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Consensual Non-Monogamy and Polyamorous Couples Counseling

Are you looking to open you marriage? Are you are your partner exploring ethical non-monogamy? Has your partner come out as bisexual within your monogamous relationship, and do you want to explore polyamory? Do you want communication skills to create a healthy open marriage? Would you like to explore diverse sexual experiences with multiple partners? Have you tried opening your relationship prior, but it went poorly, so you closed things? Would you like a safe place to talk about introducing your polyamorous partners to your children, parents, or family? Do you want someone to talk to about shame, guilt, anxiety, and insecurity? Would you like a therapist who won’t blame you or stigmatize you for being in a a consensual non-monogamous relationship? At Wisdom Within Counseling, you receive consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling.

Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in helping couples navigate consensual non-monogamy.

In addition to helping monogamous couples, where only two people are involved, Wisdom Within Counseling supports and affirms non-monogamous intimate relationships. In consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling, partners have sexual relationships with multiple people.

Under the umbrella of consensual non-monogamous relationships are polyamory and ethical non monogamy. It is important to know that consensual non-monogamy is not cheating or infidelity. The difference between polyamory and cheating is that there is consent upfront. All parties involved are aware of each other. No lying or deceitfulness are parts of a healthy polyamorous relationship.

Polyamory can mean different things to each person. For some people, polyamory can mean having multiple committed and sexual relationships. For others, polyamory means multiple emotional realtionships.

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Consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling means that all people have the knowledge and consent of what is happening.

There are many forms of consensual non-monogamy and polyamory. To note, there is no one size fits all when it comes to polyamory. Each couple needs to talk upfront to see what they are all okay with and not okay with. Couples may have sex in front of another couple in the same room. Or, parents may choose to date individually outside their couple unit. Other couples date couples together.

To begin, book your phone consult below for consensual non-monogamy therapy and polyamorous couples counseling.

Many people choose to be polyamorous because one person can’t meet all needs for love. As well, polyamorous people may identify as having the ability to love multiple people at the same time. Polyamory is not about one partner not being good enough. Instead, polyamory is about recognizing the needs that you have and directly expressing those needs to your partner. Your partner recognizes that it makes you happy to be with multiple people and can feel compersion for you. On the other hand, monogamous people may identify with only being able to love one person at one time. Both monogamous and polyamorous relationships can be unhealthy. An alternative relationship style doesn’t mean that you are acting in an unhealthy way. Lying, anger issues, and aggressive communication can affect monogamous and polyamorous couples.

Being polyamorous is not better or worse than monogamous. Being in an ethically non-monogamous relationship means knowing yourself and having self-awareness. From that level of self-awareness you can communicate what your needs are.

Anyone can be polyamorous

Regardless of income level, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity, it is normal to be in a polyamorous relationship. Whether you identify as gay, pansexual, bisexual, or lesbian, it is okay to talk about consensual non-monogamy. To note, it is more likely for gay, bisexual, pansexual, lesbian, and same sex couples engage in consensual non-monogamy. Even within a monogamous relationship, it is common that one person may not be straight.

When one person in a couple unit identifies as bisexual, it is very common for a couple to explore an open marriage. A diverse group of people engage in consensual non-monogamy. Anyone of any education level, geographic region, or even political affiliation may choose to engage in consensual non-monogamy. No matter your age, consensual non-monogamy an opening your relationship is normal. Some people choose to engage in sexual activities as a group. On the other hand, some people choose to have independent sexual relationships.

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Overcome religious stigmas and stereotypes in consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling

To note, growing up with a strict religious background may make some people feel that polyamory is bad. Strict, religious views can influence us from childhood onwards. Even in adult romantic relationships, views from childhood can lead to anxiety, shame, and guilt.

When you grow up with monogamous role models, and you identify as polyamorous, you may need help processing shame and guilt.

Society is very monogamous heavy.

This means that when you are choosing an alternative relationship styles such as consensual non-monogamy, you need to find a community that supports you.

It might be difficult to think about talking to your monogamous parents about your multiple romantic partners. If your role models are monogamous, it might be difficult to explore polyamory due to internal conflict. Working with a therapist who understands and specializes in ethical non-monogamy can help you develop confidence. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can talk about consensual non-monogamy and receive polyamorous couples counseling.

As well, it is normal to fear rejection from family members due to being in a consensually non-monogamous relationship. As a result of being polyamorous, family members may disown you. A grandparent who doesn’t understand consensual non-monogamy may cut your children out of their life. Losses and traumas as well as ruptures in relationships are very common due to the negative social stigma. Societal views are very negative regarding consensual non-monogamy and ethical non-monogamy.

To begin, book your phone consult below for consensual non-monogamy therapy and polyamorous couples counseling.

Working with a polyamorous affirming therapist can help you understand the steps you need to take to surround yourself with supportive people.

Joining a more liberal church like a Unitarian church can help you feel support. Unitarian churches are much more liberal and accepting of polyamorous families. Your children may also be able to meet other children being raised by polyamorous parents. There are websites where you can meet up with other consensual non-monogamous parents. You may choose to go on a vacation that is specifically for consensual non-monogamy and swinging. You can join Facebook groups and other social media channels that normalize consensual non-monogamy. It is normal to desire romantic and sexual relationships with multiple people. From the foundation of consent and honest communication, polyamorous people can have high levels of relationship satisfaction. Even though being in a polyamorous relationship may give you anxiety when you think about coming out to your family, there are many benefits.

Ethically non-monogamous relationships have benefits. In a consensually non-monogamous relationship, you can get a wider variety of needs met, which allows for personal growth. You can learn more about what types of sexual activities you enjoy because you have a diverse romantic partners.

Often times, couples and consensually non-monogamous relationships have much more communication than monogamous couples. You may be constantly talking about relationship boundaries, sexual needs, and your relationship structure. There are lots of positive benefits when it comes to consensual non-monogamy.

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Coming out to monogamous relatives as polyamorous might be anxiety producing.

When you are in a consensual non-monogamous relationship, you may have built a positive community for yourself far from home. However, you might want to go home for the holidays with your multiple romantic partners. You may want to take your multiple partners to holidays or to family gatherings. This means you might need to come out to your family members as polyamorous. If one of your family members sees you making out with multiple romantic partners, it can create some confusion. Talking about how you want to introduce your romantic partners to friends and family can be a topic in consensual non-monogamous relationship therapy.

One of your romantic partners may have a very accepting an affirming family. They may be very liberal. However, you fear being ostracized and rejected by your own strict, religious family. And, your partners may be encouraging of your coming out process, and you may feel pressure. As well, you may be very apprehensive and anxious to come out as polyamorous to your family.

To begin, book your phone consult below to work with a consensual non-monogamous counselor and receive polyamorous couples therapy.

Consensual non-monogamous couples counseling supports conversations around pregnancy

When you are thinking about getting pregnant and having a child, you might want to talk with your therapist in advance.

You can talk about which partner’s baby you would like to have. As well, you can talk about which partner may share financial and parenting values in the same way you do. One of your partners may never want to have a child. Whereas, another one of your sexual partners may be desiring to have a child with you.

Talking about getting pregnant can be a great topic for consensual non-monogamy couples therapy.

In couples therapy, you and your partner can talk to each other about different questions you have. Pregnancy and starting a family can bring up fears and excitements. You may want to talk about creating a stable home and your family values. Having a child is a big step for any couple. You might even talk about fertility treatments like IVF. Starting a family is a big topic that can lead to distress when one or multiple people get triggered. Being able to talk with your couples therapist can help reduce distressing emotions such as anger. As well, ENM polyamorous couples therapy can help decrease anxiety and pressure. Couples counseling help polyamorous couples talk about expectations and timelines for these family planning goals.

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Consensual non-monogamy can be beautiful and it’s just one of many types of relationships you can have.

Each person in a consensual non-monogamous relationship gives consent for their partner to be with multiple partners. Consensual non-monogamous relationship boundaries can be verbalized or even written down. Secrecy and secret keeping in any type of relationship is unhealthy. In both polyamorous and monogamous relationships, secret keeping can lead to betrayals. Consensual non-monogamy can include emotional partners as well as romantic and sexual partners.

Within the umbrella of consensual non-monogamy, there are many different types of relationships.

Couples may choose to partake in swinging, simply open their relationship, invite in a third to share together, or more. The type of open relationship each couple has is different. As well, each person may have a different fetish or kink. These fetishes and kinks may play an intentional role of opening your marriage.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you receive consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling.

Why work with a specialist in consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling?

Unfortunately, there’s a negative stigma around polyamory. Medical professionals, therapists, and even friends and family may not understand how consensual non-monogamy works. Working with therapists that are consensually non-monogamy affirming is really important. This is especially true and important when it comes to relationship therapy.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team of therapists are consensual non-monogamous affirming.

The team at Wisdom Within Counseling love working with couples in ethically non-monogamous relationships.

From counseling with a specialist, you can know that you won’t be discriminated against. As well, there won’t be any judgment or prejudice about your relationship structure.

Working with a more general therapist means that you may be subject to shame. It is common for consensual non-monogamous couples to face guilt or even be blamed for wanting multiple romantic partners. As well, a general therapist who is not kink educated may blame your problems on your polyamorous relationship. Overall, you need a specialist when it comes to improving your consensual non-monogamous relationship.

Unfortunately, when working with a more general therapist that has not had the educational opportunities that the polyamorous affirming therapist at Wilson Within Counseling have had, you may experience stigmatization. Often, uneducated therapists pathologize polyamorous families and ENM couples.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, your therapist specializes in consensual non-monogamy. We have attended trainings, and are LGBTQIA+ queer affirming. It is a myth that polyamorous and consensual non-monogamous relationships inherently do not work.

As well, it is a myth that consensually non-monogamous relationships bring out abandonment and commitment issues. These myths have been created by negative stigmas in our society.

Working with a therapist who specializes in consensual non-monogamy can help you feel like your relationship structure is normal.

You can also learn how to let go of internal shame and guilt related to suicidal stigmas. Abandonment and commitment issues can be brought out by all different types of relationships from sibling ones, two ones with friends, two ones with coworkers. Being in an open marriage or ethically non-monogamous relationship does not mean that you are crazy.

To begin, book your phone consult below to work with a consensual non-monogamous therapist in polyamorous couples counseling.

Release shame and guilt, and gain confidence through LGBTQIA+ affirming couples therapy

Overall, part of working with a consensually non-monogamous affirming therapist means overcoming societal stigmas and internalized shame. From therapy, you can learn that many people engage in non-monogamy and you can learn to ask your partners for feedback.

What are you are looking to casually date, invite a third into your couple unit, or just explore your sexuality, consensual non-monogamy is normal. Your therapist offer is a nonjudgmental stance. Overall, your Wisdom Within Counseling polyamorous affirming therapy can help you process anger as a result of suicidal stigmas. Couples in counseling can gain positive coping tools for anxiety and fear that may be present.

What is consensual non-monogamy and receive polyamorous couples counseling like?

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can trust that your therapist will use inclusive language, support ethical non-monogamy, and won’t judge you.

Your therapist can help clarify any boundaries.

As well, your therapist can help you talk about your needs with your partners. Furthermore, from counseling, you can communicate better with your partners. You can attend individual counseling. Or, you can attend consensual non-monogamous relationship therapy with all of your partners.

You may have different conflicts he want to work through with various romantic and sexual partners. Couples get a safe space to talk about coming out, anxiety, and sexual performance. As well, couples can talk about discrimination you may have faced. Talking about childhood trauma and attachment styles can be helpful in couples therapy.

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What is swinging in regards to consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling?

Some couples choose to partake in swinging. Swinging may be done at sex parties, through a dating app, or simply by knowing other friends who are into swinging too. Often, couples may switch partners entirely. A couple may switch partners for an evening or during a vacation.

Swinging can be a sexual fantasy that consensually non-monogamous relationships can support. Couples may seek out sexual and romantic relationships with other couples. Also, couples may swap partners. It is important to know that this is not considered infidelity or cheating. All partners have had a conversation in advance about what boundaries feel safe and what is consensual. Swinging brings a level of sexual diversity and excitement. As well, swinging can support a sense of novelty, feeling loved in a different way, and joy.

At times, couples will try swinging and it will go poorly.

When you’ve had a swing experience go poorly, you may be apprehensive about trying swinging in the future. Your partner might be gung ho and very excited about continually swinging.

Talking in ENM and CNM couples therapy can help you process what went wrong in your past swinging experience.

To add, you get a safe place to explore what came up for you emotionally regarding swinging. You can talk about what you need to feel safe in future diverse sexual relationships.

In addition, kinks and fetishes may be a part of consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous relationships.

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To begin, book your phone consult below to work with a consensual non-monogamous therapist in polyamorous couples counseling.

Threesomes in consensual non-monogamous relationships

Some couples want to add a third. Threesomes are a version of consensual non-monogamy. To add, threesomes can be one night stands where three people are sexually involved together. However, threesomes can also include long term connections for an ongoing period of time. Also, in long term connections, there are elements of emotional intimacy between three people that is not in nature sexual all the time.

Counseling can be a safe place to prepare for a threesome. You might want talk about what to do if you feel jealous. Jealousy may arise if you see your partner giving a third person attention for a period of time. In a threesome, you may also feel left out or excluded when two people are giving each other sexual attention.

Sometimes, in a threesome, you feel sexually insecure. If you have less sexual experience than the other two people involved, you may have performance anxiety.

As well, body image issues can arise. If you feel insecure about your body shape or weight, you might feel insecure about others seeing you naked.

And, seeing other people naked can bring out body image insecurities. Being in a threesome can bring out a variety of different emotions that counseling can help you process. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling.

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How can consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling help?

Talk about performance anxiety in couples therapy sessions.

As well, a man may feel pressure to get and maintain an erection. If he can’t maintain an erection, he may feel anxious. Talking about performance anxiety in advance of a threesome can help you prepare. All people can gain tools to remain playful.

Even if a man cannot maintain an erection, there are many different ways to offer pleasure to others. Therapy can help a male partner still support other partners in experiencing sexual pleasure without having an erection.

Additionally, you can talk about your intentions and what you want to get out of a threesome. Maybe, you have realized you are no longer identifying as straight, and are now coming out as bisexual. A threesome can be a great opportunity to explore your sexual orientation.

Perhaps, there is a kink or fetish that you have. Some people have a kink or fetish of having sex with multiple people at the same time. Kinks and fetishes can include being watched by someone while having sex.

Or, observing and watching other people be sexually active can be a turn on. Also, having sex with multiple people at the same time can be very pleasurable. Multiple people can make sexual experiences more intense, so preparing through counseling can be positive.

Ethically non monogamous couples therapy can help you speak up about your needs

There is a level of sexual generosity that is required for a successful threesome. If you get tired sooner than the two other people involved, you may want to talk about needs for resting.

Your ENM and polyamorous therapist can help you navigate communication. You can learn how to express you’d like to take a nap. Others may want to keep playing around sexually. But, knowing your limits is key. You might need to speak up and let your partners know that you are getting exhausted and need a break.

To add, talking about your endurance level and sexual needs are important parts of threesome preparation. You might need to be accept your needs by taking a step away. Your two other partners may continue being sexually active together when you step away. Being in a threesome doesn’t mean that you have to be there the whole time.

Discuss how you want to mentally prepare through polyamorous affirming couples therapy

If you have never had a threesome before, talking with a ENM polyamory affirming therapist can help you better understand how you want to mentally prepare. It is not good to be drunk during sexual activities. Often, alcohol can delay orgasm and make things feel sloppy. Counseling can help you thinking advance about whether or not you want alcohol to be involved in your threesome.

However, adding a third person can be a totally new dynamic.

Adding another person can be positive and amazing.

There may be trust issues you did not foresee would come up. After your threesome, you can talk with your partners and therapist about these.

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To begin, book your phone consult below for consensual non-monogamy therapy and polyamorous couples counseling.

Couples therapy can be a safe place to talk about when you feel uncomfortable

Maybe, something made you feel uncomfortable during the threesome. Or, your partner was too drunk or using drugs, and this was a violation of a pre-discussed boundary. Talking about your experience with your ENM polyamory affirming therapist can help you share your emotions with your partners. Reflecting about whether or not you want to have another threesome is beneficial. You might need help expressing to your partners that you want to plan another threesome for the near future. Or, you might want to talk about the different feelings that you experienced during the threesome.

No matter your gender, it is normal to have a variety of emotions after a threesome. People of all different sexualities and gender identities can consensually explore non-monogamy.

What is cuckholding in consensual non-monogamy?

Cuckholding is a sexual fantasy that many men have. An open relationship can allow this sexual fantasy to come to fruition.

Some men enjoy fantasizing about their wife being sexually active with another man. A man may also enjoy watching their wife having sex with another man. Now, this may not be a fetish for everyone. However, cuckolding is a common fetish. A man may feel sexually turned on by seeing another man sexually pleasure his wife.

As well, a man may feel very sexually aroused by watching his wife have sex with another man. When a male partner has a cuckholding fetish, partners may choose an open marriage. Within the context of an open marriage, and the couple asks another man to have sex with his wife. He may observe the sexual interaction or be a participant in the sexual activities himself.

An outside man may join the husband and wife for the sexual activity. All parties consent in advance.

What boundaries may be helpful to discuss in consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling?

Partners may want to talk about using protection like condoms, regular STI and STD testing, and fluid exchange. Some consensual non-monogamous relationships are similar to one night stands.

During a one time sexual experience, it is more common to use protection. Overtime, some consensual non-monogamous relationships may turn into more long-term connections. In a long-term ENM relationship, partners may choose to fluid bond. This means that couples are not using condoms or protection.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can talk about your boundaries for consensual non-monogamy. You may want to talk about protection and boundaries around multiple partners. In polyamorous couples counseling, your therapist can help you feel validated and heard.

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Family Counseling

Raising children in a polyamorous family can be a great topic for couples counseling

Additionally, it can be very healthy for children to be raised in a consensually non-monogamous or polyamorous family. To note, teachers, pediatricians, relatives, and grandparents may need education and consensual non-monogamy. There are children’s books like, A Color Named, Love, regarding consensual non-monogamy.

Raising children in a polyamorous family can help children feel loved by many different types of people.

One parental figure may offer a child love through laughter and humor. Another parental figure may offer a child academic support and mathematics skills.

Also, in a consensually non-monogamous relationship, another parental figure can bring another type of love to the table. Partners can work to support children such as getting them on the bus, doing homework, and being at sports practice.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can talk about how your partners can love and support your children.

Each partner brings a different set of strengths to the table. Learning to talk about what you appreciate about each partner to them is key. When you and your partners can express fondness, you can strength your relationships. So often, polyamorous partners get suck in responsibilities and stressors. As a result, partners may stop verbally appreciating one another. Feeling appreciated is a deep need we all have. In consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling, partners can appreciate each other more deeply.

To begin, book your phone consult below for consensual non-monogamy therapy and polyamorous couples counseling.

How can polyamorous couples counseling help me and my partners overcome conflict?

At different stages of your consensual non-monogamous relationship, you may have different conflicts that arise. We all have different childhood trauma as an attachment styles that get in the way of building healthy relationships.

One of your partners may have a secure attachment and it feels easy to talk to them. But, another one of your partners, may be anxious. You love them deeply, they have a more anxious attachment style.

Due to their upbringing, they need more reassurance from you. And, they require more communication throughout the day. When you don’t communicate as frequently as they would like, they tend to get anxious or jealous.

Talking with a ENM therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you express your needs.

As well, you can learn to cope with envy, jealousy, abandonment, and anxiety. Your partners can talk about learning positive coping strategies for anxiety too. Couples can learn self regulation strategies in consensual non-monogamous couples counseling. To note, positive coping skills can provide outlets for envy, jealousy, and anxiety.

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As well, consensual non-monogamous relationships therapy supports healthy communication.

Learning how to talk about triggering, intense subjects in a calm way is important. Partners may end up getting into intense conflicts and hurting one another. You may find yourself storming out of the room. Or, you may be giving your partner the silent treatment.

Getting into frustrating fights can be exhausting. Door lamming and name calling behaviors can damage polyamorous realtionships.

There may also be trust issues or betrayals that lead to these high conflict fights.

Talking about the root of conflicts can be helpful to resolving them in ENM couples counseling.

Maybe, there are fights that keep coming up over and over again. As well, you and your romantic partners may argue about house work, finances, sex, intimacy, and even boundaries with friends. You might feel uncomfortable talking about these topics without a professional couples therapist present.

When you are stuck in a high conflict fight cycle, you may feel defeated or hopeless. Couples therapy can help you start to feel hopeful about a positive, bright future with your romantic and sexual partners again.

More so, consensual non-monogamous couples counseling can help you talk about how your parents and role models would fight. You can start to create a calmer home environment from ENM couples therapy.

And, couples therapy can help you break unhealthy generational patterns of conflict.

Maybe, you saw your parents or caregivers give each other the silent treatment. Or, you saw your role models were critical, mean, and aggressive when angry. As a child, you felt scared when your parents were fighting and arguing. You wished they had better communication skills when you were younger.

If you saw high conflict fights, your parents normalized negative communication. As a result, you may be repeating these dysfunctional patterns subconsciously. Growing up with a parent who talked down to you or criticized you, can normalize these negative communication styles. We often don’t realize the negative communication tactics we pass down generation to generation.

To begin, book your phone consult below for open marriage and polyamorous relationship therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling.

In general, couples therapy supports the success of consensual non-monogamous realtionships by bringing awareness to generational patterns.

From awareness, you can identify which positive parts of your childhood you want to recreate, and which negative parts you want to discard.

If you didn’t like how your parents brought you into their marital conflicts as a child, you may decide you want to learn healthier communication skills.

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What are the benefits of better communication skills from consensual non-monogamous marriage counseling?

Sometimes, romantic and sexual partners are subconsciously repeating negative patterns from childhood. When stuck in a negative communication pattern, couples therapy can help you process deeper emotions like sadness, hurt, and guilt.

Talking about childhood patterns and how you saw and observed conflict handled in childhood can be a part of therapy. To note, when conversations get heated, things can feel hopeless. When talking about consensual non-monogamy in couples therapy, you can learn various communication skills.

Polyamorous couples therapy can be the first time you get a safe place to learn honest, calm, and effective communication skills. Your consensual non-monogamous couples therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can be a mediator to support more effective communication.

Therefore, better communication skills can help you and your sexual and romantic partners love each other more deeply. By learning to communicate calmly, you can feel more confident in your communication. Learning to communicate calmly can be a lifelong relationship skill. Your couples therapy can help pause you when your therapist notices you and your partners speaking in unhealthy ways. When you and your partners talk can calmly about intense subjects, healthy communication can help you create long-lasting love.

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Your ethically non-monogamous therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can support your communication skills.

Talking calmly even when you are feeling upset or angry is key for healthy relationships. Expressing emotions and validating your partners are important skills that counseling can help you learn. Additionally, from better communication tools in consensual non-monogamy couples therapy, you can feel more secure and close.

Know that talking about consensual non-monogamy is just the beginning of a much larger conversation. The more authentic you and your partners can be in communication, the deeper and more intimate relationships can be. Being honest in your communication is really important. If you feel like you can’t be yourself, this is not a good sign in any type of relationship structure.

Couples can talk about sexual orientation. As well, couples can talk about the meaning of different labels. The label open relationship can mean different things to each person.

So, talking about labels in consensual non-monogamy couples counseling can be very helpful. To note, talking about labels can provide a sense of clarity for all involved.

As well, polyamorous couples counseling can give couples space to understand one another’s needs. One person may want an open relationship to fulfill sexual desires.

Another person may want an open relationship for more emotional intimacy and emotional connection.

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Deep relaxation practices like yoga nidra meditation can compare to 5 hours of sleep, in some cases. Further, deep relaxation techniques can heal trauma.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you and your sexual partners can take part in mindfulness mediation.

We offer holistic, creative, mind body therapies for overcoming trauma. As well, painting, art therapies, music therapies, and yoga therapies support self-regulation.

Couples in counseling can gain inner peace to bring a more calm version of themselves to their relationships. You may enjoy painting and art in couples therapy to support creative emotional expression outlets. Painting, art, yoga, and mindfulness meditation skills are parts of your LGBTQIA+ queer affirming couples therapy experience.

Self-regulation strategies help with anger management skills too. Maybe, you find yourself storming out of the room when upset in a fight. Or, you see your romantic partner shutting down emotionally in a fight. Self-regulation tools through art, meditation, and mindfulness can help you and your partners. Using modeling and sculpting clay can be an outlet for anger and tension.

When you experience self-doubt or insecurity, mindfulness skills can promote confidence. Plus, consensual non-monogamy and polyamorous couples counseling supports self-care tools. Self-care skills promote self-awareness and self-soothing in difficult moments. You can learn to take a break and pause when conversations get too intense or triggering. From self-care skills, you can return to difficult, intense conversations more relaxed.

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If you find yourself getting angry or yelling, meditation and mindfulness skills can be helpful.

From mindfulness meditation, you can apply self-acceptance skill within your consensual non-monogamous relationship. Couples in counseling can pick from art, yoga, breathing skills, and mindfulness meditation. These mind body therapies give you tools to calm yourself down when upset. Rather than saying something you don’t mean, you can calm yourself down and speak calmly.

Other benefits of mindfulness breathing skills can include better sexual experiences.

When you are partaking sexually activities, you may find yourself distracted. Your mind may be on your to-do list, or not really in your body. Form mindfulness breathing skills from couples therapy, you can learn to be in tune with your body. You can learn to be in the present moment to more fully enjoy sexual experiences.

Mindfulness meditation can help you learn to breathe deeply, which can also help with experience better orgasms and more sexual pleasure.

Traditional talk therapy is always available. However, creative, holistic, mind body therapies support your whole self. Overall, art, yoga, music, and creative therapies support a calm nervous system. If you struggle to manage stress, these holistic, mind body therapies support self-care tools. You can gain positive coping strategies through holistic, creative, and mind body therapies.

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Music builds mind-body connection

Where does Wisdom Within Counseling offer consensual non-monogamous therapy and polyamorous couples counseling?

Wisdom Within Counseling offers couples therapy in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansa, Louisiana, Tennessee North Carolina, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Hampshire, and Maine.

The team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you navigate your consensual non-monogamous relationship.

To begin, book your phone consult below to work with a consensual non-monogamous therapist in polyamorous couples counseling.

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