender females, may also choose to have their adam’s apple shaved to be able to pass as a female. Transgender males and females alike may want and get gender reassignment surgery.
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer youth supports parents and their children in understanding what it means to be transgender
Whether or not someone identifies as transgender is their business. Adolescents may be gender fluid for a number of years before realizing they are in fact transgender. Just like you identify as liking a certain color, or enjoying your favorite food, no one can argue with that. But, these things can also be fluid and change over time. Being able to have the freedom to express oneself at home is key in self-discovery. Some people come out as non-binary for a few years and then transgender.
New anti-transgender laws exemplify prejudice. These laws make feeling acceptance very hard for transgender people. The new laws make it very difficult to be out as transgender. Sadly, new laws may also normalize LGBTQIA+ marginalization and bullying. There is no reason to bully a transgender person. Unfortunately, bullying is due to fear-based thinking.
Counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer youth supports parents and their children in gaining emotional coping tools after bullying
Transgender people face societal pressure, shame, and fear daily. Even youth you come out as gender fluid or queer face bullying at school. Someone doesn’t have to be transgender to face oppression. Many times, obese people or people in larger bodies face bullying from peers. As well, people may face bullying and oppression due to the color of their skin, an accent, or even wearing glasses. Children, adults, and society as a whole can be mean. Experiencing bullying can lead to low self-esteem issues. As well, bullying leads to anxiety, a lack of trust in relationships, friendship issues, and even anger issues.
Being bullied can lead to depression and low self-worth.
From bullying, a person may become self-critical and develop self-hatred towards themselves. Bullying is traumatic and leads to sleep issues and appetite problems. Anyone of any age may face bullying for being queer, bisexual, gay, in a same sex marriage, or polyamorous. Children and adults alike develop negative emotional symptoms from societal rejection. As well, when a child or an adult faces a lack of belonging, this can be very traumatic. Transgender adults may face bullying and prejudice at work or by an employer. Family members can also be the biggest bullies and cause a loved one to feel rejection. Fear of future bullying is common after bullying. A transgender person may withdrawal socially or not leave their house as a result of bullying.
Gain positive support after bullying in family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help parents understand the fear many transgender individuals face on a daily basis. Parents can learn to be proud protectors of their queer, bisexual, and gender non-conforming children. A transgender person who uses a restroom that corresponds to their gender identity, may face bullying. It is common for hate crimes and severe prejudice to take place in public restrooms. Transgender individuals often live in fear of using public restrooms.
The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling help transgender people feel validated, accepted, and gain coping tools after bullying.
To begin, book your phone consult below to work with a therapist who specializes in transgender youth and LGBTQIA+ queer family therapy.
What is sexual orientation?
Sexual orientation is who you find yourself attracted to. When you think about your sexuality, you might identify with pansexuality, bisexuality, heterosexuality, homosexuality, and more. Some people identify as asexual, where they don’t feel a sexual attraction to anyone. Being asexual is pretty common. Overall, there is no one right or wrong way to be. Being straight is not better than being gay, despite what strict, religions teach.
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer youth supports being open minded
Not everyone identifies as straight or heterosexual. As a parent, you may not even know there are options besides being straight. Growing up, you saw your parents get married after high school and have kids. So, it was expected that you do that same thing. Learning about messages you received growing up can be a helpful part of family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer youth. Counseling can be a safe place to explore your own sexual orientation and talk curiously with your child about theirs. Talking with your child about sexual orientation doesn’t make them gay or bisexual. Instead, talking allows your child to feel safe coming to you, rather than keeping secrets.
What does it mean to have a fluid sexual orientation?
As well, sexuality and sexual orientation may be fluid. A person might think that they are straight for a couple years. But, then identify as bisexual, and then realize they are pansexual. And, then realize that they are lesbian. Many people identify as queer or fluid too. It is okay to not know exactly which label fits for you, or for your teenager. Adolescents and young adults can work with a therapist to better discover themselves.
Talking about sexual orientation can be positive in terms of self-development.
In addition to talking about sexual orientation, counseling can teach teens and young adults healthy dating boundaries. Learning to say, “No,” and ask for consent when touching someone else are key parts of teen therapy. For instance, family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer youth can educate on consent. If someone else touches your child in an inappropriate way, this violates their consent boundaries. Counseling can help teens understand the importance of consent. Consent boundaries can allow your adolescent or young adult to know their body has boundaries.
A lot of people identify as fluid or sexually queer.
As well, depending on how you identify in terms of your sexual orientation, this can determine which type of relationship structure you want to have. At times, a bisexual person may enjoy being in a polyamorous or in an ethically non-monogamous relationship (ENM). ENM allows a bisexual person to be able to date both males and females at the same time. Being in an ethically non-monogamous relationship (ENM) is not cheating because all people consent to this structure. As well, family counseling in Florida can help parents who are in an ethically non-monogamous relationship (ENM) talk normalize this to their children.
As well, pansexual people are attracted to anyone, regardless of how the other person identifies in terms of their gender. A pansexual identifying person may love someone who is queer, questioning, transgender, intersex, or fluid.
On the other hand, a bisexual person is attracted to either males or females, and may not be attracted to someone who identifies as queer, transgender, non-binary, or questioning.
To begin, book your phone consult below for positive coping skills to support your LGBTQIA+ queer child in family therapy.
What should you not do when your child is queer, gay, bisexual, transgender, or gender non-conforming?
Sexual orientation needs to be looked at from a broader lens. At times, parents fear their child’s homosexuality.

There may be many fears that parents have that prevent them from being accepting and supportive.
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help parents talk about sexual orientation with their child.
Unfortunately, parents can unintentionally be the biggest bullies to their own children without proper LGBTQIA+ education. Due to a strict, religious upbringing, you may fear your child being gay.
As a parent, family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help you look at your own upbringing. You may need help from a professional therapist to debunk myths about gay people.
Also, as a parent, you can learn about your past and how being raised by strict, religious parents influenced you. Your own role models may have instilled these limiting, fear-based views in you. Overcoming shame, guilt, fear, and stepping into acceptance are parts of family counseling in Florida.
Growing up yourself around strict, religious parents can make you feel like your child must to fit into a certain box. Parents may have certain, negative beliefs that limit their ability to accept their children. When parents do not accept their children, risk for self-harm, suicidal thinking, and suicidal ideation increases. Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families supports parents in becoming accepting of their children.
Fearful messages and negative beliefs about LGBTQIA+ people may impact your parenting style. When your child expresses themselves as gay, bisexual, or questioning, it’s important that you offer them a safe place to talk about this with you. If you project your views of hating gay people, or show prejudice against homosexuals, your child will not want to talk to you. The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling help parents love and accept their children.

To begin, book your phone consult below to work with a therapist who specializes in transgender teens and LGBTQIA+ queer family therapy.
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help parents and children talk curiously about sexual orientation
The more your child holds back their true self, the more that you are setting your child up for failure in romantic relationships as an adult. When parents help their child feel acceptance, acceptance allows a child to feel emotionally safe in a parent’s presence. It’s important that all parents give their children safe environments to talk about emotions. Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help parents develop skills to build a healthy relationship with their child.
What should parents never do?
Hitting, slapping or physically hurting your child is never okay. Verbal harassment or name-calling because of your child’s LGBTQIA+ identity is never acceptable.
If a parent becomes angry, aggressive, or even domestically violent as a result of their child expressing their homosexuality, this is very damaging. It is never acceptable to hit, punch, or slap a child or another person.
As well, parents should never push their own strict religious viewpoints on their gay, queer, or LGBTQIA+ identifying children. A child who is gay, bisexual, or pansexual, should never be forced to goto conversion therapy. A child who is forced to go to conversion camp, can be severely traumatized.
It is never okay to exclude LGBTQIA+ youth from family and family activities. As well, it is not healthy to block access to LGBTQIA+ friends, events or resources. Don’t say to your teen, “You can’t hang out with Tom anymore because he is gay.” Allow your child to have diverse friends.
Sadly, many parents make the severe mistake of blaming their child when they are discriminated against. It is never a child’s fault for being bullied or made fun of. For instance, don’t tell your male child to stop wearing nail polish in order to avoid being bullied. And, don’t tell your child to stop being themselves in order to avoid bullying. As a parent, you can hold a meeting with the principal of the school to address bullying against your child.
Do not pressure your child to be more or less masculine or feminine. It is never okay for parents to tell their child child that God will punish them because they are gay, transgender, or cross dressing. Never tell your child that you are ashamed of them or that how they look. Also, do not tell your child the way they act will shame the family. As well, never make your child keep their LGBTQIA+ identity a secret in the family and not let them talk about it.
The impact of family rejection on LGBTQIA+, transgender, queer, and gender non-conforming youth
Children who are gay and homosexual may even run away from home as a result of family rejection and abuse. Once eighteen, or even before, teens who face abuse from family members may run away. A child will feel trapped, hurt, betrayed, and develop self-hatred if parents do any of the above.
To begin, book your phone consult below to work with a therapist who specializes in transgender teens and LGBTQIA+ queer family therapy.
LGBTQIA+ children who feel rejected may deal with rejection through self-harm, cutting, stealing, anger, or acting out. Also, a child in middle school or high school, or may begin self harming or cutting themselves due to family oppression. Self-harm and cutting behaviors are directly linked to family rejection and lack of family acceptance.
As well, risk of suicidal ideation and suicidal thinking increases over 50% for LGBTQIA+ youth, who do not receive family acceptance. Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can promote inclusion and acceptance. Parents, grandparents, and siblings, who bully, make fun of, and make derogatory comments towards an LGBTQIA+ youth, put that youth at risk for suicide. Don’t let any family members criticize your child for how they look or act.
LGBTQIA+ youth take their own lives by suicide every day, and it is very important to bring awareness to the severity and impact of lack of family acceptance.
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help teens feel safe coming out, rather than feel self-hatred and struggle with suicide

What is biological sex?
Biological sex is the sex, that a doctor assigns you at birth based on looking at your body. When you are born, a doctor looks at your genital area and assigns a gender. With research around gender, we now know that gender is much more than just what you look like. Your gender identity and biological sex are separate.
Gender is more than your physical parts. You may have been assigned female at birth, because you have a vulva. However, having a vulva does not mean that you identify as female.
A person who has a vulva, or a vagina, may identify as queer, intersex, and even transgender. As well, a person with a vulva, or a vagina, may not use she or her pronouns. Some people are born on the intersex spectrum. Intersex means a person may have both male and female sex organs. A person may have a variety of different physical genitalia and be intersex. As well, intersex individuals need to be treated with inclusivity too.

And, what is gender expression?
Gender expression is how someone expresses the gender they identify with. There is not one right or wrong way to express gender. However, many strict, religious teachings likes to make gender expression devil-ish. Growing up, strict, religious teachings may have told you being gay would send you to hell. To add, strict, religious teachings misinform families, communities, and parents.
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help reduce fear and anxiety. Proper education from a therapist can support acceptance around gender expression. A person who identifies as female, may express their gender in a stereotypically more masculine way. Women who want short hair can identify who every they would like.
To begin, book your phone consult below to work with a therapist who specializes in same sex couples and LGBTQIA+ queer family therapy.
You don’t have to express your gender the same way every day either. No matter how you identify, you may want to wear colorful socks one day, and overalls. The next day, you want to wear a skirt and blouse. And, the next day, you want to wear pants and a blazer.
A person who identifies as a female may wear boy shorts, like to wrestle, or have short hair. A person who identifies as a male may like long hair, nail polish, and enjoy wearing make up.
Gender expression is separate from sexual orientation, gender, identity, and biological sex. For instance, anyone of any gender he may enjoy wearing nylon stockings, ankle socks, or high knee socks. Anyone of any gender may enjoy wearing sandals, flip-flops, tennis shoes, or high heels. Society is very prejudice and limiting when it comes to items of clothing and colors. Counseling can help families start to see gender expression as very positive. And, families can work with a therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling to overcome limiting views around gender and sexuality.
Overcome limiting views around gender and sexuality through LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling
Counseling can help parents overcome gender biases.
Typically, our society teaches us that boys are to like one thing and girls are to like the opposite. What if a boy wants to paint his nails pink and to have an an easy bake oven? Therapy teaches parents and family members how to be accepting. For instance, many children learn at a young age that boys are to like blue and girls are to like pink. If a boy likes pink, he is ridiculed, bullied, and treated as an outcast by peers and siblings unfortunately. A father may sadly force his son to stop liking pink or cut his hair short in an effort to make his son more masculine. All this does is teach a young child that they can’t be themselves in their parent’s eyes.
A father may shame his son for not being manly. Talking about these issues with your children can help them feel more acceptance and allow them to express their gender any way they would like.
Counseling can help support gender expression across the entire lifespan.
Many men identify as male, but enjoy cross dressing or dressing in drag.
Dressing up in more feminine clothing is a very normal and natural part of gender expression. Just because a man dresses up in drag or women’s clothing doesn’t necessarily mean he is gay, and it doesn’t mean that he identifies as a female. A man may identify as two spirited or bi gender, which means that they identify with both female and male genders. It’s okay for men to have a more feminine side when it comes to gender expression.
And, it’s acceptable for females to have a more masculine side when it comes to gender expression.
Homophobia is very common and can be very damaging for relationships with your LGBTQIA+ identifying child. if your mother finds her son dressing up in her bras, make up, and high heels, she may physically physically abuse him out of her own homophobic views. Some parents truly believe that they can beat the gay out of their child.
Domestic violence and physical violence are hate crimes towards LGBTQIA+ identifying individuals and children. It’s important to know that emotional abuse, criticisms, and abusive language are just as damaging is physical abuse.
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help family members talk about gender and sexuality in healthy ways.

To begin, book your phone consult below for positive coping skills to support your LGBTQIA+ queer child in family therapy.
LGBTQIA+ identifying children need to feel acceptance from their families and communities.
If your transgender child is not allowed by the school to use a preferred name or preferred pronouns, you might consider changing schools. Some families choose to homeschool their transgender children in an effort to prevent bullying and the horrible impacts hate crimes. Bullying may be normalized by a conservative or Christian school.
When a middle schooler or high school asks to be called a different name other than their biological given name, it’s important that family members use their preferred name. Now, this doesn’t mean that this middle schooler or high schooler will want this name forever, but it is important to be respectful of their freedom, choice, and how they want to express themselves.
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help with pronouns. One of the biggest challenges parents may face is getting accustomed to using they and them pronouns. They/them pronouns signifies a child or adult is looking to be seen as both male and female, or neither male and female. If a teenager is questioning their gender identity, they may prefer they or them pronouns.
Using a child or teen’s preferred pronouns will help them feel a sense of respect and acceptance, thus reducing the risk of suicidal thinking, and self harm. Counseling can help parents advocate for their LGBTQIA+ identifying teen in a variety of different settings from in school to after school activities. Parents may need to ensure their child’s teachers are using their child’s preferred pronouns and preferred name.
Parents may have their own intense emotions that go along with their child’s coming out process. Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in help parents be supportive, loving, and understand the coming out process.

Notably, parents may need to work with an individual therapist to talk about grief, anxiety, and how to become more accepting of their LGBTQIA+ expressive child.
A parent may need help looking at their own religious upbringing, and how this influences their parenting style. Parents of LGBTQ and transgender children need help getting awareness around their own limiting beliefs. Plus, parents can learn about where their limiting beliefs originated from such as their own religious, upbringing.
To begin, book your phone consult below to work with a therapist can support you in LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy.
Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help parents overcome fear-based, conservative, and religious viewpoints.
Maybe, in your own childhood, you were not accepted by your parents, so rejection is familiar to you.
Parents of LGBTQ youth can learn from counseling how to become more accepting and overcome limiting views due to strict religious messages in their own childhood. Therapy with an LGBTQ specialist can help you understand how to talk with your child about their gender identity and sexual orientation a curious way.
Just because you might have never met someone who identifies as non-binary, doesn’t mean that it is wrong. There are thousands and millions of people who identify as nonbinary, transgender, and queer.
Learning to be accepting and allow you to have a more loving and healthy relationship with your child.
When your child feels like you are rejecting parts of them, or they are not allowed to be themselves around you, this can set them up for failure. Gay, transgender, pansexual, non-binary, and queer adults may estrange themselves from family members who reject them.

As a parent, one of the best things that you can do to maintain a healthy relationship with your child is be accepting and curious.
Adults who are LGBTQIA+ identifying strive to create an inclusive community for themselves.
As a result, they may cut out or estrange themselves from non-affirming family members. If an LGBTQ adult feels rejection from a parent, grandparent, or even a sibling, they may choose to block that person’s phone number and not speak to them.
It can be very damaging to an LGBTQIA+ identifying person to face more rejection, especially from someone that they are hoping to feel accepted by.

As a parent, one way you can support your LGBTQ youth is by finding gender affirming care.
Working with gender affirming providers, such as doctors and therapists can help you and your family develop a sense of acceptance. Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families supports togetherness as a whole.
Your child can work with LGBTQIA+ mentors and find comfort in safe space groups. Helping your child get connected with LGBTQIA+ mentors in the local area or online can be very helpful in helping them express themselves.
Parents can also advocate for their transgender youth to be able to use whichever restroom they would like. It’s important that transgender individuals be able to use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity rather than their biological sex.
If the school is not being accommodating, you may choose to change schools. Parents may also request accommodations where their LGBTQ youth can use a single stall or family restroom that has only one toilet, to prevent bullying and hazing. It’s very common for LGBTQ identifying individuals to be bullied and physically abused in a vulnerable bathroom stall.
As well, if your child doesn’t feel safe, going to the bathroom at school, this can lead to urinary tract infections, kidney issues, and bowel problems. LGBTQ youth may face fear and anxiety, and thinking about using the restroom if inclusive laws are not in place.
To begin, book your phone consult below for positive coping skills to support your LGBTQIA+ queer child in family therapy.
No matter a persons, gender identity or gender expression, it is important that they be able to use the restroom and locker room that corresponds their gender identity, not their biological sex. Parents can advocate for their child in school and sports settings to be able to ensure that they are LGBTQIA+ identifying child can use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity. This allows an LGBTQIA+ identifying child to feel safe, accepted, and like their parents have their back.

Parents can continue LGBTQ discussions at home by getting different children’s books on LGBTQIA+ topics.
As well, parents and children can read LGBTQ affirming books with gay characters, bisexual characters, and books that have topics revolving around sexual orientation.
“The Prince and The Dressmaker,” is a graphic novel that shows how cross dressing can be very normal. The prince feels shame and guilt around cross-dressing, and chooses to keep it a secret from his dad, the king.
As well, “Heartstopper,” is a graphic novel that shows two boys, one who is gay, and one who is bisexual, coming out and dating each other. LGBTQIA+ affirming books like these can normalize, gender identity and sexual orientation development for your teenager and young adult.
“Julian Is A Mermaid,” is another book that helps boys know that it is acceptable to like feminine things, shiny jewelry, and feeling beautiful. “A Color Named Love,” isis a children’s book that normalizes polyamory and consensual non-monogamy in a family setting. This book symbolizes and exemplifies different types of love that children can experience from polyamorous parents in their life.
Reading these books as a parent can also help to widen your knowledge base and help you be more accepting of your gender nonconforming or transgender child and show how cross dressing is normal.
In addition to reading LGBTQ affirming books to your children, you may choose to go to a pride parade.
Also, going to a pride parade can allow your LGBTQ or gender nonconforming child to find role models. They can meet other friendly, LGBTQIA+ identifying people, and start to become a more accepting family of other peoples differences. Just because someone has a different style of relationship structure, different gender expression, or different sexual orientation than you, it doesn’t mean that you have to be mean to them. Counseling can help families be accepting of all different types of people.

Some negative communication skills can really tear families apart.
Two parents may end up separating and getting divorced, because they have very different views regarding their transgender child. Divorce as a result of a child coming out as transgender can lead that child to feel even more guilt and self-hatred.
Parents who are not affirming may sadly use criticism and blame their child, accusing their child, that being gay or transgender is a choice. In fact, research studies show that sexual orientation and gender identity are set in utero, before a baby is even born. No one should be blamed for being gay or identifying as gender nonconforming. Blaming and criticism tactics are a result of lack of education and fear. Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families can help parents and family members overcome fear and gain education. Counseling can also help parents if they are too quick to judge their LGBTQ affirming child.
To begin, book your phone consult below to work with a therapist can support you in LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy.
Instead of being judgmental or fearful, parents can learn from counseling how to be accepting and affirming of their LGBTQIA+ child.
Parents should also always stand up for their LGBTQIA+ child if they notice someone think hateful towards them. And, parents should never belittle their own child, or be hateful towards their own child. If someone is humiliating or embarrassing your child, counseling can help you learn to advocate for your child.
If other relatives are not using your child’s preferred pronouns or preferred name, counseling can help you confidently advocate for your child in a family setting.
As well, many parents feel that if they avoid talking about sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression, it will prevent their child from being gay or transgender. This is not true.
Avoiding certain topics altogether is not healthy. Counseling can help families have a safe space to talk about uncomfortable topics. Family therapy can help families feel closer and share emotions in calm ways. It is important to work with an LGBTQIA+ therapist who can help you, as a parent. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we can help you confidently and curiously talk to your child about their gender identity and sexual orientation.
Talking with your child about their gender identity, sexual orientation, and gender expression can help them feel accepted and more comfortable at home.

As well, it is best to avoid being too opinionated as a parent. It’s more helpful to let your child express themselves and have the freedom to do so without feeling like they have to please you, or fit into a certain box.
If you identify as having an LGBTQIA+ or queer family, you’re in the right place.
Unfortunately, many parents need therapeutic support due to lack of education they had growing up around LGBTQ topics. Family counseling in Florida for LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer families is a speciality at Wisdom Within Counseling.