What are signs your partner is emotional cheating in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut?
Say you are suspicious. Something feels off. Some days, it feels like you know your spouse and other days, it feels like you don’t know them at all. Right now, you feel torn between staying for your children or leaving for freedom. There is a new friend in your spouse’s life. And, your spouse seems distant, angry, irritated, overly happy, and chaotic. Dealing with emotional cheating in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut is one of the specialities at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Signals your spouse may be emotionally cheating
Could holistic, creative, expressive marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut help give us closeness?
Your romantic relationship at home with them will feel more distant and lonely. When your partner may be emotionally cheating, they may be emotionally withdrawn from you too. They might seem depressed, sad, or not want to share with you anymore. Or, they may be sharing about their new friend in an obsessive way with you. As well, they may be talking to another person on an app or while playing video games live. Their new friend may be a part of their daily life. For instance, an emotional affair partner may be the person who makes a latte each morning, or the cashier at the check out. As well, an emotional affair partner could be a running buddy, book club, or gym buddy.
Wisdom Within Counseling offers options beyond talk therapy for distant couples to rebuild connection.
Furthermore, the Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapists specialize in holistic counseling. So, to support couples rebuilding trust, the therapists offer watercolors, vision boards, art, painting, and creative outlets. As well, distant couples can rebuild after an affair by doing yoga therapy, gentle movement, stretching, breathing, meditation, mindfulness, and self-soothing. Yoga therapy reduce anger and anxiety, and improves general calmness.
Likewise, the holistic, creative marriage therapists offer alternatives to talking.
For instance, body-based, mind-body, outdoor therapies, play, puppets, drama therapy, acting, role play, and beachside shoreline walking. You can learn breathing skills, do drama therapy, or try dance movement. As well, somatic experiencing and poly vagal theory and deeply calming after experiences of betrayal, anxiety, trauma, and loss. Wisdom Within Counseling teaches self regulation tools, DBT, yoga nidra, meditation, and nature therapies. Holistic options for a healthier lifestyle are available.
To begin, click the button below for holistic marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut to have a safe place to talk about emotional cheating and affairs.
Emotional cheating is more than a friendship
In our go-go-go lifestyle and culture, it seems like we’re all glued to our phones. However, seeing your spouse on their phone for work is different than realizing they are infatuated texting someone who is more than a friend. With locked cell phones, emotional cheating can be easily concealed. Realizing your spouse is cheating emotionally can feel life shattering and leave you with uncertainty. Therapy can help reduce the impact of emotional cheating, which can last a lifetime on children, family, and a spouse.
And, if talking leaves you feeling like you are walking on eggshells, reach out for marriage counseling today.
When identifying a red flag of emotional cheating in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut, you may notice your spouse spending more time at the gym, away from family, or at work. Remember, just because your spouse is not home much, it doesn’t mean they are emotionally cheating. But, do address your feelings of doubt and loneliness calmly by sharing what you are going through with them directly. Your couples therapist can help you look out for any signs of emotional distance or lack of emotional intimacy. Relationship counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut can be a safe place to be courageous and speak to your spouse about your awareness of the marital distance. Let your spouse know that you think counseling would help you both support each other more deeply and fully.
What should you do if you find your spouse emotional cheating in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut?
First, practice self care.
If you find your partner or spouse emotionally cheating, you have every right to feel the way you do. Right now, you may be in deep emotional pain, feel anxiety, or may even be angry. You might feel mad that you are being used and not valued. Or, you may want to know how and why this happened. However, don’t be destructive of property and don’t break or throw anything. Seek holistic marriage therapy and individual counseling for yourself to cope in a healthy way.
Help your spouse understand the importance of seeking marriage counseling for gain skills to prevent future experiences of emotional cheating.
Physical and emotional cheating in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut are important to address sooner than later. Emotional cheating is a negative, hurtful pattern that come from lack of healthy coping tools. When a person emotionally cheats, they lack communication skills. Sometimes, these behaviors are more addictive or alongside drug use or alcoholism. Other times, emotional cheating is a negative coping mechanism.
How can therapy help when dealing with emotional cheating in Glastonbury, Connecticut?
A therapist can help identify the function of the emotional cheating. Then, the marriage therapist can provide a plan for the future to promote emotional validation and support. Skills for emotionally connecting prevent affairs in the future. At Wisdom Within Counseling, couples can gain emotional closeness through art therapies, drama therapies, yoga therapies, music therapies, and nature walking therapies. Couples can learn to slow down conversations that often feel overwhelming. When a conversation is too intense to process, a person can’t take in what is being shared. So, marriage therapy in Glastonbury, Connecticut can help with communication.
Dealing with emotional cheating in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut
Understanding emotional cheating and affair recovery in marriage counseling
Being cheated on is the worst feeling. And, realizing your partner is being unfaithful and isn’t trustworthy is very hard to take. There is ultimate surprise, loss, hurt, sadness and all consuming anger and rage. You try to talk to them about it and they deny it. Or, they don’t know how to look you in the eye anymore. Being married is not easy, and it sure isn’t a walk in the park dealing with a spouse who is emotionally cheating. Marriage therapy can be a comforting place to unload, release, and gain mental clarity. Overall, marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut can help you calmly talk about emotional cheating, infidelity, and betrayal.
Cheating is a severe betrayal, but it doesn’t have to course a couple to separate.
Emotional cheating can be an opportunity for you and your spouse to patch the holes and gain some new coping skills for closeness.

Marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut helps couples with emotional cheating challenges bond, trust, love, desire, build passion, and find deep shared meaning.
Often, couples run into issues because emotional cheating boundaries are not verbally defined. Couples therapy can be a safe place to define the boundaries around cheating. Some cultures, religions, and parts of the word have different meanings behind cheating. If you and your spouse are from different cultures, you may have different meanings to cheating. Sometimes, a person who was raised with cheating being normal doesn’t understand why it is a problem for their spouse.
What role does culture play in how couples create marriage meaning?
For instance, in Africa, polyamory is very common. Polyamory is a consensual marriage with multiple people. And, in this case, multiple wives. In societies where manual labor is a requirement, having multiple wives means each wife has to do less work. One wife needs help. For instance, a wife is responsible to walk five miles to get as much water as she can carry, to bring home to drink and bathe. The next day, she walks the five miles again to get that day’s worth of water.
How does meaning differ culture to culture?
In time, a first wife requests that her husband marry another woman, so she has less manual labor to herself. Two wives can walk five miles to get water together and bring back twice as much. She finds the second wife more of an assistant to her chores. In Africa, in polyamorous families, a second wife is not a threat as it is in America. However, the areas of Africa where polyamory is more present are much more rural and not developed like America. And, she can share some of the house hold duties.
However, in America, monogamy is much more traditional and common.
This example illustrates how different cultures operate and function under different normal. What is normal one place is far from normal in another place. No matter what boundaries exist for a couple, when someone lies, the other person feels betrayal. And, betrayal and mistrust are major cracks that lead to relationship mistrust, anxiety, and fear. At Wisdom Within Counseling, couples can learn how to truly support each other and emotionally validate each other. In counseling, you and your spouse can talk about building a sense of togetherness and deep connection.
In Glastonbury, Connecticut, Wisdom Within Counseling helps couples heal and recover after emotional cheating.
How does culture play a role in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut?
Even the expectations and traditions of what marriage looks like can vary from culture to culture. So, in America, relationships and cheating are very different than other places. If you and your spouse are from different backgrounds and need help gaining shared meaning, couples therapy can help. So, Glastonbury, CT marriage counseling helps couples more forward with a clear set of boundaries around emotional cheating. Sometimes, emotional cheating can hurt even more than a physical affair. Those hurt a lot too, to note.
To begin, click the button below for clarity and confidence within your marriage and romantic life.
How’s emotional cheating in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut defined?
In an emotional affair, a person confides emotionally in another person. They turn away from their spouse. To note, their marriage may be unhappy or hard for whatever reason as well. When you find out your partner is emotionally cheating, do not blame yourself. Sometimes, an emotional affair occurs because a person withdraws from the marriage on their own, or because they feel unheard or unimportant and withdraws, or both.
Working with a professional marriage therapist helps build connection and communication tools.
You don’t have to deal with anger, loss, fear, anxiety, and emotions around emotional cheating alone. If you found out your partner is emotionally cheating, you may feel embarrassed or ashamed. Talking about emotional cheating in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut is a healthy way to cope.

If you want a LGBTQIA+, queer affirming, transgender affirming, nurturing, compassionate, holistic, integrative, supportive counseling experience, Wisdom Within Counseling is right for you.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, the team of marriage and family therapists are LGBTQIA+ affirming. In counseling, the team of therapists provide same sex, poly and queer couples a safe place to talk about affairs. To note, many LGBTQ, queer, and transgender people do not have safe spaces to talk. So, Wisdom Within Counseling strives to support couples through LGBTQIA+ experiences. As well, the team specializes with couples with gender questioning feelings, transgender transitions, and non binary expression of gender.
Regardless, an emotional affair is a break in connection that causes emotional separation and less intimacy.
As well, an emotional affair can be a reason to get into marriage counseling and gain communication tools. A physical affair is equivalent to or worse than emotional cheating to some people. And, to others, an emotional affair is equivalent to a physical affair. Betrayal, anxiety, and mistrust are results. An emotional affair is a huge break in trust, love, and connection. And, an emotional affair experience leaves a couple distant and seeking help for emotional cheating through the nurturing process marriage counseling.
Wisdom Within Counseling offers video counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut and in person counseling in Niantic, Connecticut.

To begin, click the button below for help from a specialist to rebuild trust, security, meaningful connection, and learn healthy communication skills.
What is important to talk about when it comes to the topic of emotional cheating?
It’s important to talk about the meaning and definition of emotional cheating. Many times, couples have different values from childhood upbringings and family. Without realizing it, one person may be thinking boundaries are one way when they are not. Talk openly about what exact examples would lead you to feel betrayal or mistrust. What about texting someone else a personal message and keeping that a secret? Or, how do you handle it if an ex reaches out? This may be an ongoing conversation for weeks or months as you work together to build relationship security. At Wisdom Within Counseling, the team of therapists support couples who have emotional cheating tendencies.
What is so awesome about working with a marriage therapist in Glastonbury, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling?
Responding with anger or aggression prevents open communication and truthfulness. And, it is difficult to respond in a kind, loving way when triggered with anger, hurt, or anxiety. After realizing your spouse has been emotionally cheating, you may feel flooded with these intense emotions. As well, marriage therapy can help you feel safe and calm, while expressing your emotions clearly. When angry or overly passionate, or even attacking, your spouse will not be able to receive or hear. In holistic marriage therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can practice talking calmly, so you can be heard and received.
So, marriage therapy sessions on video in Glastonbury, Connecticut or in person can be a place to try these new communication skills out.
Often, couples take childhood dysfunctional patterns of lying or avoiding conflict into their marriage.
Keeping secrets perpetuates dysfunction. So, in the process of healing after emotional cheating, both you and your spouse can learn to be honest. Sometimes, couples therapy begins to highlight dishonesty and deceit that couples didn’t know what present. For some, not sharing important information is equivalent to lying and secret keeping. But, for others, withholding info deliberately is considered secret keeping. Also, lying, defending yourself, anger, or criticism also prevent genuine honesty. Anytime these negative communication styles are present, your holistic marriage therapist in Glastonbury, Connecticut will teach you a healthy tool. If your spouse is speaking to you with criticism, your couples therapist will encourage your spouse to use a respectful tone.
A tip #1 – Set up regular phone honesty checks when you are in the final, recovery and maintenance phase of therapy
Being honest is essential in order to recover from emotional cheating in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut. Set up regular phone checks where you and your partner get to share messages and conversations with one another. When partners share what they talk about with others with their romantic partner, it provides reassurance and security. Overall, at night, after you brush your teeth and floss, lay in bed a gaze into your spouse’s eyes. Furthermore, when you and your spouse talk and listen, you help each other feel emotionally safe, understood, and truly encouraged. Many times, couples therapy supports developing a safe, peaceful, connected, and meaningful relationship. Lastly, from emotional connection, desire and sex become more loving, and better.
Essentially, having time to do “pillow talk” in the evening will help your relationship feel safe and secure.
More over, make time each night to discuss your day. Remember, it might feel awkward talking and making eye contact for ten minutes each night. But, this new habit can help your relationship feel calmer and more close. From that foundation of trust and reliability, laughter, playfulness, and joy can grow in your romance, marriage, and relationship. Dealing with emotional cheating in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut sooner than later helps to restore and rebuild love, consistency and trust. When couples don’t address cheating, it can lead to a full divorce or marital separation. And, without counseling, couples often take cheating behaviors into future romantic relationships.

To begin, click the button below for help dealing with emotional cheating in holistic marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut.
Another tip #2 – hold hands for closeness and less conflict
Also, your brain releases oxytocin, a cuddle hormone, from holding hands. So, hold hands when talking any chance you can. Yes, hold hands during “pillow talk” and naturally, when you are walking too. Holding hands helps people feel close and connected. As well, holding hands helps foster and build feelings of being in love. The excitement of casual sex is quickly fleeting. So, to truly build a meaningful marriage, you and your partner get to elevate what falling in love means. Essentially, emotional connection and support is what propels a couple in staying together. So, couples therapy supports learning skills to maintain feeling in love.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, your creative, holistic marriage therapist can help you create an home environment that fosters intimacy.
A positive environment includes feeling emotionally relaxed. To relieve anxiety, try journaling, doing yoga poses, painting, singing, taking an epsom salt bath, or having a nourishing meal. As well, an environment for romance that is positive is clean, organized, and smells good. This may mean lighting a candle, reorganizing, showering, or doing laundry. Sometimes, couples have a bedroom that is messy, dirty, or smells. Furthermore, having more time planned away from work, together, is essential too. Distant couples tend to work too much and over commit themselves to activities and obligations outside their marriage. Right now, pick three days off this month to both take off from work. Yes, take a vacation day in advance, clear your schedule, and start to prioritize your relationship and marriage.
How to be united as a couple and together truly as one in mind, body, and spirit?
First, hold hands, may eye contact, and breathe. Remember, that you married this person, and they were once your best friend. So, it will take time to restore that level of trust. Begin by talking about fears that need comforting. Listen to your spouse’s fears, and don’t laugh. Pillow talk is a tie to be serious and genuine. Sometimes, one person will be silly in a moment when their spouse needs true comfort, rather than humor. To note, humor is a great coping tool for couples healing after emotional cheating. In pillow talk, build emotional connection and trust by talking about your past. Essentially, sharing about your childhood, your unmet needs, and recognizing the importance of things from your past can help your partner understand you.
How to build emotional connection and do “pillow talk? to feel closer”
As well, talk about three things you appreciate about each other. Make a point to talk and compliment each other. Each night, make a point to verbalize your appreciation of your spouse. Reminding your spouse of your love for them will go a long way in building trust. Plus, talk about what you love about your marriage and companionship and your dreams for your relationship. To reminisce, take time to look through your wedding album or photos and recall good memories together. Additionally, talk about and recall special moments, like when you first met, your first date, and when you first fell in love. Many couples do not get a chance, and don’t make time for things like this. In order to lovingly maintain long-lasting relationships, emotional connection skills like the above are essential. And, emotional connect is necessary daily.
Just like food, and feeding your body, your romance and marriage needs feeding and nourishing as well.
What is attuning in couples therapy?
Being in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut supports couples in attuning. Essentially, in the same way musical instruments tune to each other, couples do that too. In a romantic relationship, couples will either be in tune together or out of tune with each other. More so, marriage counseling with a holistic twist provides couples with tools to reconnect. In holistic counseling, using art therapies, yoga therapies, music therapies, and walking therapies, couples can reconnect right in session.
Wisdom Within Counseling supports couples healing and repairing trust after emotional cheating in marriage counseling in Glastonbury, Connecticut.
Why do emotional affairs occur?
A person feels over looked. Maybe, they asked for support, and now feel neglected emotionally. As well, the feeling of being under valued is also present when an emotional affair begins to occur. Sometimes, it just happens because married people stop making time for one another. However, through marriage therapy, couples can build creative ways to connect and rebuild their relationship.
Marriage therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling focus on helping couples repair, heal, and build an amazing, even better marriage after a betrayal like emotional cheating.