Wisdom Within Counseling loves help distant couples with foundation of friendship build meaning.
To start, a foundation of friendship can be very helpful when entering into relationship counseling. Relationship counseling is a beautiful experience of sharing your heart, soul, and mind with your partner. Some couples who don’t have any friendship at all and others seeking counseling have a good bond. Most commonly, the distant couples who want to work with us at Wisdom Within Counseling have a basic friendship. However, these couples have lost their sex drive, passion, and lost their playfulness. Wisdom Within Counseling loves offering holistic couples therapy in Connecticut to partners who want to rebuild an even better, more close relationship.
What are the reasons partners seek holistic couples therapy in Connecticut?
Right now, it might feel like you and your partner are two ships passing in the night. Maybe, you both do chores, but romance and desire are missing. Perhaps, you want more touch and your partner is not listening. Sometimes, couples reach out for counseling due to LGBTQIA, transgender, and gender queer topic that are arising. Or, you found out your spouse is cheating and you feel betrayal. Perhaps, you and your spouse want to have a child, but have some trauma experiences and fears holding you back.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consultation for growing and creating the best relationship possible for yourself.
These are all great reasons to reach out for holistic couples therapy in Connecticut.
Remember, asking for professional help is a sign of true inner wisdom. Just like you would hire a car mechanic to change your oil, relationship therapy in Connecticut is similar. Over time, your relationship gets stronger, healthier, and more nurturing. But, it really is impossible alone. Over time, a marriage therapist sees from their clinical training and an eagle eye view what is going on. From going to couples counseling, you can feel confident and strong in your relationship bond once again.

When it comes to expressing regret and asking for forgiveness, couples often need help in this area.
Often, we don’t learn how to resolve conflict growing up. For one, you may have seen a parent throw things when angry, or shut you out. Maybe, you had to take care of your parent who was an alcoholic or who verbally abused you. Also, a loss could be a death of a parent or sibling in childhood. Often, couples have trauma in childhood like losing a parent suddenly that leads to fear in their marriage.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for creative, holistic couples therapy in Connecticut to bring the playfulness back.
The team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize with complex trauma in childhood as well as couples therapy.
What are reasons to seek out holistic couples therapy in Connecticut?
As well, trauma in childhood that plays a role in your marriage may include sexual, physical, or emotional trauma. A lot of times, you might not realize that what you experienced was actually trauma. For example, PTSD and trauma can be feeling rejection from your family. Frequently, there are moments of regret each couple experiences. Maybe, in you relationship, you are feeling unloved, or saying sorry is very challenging. Perhaps, there was an affair, infidelity, or betrayal. Or, you are getting stuck fighting and talking negatively after a huge blowup.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team of therapists specialize with couples who have complex trauma.
In a romantic relationship, you may realize you made a mistake and want to repair that conflict or wound. Or, your partner may have made a mistake, and you both want to really work through it. Now, it is not often easy to forgive especially when your partner has hurt you. Holistic couples therapy in Connecticut can support couples who want to build creativity, love, and desire after trauma.
Do you want to build a meaningful connection through holistic relationship counseling in Connecticut?
With stress from work, caregiving, in law’s, and parenting, couples who were once happy together fall into a distant pattern. As well, sexual abuse from childhood, trauma from parental divorce, unwanted touch in college, and trying to build a healthy relationship is challenging. Essentially, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize with couples who have complex trauma build trust. Often, people with a complex trauma history may also be in a trauma bond. With trauma in childhood, it can be difficult to trust, even your partner.
When is it right to seek holistic Connecticut relationship counseling?
Also, a lot of couples have gotten to a point where they are saying hurtful things to each other. When couples get to a place of constant negativity, one or all people look to work with a holistic marital therapist. With professional communication tools, you and your partner can brighten your relationship. And, couples who say hurtful words are not being very good friends to each other, or to themselves. Frequently, feelings of resentment, sadness, loss, and fear prevent couples from opening up.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for queer and transgender affirming couples therapy in Connecticut.
Over time, holistic, Connecticut relationship counseling can teach you how to rebuild the intimate, loving friendship that is missing and lost.
Couples without a strong friendship are not even being kind to each other kind. In this stage, couples who are distant feel aloof, anger, distant, hurt, and sad. Often, criticism, defensiveness, and hurt feelings go hand in hand after fight. But, couples stop recognizing their hurtful words as negative communication skills.
Over time, negative tone of voice and constant tense fighting for distant couples becomes normal.
For many, negative patterns of communication become normal to couples creating distance. With holistic marriage therapy and relationship support, couples don’t have to move into separation and divorce.
After a fight, couples go through a cycle of disconnection.
Many times, couples end up staying stuck and frozen in the negative energy of the fight. On the other hand, couples who have a friendship, but may be missing a pleasurable sex life, but tend to talk more calmly. So, a foundation of friendship is a huge resource in couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut. You can layer on communication tools and build up the strength of your romance. For many fighting, distant couples, it is easy to mentally dwell in anger, hurt, and frustration. So, holistic, Connecticut relationship counseling teaches couples how to process, release, and cope.
When you fight, do you want a toolbox of skills to repair and rebuild connection?
Also, couples therapy teaches you how to repair after a painful, hurtful fight. Many times, couples lack these repair skills. So, just like you would bring your car to the mechanic to get some repairs, martial therapies work similarly. In holistic Connecticut relationship counseling, you can repair the broken parts of your romance. For some, the process of healing and repairing includes forgiveness. Also, a lot of couples become depressed and hopeless after frequent fights about the future of their relationship when they can’t repair.
How do the holistic Connecticut relationship therapists support conflict resolution tools?
Couples therapy in Connecticut teaches coping tools through art therapies, yoga therapies, and nature therapies. So, your therapist can support in rebuilding security, repairing trust, and releasing secrets. Sometimes, couples will keep secrets because they think that sharing that secret will be too painful. However, keeping a secret is even more painful than being honest. Over time, your marriage therapist in Connecticut can support tools for honest communication. Often, people develop conflict avoidant patterns. And, they never really talk about any issue with emotional intimacy.
Also, in holistic Connecticut relationship counseling, your marriage can become closer than ever before. Marriage counseling is a process of truly bonding, nurturing, and building a loving relationship.
And, along the way, your marriage therapist in Connecticut can help you manage and release emotional trauma.
The past can carry a lot, especially when you or your spouse have a history of sexual, physical, or emotional trauma. Maybe, your partner has panic attacks, anxiety, and is hyper vigilant. Or, your spouse feels doubtful of the world and has a difficult time trusting. Right now, you might not be considering these as PTSD and trauma responses, but they are.
What does a conflict repair cycle do to help distant couples?
Essentially, with holistic relationship therapy, a conflict repair cycle helps to heal your romantic relationship after conflict. Part of the repair cycle may include your relationship therapist teaching you and your partner how to be true blue friends. And, having a foundation of friendship means you are one step ahead in Connecticut couples therapy already. Wisdom Within Counseling loves working with couples who have a friendship, but need help bringing back the desire and spice.
In holistic relationship counseling, you can learn conflict resolution tools.

To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for queer and transgender affirming couples therapy in Connecticut.
After a fight, how does holistic marriage counseling help couples process regret?
A high conflict argument can leave unresolved intense emotions that linger.
A times, these painful emotions like jealousy, anger, and hurt can make it hard for couples to be present for one another. So, holistic marriage therapy can help work through unresolved issues that trigger to these painful arguments. On that note, an emotional trigger that causes a fight for couples may be feeling is inadequate, failure, insecurity, or abandonment. Have you felt any of these lately?
In Connecticut trans and queer affirming couples counseling, a foundation of friendship be a great benefit.
In your couples therapy journey, you may want to talk about your gender or sexuality. Right now, your friendship may be going strong for five years. However, now, your partner is telling you they are pansexual or transgender. Maybe, your spouse has come out to you as transgender. Perhaps, you feel angry at them and don’t know why you are so triggered.
Often, transgender and queer couples have another set of stressors due to culture shame, so a strong friendship can be a great resource.
May, you came out as gay or bisexual as a teenager and your parent did not believe you. Or, you are just now realizing you are two spirited, bi gender, or want to explore your gender identity. Also, due to feeling this shame, transgender and queer couples deeply benefit from working with a LGBTQIA+ holistic couples therapist. Not all therapists are passionate about helping queer people. But, the team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling specialize with gender, sexuality, and queer and transgender affirming couples therapy in Connecticut.
Start in queer and transgender affirming couples therapy in Connecticut today.
Often, if a cisgender person finds it hard to accept their spouse is coming out, they may live in denial. For a cisgender person, denial may seem okay, but it is hurtful to their transgender spouse. Sometimes, LGBTQIA+ couples need help talking with their families about the gender transition. Also, for a cisgender person, it can be hard to empathize with their transgender spouse’s journey. There is internal shame a transgender person feels that a cisgender person may never feel. Sometimes, people will express their gender by cross-dressing. So, if you have concerns or questions about LGBTQIA+ exploration, holistic couples therapy in Connecticut can help you.
At Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut, the team specializes in queer and transgender affirming couples therapy.
Essentially, transgender affirming couples therapy can be a place to talk about gender identity and gender expression. Sometimes, when two people meet, they feel a deep desire for connection. Over time, people can change their gender expression, who they feel sexually attracted to, and gender fluidity. Maybe, your spouse now has new hobbies than when you met. For many people, gender identity is fluid across their lifespan. But, for others, gender identity is more constant and consistent. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team specializes with queer and transgender affirming couples therapy.
Sometimes, couples seek LGBTQIA+ queer and trans affirming counseling because a person wants to express their gender more feminine or masculine ways.
And, these new behaviors and expressions of gender can create fear and concern in a spouse who lacks LGBTQIA+ education and understanding. So, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut specialize in LGBTQIA+ counseling. Often, when couples are in an engagement period, LGBTQIA+ expression and feelings may not be present. But, in five years, a person may feel like they want to express their gender in a different way. And, a couple may want to try different gender roles.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in queer, transgender, and LGBTQIA+ affirming relationship therapy.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consultation for a meaningful bond.
What does gender expression look like in transgender and queer affirming marriage counseling?
To add, this can look like switching from ankle socks to knee high socks. Maybe, your partner wears pants and now is switching to dresses. Or, it can be switching from not wearing make up at all to wearing make up daily. Within a marriage, these expression changes can feel overwhelming and confusing. Overall, holistic couples therapy in Connecticut can help you and your partner feel close during their transition. Often, some transgender spouses just want to cross-dress. And, other transgender people want to physically and medically transition genders. So, working with a relationship therapist who is LGBTQIA+ affirming can be a guide in the process.
Sometimes, partners or family members who are cisgender may blame themselves or feel guilty due to lack of education on LGBTQIA+.
For others, gender expression could be a change in hobbies from golf to ballet. Also, a change in gender expression can be shopping in a different section of the clothing store all together. If you partner is gender fluid, non binary, queer, or gender non conforming, our team of therapists would love to support your marriage. These gender expression elements of LGBTQIA+ are important to address. Lastly, holistic couples therapy in Connecticut provides a safe place to explore conflict resolution, touch needs, and LGBTQIA+.
At Wisdom Within Counseling you can safely talk about your sexual orientation, desires, and sex in a positive way.
What behaviors sabotage a loving relationship?
To add, couples tend to get defensive, yell, or blame each other when feelings intense emotions. Often, underneath the anger are feelings of jealousy, sadness, loss, irritation, fear, and anxiety. Maybe, your hurt feelings are snowballing up leading to more relationship frustration. From Connecticut holistic marital counseling, you can really learn to connect with each other on a much deeper level. Essentially, deep connection comes for getting to know each other emotionally. And, in holistic couples therapy in Connecticut, you can have a professional guide to help you get closer.
Do you have unmet love needs and feel crazy and do you want help trusting joy and romance is back for good?
At Wisdom Within Counseling in Connecticut, your holistic marriage therapist can help you develop a strong and healthy friendship.
If you don’t feel close right now, your marriage therapist can provide you a toolbox of skills for connection. For some, trusting the process of change is hard. But, having a holistic couples therapist in Connecticut can be reassuring along the way. Essentially, working with a queer and transgender affirming marriage therapist is a process of building a caring friendship. Your therapist can asses your relationship and teach you communication skills for a healthy relationship. And, if you don’t have this friendship right now, your relationship can feel really lonely. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we understand that you deeply want to work it out together.
To begin, click the pink button below for queer and transgender affirming relationship therapy.
The LGBTQIA+, transgender, and queer affirming team at Wisdom Within Counseling
We can help your marriage thrive again.
Furthermore, from holistic marriage counseling, your foundation of friendship will help you grow. Whether you have a strong friendship and want a more passion in the bedroom, or you need the base of friendship, we can help you build depth and meaning. A foundation of friendship helps couples progress in their communication more quickly than couples who need help starting at the friendship level.

Do you have a desire to have fun together as a family grows?
The fun gets lost as couples move into parenthood, have struggles with siblings, and go through loss. Going through family life stage takes hard work, dedication, and a sense of playfulness. However, for many couples, parenting leads to less sex and more stress. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help same sex couples navigate parenting as well a heterosexual couples. Sometimes, it may feel like past trauma comes up too. So, if your parents divorced in childhood, that plays a role in your marriage. And, if you have past relationship or divorces yourself, these trauma and painful life experiences can play a role in conflicts today.
If you need help finding that fun time again, you are in the right place.
LGBTQIA+ same sex couples therapy brings joy, hope, and meaningful connection
Often, if your spouse comes out as transgender, this can be big news. Furthermore, your queer and transgender affirming couples therapist can help you understand gender and sexuality. At times, gender transitions can happen at any age. So, your spouse may come out as transgender at age 25 or age 55 years old. Essentially, each person in the marriage will have a different set of emotions. Often, the transgender person will be afraid to feel rejection from their spouse.
Transgender affirming couples therapy
What will this relationship look like in the future?
Often, a person knows they are transgender or gender questioning long before sharing it. Also, a transgender person may be holding on to this secret and finally sharing it after many years. For a transgender person to come out, it can be very scary and vulnerable. On that note, the cisgender partner may feel happy that their spouse is coming out. However, they may also feel afraid, concern, and wonder what will happen or what this means for the future of the relationship. Therefore, a holistic marriage therapist can provide individual counseling to the cisgender spouse.
How can individual therapy be helpful alongside holistic Connecticut relationship counseling?
To add, individual therapy alongside LGBTQIA+ queer affirming couples therapy provides external support to process feelings. Overall, individual therapy weekly can be an addition to your couples therapy weekly routine. For some people, attending individual therapy helps with reducing conflict. And, individual therapy with your marital therapist help with releasing challenging emotions like anger, sadness, and hurt. Now, other couples may do better together in relationship therapy with just a few individual sessions occasionally through the year. Queer and transgender affirming couples therapy in Connecticut supports couples who want to rebuild intimacy, connection, and bring the joy back into their marriage.
Couples therapy in Southeastern Connecticut
How can therapy help bring playfulness back to our romantic intimacy?
And, when your spouse is transgender and coming out to you, it can feel overwhelming. So, it is important to allow for all feelings to come and go. At times, LGBTQIA+ couples need guidance around sex, desire, and getting passion back in the bedroom. Sometimes, getting more sexual can mean talking about it with your sex positive, holistic marriage therapist. Or, bringing back spice and playfulness can look like a couples meditation in session for relaxation.
What holistic therapies are available in holistic couples therapy in Connecticut?
Essentially, yoga therapies, art therapies, painting, and nature therapies are available as part of couples counseling. Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in creative, holistic outlets for helping couples bond again. So, you can do drama therapy, improvisations, and play in therapy. Or, you can do gentle movement, stretch muscles, and do couples yoga therapy. Maybe, you know that being outdoors is healing for you. As well, you can take your session outdoor in nature for a walk. Or, you can ask your therapist to guide a meditation for self-care and mindfulness. Your holistic, queer affirming marriage counselor in Connecticut can teach you skills for true intimacy. Lastly, you learn truly enjoy the company of your spouse again.
Creative mind-body yoga therapies, art therapies, painting, and nature therapies are available as part of couples counseling.

Holistic therapies, art therapies, yoga therapies, and nature therapies provide positive experiences for distant couples.
How does emotional intimacy fit in to couples therapy?
Often, couples who have a strong friendship have a level of emotional intimacy already. And, this provides an advantage to layer on additional coping skills. Essentially, for distant couples looking to build physical intimacy, a foundation of emotional intimacy is important. A female’s body responds to safety and security.
What does a female need to open up sexually?
So, emotional intimacy is essential for a female to want to open up physically and sexually. And, if a female’s body feels unsafe, she will often close up sexually and physically. So, at Wisdom Within Counseling, holistic relationship therapy can help with overcoming touch and sex challenges. Manytimes, couples want better sex or desire that passion back, but are missing the foundation of friendship all together. So, when working to build desire, allow for touch to be healing and special. Offer touch, back rubs, hand holding, and kissing and make it a part of everyday conversation. Starting queer and transgender affirming couples therapy in Connecticut supports skills in understanding the female body.
Attachment issues are part of relationship counseling
Maybe, one of you is anxiously attached and one person develops an avoidant adaptations. Often, in holistic couples therapy, your counselor will look at your attachments in childhood. Well, attachments to romantic partners are rooted in attachments to parents and childhood caregivers. Plus, in holistic couples therapy in Connecticut, you can learn about anxious attachments. As well, you can have a safe place to learn about where angry and intense reactions come from. And, you can learn about hyper vigilance, PTSD, and how your spouse’s trauma from childhood may impact conflicts today.
Holistic marriage therapy to rebuild meaningful connection, trust, and comfort within one another
With holistic relationship therapy in Connecticut, you can understand each other from an attachment point of view. So, with attachment therapies, you can understand your partner’s triggers better. Often, family of origin and childhood conflict alone can be a trauma. But, if you were a child and saw a parent leaving the house in a conflict, that plays a role in attachment patterns. Also, not knowing when a parent would return as a child is a big trauma.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in helping with traumas that lead to trust issues and conflicts within romantic relationships.
So, when your partner needs space, and does not share when they will return, that can lead to relationship anxiety. It hits an attachment trauma from childhood due to anticipatory abandonment. Also, it might feel like your relationship is over and unstable every time you get into a fight. So, holistic relationship therapy in Connecticut provides a safe place to learn and grow. Essentially, holistic Connecticut couples therapy can support partners in being okay and accepting each other.