Do you find yourself masturbating multiple times a day? Or, do you feel addicted to your smart phone, and compulsively use pornography to fuel your masturbation? Could you masturbate and watch pornography for hours on end? Do you keep your masturbation addiction hidden from your romantic partner? Are you avoiding time with family and friends and withdrawing socially to masturbate and watch pornography? Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction specialists.
Does it feel like you are craving or “have to” watch pornography?
When you struggle with a compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction, time with these activities takes up a big part of your day. You might even find yourself compulsively masturbating at work or while driving.
When you compulsively watch porn and masturbate, this is a form of self soothing. This is not to say that masturbation as a whole is bad. However, when you are masturbating and watching pornography impulsively, this is a form of disassociating.
To note, masturbation addiction can lead to decreased sexual intimacy with your partner. Whenever you have time by yourself, you are constantly thinking about masturbation. As well, you may be hiding this impulsive sexual behavior from your friends, family, coworkers, and partner.
Have you tried stopping the use of porn on your own, but it never seems to stick?
Many times, when you struggle with masturbation and pornography addiction, you have already tried to stop on your own. However, it almost feels impossible to reduce how much you watch pornography and masturbate. So, you resort to keeping it a secret. However, you fear your romantic partner and others finding out, and the shame and humiliation would be overwhelming. You can’t seem to stop pleasuring yourself, even though it is causing problems for your life. No matter how much you try, it feels impossible to quit or reduce your masturbation issues.
Do you struggle with addiction behaviors in addition to masturbation and porn use, such as alcoholism or drug use?
Often times, alongside masturbation and pornography addiction are behaviors like alcoholism and drug use. If, for a few days you are unable to watch pornography or masturbate, you may switch over to using alcohol. You might drink more alcohol then would be responsible or healthy. Sometimes, you find yourself drinking much more alcohol than you would like.
Additionally, when you struggle with sexual problems like masturbation or porn use, you may also have other addictive behaviors. You might gamble or rack of credit card debt. Online shopping addiction is also common alongside masturbation and porn addictions.
Essentially, addictive behaviors push away wounded parts of yourself and difficult emotions.

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How does compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy support trauma recovery?
When you have compulsive masturbation and pornography addictions, this is often a numbing response to childhood trauma.
So, when you have experienced childhood trauma, compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy can help.
For instance, childhood trauma can include experiencing sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or verbal abuse. Physical abuse, being hit, beaten, or hurt in a physical way is also a trigger for masturbation and pornography addictions.
From a young age, your parents did not respect you. Maybe, your parents were alcoholics and you witnessed domestic violence arguments. Perhaps, you have memories of being a young child, hiding under a table, fearing your own life. Growing up with parents who were high conflict, through dishes, broke furniture, and were explosively angry are forms of trauma.
Did you have a mother or father who had narcissistic personality disorder, was highly critical, humiliated you, and was emotionally neglectful?
One or both of your parents may be a narcissist, emotionally abusive, and emotionally neglectful.
Growing up in an environment where your parents are narcissistic, self-centered, highly critical, and even sexually abusive, can lead to compulsive masturbation addictions and adulthood.
In your early life and childhood, you may have experienced sexual, emotional trauma, or verbal abuse. When you grow up in an environment of childhood trauma, your parents do not teach you healthy coping tools.
Counseling can be a great way to identify what you are feeling, and develop emotional coping strategies. Growing up, you may have experienced high levels of anxiety, emotional pain, and feared moments when your parents were angry.
In masturbation and pornography addiction counseling, you can learn healthy, positive, and holistic ways to release unresolved childhood trauma experiences.
Unresolved trauma memories are often the root cause of dysfunctional sexual behaviors and problematic porn use behaviors.
You can benefit from compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy to develop positive coping strategies besides porn and masturbation.
Compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy can help you find alternative outlets for uncomfortable emotions.
In counseling for your compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction, you can share your trauma story. Your masturbation and pornography addiction therapist can validate your experiences. In masturbation and pornography addiction counseling, we help you feel seen and heard in a way you never experienced. Due to having narcissistic parents, you never got the love that you deserve.
As a child, did you have to take care of your emotionally neglectful, emotionally immature and narcissistic parents?
Notably, when you have narcissistic parents, you have to be a caretaker from a young age.
Your narcissistic parents emotionally invalidated you. You felt scared growing up. When you wanted love and affection, your narcissistic parents withheld love and affection. Memories from your childhood are mixed.
Sometimes, you felt very sad and lonely, so you used pornography to self soothe. Living in a home with high conflict, narcissistic parents can make you feel very inconsistent. Your home life was unstable. So, pornography and masturbation became the only two stable, reliable parts of your life.
As a child, you struggled to get your basic needs met. As well, you may have had to care for your parents who were narcissistic, emotionally abusive parents.
Your mother or father lied to you, and this leads to an insecure attachment. There was never a sense of security. As a child, you may have felt safer going to friends houses after school, and avoided being at your own home.
Overall, masturbation and porn addictions can develop due to experiences of childhood trauma. It’s very common to masturbate and watch pornography impulsively to try to cope with negative emotions because of trauma experiences.
There may also be a guilt or self hatred that you experience after masturbating. You’ve tried to stop so many times. However, you are never able to stop or reduce excessive masturbation behaviors. So, after you masturbate, you feel immense guilt and very mad at yourself.

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How can masturbation addiction impact relationships with your children?
More so, masturbation addiction can impact relationships with children in various ways. Sometimes, masturbation addictions are passed down from father to son, for instance. Your narcissistic parent may have been a compulsive masturbator. They masturbated in front of you, leading to a traumatic memories. This is a form of non-contact sexual abuse. Your narcissistic parent’s masturbation addiction had a negative impact on you and your relationship with them. Now, you have your own children, and don’t want to repeat that dysfunctional pattern.
Here are some potential ways in which masturbation addiction may impact relationships with children:
Emotional Distance:
When a parent is struggling with a masturbation addiction, they may become emotionally distant from their children. The addiction may consume a significant amount of their time and attention, making it challenging to engage with their children on an emotional level. This emotional distance can lead to feelings of neglect or abandonment in the child.
Lack of Presence:
Also, addiction can make it difficult for a parent to be fully present and engaged in their child’s life.
They may be preoccupied with their addiction, leading to missed opportunities for bonding, communication, and quality time with their children.
Modeling Unhealthy Behaviors:
Children learn a great deal from their parents, including attitudes and behaviors related to sexuality.
If a parent with a masturbation addiction does not model healthy boundaries and behaviors around sexuality, it can lead to confusion or distorted views on the topic for the child.
They may not receive proper guidance on how to establish healthy boundaries and engage in age-appropriate discussions about sexuality.
Impact on Parenting Abilities:
Addiction can compromise a parent’s ability to provide consistent and effective parenting.
They may struggle with mood swings, irritability, or exhaustion due to their addiction, which can affect their ability to meet their child’s emotional and practical needs.
Potential Exposure:
In some cases, children may accidentally discover a parent’s addiction, such as finding explicit material or evidence of excessive masturbation.
This can be emotionally distressing for the child and lead to a breakdown in trust between parent and child.
It’s essential to note that not all individuals with masturbation addiction will experience these consequences to the same degree, and the impact on children can vary widely based on factors such as the severity of the addiction, the parent’s efforts to seek help and recovery, and the overall family dynamics.
However, recognizing the potential impact of addiction on parent-child relationships underscores the importance of seeking help and support to address the addiction and create a healthier family environment.
Therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can be helpful for individuals and families dealing with masturbation addiction challenges.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for counseling with our masturbation and pornography addiction specialists.
Due to emotional trauma, having narcissistic parents, and sexual abuse, it is common to develop a compulsive masturbation and pornography problems.
In general, your compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction is a survival mechanism.
Due to living in a horribly stressful and traumatic environment, you numbed away pain the best why you knew how.
You could easily watch pornography on yoru laptop or your smart phone. Or, you may have indulged in alcohol, drugs, sex, compulsive masturbation, and pornography.

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Fight, flight, and freeze are common responses to childhood trauma.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn about how your body has been responding to trauma. Flight, fight, and freeze are three common trauma responses that you experience when faced with overwhelming or threatening situations. Having a narcissistic mother or father can be overwhelming and traumatic.
These responses are deeply ingrained in our evolutionary biology as survival mechanisms.
What is the flight trauma responses when it comes to compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy?
When confronted with danger, the flight response triggers a strong urge to escape or avoid the threatening situation. This reaction is driven by the instinct to protect yourself from harm.
Physiologically, your body prepares for rapid action. The flight trauma responses includes increasing heart rate, dilating pupils, and redirecting blood flow to the muscles to facilitate quick movement.
In the context of trauma, the flight response may manifest as avoidance behaviors. Compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy can help you understand that you are trying to escape from the traumatic memories you have experienced. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can talk about your childhood trauma story and gain positive coping skills for trauma responses.
While flight can be an adaptive response in some situations, persistent avoidance can hinder healing and recovery from trauma. Always running away prevents you from processing and coming to terms with your experiences.
How does the fight trauma response play a role in compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction counseling?
Furthermore, the fight response is another instinctive reaction to danger. It involves a surge of adrenaline and heightened alertness, preparing your body to confront the threat head-on.
When you experience the fight response during a traumatic event, you may become more aggressive or defensive. Let’s say you are talking to your narcissistic mother or father. Before you know it, your narcissistic mother or father gets under your skin. Your fight response to feeling emotionally invalidated and hurt kicks in. In the fight response to trauma, you attempt to assert control or dominance in an effort to protect yourself.
This response may manifest as irritability, anger, or hyper vigilance. While the fight response can be protective in certain situations, it can also lead to interpersonal difficulties and make it challenging for you to form healthy relationships or trust others. If you have a narcissistic mother or father, you may fear getting into a high conflict fight with them, so you avoid them.

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What is a freeze trauma response and how can compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy help?
Now, the freeze trauma response occurs when you become immobilized or emotionally numb in the face of trauma.
This reaction is a form of “playing dead” to avoid further harm. Physiologically, the freeze response may involve a decrease in heart rate and muscle tension. In the context of trauma, when you experience the freeze response, you may feel detached from your surroundings. At times, you feel emotionally numb, or even dissociate from your body.
Additionally, the freeze trauma response response can be particularly distressing, as you feel disconnected from your own experiences. It is important to recognize that the freeze response is a survival strategy and not a conscious choice.
In therapy, at Wisdom Within Counseling, addressing and processing triggers and trauma responses are a key aspect of trauma recovery.
As well, you may shift between fight, flight, and freeze depending on the specific circumstances.
Understanding these responses in your body and leanring about your triggers are parts of compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are a team of complex trauma therapists who specialize in trauma-informed care, sexual addictions, and compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction.
You can work with a counselor who specializes in compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction and begin your healing journey after experiencing trauma.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for help building a healthy relationship with porn, sex, masturbation, and your partner.
From a young age, you have been surviving emotional neglect, living in a conflictual home, being invalidated, and dealing with narcissistic parents.
Living in such an environment can lead to a deep survival need to numb out. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can shift into thriving and living in the present moment from compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy.
Having a narcissistic mother creates major emotional challenges and stress. You feel inadequate when you speak with her. As well, your narcissistic mother knows exactly what to say to get you angry, and yelling back at her. She guilt tripped you daily. Your narcissistic mother put you in situations where you were physically and sexually abused.
A narcissistic mother is typically self-centered, demanding, and lacks empathy for your emotional needs.
Growing up in such an environment can lead to a range of emotional and psychological issues for you. Due to emotional neglect, you now struggle with low self-esteem, feelings of inadequacy, and a need for external validation.
Having a narcissistic mother or father can make you vulnerable to developing unhealthy coping mechanisms, including a pornography and masturbation addiction. You are trying to seek relief from your emotional pain.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can start to understand trauma and the underlying issues that contribute to your sexually addictive behaviors.
For instance, when you have a mother who is emotionally neglectful and narcissistic, your brain tells you that it is unsafe for you to express your emotions. As a child, you become your mother’s emotional caretaker. You walked on eggshells at home, and learned that it was unsafe to be yourself.
Pornography addiction and masturbation addiction behaviors are a trauma response.
Due to trauma, neglect, and having narcissistic parents, your body goes into survival mode.
So, your masturbation and porn addiction often starts as a way for you to deal with trauma and internal struggles.
Your brain links consuming pornography to relief from emotional turmoil.

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How do people develop compulsive masturbation and pornography addictions?
When you masturbate and watch pornography, dopamine is released in your brain. Dopamine is a feel good chemical in your brain.
This means that you are naturally trying to feel better and numb away difficult emotions by masturbating.
Due to having narcissistic parents in your childhood, you may have felt like you were unlovable. As well, you may have felt low in self-worth, belittled, and hurt. Maybe, you felt like you were never good enough. When your brain releases dopamine due to watching pornography and masturbating, you feel good for a short time.
Overtime, compulsive pornography use and masturbation becomes an addiction. Instead of having healthy coping tools such as going for a walk, painting, reading, cooking, laughing, or socializing, you always turn to pornography.
Can anyone of any age, race, gender, or nationality develop sexual addiction issues?
Yes, sexual and masturbation addiction issues can affect people of any age, race, gender, or nationality. Addiction is complex and a response to various factors. As well, pornography, masturbation, and sexual addictions do not discriminate based on demographic characteristics, and anyone can be susceptible to addiction.
To note, masturbation and pornography addictions should not be stigmatized or stereotyped. People from all walks of life can struggle with masturbation and pornography addiction.
At times, masturbation and pornography addiction go hand in hand with drugs addictions or alcoholism. Also, masturbation and pornography issues can go hand in hand with other impulsive behaviors like gambling or gaming, or even issues like compulsive eating.
The factors that contribute to addiction can vary widely, and often include childhood trauma experiences. Seeking help and support sooner than later is essential when dealing with addiction.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are a team of specialists in complex trauma, and masturbation and pornography addictions.
Treatment and recovery are possible from working with a specialist who understands addiction.
Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling approach addiction with empathy, understanding, and teach coping tools.

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What are signs of needing to work with a compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction specialist?
Before work, you use masturbation to start your day. Pornography is alawys on your mind.
Due to masturbating so frequently, you may have chaffing, scabs, or burning on your genital areas. If you having burning, chaffing, or pain on your genitals, you are masturbating too much, in excess.
You feel cravings to touch yourself and don’t feel happy unless you do.
When you are with family and friends, you constantly think about watching porn, and the next itme you can be free to do so.
On your break at work, you masturbate.
On your drive home from work you are masturbating and watching pornography.
Your compulsive masturbation pornography behaviors get in the way of living a healthy life.
When you are not watching pornography or masturbating, you are always thinking about it. Being your primary coping mechanism, when you get into a conflict, your cravings to masturbate and watch pornography increase.
Do you withdraw socially in order to masturbate and watch porn?
As well, compulsive pornography use and masturbation addictions can lead to poor social skills. Social isolation is common from these addictive behaviors. You find yourself socially withdrawing in order to spend more time sexually stimulating yourself. Additionally, you might make up an excuse or a reason to stay home alone.
If your spouse has a work party they want you to attend, you make up an excuse to stay home so that you can watch pornography and masturbate. You are always looking for reasons to spend time home alone so that you can watch pornography and masturbate.

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You may find yourself depressed, moody, or irritable when you cannot watch pornography.
Because your masturbation pornography addiction gives you feel good chemicals, when you don’t do it, you experience a withdrawal.
If you haven’t masturbated or watched pornography for more than a certain period of time, you get angry.
You might get snappy, overwhelmed, anxious, or short with your loved ones when you can’t watch porn. Your brain is craving dopamine.
Your brain and your body become addicted to the dopamine release from watching pornography and masturbating compulsively. So, if you have to go without watching pornography, such as being on a vacation with your spouse, you might find yourself irritable and angry.
Masturbation has become a coping mechanism, but has a negative impact. Now, we are not talking about masturbation as part of a healthy sex life. When masturbation becomes an addiction, it is taking over your entire life and causing problems in a variety of areas.
Compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you when you are trying to escape from stress
At its core, porn addiction often stems from your attempt to cope with underlying emotional and childhood trauma issues. For some, pornography provides a temporary escape from stress, anxiety, depression, or loneliness. Compulsive masturbation and pornography use offers a brief sense of pleasure and relief.
Over time, this escape mechanism can become habitual. Your brain associates the consumption of pornography with the relief of emotional discomfort. This leads to a cycle of dependency, where you are increasingly turning to pornography as your primary coping mechanism. Then, you begin neglecting other aspects of your life.

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How do societal influences play a role and how can compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy help?
Social factors also play a significant role in porn addiction. Pornography is easy to access from almost anywhere. Additionally, societal attitudes that often normalize or even glamorize pornography. Inherently, pornography has an addictive nature.
Why is it challenging for me to seek counseling when I know I need help from a compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapist?
Moreover, the secrecy and shame that go with pornography addictions can make it challenging for you to seek help. You might feel so much shame, guilt, and fear, which prevent you from speaking up. For instance, you may be fearful that your spouse will leave you if you ask for help.
Sometimes, you know very well that you need compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy. However, you are worried that seeing a counselor means that you’ll have to stop using porn cold turkey.
Or, you worry that your compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapist will require you to stop masturbating all together. You may be fearful that if you stop masturbating compulsively, that you won’t know how to get the release of dopamine from anywhere else.
Even in counseling, it takes time to break free from the cycle of sexual addictions. In essence, at Wisdom Within Counseling, your compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapist will address the root cause of your porn addiction. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team specializes in complex trauma and childhood abuse recovery when treating compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction.
The Wisdom Within Counseling compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapists offer holistic coping tools to give you outlets for letting go of intense emotions.

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Compulsive sex, masturbation, and pornography addictions are multifaceted.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapists use a harm reduction approach. This means that you are not required to do anything. Instead, your compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapist will explore the root causes and functions of your impulsive behaviors. Then, you can gain positive coping tools that provide your brain with dopamine through healthier means.
Many times, you can work to create. amore balanced relationship with your sexuality through compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction counseling. You don’t have to never masturbate again. But, therapy for compulsive sexual, masturbation, and pornography addictions can help restore balance. This way, you are no longer craving masturbation and pornography use to numb out.
Positive coping tools like art, yoga, meditation, walking therapies, and music therapy give you healthy ways to release difficult emotions.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy can help you understand the root cause of your impulsive behaviors.
Your compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction counselor can teach you self-soothing techniques for releasing uncomfortable emotions.
By learning healthier ways to release trauma memories from childhood, you can feel more at peace and balanced. One step at Wisdom Within Counseling is talking about what you have been through. Telling your trauma and neglect story can be liberating.
Maybe, you want to talk with your compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapist about your narcissistic mother or father.
In counseling for your compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction, you can identify triggers, which cause you to crave pornography.
For instance, speaking to your narcissistic mother or father on the phone may lead to a craving to numb out and use pornography and masturbate.

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Compulsive masturbation addiction therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you gain positive coping skills
In counseling for compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction, you can learn a wide range of positive coping tools to navigate life’s challenges and promote mental and emotional well-being.
Cognitive-behavioral strategies, such as identifying and challenging negative thought patterns, can empower you to manage stress and anxiety more effectively.
Emotional regulation techniques teach you how to recognize and manage intense emotions, reducing impulsive or destructive behaviors.
More so, mindfulness and relaxation exercises promote a sense of calm and self-awareness, allowing you to stay grounded in the present moment.
Additionally, counseling for masturbation and pornography addiction often provides a safe space for you to explore and process your emotions.
In compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy, you can gain insights into your porn use and masturbation behavior, and develop healthier coping mechanisms.
These skills can be invaluable in fostering personal growth, a healthy sex life, resilience, and improved mental health.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy, give you healthy outlets for releasing trauma memories.

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How does having emotionally abusive, narcissistic parents lead to compulsive sexual behaviors?
Essentially, emotionally abusive traits in a narcissistic mother have a massive impact on you and your emotional well-being.
Being emotionally abandoned, belittled, verbally abused, emotionally neglected, and criticized in childhood can lead numbing behaviors. Trauma responses of fight, flight, and freeze occur after growing up in an emotionally abusive home. As a result, you may develop compulsive masturbation and pornography problems.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy can help you recover from the trauma of having a narcissistic mother or father.
Having a mother with narcissistic personality disorder means she has an excessive sense of self-importance, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.

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Traits of a mother or father with narcissistic personality disorder
Your Narcissistic Mother Has An Excessive Need for Attention:
For one, your emotionally abusive, narcissistic mother or father craves constant attention and validation. When your mother has narcissistic personality disorder, she prioritizes her own needs, desires, and achievements above yours. As a child, you were made to small and insignificant. To this day, you feel neglected and unimportant.
This constant need for admiration can create an environment where you are in survival, trauma mode from a young age.
Your accomplishments and emotions are overshadowed by your narcissistic mother’s demands for attention and recognition.
In adulthood, you may crave affection, attention, reassurance, validation, and praise from your signifiant other. Additionally, due to feeling insignificant, small, inferior, unimportant, and belittled, you may numb out through compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction behaviors. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can receive emotional validation for all that you have gone through from your compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapist.
Your Narcissistic Mother Lacks of Empathy:
Empathy is a key component of healthy parenting. But, narcissistic mothers and narcissistic fathers struggle in this area.
They may be unable to genuinely understand or connect with your feelings and needs. Regardless, your emotional needs are valid, even though your narcissistic mother doesn’t have the ability to meet them. This lack of empathy can leave you, as a child, feeling unheard and unloved. Your narcissistic mother’s focus remains firmly fixed on her own desires and concerns.
As a child, you may felt unimportant, unloved, and emotionally neglected. These are such painful experiences, so it is common to turn to numbing behaviors such as impulsive pornography use and masturbation addiction to cope.

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At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn that you are lovable and that you do deserve respect.
There can be shame when you grow up with a narcissistic, emotionally neglectful mother. Your counselor who specializes in compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction can help you get to the root of trauma. You can start to develop more positive self-talk, and learn you are worthy of loving, healthy relationships.
Therapy for compulsive sexual, masturbation, and pornography addiction at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you overcome the shame of having narcissistic parents.
Your Narcissistic Mother Manipulates and Gaslights You:
Narcissistic mothers may employ manipulation tactics to maintain control over their children.
Your narcissistic mother is skilled at guilt-tripping, emotional blackmail, and gaslighting.
Gaslighting is when your narcissistic mother distorts your perceptions of reality.
This manipulation can create confusion and self-doubt in you, for many years. As well, it is normal for you to struggle to reconcile and understand your emotionally abusive mother’s behavior. What your narcissistic mother says to you is loaded with blame and guilt. When struggling to feel loved, but you are made out to be crazy, you may seek numbing behaviors to cope.
Counseling with our team of complex trauma and compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy specialists can help you process your own experiences and emotions.
Does Your Narcissistic Mother Show Favoritism and Competition?
In some cases, your narcissistic mother may engage in favoritism among you and your siblings. Also, your narcissistic mother may pit you against each other in a competition for attention and approval. This unhealthy dynamic can foster sibling rivalry and emotional wounds that persist into adulthood.

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Your Narcissistic Mother Violates Boundaries:
Notably, your narcissistic mother disregards your boundaries. Your narcissistic sees you as an extension of herself rather than as separate.
This can lead to a lack of autonomy and independence.
Also, this makes children who have narcissistic mothers struggle to establish healthy boundaries in their relationships in adulthood.
Dealing with a narcissistic mother can be emotionally challenging and requires complex trauma therapy and support.
The team at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you navigate the lasting effects of emotional abuse, emotional neglect, and having a narcissistic parent. Adult children of narcissistic mothers benefit from seeking professional help in therapy to heal and develop healthier relationships and self-esteem.

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What are the impacts of compulsive masturbation addiction and pornography addiction on romantic relationships?
Compulsive masturbation addiction and pornography addiction can have significant and detrimental impacts on your romantic relationship. As well, compulsive masturbation addiction and pornography addiction leads to emotional distance, avoidance, lying, sex and intimacy issues, and marital strain.
Compulsive Masturbation Addiction and Pornography Addiction Counseling Can Help You Deal With Strains On Intimacy and Emotional Disconnect:
When you are struggling with a compulsive masturbation or pornography addiction, you may be increasingly disconnected from your partner. The more you use pornography and masturbate, the more you find yourself avoiding your partner.
As well, compulsive masturbation addiction and pornography addiction can lead to tension emotionally and physically in your marriage.

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Excessive consumption of pornography can create unrealistic sexual expectations and fantasies that may not align with your real-life relationship.
You may see rough sexual scenes in pornography. While these may be erotic or turn you on, you may start to think you can replicate them with your spouse. And, you may begin to think these are normal ways of making love and expect your spouse to want to do them.
Porn use in excess can lead to unrealistic expectations around real-life sex in several ways:
Pornography often portrays highly stylized and exaggerated sexual performances that are carefully scripted and edited for entertainment purposes. To note, porn videos are paid actors and actresses.
Your compulsive masturbation addiction and pornography addiction can create unrealistic expectations regarding the sexual abilities, stamina, and behaviors of your partner in real life.
When you struggle with a compulsive masturbation addiction and pornography addiction, you may believe that you can replicate the same level of performance and endurance.
You may feel that you have to remain erect for longer than is normal. Or, you may think you have to live up to what you see in pornography. Watching pornography in excess can lead to anxiety and pressure during sexual encounters with your romantic partner.

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Did you know that watching pornography in excess and impulsively can lead to body image issues?
Plus, porn frequently features actors with unrealistic body types. Males and females in pornography videos are often malnourished and may struggle with eating disorders. You might think you need to change your body shape or weight to become more attractive.
Your compulsive masturbation addiction and pornography addiction can contribute to body image insecurities. From watching porn in excess, you may compare yourself to these unrealistic body standards in porn videos.
In turn, self-consciousness can interfere with your ability to fully engage in and enjoy real-life sexual experiences with a partner.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy helps you love and accept your body just the way it is. You can learn performance anxiety strategies, body positivity techniques and develop self-love skills.
Furthermore, pornography tends to prioritize physical appearance and sexual acts over emotional intimacy and connection. This can lead you to prioritize physical attributes and performance over emotional bonding and communication with your partner. Compulsive pornography use and addiction can limit the ability to create a satisfying and fulfilling sexual relationship.

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Gain proper sexual health education from compulsive sexual, masturbation, and pornography addiction therapy
Pornography often portrays sexual encounters that are quick to escalate and provide immediate gratification. In contrast, real-life sex needs to involve a more gradual and emotionally connected experience. More so, males and females have a sexual arousal gap. Porn doesn’t show adequate foreplay that supports female sexual satisfaction.
To note, the female body takes about 45 to 90 minutes to experience orgasm. On the other hand, the male body takes about 3 to 7 minutes to experience orgasm. Unfortunately, pornography videos are not a good source of sexual health education.
These videos can be erotic and sexually arousing. However, pornography videos do not portray proper foreplay to support female orgasms and sexual satisfaction.
Porn viewers may expect sexual encounters to unfold as rapidly and intensely as they do in porn. In turn, unrealistic expectations from porn lead to frustration when real life sexual encounters don’t meet these expectations.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction counselors.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy can help you create more realistic, meaningful, open, and intimate sexual experiences with your partner
Some pornographic content may depict situations that lack realistic communication, consent, or boundaries. This can give viewers a skewed perception of what constitutes healthy and consensual sexual interactions. This can lead to harmful behaviors in real-life relationships.
Overall, it’s important to recognize that pornography is a form of entertainment and fantasy, not a reflection of reality. While some people can use pornography without it significantly affecting their real-life relationships, it can become an addiction. Due to the dopamine release, it’s crucial to be mindful of the potential impact from watching pornography in excess.
If you feel that you are struggling with impulsive pornography cravings, Wisdom Within Counseling can help. In general, compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction counseling can help you develop attitudes about sex and your sexuality that are more realistic.
You can gain better communication skills to talk with your partner about your sexual fantasies, desires, and needs. Counseling can help you feel safe overcoming trauma, sexual shame, guilt, and fear. Compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling helps you develop a healthy, meaningful, and fulfilling sex life.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy.
Compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction behaviors can lead to a diminished desire for physical intimacy with your partner. Essentially, your addiction becomes a more accessible and an immediate source of gratification.
As a result, couples may experience a lack of emotional intimacy, trust, and bonding. As well, you may begin lying about your whereabouts in order to watch pornography and masturbate alone. Counseling at Wisdom Within can help you improve trust, communication, and bonding, which are key elements of a healthy romantic relationship. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team of specialists offer compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy to support a healthy sex life.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction counselors.
Is your masturbation and pornography addiction causing communication problems in your marriage?
Addiction to compulsive masturbation and pornography can disrupt effective communication within a relationship. Shame, guilt, and secrecy often accompany these addictions, leading individuals to hide their behaviors from their partners. This secrecy can erode trust and create a barrier to open and honest communication. Partners may sense that something is amiss but struggle to pinpoint the issue, leading to frustration and misunderstanding. In some cases, confrontation about the addiction can lead to defensive responses and further distance between partners.
Rebuild Self-Esteem In Counseling For Pornography Addiction
When you are struggling with addiction, it’s common for self-esteem and self-worth to suffer.
Feelings of shame and guilt can be overwhelming. You may perceive yourself as inadequate or unworthy of your partner’s love and affection.
Diminished self-esteem can further complicate your romantic relationship.
You may become increasingly withdrawn or defensive, making it challenging to address the root of trauma and seek help. Art, yoga, music, and holistic, somatic therapies help you process and release trauma.
Compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling helps you rebuild self-esteem and remember you are worthy of love and affection.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction counselors.
In therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can use holistic, creative therapies to recover from compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn mind body therapies, mindfulness skills, yoga, and art to release painful life experiences. These holistic, somatic therapies help with moving trauma out of your body and releasing it.
More so, holistic, creative, somatic, and mind body therapies help with inner peace, contentment, and relaxation.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy can include couples therapy, which helps you foster emotional intimacy and communication. In individual therapy, you can work on rebuilding your self-worth and self-esteem.
Overcoming your masturbation addiction can be a process of healing childhood trauma, building a coping tools box, and self-love skills.
Compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction therapy can provide valuable tools for recovery and in rebuilding a healthy, fulfilling relationship.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with our compulsive masturbation and pornography addiction counselors.
Where can I get help if I struggle with a compulsive pornography and masturbation addiction?
Counseling services are available in Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansa, Louisiana, Tennessee, North Carolina, Kansas, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Maryland, Delaware, Washington, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Indiana, Vermont, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Hampshire, and Maine.