What is Drama Therapy in Niantic, Connecticut?
Drama therapy is the intentional use of drama and theatre to achieve therapeutic goals. It is an active and embodied approach to therapy that makes use of theatrical techniques like storytelling, role play, and improvisation as a part of your therapy journey. As well, drama therapy in Connecticut is an expressive therapy. So, it is perfect for children, teens, and adults who want to use their body to express. If you like art, music, and yoga, you may also find deep healing and peace through the process of drama therapy.

Drama Therapy Goes Beyond Traditional Talk Therapy
Essentially, drama therapy allows you to gain coping skills and heal from trauma in ways beyond sitting on a couch and talking. You can rehearse for an upcoming anxiety-producing event. Or, in drama therapy in Connecticut, you can replay a moment from the week that was difficult to get through. Sometimes, we never get to release moments from the past. Furthermore, in drama therapy, you can create distance between you and overwhelming feelings. We can explore your trauma through metaphor to gain insight. Also, we can try on different roles to see how they might handle a difficult situation.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult to start learning to cope in positive ways in holistic drama therapy in Connecticut.
Talk Therapy Can Be Uncomfortable For Some People
The idea of sitting on a couch and talking to a stranger might sound uncomfortable to you or your child. Also, talk therapy can be overwhelming for those who have a hard time communicating their emotions. Now, not everyone uses words to release. So, drama is a way to release negative feelings using storytelling. Drama therapy allows you to communicate in a way that works for you. We don’t even have to use words! We can communicate with our bodies or by writing stories. Also, talking may become easier when we take on another role who can share thoughts and feelings. At Wisdom Within Counseling, Shelby offers the speciality of drama therapy in Connecticut.
Who Can Benefit From Drama Therapy?
Anyone can benefit from drama therapy! If you are someone who wants to do more than talk during a session, then drama therapy is a great fit. Also, if you are someone who struggles to communicate emotions, drama therapy’s involvement of the body can help. Drama therapy is especially great for adolescents and teens. Often, children and teens don’t know the words for what they feel. Also, drama therapy in Connecticut is based in play, which is easily accessible to adolescents and teens. Plus, adolescents and teens might be easily overwhelmed by situations and struggle to communicate their feelings. Therefore, a dram therapy counseling session help boost self-esteem. Additionally, drama therapy, is able to provide the distance and alternate forms of communication that can be helpful with youth. In addition to drama therapy in Connecticut, Wisdom Within Counseling offers adolescents art, yoga, music, and walking therapies.
Creativity and Drama Within A Teen’s Therapy Session Can Help Your Anxious Teen Build Self-Esteem
The teen years are filled with anxiety-producing transitions. Manytimes, making a new friend is scary. Loss of friendship can be heart breaking. Starting school or college, making new friends, and academic challenges are things teens face every day. Also, your teen may be discovering their identity. As well, a teenager may be putting on a perfect mask, but hiding feelings of depression, jealousy, fear, grief, and anxiety. With teenage years come changes in behavior and communication. May teens stop conversing with parents and act impulsively. Sometimes, these changes become concerning and start to affect the teen at school and home.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult to start learning to express emotions in healthy ways through drama therapy in Connecticut.
With Drama Therapy in Niantic, Connecticut, We Can Explore Change
In drama therapy sessions in East Lyme, Connecticut, we can explore the emotional and social challenges your teen is facing in a fun, creative way. Overall, drama therapy helps teenagers explore the new parts of themselves they are discovering. Also, we can work with these parts to make sure they are helpful, not harmful. As well, drama therapy supports teens learning how to love themselves. Additionally, we can playfully explore new, anxiety-producing situations. By telling the story of the situation in a different way, drama therapy in Connecticut reduces the fear around it.
How can role play and drama therapy in Connecticut support confidence?
Furthermore, in drama therapy sessions, you can practice and rehearse situations and experiences. And, you can develop confidence to speak up. Adult and child drama therapy sessions look different. Maybe, for an adult, drama therapy in Connecticut means role playing how to ask for a raise at work. Or, role play in child therapy can be about taking deep breaths to think before acting. This helps to reduce anxiety and increase you and your teen’s self-confidence.
Drama Therapy is Also Great For Families In Counseling
When your adolescent or teen is facing challenges, it can place stress on the entire family. Also, changes in the family, like a move or loss of a loved one, can affect the family unit. Drama therapy is a great approach for families. With drama therapy, your family can learn to communicate better and have more empathy for one another. As well, drama therapy in Connecticut encourages laughter and playfulness as a family through stressful moments in life. Also, you can learn how to navigate challenges together, in family therapy. With drama therapy, we can explore other family member’s experiences and perspectives. You can literally walk in someone else’s shoes to see how they feel. Furthermore, drama therapy in Connecticut can help you practice healthy ways to communicate with your family.
How Does Drama Therapy in Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling Begin?
We begin with your therapist getting to know you, your life experiences, and what is bringing you to therapy. Additionally, we discuss your goals for therapy and what skills you’d like to learn. Also, we take time to talk about some ways that drama therapy can help you reach your goals and learn new skills. As well, you can ask questions about drama therapy in Connecticut. Sometimes, people ask if drama therapy is possible over telehealth or video. Yes, drama therapy is accessible over video as well as in person in Niantic, Connecticut.
What Does A Drama Therapy Session Look Like?
During a drama therapy session at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, we talk about how things have been going and what has been coming up for you. Then, we talk about whether a playful and dramatic approach may be helpful to you at this moment. We may use puppets to act out a situation you experienced during the week. Then, we may take what we learned with the puppets and try it in our own bodies. Also, drama therapy in Connecticut may encourage you to explore different roles and parts of yourself that can be helpful to know better. You can try these roles on, see how they feel, and decide to keep them or get rid of them. Also, you can write stories, draw pictures, or find creative ways to move!
What Is the Goal of Drama In A Therapy Session? How Is It So Healing?
The goal of drama therapy is to find a different, creative way to express emotions and learn coping skills. Many times, we are asked to analyze and explain ourselves. However, with drama therapy in Connecticut, you get to express emotions like anxiety and worry in healthy, creative, playful ways. Plus, you get a mind-body therapy and you can move about the room. Also, drama therapy is a flexible approach. This means that we can do therapy in a creative way that works for you. Using a creative and playful approach like drama therapy makes therapy as a whole more accessible. And, drama therapy in Connecticut can help someone who is fearful feel therapy as less threatening.
If You Are Looking For a Creative Approach to Therapy, You Should Consider Drama Therapy
Maybe, you tried talk counseling and you want a different, more holistic approach. Or, you know you are too serious about like, and you need a drama therapy in Connecticut who will encourage and push you to be creative and playful. You may consider drama therapy if you or your child finds the idea of talk therapy overwhelming too. Furthermore, if you’ve tried talk therapy before and didn’t like it, drama therapy may be a good next step. If you are looking to gain coping skills and work on communication, drama therapy would be a great fit. Drama therapy works well for individuals of all ages and abilities. It is also a great option for distant couples and families looking to deepen relationships and increase communication.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult to start building self-confidence through drama therapy in Connecticut.
Drama Therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, CT
Shelby Davis is the drama therapy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, CT. She loves working with adolescents, teens, and young adults struggling with depression, anxiety, and major life transitions. Shelby also works with those dealing with chronic illness and chronic pain. Lastly, Shelby is LGBTQIA+ and queer affirming as a therapist.

About Shelby Davis, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut
Shelby works with adolescents, teens, and their families to process emotions and develop coping strategies in creative ways. Along with drama therapy, Shelby also brings art, music, and movement into therapy sessions.