Creative, Holistic Help For Children With Autism
To begin, children and adolescents of any age can feel overwhelmed and stressed. But, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) feel overwhelmed to a greater degree. As a parent, it is a challenging part of your life. And, the dread of an emotional outburst in a public place and disrupt simple day-to-day tasks. And, parenting a child with autism can be exhausting and draining. Simply, going to a restaurant or going to the movies as a family is impossible. Further, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, we offer help for children with autism through emotional expression skills.
Autism therapy for children in East Lyme, Connecticut supports self-esteem.
Children with autism spectrum disorder tend to have low self-esteem. Now, this is because they are more likely to get bullied. Peers make may fun of your child for being different. As well, you child may naturally isolate themselves socially and play alone rather than with peers. Naturally, children with autism spectrum disorder tend to be more of the STEM or engineer type. For instance, autism therapy for children in East Lyme, Connecticut can help improve social skills, making friends, and keeping friends. Learning to talk to a new classmate may be a real struggle for a child with autism. Furthermore, children with autism can learn ways to express feelings like feeling left out. Social confidence skills are part of autism therapy for children at Wisdom Within Counseling.
How does East Lyme, Connecticut autism therapy for children keep children interested?
The use of puppets, clay, and bubbles is available in each child therapy session. Art, yoga, music, and creative therapies are available at Wisdom Within Counseling.
What is thought fixation or thought obsession?
Children with autism tend to think of themselves and lack social awareness. So, children with autism may monopolize the conversation with their topic of choice. As well, they get stuck when others try to change the topic of conversation aware from their hobby or interest. Sometimes, children with autism have tunnel vision, and get fixated. They naturally concentrate their thoughts on one specific topic of conversation. Essentially, being socially unaware pushes peers away. Overall, autism therapy for children supports social emotional learning and self-esteem.
At the end of the day, if you need more support for your child with autism, our team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help.
Raising a teen with autism? Read more about support for teens with ASD in Niantic.

What Are The Core Markers Of Autism?
First, social communication challenges and various, restricted, repetitive behaviors are part of autism. Furthermore, being on the autism spectrum is limiting to your child’s development if interventions are not provided early on. As well, autism is a spectrum. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, our team of therapists offer creative, artsy, holistic support for children, teens, families, and couples with autism.
To begin, click the pink button below to book your free phone consult for social skills and autism therapy for children.
Trouble Reading Body Language? Support For Children With Autism
Moreover, children on the autism spectrum have trouble processing feelings, making friends, and are often anxious around peers. It is hard for a child with autism to understand feelings. Usually, children with autism love legos, elaborate puzzles, and video games. As a parent, you may notice an obsession with these items. Your child may be on the autism spectrum if they can’t talk about anything else that their interests. Children with autism tend to be very logical thinkers rather than about social relationships. And, a child with autism can do non-social activities for hours because their brain works differently.
However, it is very important to offer social supports to a child with autism. Social skills in East Lyme, Connecticut child therapy can prevent reclusive, anti-social behaviors in adult years.
Children with autism can have a bright future and career with autism therapy for children at a young age.
What happens when children don’t get help around autism?
Sadly, young adults with ASD that don’t get services for autism tend to have obsessive behaviors. For instance, some adults with autism play video games all day long and isolate socially. Through holistic therapy in Southeastern Connecticut, our team of child and family therapists help children with autism learn about feelings. From there, autism therapy for children helps with emotional confidence.
Through autism therapy for children in East Lyme, Connecticut, children can understand and release frustration in positive ways.
Children can identify their own feelings with strength-based, fun, creative therapies. Specifically, children with autism in Niantic, Connecticut can learn to express their emotions and let go of fear. Working with a holistic child therapy means they know how to read your child through art, play, and creative therapies. Musical instruments also support children with ASD in expressing emotions in ways beyond just words.
In Niantic, we use art, yoga, music, and animal therapies to offer help for children with autism.
Children with autism have difficulties reading body language, understanding emotions, and often have frustration outbursts. Your child may have more emotional meltdowns, panic attacks, or show irritation when the conversation changes off their obsessive topic. Counseling can slow things down for a child with ASD. Plus, parent child therapy sessions support emotional development and growth. Issues with social interactions can lead to problems at school, with siblings, and parents.
Having time set aside for parent child therapy weekly supports a trusting, loving parent child bond.
Help for children with autism in Niantic, Connecticut is creative, including play therapy and art. These artsy, creative therapies are the ways children with ASD communicate best. Talking is available too, but art and painting builds trust. For instance, drawing, painting, doing a puppet show, or using clay support emotional expression. Holistic help for children with autism is available in Niantic, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling.

What Does The Autism Spectrum Mean?
Thus, some children with autism do not talk, have communication barriers, and some may never talk. Therefore, we use art, yoga, music, play, animal therapies, and the outdoors. And, these holistic therapies provide other avenues of creative expression and communication besides just talking. Art and music are universal languages that also support other communication disorders in childhood outside of autism such as selective mutism. Read more about art therapies, here.
How can art help people with autism, read more, here.
Rigid Thinking, Help For Children With Autism In Niantic
Finally, children with autism have trouble being social and often have fears around separation, going to school, being good enough, it being perfect, and are rigid thinkers. The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic help children with autism learn coping skills for being open minded. And, we help children with autism connect emotionally and build meaningful relationships through mind-body therapies.

What Is Tunnel Vision In Children With Autism?
On the other hand, children with autism can be fully verbal, but have tunnel vision. And, tunnel vision is part of the “engineer brain,” where you child becomes fixed on one thing. At times, children with autism develop specialized intelligence areas such as dinosaurs, trains, Pokemon, or Disney.
Is your child obsessive about one or two certain topics?
To begin, click the pink button below to book your free phone consult for social skills and autism therapy for children.
Is Your Child with ASD Having Trouble With Flowing Conversations?
For example, your son who is on the autism spectrum may be able to remember every single Disney character, name every Disney movie in order of release year, and share fun facts for hours about Disney movies. However, he doesn’t have the social skills to edit his Disney facts with peers. And, he also doesn’t know when to be socially appropriate. He talks too much, too fast, and this behavior pushes people away from being his friend. Further, he needs social-emotional skills to have a flowing conversations and has difficulty making friends. With out therapy, your son will have even more challenges when it comes to young adult years, getting a job, dating, and relationships.
Autism therapy for children at Wisdom Within Counseling supports self-acceptance and stress outlets.

Children with Autism Need Interventions In Early Childhood
Further, your child with autism has trouble identifying and expressing feelings. Plus, reading body language, body signals, and being social can be challenging. As a parent, it can be hard to watch your child be the outcast. And, these struggles can sadly put a damper on what would otherwise be happy and exciting life moments. As a family, you may notice sibling relationships suffering.
Starting with emotional expression tools, autism therapy for children helps with self-regulation.
Your child may not know or have the awareness to tell when thy are getting angry. It just happens so fast. However, with the help of an autism specialist, your child can understand their own frustration tolerance. Art, yoga, mindfulness mediation, outdoor play therapy can help children feel emotional relief.

How does the team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut offer help for children with autism?
For instance, certain accommodations need to be in place for large crowds or settings with loud noises. And, when you have a child with autism, your personal hopes and dreams have to change. But, with highly specialized child therapy, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling help for children with autism have successful lives. Further, help for children with autism includes expressive art therapy, music as a universal language, and play therapy. And, our team of creative therapists help for children with autism have positive family relationships too!
In child therapy in Niantic, Connecticut, counseling for children with autism supports emotional expression. It is a lifelong journey of understanding body language for a child or teenager with autism. It is difficult to understand facial features. As well, it can be challenging for even an adult with autism to read and share emotions. So, if your child with autism is angry, aggressive, and kicks often, we can help. Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling support parents in understanding healthy boundaries. In general, your child’s therapist can support you as a parent in support your child.
Your child’s therapist can help them develop positive ways to release anger and learn healthy outlets.
Looking for ways to keep your child entertained on a long road trip? Read more, here. Katie Ziskind, LFMT, RYT500, and the team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize in children and teens who have autism. Often, autism can also impact other areas of mental health. Therefore, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn about different marriage and family therapy specialities. You can your child can use creative art, yoga therapy, and holistic wellness to support autism.
Social And Emotional Communication Challenges
As a parent, getting the diagnosis that your child has autism can be emotional. For some, it can be that clarity that they were looking for. However, for other parents, it can be sad or disappointing. There is hope. Children with autism can live beautiful, happy, healthy lives with positive coping tools. Then, you might even question if you should have another baby, buy a new house, or start a new job. As well, parents who have a child with special needs may feel burnout.
When you have a child with autism, your whole life is all about their unique needs. Likewise, your child with autism may have other issues such as belly aches, inability to focus, short temper, sleeping problems, and can’t sit still. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, we offer specialized help for children with autism. Read more about play therapy, here.
How We Can Help at Wisdom Within Counseling In Niantic
Wisdom Within Counseling often use art, yoga, music, animal therapies, and the outdoors to teach children with ASD healthy coping skills. We want your child to feel their best, so we being out their unique strengths!
Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut supports social-emotional awareness and self-confidence.
Your child can use social skills in session for making new friends. Also, counseling supports tolls for handling anxious thoughts and feelings that arise in school. Lastly, when your child with autism begins holistic counseling at East Lyme, CT, they feel emotionally supported. There can be parenting conflicts on how to discipline, or what boundaries to set. Sibling conflicts can seem very emotional and intense to manage. Counseling is a safe place for your whole family to start working better together.