Many times, long-term couples fall into a sexless marriage and end up distant. The responsibilities of childcare, your career, and even finances can weigh a lot on your shoulders. Your sex life might be scarce, infrequent, or non-existent. Infertility challenges and trying to have a baby can made sex feel like a chore, like work, or obligation. To make matters worse, couples often feel uncomfortable talking about sex and intimacy together. Sex just stops and couples go on living without sex, touch, or intimacy. Thinking back, you remember when you felt sexually open, expressive, and fun. Maybe, even more sexually open with past partners than your current spouse. And, you want to get back to this passionate sex life you once had. Marriage and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida support you in exploring your sexuality.
You can embrace a new side of yourself and become sexually expressive. This might be the first time you really learned about the female sexual pleasure system, orgasming, and made sex fun. Building a healthy intimate and sex life can be a positive and playful process with intimacy therapy and couples counseling.
Talk about sexual performance anxiety in couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Orlando, Florida
As well, when you think about sex with your partner or spouse, you may feel anxiety. Parts of you fear not being good enough in bed. Or, not keeping your penis erect for long enough. You might fear that your penis will have a dysfunction and go soft right when you want to have sex. As well, a male partner may fear not being able to make his partner orgasm.
In marriage and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida, you can take the pressure off making your partner orgasm
There can be so much pressure put on “making” a partner orgasm. Sadly, our society and culture puts undue pressure on orgasming as a status symbol for partners. Furthermore, “making” your partner orgasm can be stressful. Overall, whether or not your partner orgasms does not need to be a sign of you being a good lover.
Instead, taking the pressure and anxiety off orgasming can make sex and intimacy fun and playful. Perhaps, fear that you may hurt your partner’s feelings if you speak up or ask them to change what they are doing. On that note, you worry about being a good sexual partner, and sexual insecurity comes up. Maybe, you fear that if your marriage is sexless any longer, your partner will leave you. But, the sexual performance anxiety is like a spiral for you.
Marriage and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida gives you tools for sexual performance anxiety.
You can’t seem to bring yourself to have sex due to your sexual performance anxiety.
And, that sexual performance anxiety keeps you from feeling confident. Negative, anxious beliefs around sex and pleasure can prevent you from even knowing where to start. To add, the anticipatory anxiety around your sexual performance keeps you from beginning. When you feel anxious about being good enough in bed, you might not know where to start sexually. Marriage and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida help you find your footing. You can learn the baby steps and take it slow by talking about sex, intimacy, pleasure, and emotional closeness.
Because of sexual performance anxiety, you might be sexually rejecting your partner.
Declining sexual initiations is common due to sexual performance anxiety. Erectile dysfunction plays into inimtacy anxiety and sexual rejection. As well, you may be stuck declining sex, and your partner may be always in a position of initiating sex. If your partner is always initiating sex, and you feel anxiety, marriage and intimacy counseling can help.
You might feel insecure about your body shape or weight, and as a result have a sexless marriage. There may be a desire to increase your sex drive, when you struggle with low sexual desire.

Couples can learn how to increase sexual pleasure as a whole in intimacy counseling with a sex specialist.
Is there a feeling or pressure to make your female partner orgasm. If so, through marriage counseling and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida, you can feel carefree about sex. Feeling safe together and emotionally close are really important precursors for the female orgasm.
As well, a female partner can learn that she doesn’t need to fake an orgasm in order to make a partner feel like they are a good lover. Whether an orgasm happens or not, sexual activities can still be pleasurable. To add, taking the pressure and anxiety off orgasming can help an orgasm in actually happening.
As well, mindfulness skills for a female partner can support present moment thinking. On that note, if a female is thinking about childcare, career development, over there to do list, she will not be able to orgasm. For a female, orgasming means being fully present in your body. As well, orgasming means noticing all of the sexually pleasurable sensations that are occurring.
From mind-body connection and present moment thinking, the female orgasm can naturally happen. In marriage and intimacy counseling, a partner can learn to support their female partner in orgasming, which improves bonding.

Is sex boring and dull right now?
Often, distant couples are stuck having boring and dull sexual experiences. In general, you might be doing the same thing over and over sexually, and sex lacks passion. On that note, it feels boring having the same food for dinner every single night. Your sex life is the same!
If you are doing the same thing every time, you and your partner may be sexually frustrated. Boring and dull sexual experiences can lead to low sexual desire and low libido. To add, your partner may be disinterested in having sex as a result of boring sexual experiences. You can learn to spice up your sex life and explore new sex toys. As well, marriage counseling and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida helps couples explore role-play scenarios. You may want to talk about BDSM, dominant and submissive roles, and much more.
Therefore, your couples counseling experience can be a safe place to exploring sexual diversity. Overall, Wisdom Within Counseling teaches couples in sexless relationships how to be sexually playful. You and your spouse can gain skills to increase sexual and erotic desire. By bringing mystery, new sex toys, BDSM, and even power dynamic roles, you can rebuild sexual desire.
Marriage counseling and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida makes sex fun again!
Sex might feel like an obligation, chore, or something you do to cross off your list. Couples can make sex fun again. So, starting the conversation around sexual pleasure and dissatisfaction are the beginning steps. As well, sharing your emotions around sexual activities is a part of couples counseling in Orlando, Florida.
Instead, intimacy therapy with a sex and marriage specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling supports sex being playful, enjoyable, erotic, and expressive.
In intimacy therapy with a sex specialist, you can learn how to create novelty, suspense, and sexual diversity.

Many couples don’t ever talk about sex, pornography use, sexual fantasies, or intimacy.
Why don’t couples talk about sex? Well, growing up, you may have never learned about sex or intimacy. When you went to talk to your parents about sex, they made you feel like you were dirty for asking questions. Perhaps, you don’t have that many sexual experiences under your belt. Also, you focused on being studious, and found other hobbies. Growing up in a strict, religious home can lead you to develop sexual shame and guilt. Talking about your childhood experiences around sex and puberty can be a big part of Orlando, Florida couples therapy. Often times, we feel sexual shame and guilt talking about sex in our strict culture. A religious upbringing often teaches an adolescent to fear orgasming and self-pleasure.
How can marriage counseling and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida support a healthy sex life?
Growing up, we do not receive proper sexual health education. We often believe negative myths and misinformation about sex. You may have felt ashamed for wanting to talk about sex and wanting to learn about it. Parents do not often provide us proper sexual health education. Many times, what we do learn about sex is learned from porn.
Secret keeping behaviors around sexual exploration can occur due to shame and guilt. Right now, you might feel like there is no safe place where you can talk about sex.
Intimacy counseling is your safe place to get comfortable talking about sexual desire, sex, marriage, and intimacy.
Notably, pornography is not proper sexual health education. Likewise, learning about sex from pornography is like learning about marriage from Hollywood movie.
Movies and porn starts are actors who receive payment. Unfortunately, gaining sexual education from pornography can set you up for sexual and marital failure. Pornography use can be a triggering and emotional topic too. If you have found your partner watching pornography behind your back, you may feel upset, shocked, or betrayed. Therefore, talking about pornography use in marriage counseling and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida can be healthy.
Does talking about pornography lead to upsetting, intense emotions?
As well, bringing up the topic of pornography in your marriage can lead to a variety of different emotions. Maybe, you and your spouse have learned to avoid talking about pornography due to the conflict that arise. You may develop sexual performance insecurities and anxieties from comparing yourself to porn stars. Marriage counseling and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida can be a safe place to talk about the feelings you have around pornography use. Pornography is not all bad. At times, pornography can be therapeutic to watch together. However, there can be compulsions and addictions that can develop from pornography overuse.
Pornography is not proper sexual health education
Additionally, what you see in pornography may not be realistic with an a loving, romantic relationship with your spouse.
Overall, getting sexual education from pornography can create unrealistic expectations around sex. Also, pornography is made up of paid actors. So, you can’t compare a real marriage to what you see in pornography. Therapeutically, pornography can help you learn what turns you on. And, pornography can be erotic material and part of foreplay.
You can feel safe and comfortable asking questions regarding sexual pleasure with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida. As well, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can talk about sexual fantasies, pornography use, and orgasming with your sex and intimacy specialist.
Instead, in intimacy counseling with a sex specialist, you can gain proper sexual health education.
Often, many women do not orgasm from vaginal penis sexual intercourse or penetration. Vaginal penetration alone, whether with a toy, fingers, or a penis, does not often lead to orgasm. Frequently, a male partner may not know about the importance and value of the clitoris.
Sadly, with a lack of proper sexual health information on the female pleasure system, a male partner may not know what to do. Therefore, marriage counseling and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida help teach partners how to pleasure a female’s clitoris. To add, the clitoris is a very important part of the female pleasure system. Locating and stimulating a female’s clitoris can lead to incredible feelings of bonding and pleasure.
You can truly learn about the female pleasure system, sexual anatomy, and orgasming in marriage counseling in Orlando, Florida.
Learning about partner’s sexual needs and sexual fantasies can be a beautiful part of intimacy counseling too. For many couples, talking about intimacy can be very positive for marital satisfaction.
Marriage and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida support you creating a healthy, positive sex life.

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Communication issues in couples therapy in Melbourne, Florida
Couples may face a variety of communication issues that lead to sex life issues and intimacy problems. In order to overcome conflict and negative communication issues, distant couples can learn healthy communication tools.
Many times, distant couples, in sexless marriages, need help talking about emotions. Anger is often present. Talking about emotions underneath anger can be very positive for emotional intimacy.
Avoid These Negative Forms of Communication
“You always” or “You never,” statements.
Blame Yelling or Screaming
Being Defensive
Name Calling
If you and your partner use unhealthy communication tactics, sex can feel far away. And, if you slam doors or call each other names, these can negatively impact your sex life. For people of all genders, races, and ages, feeling emotionally safe is very important. In order to be sexually active and open, marriage counseling in Orlando, Florida can help you build emotional intimacy.
Rebuilding intimacy and your sex life is possible through working with a sex and intimacy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Orlando, Florida. Couples can learn to overcome communication issues that can be the root of lack of intimacy, orgasming issues, sexual rejection, and a sexless marriage.
In couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida, you can have a safe place to improve communication.
You can talk about emotions under anger. Often, talking about how your parents and caregivers showed anger can offer insight. Maybe, your parents only showed you high conflict disagreements and negative communication. Couples counseling in Orlando, Florida can be a safe place to break negative generational patterns. Furthermore, your marriage therapist in Orlando, Florida can help you discuss the feelings underneath anger.
Anger is often the easiest emotion to show. You might be feeling betrayal, sad, or hurt underneath anger. When you are mad or angry, you may also be feeling anxious, scared, or nervous. To add, anger issues can mean couples need to express worry or fear of abandonment.
Maybe, underneath anger or frustration are feelings of helplessness or lack of control. In couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida, you can talk about betrayal, insecurity, or rejection. Anger is often a sign couples need to verbalize and express deeper feelings. So, couples can talk about grief, sadness, overwhelm, misunderstood, and loss in counseling. Verbalizing your emotions fosters bonding and meaningful connection. Emotional intimacy is a beautiful skill that you can gain in couples counseling.

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Couples can learn to use respectful language when talking about intense subjects to improve your sex life.
In couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida, you can talk about finances, money, sex, intimacy, family, trauma, and household responsibilities. You can talk about the specific topics that you might be avoiding. identifying triggering topics can be a positive way to gain emotional intimacy skills. Certain topics can lead each person to feel emotionally upset. To add, talking about these topics in couples counseling can help you share your deeper feelings.
In marriage and intimacy therapy, couples in Orlando, Florida can learn to be calm and respectful.
Learning to speak in a curious, gentle tone of voice is key for a healthy, satisfying sex life. In order to have a beautiful, erotic, passionate sex life, you’ll want to build emotional intimacy skills.

What are some tips to build emotional intimacy before starting in Orlando, Florida marriage therapy?
We all want to be appreciated!
Appreciation can go a long way in your marriage! One thing you can do today is you can tell your partner 1-2 things you appreciate about them. Then, tell your partner what you need or feel in a positive way. Use “I feel,” or “I need,” to describe your emotions and needs.
Working with a sex, marriage, and intimacy specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling helps couples form a deeper bond and show emotional curiosity
It is really common for distant couples in a sexless marriage to critique and criticize each other without realizing it. Instead of, “Why are you angry? Do you see that you are being an asshole?” Don’t assume your partner’s emotion, but show curiosity. When you assume your partners emotion, they can feel more upset and angry. So, let them name their own emotions. Try “I care about you. How are you feeling? What is something I can do to take stress off your plate?”
In couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn about your upbringing
Become aware of your upbringing. Observing parents in high conflict fights in childhood plays into how we talk when upset or angry as adults. By learning and using healthy communication skills in Orlando, Florida with an intimacy and sex specialist, you are making positive changes in your family patterns and legacy.

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In couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn healthy communication skills.
What are some healthy communication tools that foster emotional intimacy?
Listen With Your Body
For one, be present with your body language and make eye contact. For instance, don’t be scrolling on social media while your spouse is trying to speak with you. If you do, they may feel sad, upset, or lonely. As well, hold hands when talking about intense subjects. Did you know, holding hands lower your heart rate? Rub your partner’s back or try cuddling to team up on an issue. To add, asking your partner about the emotions they felt in their day can build emotional closeness. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn a variety of skills to foster emotional closeness.
Take Ownership
To add, take responsibility in a conflict. Let your partner know that you empathize with them feeling hurt or upset. And, apologize for actions that hurt them. Taking responsibility in a conflict diffuses intense emotions. Each person can name some thing they can do better next time. Additionally, showing ownership can prevent the same misunderstanding or situation from happening again. Let your partner know you appreciate them taking accountability verbally. If you or your spouse struggle with taking responsibility, couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida can help.
Couples With A Healthy Sex Life Express Needs Calmly
To note, avoid this: “Why aren’t you listening to me? You never listen. And, you never clean up. You never care.”
Say this: “I feel important when I’m talking and we make eye contact. And, I feel ignored when I am talking and you are scrolling on your phone. I need to feel like you are listening to me because feeling heard helps me feel closer to you. Is now a good time?”
Verbalize appreciation and praise
When you see your partner doing something you’d like, give praise, show gratitude, and appreciation. You can do so through words of affirmation and touch. As well, letting your partner know that you love them is always positive. Verbalizing praise and showing gratitude or important emotional intimacy skills for healthy sex life. If your partner does something you like in the bedroom, give them lots of praise for it.
Talk about the amazing times
Make a point to share your favorite moments. For instance, share about kissing under the moonlight last week. Or, talk about the way your partner’s scent comforts you. Talk with your partner about your favorite memories. To add, this can get you laughing and build emotional intimacy skills. Remember, building in erotic, passionate sex life is all about feeling emotionally safe together.
Focus on what you want and needs vs. whats is wrong
Further, talking about what is wrong all the time can lead to low sex drive and intimacy issues. As well, talking about what you want your partner to improve about themselves can come off as criticism.
More so, couples with a sexless marriage intimacy issues may criticize each other without realizing it. Try these instead. I love it when we go out to eat. And, I feel so special. Sometimes, I feel forgotten about because you’re so great a socializing. I feel loved and supported when we check in with each other at parties or gatherings. As well, I was thinking about you today and wondered if you want to get playful and romantic later.
These are all positive examples of expressing wants and needs. In order to have a healthy sex life, your couples therapist can help you stop criticizing your one another. Instead, you can learn to confidently express your wants and needs.
Emotionally Validate
As well, emotional validation skills can be a benefit of sex and intimacy sessions. “I can understand why you felt upset, I’m sorry.” “And, I hear that you felt upset and hurt by what I said.” “I see that you felt lonely and I’m sorry I’ve taken you for granted.” “In the future, I hear that you are needing me to…”
Foster Reassurance
In a disagreement, unhealthy couples may threaten the future of the relationship. Threatening divorce or a break up does not create emotional intimacy. And, if you and your spouse are always threatening to get a divorce lawyer, this does not foster healthy sex life. During a fight, one or both partners need more reassurance that everything is okay. Providing reassurance creates trust, stability and security. Wisdom Within Counseling can help you navigate difficult moments and create reassurance.

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Self-Regulation, Self-Care Tools, and Self-Soothing Skills Reduce High Conflict Fights
You might be getting into high conflict, hurtful fights where you feel hopeless about the future of your relationship after. These arguments lead to intimacy and sex issues. Learning how to reduce and resolve conflict is a key part in creating a healthy, erotic, safe, and satisfying sex life.
Fighting in aggressive ways and not dealing with conflict in healthy way can lead to sex life problems. When you are experiencing intense emotions like jealousy or betrayal, self-care tools can help you collect your thoughts.
Therefore, learning self-care and self-regulation tools can help you on a personal level. You can learn to bring your most calm self to an intense conversation. Use the tools below to regulate your nervous system and calm yourself. Self-care is key when building a loving, passionate, erotic sex life. To add, taking time to cool off before returning to a big discussion can be very positive.

Four Square Breathing.
Take one deep breath in for 4 seconds filling your entire lungs. Hold in the breath for 4 seconds. Slowly breathe out for 4 seconds emptying your lungs. Hold the out breath for 4 seconds. Repeat 4x.
Ground yourself in the present through the 5-4-3-2-1 exercise.
Name 5 things you see and name 4 things you physically feel. Next, name 3 things you hear, then name 2 things you smell, and name 1 thing you taste. To note, grounding skills like this one can also help you be mindful during sexual experiences. If your your mind wanders during sex, you can bring yourself back to the present moment. Learning to connect to your mind and body will help you enjoy sexual pleasure more.
Use Healthy Touch.
Expel unhelpful energy by petting your dog, stretching, playing the guitar, walking, or engaging in light exercise or yoga. If you find yourself angry or anxious, doing self-care will be very positive for your marriage.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
Moving from your toes up through your body, flex your toes for 5 seconds then relax them for 5 seconds, then gradually move up the leg, torso, and arms flexing each individual muscle group for 5 seconds, then resting for 5 seconds. Repeat as necessary, perhaps then moving from the top of your head body to the bottom of your feet.

Change Your Environment.
When you feel anxious or angry, get outside. Being in the sunshine can naturally elevate your mood. Move to a different room, step outside, walk barefoot on the grass, take a bath, and be in nature. Or, go for a drive outside!
It might sound silly, but couples tend to have conflicts in the same room. So, if you argue in the same room tend to have more intense discussions that spiral out of control. Therefore, if you always argue in the kitchen, take your conversation to the bathroom. Changing your environment can also change your tone and conflict cycle. As well, changing your environment can change how you perceive your partner.
Be Social.
Call or text a friend or family member, make plans to spend time with a friend or family member. To note, do not vent or overshare to a friend or family member the intimate details of your marriage. When you call a friend, focus on a stress reducing conversation.
Soles of Your Feet Exercise.
Draw your full attention to the soles of your feet. Now, notice how they feel planted on the ground. The more you pay attention to them they may feel warm, tingly, or heavy. Continue to notice the sensations in your feet until you feel more relaxed.

Be Creative.
Get into painting, drawing, writing, knitting, making jewelry, or gardening. Now, in order to have a healthy marriage, each individual in that marriage needs to have their own sense of self. Having hobbies that you enjoy helps you develop your own identity.
Use music.
Relax your mind through listening to soft music, nature sounds, or ASMR!
Disrupt Racing Thoughts Through Journaling.
Write down what you are feeling, what you think it is attributed to, then what is in your control, and what you can do about it. Write until you come up with a positive solution or can accept the situation for what it is. An alternative exercise would be to write about an intensely positive feeling or experience in your life and describe it in detail.
Utilize Cold To Ground Yourself.
Take a cold shower, or splash your face with cold water when upset or angry. As well, drink something cold, or stick your face in a bucket of ice water. When you are getting angry, you might feel hot. So, cooling yourself down can refresh your emotions as well.
Be Kind To Yourself.
Repeat positive affirmations and positive self-talk statements three times per day. For instance, “I am safe in this moment. I love myself just as I am. All that I feel is okay.” I in order to have a healthy sex life, you can also repeat statements like, “I know I deserve sexual pleasure.”
Maintain Physical Activity.
Go hiking, running, swimming, biking, getting a massage, engage in a gentle skin care routine. Plus, physical activity, in moderation, can be a wonderful part of getting to know your body. Physical activity can bring circulation to your pelvic floor muscles. In order to have good sexual stamina, regular physical activity can help you prepare for sex. Therefore, it might feel good to go outside for a walk or take a yoga class with your spouse. Stretching your hips in yoga can allow you to get into different sex positions too!

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How to overcome sex and intimacy issues in couples counseling in Melbourne, Florida after no sex for years?
Accept all the feelings – heartbreak, loss, shock, grief, anger, betrayal. When you realize sex is not as frequent as you like or you are in a sexless marriage, it’s okay to feel sad. Don’t judge yourself or complain to friends that your spouse is a bad lover. Seek the help of a professional sex and intimacy specialist right away. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we specialize in intimacy, marriage, and sexual issues. In general, couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida give you a safe place to rebuild playfulness, spice, and desire.
Process trauma in couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida
Past experiences of sexual trauma can lead to intimacy and sex issues. For instance, incest, molestation, sexual abuse, and rape can all leave to intimacy issues. In counseling, you can develop self-regulation skills to manage trauma symptoms. Even when you are with a loving partner that you trust, sexual trauma symptoms can surface. Fight, flight, and freeze responses can all occur after sexual trauma. Having a safe place to talk about sexual trauma can help you and your spouse work on the intimacy issues in your marriage. Even if you were a toddler and don’t remember the sexual trauma, sexual trauma lives in your body. A gentle touch on the shoulder from your spouse can lead to anger. To note, this reaction is a trauma response. Learning to talk about complex trauma and sexual abuse can be parts of marriage counseling.
Discuss unresolved issues from 3-8+ years into the past that lead to sex issues
Infertility and trying to get pregnant puts a damper on pleasure and sex
Frequently, sex and intimacy issues develop overtime. You may be struggling with infertility and have sex problems occur. To add, trying to get pregnant can put a lot of pressure on having sex. Instead of sex being pleasurable and playful, sex becomes a chore. Sex becomes a duty and an obligation to get a baby. When you are trying to get pregnant, sex can feel like work, dull, dry, and boring. Additionally, IVF and infertility treatments can lead to intimacy issues.
Usually, a sexless marriage recipe begins about 3 to 8+ years into the past.
Being able to talk about all the different issues that have led up to a sexless marriage can be healing. Maybe, buying a house together or moving in together really challenged your relationship. Becoming parents may not have been everything you thought it would be. Parenting puts a damper on sex.
Maybe, you moved away from family to take a better job. However, you may have moved to a new different place and lost that job. Likewise, losing your dream job can lead to feelings of failure and inadequacy, that reflect in your sex life.
On top of that, you may have chronic medical issues. Various surgeries can definitely hinder your intimacy and sex life. These various responsibilities and stressors can cause intimacy and sex life issues. Therefore, marriage counseling and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida can give you space to process the past.
Marriage counseling and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida help you get playful
There is a lot that puts a damper on a healthy sex life and passionate intimacy. Couples counseling can be the safe place to rebuild desire and talk about sex. And, you can get to know your spouse again. Marriage therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida helps you learn about your partner. You can playfully date your partner again. As well, couples can learn to create daily, weekly, and monthly rituals of connection around intimacy.
So often, sex falls to the back burner. Couples therapy can help you schedule in sexual play, right into your calendar. As well, couples who have a healthy sex life spend quality time together and don’t let anything interfere. Plus, ,prioritizing your sex and intimacy means saying, “No,” to family gatherings, invites, or work obligations. Set aside at least three nights of the week or nothing will interfere.
Furthermore, talk about sexual pleasure needs, sexual desires, and fantasies throughout the day. Unfortunately, many couples fall into only talking about parenting or family topics. So, you might need to intentionally and mindfully talk about sex. Sexual foreplay does not just have to begin when you are physically with each other. For instance, send each other a sexy text throughout the day. This way, you are letting each other know that you are excited to have fun later.

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Talk about erogenous zones and where you like to be touched to increase your sex life
Erogenous zones are amazing parts of our bodies. Print out a picture of the human body, from head to toe. Your partner may need a visual to understand where you prefer touch and sexual foreplay.
On the print out, circle your favorite places to be touched during foreplay in green. Show your partner this clear visual of what feels good to you. Don’t just verbalize where you enjoy touch. You may have places that feel uncomfortable when touched. Circle those in red. Erogenous zones can include the nape of the neck, face, lips, buttocks, scalp and hair, behind the knee, earlobes and ears, feet, inner thighs, belly, low back, breasts and nipples, inner wrist, and fingers.
Learn To Orgasm By Overcoming Shame and Guilt With A Sex Specialist In Intimacy Counseling
As a female, learning how to orgasm can be a wonderful part of life and intimacy. Emotional challenges in a relationship can lead to issues orgasming. Some women feel shame and guilt when they think about being sexual, self-pleasure, or behaving in sexual ways.
Furthermore, women can learn sexual skills to increase confidence, desire, overcome sexual boredom, learn to orgasm, and embrace sexual pleasure.
Journal about trying new sex toys and explore new sexual experiences. All feelings are okay and welcome when you journal about self-pleasure, masturbation, and your sex life with your partner.
Likewise, lengthening foreplay to 45-90 minutes felt, trying a dildo felt, trying a butt plug felt, trying a vibrator on my external clitoris felt, trying a vibrator internally on the G-spot felt, trying nipple clamps/clips felt, being restrained felt, and today, orgasming felt.

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Make Foreplay Longer and More Luxurious For A Better Sex Life
Females need more time than a person with a penis does to fully enjoy foreplay, get turned on, and to be able to experience an amazing orgasm.
Starting with foreplay, a female might want to be touched more delicately and sensitively on non-sexual areas. Then, she may want touch to progress to sexual areas of her body in a teasing manor.
If a female feels rushed or uncomfortable, she needs to feel safe to speak up with her partner. As well, a female should never feel she has to grin and bear it when touch is too rough or uncomfortable.
A female needs to feel safe to talk with her partner about the type of touch she wants. Forcing orgasming does not work. Women more easily orgasm from nipple and clitoral stimulation than from vaginal penetration. Don’t force it and just enjoy!
Couples Therapy with Sex and Intimacy Specialists in Orlando, Florida Help You Get Your Mind Going
More so, talk about your best sexual moments and start to relive the most sexy times with your partner.
To add, take the time to talk about sex and intimacy as much as you do bills, finances, or child care. Do something that really turns you both on. Start foreplay with the mind and thinking sexy thoughts.
Talk dirty to each other. Also, describe what you want to do to your partner’s body next time you see one another. So, share sexual fantasies together daily via text.

Tend To The Body
Massage one another’s feet, backs, heads, and hands. Caress different parts of your partner’s body until they can’t take it anymore. More so, move closer to sensitive, sexual areas and let your touch return to their back, head, or hands teasing them. Build sexual desire slowly and enjoy the process. Cuddle, spoon, or sit on your partner’s lap facing them and drape your arms behind their neck. Feel the connection between your bodies.
Communicate Sexual Desire
To add, tease each other throughout the day via text. “I would love for you to keep playing with my (insert areas of your body).” “If 10 is heavy pressure and 1 is very light, your touch is a 9 and I would love it at a 3.” “I would love to use a sex toy together.” “It feels so incredible when you (insert action).” Compliment your partner and verbalize what you find attractive about them to them.
About The Clitoris and Sexual Pleasure
Also, arousal is emotional and physical. If it doesn’t feel good, speak up! To add, talk about what speed and what type of pressure feels good.
The external part of the clitoris has a hood and is located at the top of the vagina. This part of the clitoris has over 8,000 nerve endings intended for female sexual pleasure.
With foreplay and as desire builds, the clitoris becomes engorged with blood, similarly to a penis becoming filled with blood and erect.
After lots of foreplay, stimulate the clit on top of clothing as it can very sensitive, and also build erotic desire.

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Softy Caress Around The Clitoris To Build Sexual Desire and Improve Intimacy
Massaging and soft, gentle touches around the vaginal opening, the low belly, butt, and the inner thighs before touching the clitoris can be pleasurable and build desire in many females.
The internal part of the clitoris is underneath this area.
Clitoral stimulation along with 45-90 minutes of foreplay supports the female orgasm, and multiple orgasms. Watching your partner pleasure themselves can be informational on the type of touch they like.
Increase Sexual Pleasure, Intimacy, and Sexual Awareness With A Marriage and Sex Specialist In Intimacy Counseling
Mindfulness, relaxation, and self-awareness tools can help a woman connect her mind and body, which is a key part of orgasming. Learning to orgasm begins with self pleasure and masturbation.
A woman can take the time to touch herself, play with sex toys, get to know what her body likes, and the type of pressure she enjoys. With a partner, females need creativity, spontaneity, mystery, presence, and to feel desired to let go and orgasm.

Learn About The Female Orgasm In Intimacy Counseling and Marriage Therapy
Many times, females do not receive long enough foreplay to be able to physically orgasm. Explore erogenous zones Incorporate sexy text messages about what you want to do later. Play with teasing Talk about sexual fantasies Use sex toys to support clitoral stimulation
Learning about clitoral stimulation can be positive. Many women do not orgasm from vaginal penetration alone, so provide clitoral stimulation using: Use the mouth and tongue, vibrators and sex toys, fingers and hands
Self-pleasure can be a great first step in a healthy sex life to help a woman know what she likes and how an orgasm feels.
Through couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida, women can play around with and experience multiple orgasms.
Multiple orgasms can be very bonding and pleasurable.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for marriage and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida.
Increase Sexual Teasing and Edging To Have A Better Sex Life.
Takes the focus off the end goal of orgasming, builds desire and mystery, creates suspense, and fosters playfulness.
Increasing the length of foreplay and using lubricants supports pleasurable sex and vaginal wetness.
Benefits of 45-90 minutes of foreplay
Increased attraction and heat
Builds sexual arousal and sexual desire
Foreplay helps a female feel wanted, fascinating to her partner, and open
Fosters sexual adventure
Gets a female excited about what’s to come
Creates sexual anticipation
Create a sexy, intimate, romantic environment to have a better sex life
Dimming lighting and lighting candles can set a romantic tone for the evening.
Talk about sexual pleasure to increase your sex life
Share your favorite sex memories and recreate them in your future together. Talk about what you don’t like or you find boring.
Think of foreplay like the time it takes to make banana bread.
Banana bread takes about an hour to cook in the oven. If you take it out sooner, it will be runny and inedible. Like banana bread needs time to cook, a female needs that duration to feel aroused and to become prepared for an orgasm through foreplay.
One of the biggest mental turn ons?
Feeling sexually wanted and desired is one of the biggest turn ons. or females especially, feeling like her partner is excited about her pleasure and body is key. Often times, females are very self-conscious. A female might be afraid that her vagina smells bad. Or, a female might be afraid that her partner dislikes her body. Females especially want to be attractive to their partner. Take the time to complement your female partner. Females need to feel embraced and seen as a sexual being to get sexual.
Explore The Many Ways Females Orgasm
Women can orgasm from breast and nipple play. Play with nipple orgasms, G-spot orgasms, squirting, clitoral, anal, and mixed orgasms. Notably, many females do not orgasm from vaginal penetration. Unfortunately, many men feel like they need to have a hard or erect penis to be a good lover. The penis does not need to be erect in order to have an amazing sexual time. Let go of any fears of staying hard or erect. A male partner can use their mouth, hands, sex toy, and even hot breath to arouse and build sexual desire in a female partner. Essentially, explore a variety of different bodily areas females enjoy touch. Have fun playing around together. Enjoy each other’s bodies to support orgasm!

Are You A Female Having Painful Vaginal Sex?
Vaginal Dryness and Lack of Foreplay Leads to Painful Sex
Marriage therapy with a sex intimacy specialist in Orlando, Florida can help pinpoint the issues causing vaginal pain and painful sex. Notably, painful sex is never something you need to push through. If sex is painful, ask your partner to stop. For one, emotional safety can be a very important foundation. Create emotional safety and security with your partner. As well, sex can be painful if there is not enough foreplay. The vagina takes time to become naturally wet. Now, natural lubrication occurs from foreplay and sexual arousal.
Additionally, if any sort of touch leads a female to feel that sex is an obligation, this can lead to painful sex. And, know that sexual play and foreplay doesn’t have to lead to penetrative sex. Enjoy 45-90 minutes of foreplay every time before considering vaginal or penetrative sex. Try different lubricants. Silicone, oil, and water lubricants can all feel different. So, buy a couple lubes and see which ones you like. Use an external lubricant every time.
When a female orgasms, her vaginal area will become naturally wet.
Before considering penetrative sex, support a female partner and having at least one orgasm. These orgasms may be from nipple play, clitoral stimulation, or even anal play. A female can receive a breast and nipple massage for 20+ minutes, and just see what happens. So, a female should have at least one clitoral orgasm before vaginal penetration to help with painful sex. And, use a vibrator and sex toys for assistance and more fun sensations!
On the note of the sexual play, role-play, explore BDSm, and be imaginative about fantasies.
Some women deeply desire to be in a dominant or a submissive sexual role. Talking about dominant and submissive power roles in sex can lead to more sexual desire. As well, read erotic books and listen to erotic audio recording to get in a sexy mood.
Make sure to self-pleasure and masturbate for a healthy, satisfying sex life
Additionally, self-pleasure and masturbation are important parts of any healthy sex routine and sex life. Increasing self pleasure can help a female partner understand her body better. So, practice self-pleasure and masturbate 3x per week. This way, as a female, you can tell your partner what you like.
Relax and be mindful to have a healthy, satisfying sex life
In order to receive sexual pleasure, relaxation is important. Mindfulness breathing techniques can be very helpful. Meditating and connecting your mind and body can also help you enjoy pleasure. Know you deserve to relax and receive pleasure. I work with a sex and intimacy specialist to overcome any anxiety, shame, or guilt that may be limiting you from being able to enjoy sex.
Learn about how medication impacts sex drive
Understand side effects of medication ie, allergy medication. Certain medications like antidepressants and allergy medications have an impact on sex drive. Notably, anti-depressant medications can lead to low libido issues and a low sex drive. Additionally, allergy medications can decrease the natural lubrication your vagina secretes. Talking about medication side effects can be a part of working with a marriage therapist and sex and intimacy specialist in Orlando, Florida.
Take the focus off penetrative sex and have fun!
Fun Facts About Squirting, Sex, Intimacy, and The Female Pleasure System
Some woman squirt during pleasurable sexual experiences. As a female, you may be able to squirt with some partners and not others. If you are a male, you may wonder how you can support your female partner in squirting. Squirting during sex can be a great topic for a couples therapy with an intimacy and sex specialist.
Squirting during sex comes from G spot stimulation
To note, squirting occurs from G spot stimulation. Understanding female anatomy and finding the G spot can be parts of working with a sex and intimacy specialist in Orlando, Florida. Additionally, the female G spot is only about 2-3 inches inside the vaginal opening. Squirting occurs from G spot stimulation after a lengthy foreplay. So, enjoy 45-90 min of foreplay first. A female needs to be really, really turned on sexually in order to squirt. Also, vaginal lubrication increases as a female becomes more turned on. Having great sexual communication and being in tune supports squirting.
As well, females need to feel emotionally safe to squirt
Squirting is a benefit of an emotionally safe, playful, erotic experience where a woman feels incredibly desired by her partner. So, a female needs to feel emotionally safe in a relationship in order to squirt. Squirting will not occur if there is any criticism or negative communication. Emotional safety is really important for squirting to occur.
If a female is worrying that she will ruin the couch or bed with fluid, take the time to get a waterproof blanket. Plus, preparing the space can allow a female’s mind to be less anxious. And, this allows her body to let go. Rest on a waterproof blanket, which supports being at peace with fluids leaving the body.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for marriage and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida.
Steps for Improving Your Sex Life and Intimacy
Put fresh sheets on your bed
Organize your bedroom
Talk about what turns you on
Describe your fantasies
Buy and use a new sex toy
Massage one another
Cuddle, flirt, play, and laugh
Give touch, affection, and attention
Lengthen foreplay to 45-90 mins
Schedule and prioritize alone time
Do A Sexual Scavenger Hunt To Increase Your Sex Life
Directions: The goal of this scavenger hunt is to have fun playfully exploring with no end goal in mind. Below is a list of tasks for you to complete.
Focus on sexual play other than having a goal or outcome of vaginal penetration or intercourse.
Increase foreplay, affection, mental and sexual teasing, flirting, and edging warm up a female’s body, which can be so satisfying and sexually arousing.
Talk about sexual fantasies with confidence and what you would want to try.
Have fun with different roles, outfits, textures, locations, and environments.
Use lube to prevent too much chafing or friction and more pleasurable sex.
Share about what you want and need in terms of pleasure, pressure, touch, and sensation.
Through couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida, you can feel confident trying new sex positions.
If you are always in missionary, try side lying, switching up who is on top, putting legs over the shoulders, sitting in a chair or on the edge of a bed, and more.
More so, have fun sending sexy texts through out the day. Notably, sexy text messages can be a form for foreplay. Together, talk about as past positive sexual experience or talk about fantasies.
As well, create your own storyline for a fantasy together or relive a past experience. You can do this laying in bed together. Or, you can do this on the phone if you are long-distance. Sexual play doesn’t have to stop because you are on a work trip or solo vacation. Also, you can get an app vibrator. This way, you partner can control the vibrator from the app, miles away. Keep up the spice in your marriage even when you are miles apart.
Buy a new sex toy together!
To add, goto a sex shop together, explore, and buy a new sex toy to use together that day.
In couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida, you can learn to give compliments.
Tell your partner how good their body and genital area smells naturally. A lot of people are self-conscious. We also often experience body shame and criticism from our parents. Plus, parents may have been critical. Positive self-talk can grow because your partner is complimenting your body. So, being extra complimentary can be really great for your partner’s self-confidence. Verbal appreciation and praise can go a long way when it comes to your sex life.
Many times, women are self-conscious of how their vagina smells. Often, females need to be reminded that their body and vaginas smells healthy and natural. All vaginas have an organic scent. A woman should not feel the need to add scented lotions or perfumes to their vagina. To improve your sex life, compliment your female partner’s vagina smell.
Savor oral sex and make a point to incorporate it to improve your sex life and marriage outside of counseling.
Oral sex can be heavenly, erotic, sexual, and positive for your sex life. However, many people are afraid or self-conscious to give or receive oral sex. Limitations to giving or receiving oral sex can be great topics for marriage counseling in Orlando, Florida.
After sex, couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida can help you feel confident talking about sex.
Afterwards, talk about the sexual experience you shared. Ask your partner about their favorite parts and what felt good. Essentially, express what felt amazing, pleasurable, and so fun. To add, talking about sex can be a really great way to build sexual desire. As well, this activity can lead into sexual foreplay and another passionate, orgasmic, and positive sexual experience.
Aftercare is super important for a healthy, happy sex life
Keep the sexual and intimate connection going with after care. Plus, after care allows your brain to have a much better transition from sexual passion back into daily life. Importantly, oxytocin and serotonin, feel good brain chemicals, increase during sexual foreplay and sex. Other activities that increase oxytocin and serotonin are exercise, meditation, and petting a dog or cat.
There can be a drop in oxytocin and serotonin after sexual activities. And, this drop can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and tearfulness. So, aftercare after sex can help you and your partner nurture each other. Think of after care as caring for each other after you have high levels of oxytocin and serotonin.
Tend to one another’s needs in a sensual, safe, emotionally supportive way after sex. Furthermore, talking and cuddling, showering together, are wonderful forms of aftercare. To add, tend to one another after sexual play by showering, having pillow talk, cuddling, sharing feelings, or snacking together.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for marriage and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida.
Do A Journal Entry Reflections on Intimacy To Improve Your Sex Life and Marriage
First, pause before writing, take a breath in and a breath out. Looking at the past can provide important insight about the future. Don’t judge yourself. Instead, focus on self-awareness, acceptance, and compassion.
Name 5 things you feel have gotten in the way of intimacy.
Next, name 3 measurable goals you can set to rebuild a loving connection and passionate sex life.
Describe 3 ways you can create more balance between stress and life.
Name 4 things you want to let go of emotionally when it comes to intimacy, then name 2 ways you can foster physical intimacy today.
To Improve Sex and Intimacy, Try This Yes, No, Maybe List
Make three columns on a separate paper. The “yes” column is for acts that you want to try. Notably, the “maybe” column is for acts you would consider trying. The “no” column is for acts that you are uncomfortable performing. Importantly, talk about both giving and receiving each of these.
Alcohol/Drug Use
Anal Sex
Anal Plugs/Beads/Toys
At Home/Various Rooms
Being Restrained
Breath Play
Casual Sex
Clothes On/Off
Cock Rings
Costumes or Uniforms
Cross Dressing
Cunnilingis/Eating Out
Degradation Talk
Different Environments
Direct Eye Contact
Dirty Talk
Domination (Topping)
Double Penetration
Ejaculation (Male or Female)
Emotional Intimacy
Face Slapping
Felatio/Blow Job
Fingering (Anal or Vaginal)
Fisting (Anal or Vaginal)
Food Play
Foot Play
Furry Play
Getting Engaged or Married
Group Sex
G-Spot Stimulation
Hair Pulling
Hand Job (Penis or Vulva)
Having Children
Holding Hands
Helping A Partner Through Pregnancy And Delivery
Ice Cubes
Intercourse (Anal or Vaginal)
Introducing to Family or Friends
Kissing (Mouth or Full Body)
Latex and/or Leather
Lap Dance
Lights on/Lights Off
Listening To Erotica
Living Together
Long-Term Dating
Lubricants (Silicone, Water, Oil)
Making Noises
Masturbation (Mutual or Alone)
Medical Conditions
Menstruation Sex
Multiple Orgasms
Mystery and Suspense
Mixed Orgasms
Nipple Clamps, Nipple Play, and Nipple Orgasm
Novelty In Sex
Once, Rarely, Occasionally, Frequently, Daily
Open Relationship
Orgasm Delay/Denial
Outdoor Sex
Pain Play
Parenting With A Partner
Positions (Rear Entry, Top, Bottom, Standing, etc.)
Phone Sex
Pornography (Video or Reading Erotica)
Prostate Massage
Public Sex
Rape Fantasy
Regular STI/STD Testing
Risk Of Pregnancy
Road Head
Role Play (Age, Teacher/Student, Medical, etc.)
Rough Sex
Safe Word
Saying, “I Love You.”
Scat Play
Sensory Deprivation
Clubs Sex Or BDSM Parties
Sex Without Barriers/Protection
Sex Toys
Sharing Feelings
Linking Finances
Sharing Intimate Details Of Sex With Others
Talking About Sexual History
Sharing Trauma History
Shaving/Grooming Together
Short-Term Dating
Showering Together
Staying Overnight
Strap-On Sex
Strip Tease
Submission (Being Topped)
Threesome (MMF, FFM, MMM, FFF)
Titty Fucking
Touching In Public
To note, talking about past trauma can be helpful in a confidential, safe, couples therapy and intimacy counseling setting at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Trauma Trigger Care
Triple Penetration
Using The Toilet In Front Of A Partner
Wax (Dripping)
Webcam Sex
Weekdays or Weekends
Giving a Boyfriend, Girlfriend, or Partner Status
With A Couple, Someone Partnered, Cheating, Male Identified People, Female Identified People, Queer or Trans Identified People, People With Penises, People With Vaginas, Strangers, Friends, Acquaintances, Exes, and/or Coworkers

To begin, click below for a phone consult for marriage and couples therapy with the sex and intimacy specialists in Orlando, Florida.
As well, in Florida, Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in distant couples therapy and intimacy therapy in Weston, Blountstown, Palm Coast, Ormond Beach, Sebring, North Palm Beach, Fisher Island, West Palm Beach, Bowling Green, Gulf Breeze, Branford, Zolfo Springs, Sanibel, North Port, Palm Beach, Port Saint Joe, Oviedo, Parkland, Holiday, Port St. Lucie, Leesburg, St. Petersburg, Pompano Beach, Hialeah, Lakeland, Lake City, Lacoochee, Indian Harbor Beach, Campbellton, Palmetto, Canal Point, Quincy, Reddick, Woodville, Longboat Key, Tavares, Keystone Heights, Marathon, Wausau, Roseland, Horseshoe Beach, Safety Harbor, Neptune Beach, Florida.
Additionally, we offer intimacy and couples therapy with the Wisdom Within Counseling sex and intimacy specialists in Live Oak, Ocala, Sanibel, Sweetwater, Sanford, Crystal River, Milton, Sebastian, Zephyrhills, Groveland, Pinecrest, Greensboro, Doral, Miramar Beach, Merritt Island, Panama City Beach, Micanopy, Mexico Beach, Key West, Jensen Beach, Waldo, Mulberry, Sunny Isles Beach, Boca Raton, Palatka, Coral Gables, Zellwood, Penney Farms, Coconut Grove, Yalaha, Tequesta, Englewood, Yankeetown, Holmes Beach, Minneola, Fort Myers, Lake Alfred, Big Pine Key, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Winter Haven, Winter Park, Dunedin, Florida.
As well, in Florida, Wisdom Within Counseling is a group of counselors trained sex and intimacy and specialize in marriage therapy in Lake Mary, Tampa, Chattahoochee, Sarasota, Bradenton, Pensacola, Gainesville, Davenport, Caryville, Cedar Key, Melbourne, Naples, Cape Canaveral, Babson Park, Tallahassee, Apalachicola, Destin, Daytona Beach, Edgewater, Greenville, De Leon Springs, Jacksonville, Belle Glade, Cape Coral, Palm Bay, Vero Beach, Venice, Tarpon Springs Miami, Deerfield Beach, Orlando, Anna Maria, Bonita Springs, Marco Island, Dover, Webster, Ebro, Key Biscayne, Deland, Satellite Beach, Atlantic Beach, Cocoa Beach, Wildwood, Williston, Winter Beach, Lynn Haven, Melbourne Beach, Starke, Rotonda West, Stuart, Tavernier, Titusville, Beverly Hills, Bushnell, Bradenton Beach, Cooper City, Florida.
Benefits of couples counseling and intimacy therapy in Orlando, Florida
Couples in therapy can heal from a history of sexual assault or sexual trauma. You can overcome rejection, anxiety, anger, blame, or fear related to trauma and pain. Couples therapy can help you both get vulnerable together. You can learn to intentionally choose each other in marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida.
Build passion, meaningful connection, and enjoy pleasure in Orlando, Florida couples counseling.
Why start in intimacy sessions?
Did you know that being a good lover has nothing to do with penis size?
You get an LGBTQIA+ queer, non-binary, transgender, gay affirming safe space in couples counseling in Orlando, Florida. Couples in counseling can help you understand sexual responses and female anatomy. As well, marriage therapy helps couples in Orlando, Florida gain skills that support sexual pleasure. Overall, you can overcome erectile dysfunction and sexual dysfunctions.
Couples can learn how to orgasm and have multiple orgasms. As well, couples in counseling can improve sexual communication. Likewise, couples can learn about the importance of stimulating the female clitoris for more bonding and sexual pleasure.
Overall, couples counseling helps partners develop emotional intimacy, which is a foundation for sexual passion and a healthy sex life. In Orlando, Florida couples counseling, you can gain confidence exploring your sexuality, talking about sex, trying sex toys and lubes, and build erotic desire and anticipation.
Wisdom Within Counseling in Orlando, Florida would love to help you and your spouse build a loving, playful, enjoyable, fun, and sex positive marriage.