Do you identify as a people pleaser in your marriage? Is your spouse psychologically abusing you? Are you scared of how your narcissistic spouse will react if you try to set boundaries? Do you suffer from high anxiety? Are you living in the cycle of emotional abuse from your spouse or family? Do you walk on eggshells at home? Also, do you feel angry with your narcissistic spouse or emotionally abusive family members? Is there a cycle of tension, incident, reconciliation, and calm? Do you feel like the dumping mat to family and friends? After emotional abuse, narcissistic abuse counseling at Wisdom Within can help you regain self-worth and self-regulation tools. The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling, can help you heal after narcissistic abuse and regain confidence and mental clarity.
If you are experiencing emotional abuse, mental abuse, and narcissistic abuse, therapy can help you gain self-soothing strategies.
When you are in a relationship with someone who is emotionally abusive, you may suffer from anger, anxiety, and frustration. More so, you may be suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. You may also have low self-worth and low self-esteem after psychological abuse. Whether your spouse is narcissistic, or your own mother is emotionally abusive, you are not alone. The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in narcissistic abuse recovery.
You are not to blame for negative, abusive treatment that you are experiencing. If you spouse is being aggressive in their communication with you, counseling can help you set boundaries. Or, if your own mother is being narcissistic and threatening you verbally, counseling can help you put boundaries in place. Maybe, your spouse is manipulative or gives you the silent treatment. It might feel like you are stuck in a high conflict fight cycle with your emotionally abusive spouse. Maybe, you are feeling anxiety, alone, upset, angry, and want to talk about your emotions with a professional therapist. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in helping victims of narcissistic abuse feel validated, loved, and respected in future relationships.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for emotional abuse therapy and to work with a narcissistic abuse specialist.
When you are a naturally empathetic or sensitive person, you may be a victim of narcissistic abuse.
You might find yourself in a series of friendships or romantic relationships with partners who take advantage of you. Friends use you for their own benefit. And, you know it is happening. They are simply using you. But, you don’t know how to get people to stop walking all over you. Setting boundaries and sticking up for yourself are skills counseling teaches you. Learning about yourself can be a big part of breaking the cycle of emotional abuse. Emotional and psychological abuse doesn’t just come from a romantic partner. Friends, siblings, family members and parents can be emotionally and psychologically abusive. No matter your race, ethnicity, or religion, you may find yourself in a relationship with a narcissistic person. In counseling for emotional abuse, you can learn to set boundaries.
When you are in a relationship with a romantic partner who is narcissistic, you may feel defeated and helpless.
You may feel angry at yourself for allowing your narcissistic spouse to walk all over you. Another part of you may feel alone, like you can’t talk about it with anyone. When you do try to talk with friends, they aren’t very supportive. You want a specialist, and a therapist who truly understands narcissistic abuse. And, you even have been thinking that your own parents are narcissists, as well as your spouse. Growing up, you parents used emotional and psychological abuse tactics on you. With a parent who is narcissistic, you may feel like you can never be good enough. No matter how hard you try, they always put you down or criticize you. In your marriage, you feel unimportant, cast aside, and angry like you don’t matter.
Your narcissistic spouse tends to criticize you in the same way your parents did in your childhood. You feel like you are the caretaker and the peace keeper, both in your marriage and when growing up. You’re on a hamster wheel of keeping your narcissistic spouse happy and calm. When it comes to narcissistic abuse counseling, you can learn that it is not your responsibility to have to keep others happy. You are not responsible for your narcissistic spouse’s anger explosions or outbursts.
No matter what you try to say, it always seems like the narcissist in your life shuts down. Then, you feel angry when your narcissistic spouse walks away from you while you are talking to them. In a trauma bond cycle, there is a pattern and negative feedback loop. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in helping individuals and couples stop emotional and psychological abuse cycles.
You might be afraid to tell your narcissistic spouse your needs out of fear of their reaction.
Your therapist, who specializes in emotional abuse and narcissistic personality disorder, can help you communicate calmly. You may feel hurt by your narcissistic spouse’s mannerisms and passive aggressive forms of communication. Right now, you may feel discouraged, upset, angry, and need to speak with a professional outside your marriage, family, and friends.
Instead of living in fear, or walking on eggshells, counseling after narcissistic abuse and emotional abuse, can give you outlets for stress.
From counseling after emotional abuse, you can start with self-love and self-care strategies. Your therapist can help you start from the inside out, so you can feel relaxed at home.
From a mixture of individual and couples therapy, you can center, self-regulate, and learn to express emotions calmly. Rather than yelling back at your narcissistic spouse, you can learn to change the negative cycle for the better.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with a narcissistic abuse and emotional abuse specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling.
As well, from counseling for narcissistic abuse, you can start to understand timing of conversations. You can talk with your therapist about how to approach important conversations with your narcissistic spouse. Your romantic relationship can start to feel more emotionally safe from working with a therapist who specializes in narcissistic personality disorder.
As well, you find yourself getting angry, upset, and shutting down yourself too. Maybe, you are super angry at your narcissistic spouse for hurting your feelings. It never seems like you can resolve any conflicts with your narcissistic spouse. Counseling after emotional abuse can help you take back your power.
A mixture of individual and couples counseling for narcissistic abuse and emotional abuse can help partners learn to resolve conflict.
Maybe, you want tools and strategies to stay calm from narcissistic abuse therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling. You want to feel centered rather than emotionally reactive, or angry. Parts of you know that your high conflict fight have been really hurting your whole family, and children’s lives.

Breaking the cycle of high conflict fighting and arguing, means starting with yourself. Instead of yelling, name calling, or putting each other down, you can gain power to stay calm.
Right now, you don’t feel like your self after emotional abuse.
You’ve lost touch with the calm, wise, compassionate, and collected part of yourself. Counseling after emotional abuse can help you get back in touch with yourself. A mixture of meditation, yoga, and mindfulness breathing skills support you after emotional trauma and narcissistic abuse.
You can pick from holistic, creative stress outlets like music therapy, and outdoor walk and talk therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling. Furthermore, you get a holistic, whole person, mind body approach to your healing at Wisdom Within Counseling. If you identify as wanting holistic coping strategies, you are in the right place.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for emotional abuse therapy and to work with a narcissistic abuse specialist.
The cycle of emotional abuse can occur in any type of relationship with a narcissistic person.
No matter your socioeconomic status, ethnicity, age, gender, or race, you may find yourself in relationships with narcissists. Whether your sibling is narcissistic, your mother is emotionally abusive, or your spouse is narcissistic, therapy can help you. Counseling for emotional abuse can help you understand the stages of narcissistic abuse. By becoming more aware of the emotional abuse tactics, you can take back your power.
Counseling for emotional abuse from a narcissist can help you feel calm and ground yourself. Learning to self-regulate and not get sucked into anger is a key part of therapy. Sometimes, you get stuck yelling back, and you don’t like that part of yourself. It can feel exhausting being stuck in the cycle of narcissistic abuse with your spouse. You can develop a sense of self-worth and resiliency, rather than feeling depressed by the endless cycle.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in self-regulation tools and self-soothing strategies after narcissistic abuse.
When you are in a cycle of emotional abuse with a narcissist, there are four phases.
Abuse starts with a a tension building phase. During the tension building phase, an emotionally abusive person will be passive aggressive. They may not respond to your text messages and purposely ignore your phone calls. As well, and attention building phase, victim of emotional abuse usually feels like they are walking on eggshells. Furthermore, someone who is emotionally abusive will explode. They may be rage full, slam doors, name-calling.
It is common for a person with narcissistic personality disorder to humiliate you in front of others. You may even experience derogatory names, and accusations of cheating when you are loyal and honest. On that note, a narcissistic person who is verbally abusive will call you insulting names. For instance, a person with narcissistic personality disorder may call you, “stupid, a loser, ugly, disgusting, or worthless.” In general, a spouse with narcissistic personality disorder thinks getting angry is acceptable when it is not.
Your narcissistic spouse may act in a way that is frightening to you or throw and break dishes. Threats are about power and control over a victim. As well, your narcissistic spouse may make threats to expose secrets you have shared with them in confidence. Or, they may threaten to divorce you or threaten to hurt you.
An abusive person will also threaten to take their own life and threaten suicide to get you to stay in the relationship. Furthermore, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in emotional abuse and narcissistic behavior. From working with a narcissistic abuse specialist, you can learn that you don’t deserve this treatment. If your narcissistic spouse is threatening to harm themselves, it is important to call 911 rather than get stuck in the cycle of fighting.

Wisdom Within Counseling can help you heal from narcissistic abuse and the blame game with an emotionally abusive person person
Additionally, an emotionally abusive and narcissistic person will blame you. They will take all of their anger out on you. You might feel like a doormat to the emotionally abuse of people in your life. During an emotionally abusive incident, a narcissistic person may hurt your feelings intentionally. They might say things that are very derogatory towards you. They might make accusations and accuse you of being a liar. As well, and emotionally abusive, narcissistic person will never be able to apologize fully afternoon because of incident. They will never be able to fully take ownership for their emotionally narcissistic tactics.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for emotional abuse therapy and to work with a narcissistic abuse specialist.
An emotionally abusive person with narcissistic traits will go on as if an emotionally abusive incident never happened.
This can make a victim of narcissistic abuse feel small and helpless. You might even feel like you are the crazy one for wanting to talk about an explosive anger episode. A narcissistic spouse or emotionally abusive parent will blame you for wanting to talk about their emotional problems. It is normal for you to want to process emotionally violent experience and ask them to understand how you have felt hurt. istic, or your own mother is emotionally abusive, you are not alone.
The team of narcissistic abuse therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in helping victims feel empowerment and courage. When you are in the process of narcissistic abuse recovery, you need a therapist who specializes in emotional abuse. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling focus on helping victims of narcissistic abuse develop inner peace and self-love tools.
Instead of talking about the emotions and taking ownership, a narcissistic person may love bomb you.
Love bombing is a form of gift giving. Rather than changing a narcissistic behavior, and emotionally abusive person will try to reconcile through love bombing. A narcissistic styles me buy you an expensive piece of jewelry. Instead of truly changing behaviors for the long term, a narcissistic person will buy you an expensive dinner. They might wine and dine you to make you forget about their temper or narcissistic incident. Rather than apologizing and wanting to better understand your emotions, a narcissistic person will try to win you over with fancy gifts. As a result, a victim of narcissistic abuse will usually calm down. Furthermore, there is now the calm phase.
During the calm phase in a narcissistic relationship, both the abuser and the victim are calm.
There might be a sense of connection. This phase may also be called the honeymoon phase. This calm phase may be considered a good time. You and your narcissistic spouse may laugh together. Sometimes, a narcissistic person and their victim will have intimate sex. Pleasurable sexual experiences may take place during the calm and honeymoon phases. At times, a female partner may even become pregnant and want to have another child with a narcissistic spouse. Good times and bad times are part of emotionally abusive relationships.
Your friends and family don’t give you the best relationship advice. They may tell you that the answer is to end you marriage and file for divorce. Deep down, you want your marriage to work, but you don’t know where to start. Working with a professional therapist who understands emotional abuse is key in healing. Breaking the trauma bond pattern in your marriage means working with a specialist and expert in narcissistic abuse. The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in narcissistic abuse and marriage counseling.
You don’t have to end your marriage to have a healthier, more meaningful romantic relationship.
Emotionally abusive relationships are not just bad times, which makes it even more difficult for a victim to leave. The good times are the bonding time. During the good times, the relationship feels calm, happy, and easy. On that note, leaving a relationship with a narcissistic person is not always the best answer. There are many factors that go into a choice to end a relationship.
Sometimes, you choose to stay married to a narcissist because you want to keep your family intact. You have children together and you see your narcissistic spouse as a good father or mother. They may not be a great spouse, or struggle romantically, but you see them as a good parent. As well, you love your narcissistic spouse. In counseling after emotional abuse, you can sort out these conflicting, intense emotions with your therapist. To add, you reply on your narcissistic spouse for financial support.
How ever, you want to speak to your narcissistic spouse about how you feel when they treat you poorly. When your narcissistic spouse is upset or in destress, you don’t like how they treat you. This is where working with a therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling and specialist in emotional abuse can deeply help.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for emotional abuse therapy and to work with a narcissistic abuse specialist.
The team of narcissistic abuse therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you set boundaries.
This way, you can remain in a relationship with a narcissistic person, but make sure you are responding in healthier ways. From healthy boundaries, you can learn to step into your own power. This isn’t angry power, but instead calm, eloquent, centered power.
Boundaries allow you to stop feeling so emotionally exhausted and avoid burn out.
Furthermore, healthy boundaries support self-love and are an act of self-care. Many times, setting boundaries can bring up emotions of guilt, anxiety, and shame. If you have never set boundaries before, you may need professional help to overcome guilt, anxiety, and shame. Your therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling, who specializes in emotional abuse, can help you set boundaries. As well, with your therapist, you can process any guilt, anxiety, and shame around boundary setting.
Learning to identify which boundaries help you feel safe can be a part of narcissistic abuse counseling.
Each person has different boundaries that help them feel safe. For instance, you may want to set a boundary around having alone time with out your children. Alone time boundaries are a great topic for counseling.
Or, you may set a boundary around your sex life or your intimacy.
You may have a desire to set a boundary around how much money you spend on entertainment. To add, boundaries keep you safe, and help you stay confident and calm.
Also, boundaries can help protect you from negative, emotionally draining energy. As well, if you parent is narcissistic, you may set a boundary to only communicate on ten minute phone calls on a set day of the week.
Boundaries can also help you maintain self-care, like eating breakfast every morning by 8am. This self-care boundary can help you start you day right, rather than feel tired.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can work with an emotional abuse specialist to identify your boundaries. Your narcissistic abuse therapist can help you identify, set, and maintain your boundaries. This way, you can show up in relationships more calm, grounded, and with self-love.
In narcissistic abuse therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can feel nurtured by your counselor.
Your narcissistic abuse specialist can support you in ways your spouse may never be able to do. Rather than craving validation from your narcissistic spouse, you can work with a therapist who specializes in narcissistic abuse. Instead of getting pulled into an abusive pattern of interaction, you can feel confident responding to your spouse rather than reacting out of anger. You can gain emotional support and emotional coping strategies from the team at Wisdom Within Counseling.

Therapy for narcissistic abuse and emotional abuse can help you ground and center yourself
Many times, victims of emotional abuse do not want to leave a relationship. There may be many factors leading a victim of narcissistic abuse to stay.
You might have three or five children together and want to stay together for your family. Even though there are parts of your narcissistic spouse that you hate, you also want to stay together because you do have good times. There are often amazing parts of your narcissistic spouse that you love and would miss if you left too.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for emotional abuse therapy and to work with a narcissistic abuse specialist.
When in a romantic relationship with an emotionally abusive person, you may feel complex emotions.
Sometimes, you feel angry and hurt. Other times, you feel happy and cared for. The good times keep you bonded and close. You may even realize that you are in a trauma bond. Working with a narcissistic abuse specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you sort through your emotions. You can learn holistic, creative, and positive coping strategies.
However, shortly after the common honeymoon phase has ended, the tension building phase begins again. Your narcissistic spouse is avoiding conversation topics. As well, a narcissistic spouse may be doing things that are passive aggressive all over again. The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in emotional trauma in narcissistic abuse counseling.
When you are in a relationship with a narcissistic, emotionally abusive person, you will experience unhealthy communication.
In counseling for narcissistic, emotional abuse, you may experience angry, aggressive verbal communication. Though your narcissistic spouse may think is is normal due to their own toxic, narcissistic parents, it is unhealthy. Learning healthier communication tools is a great benefit from working with a narcissistic abuse specialist. As well, when with a narcissistic, emotionally abusive person, you may experience verbal threats. As a victim of emotional abuse, you may be afraid to speak up because you don’t know what will frustrate or upset your spouse. Walking on eggshells is a common feelings for victims of emotional abuse in marriages. When in relationship with a narcissistic, emotionally abusive person, you may feel like you are invalid. When you want to talk about your emotions, they seem to laugh you off.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn to identify emotional abuse tactics and unhealthy forms of communication.
You may feel a sense of public and social embarrassment when you are married to a narcissist. A narcissistic person may put you down in front of family and friends. When a narcissist tells stories, they portray themselves as the hero. You may be the bad guy in the story. To add, you may experience lying, cheating, infidelity, and dishonesty. When with a narcissistic, emotionally abusive person, you may experience name-calling, insults, and name calling. Insults, name calling, and unhealthy communication can lead to low self-esteem in a victim of emotional abuse. To note, emotional abuse is just as damaging as physical abuse.
As well, when you are emotionally abusive relationship, you may struggle with depression.
Furthermore, you may have high levels of anxiety, overwhelm, loneliness, and exhaustion. It is common to feel down, lack motivation, and in emotional chaos. Counseling for emotional abuse and narcissistic abuse can help you find hobbies you enjoy again. You can learn to practice self-care and love yourself in narcissistic abuse counseling sessions. Victims of narcissistic abuse may also suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD.
What are symptoms of PTSD after emotional abuse from a spouse with narcissistic personality disorder?
More so, PTSD symptoms may include appetite changes, anxiety, depression, insomnia, tearfulness, mood swings, anger, and fearfulness. Therapy for PTSD can help you cope with anxiety and depression in healthy, holistic, and creative ways. Counseling after emotional abuse can help you learn how to respond when you feel put down. Overall, working with a narcissistic abuse specialist can help you respond mindfully to your narcissistic spouse.
The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in emotional abuse recovery in narcissistic abuse counseling.

In the tension building phase, you become the narcissists dumping mat and stress outlet.
When your narcissistic spouse has a bad day at work, they tend to get mad at you. They take their anger and negative emotions out on you. Outside factors, such as health issues, may also trigger a narcissistic spouse to be passive aggressive.
Maybe, your narcissistic spouse is stressed out due to financial issues. Whatever their triggers are, a narcissistic person grows angrier. They feel like they are losing control. And, a narcissistic person lacks positive coping strategies. This means that they do not know how to release their emotions in a healthy way. Therefore, they take them out on their victim.
During the tension building phase, it is very common for a victim of narcissistic abuse to feel anxious.
Your nervous system may be in a hyper vigilant state. As well, you might feel scared because you don’t know if your narcissistic spouse will be in a good mood or a bad mood. There is a sense of emotional uncertainty in your relationship. A lack of emotional security is very common when in a relationship where there is emotional abuse.
So, understanding the cycle of emotional abuse can help you gain a sense of freedom. Working with a narcissistic abuse therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you in individual therapy. As well, some victims of narcissistic abuse choose to do couples therapy. Both individual and couples therapy can help you break the trauma bond you may be in.
Working with a therapist who specializes in emotional abuse can help you develop resiliency.
Rather than feeling helpless, you can learn to take back your power. This might mean setting aside time for yourself. As well, your therapist can help you learn how to calmly communicate your needs rather than reacting emotionally to abusive tactics. When your spouse is narcissistic, there may be a cycle of trauma bonding.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for emotional abuse therapy and to work with a narcissistic abuse specialist.
Rather than getting sucked into a high conflict fight, you can learn to become less reactive.
By working with a therapist who specializes in narcissistic abuse, you can learn to let go of blame.
It’s very common for victims of narcissistic abuse to blame themselves.
There may be parts that you want to take ownership for. For instance, if you have yelled back at your partner, you may want to take ownership or apologize for that. There may be parts of the interaction that are negative and conflictual for you both. Marriage therapy sessions can help you both talk to each other in more constructive ways.
However, victims of narcissistic abuse tend to assume blame for the entire abusive incident. If your partner is hitting you or calling you names, it is not your fault. Furthermore, working with a therapist who specializes in narcissistic abuse can help you gain confidence. You don’t have to be a door mat or dumping mat to your narcissistic spouse.
Instead of playing small or being a perfectionist, you can live a more relaxed life. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can better your self-worth. You can stop blaming yourself and beating yourself up for the emotional abuse you are enduring. Counseling after narcissistic abuse and emotional trauma can help you creatively think about your situation.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can use creative art, yoga, music, meditation, mindfulness, and walk and talk therapy.

Holistic, creative, mind body therapies support a calm nervous system after narcissistic abuse and emotional trauma.
By learning mindfulness meditation, yoga poses, and grounding techniques can help you return to your marriage refreshed. Mindfulness meditation can help you care for yourself in a way you never have before. You might feel pulled in many directions and upset right now in a relationship with a narcissistic spouse. Mindfulness mediation can help you regulate yourself, ground into your center, and let go of that outside noise.
Therapy after narcissistic abuse can help you regain connection to your mind, body, and spirit. After emotional abuse, you may feel a need to get back to being yourself. You may have pushed aside beautiful parts of yourself due to the emotional trauma you are experiencing. Counseling can help you support yourself and believe in yourself again. Painting and creative therapies support you in expressing emotions in ways beyond words. Sometimes, traditional talking can be positive in counseling. However, there may be times when you want to go for a walk by the beach in Niantic, Connecticut alongside talking. Music therapy can support healing and help you care deeply for yourself again.

The team at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you tune back into your intuitive energy.
By being more in touch with your mind, body, and spirit can help you learn to self-regulate. Self-regulation tools help you feel confident, gain clarity, and emotionally secure within yourself.