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Alcoholism and addiction therapy in Connecticut

Alcoholism and addiction therapy in Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling

What can be more challenging for the families than to see their parents, loved ones, or children fall into alcohol or any other addiction? For one, alcohol addiction is a silent death that goes untreated for too long. Often, trauma and sexual and physical abuse in childhood can lead to alcoholism and addiction. And, when loved ones get trapped in this addiction, worrying about their stability of life can be hard. Its hard to watch your loved one who is addicted to alcohol living an unmanageable, miserable life. Therefore, as someone who loves a person with alcoholism, you deserve a safe place to unload and gain clarity. Also, you may feel responsible or blame yourself, and need help letting go of these negative beliefs. Alcoholism and holistic addiction therapy in Connecticut is available from any location, in Florida too!

Alcoholism and addiction therapy for adult children of alcoholic parents in Connecticut

As a child, if you had to live with an alcoholic, therapy can help you learn skills to live a sober, drug free life. Alcoholism and addiction therapy in Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling helps families and people in with alcoholism and addiction. At times, feelings of abandonment, fear, loneliness, and resentment develop in families where drug and alcohol use is present. Sometimes, family cutoffs are a result of severe alcoholism.

Do you have a loved one with addiction, alcoholism or substance and drug use behaviors?

It may be hard to think about your loved one being an alcoholic with a disease of alcoholism. But, holistic marriage and family therapy helps you set healthy boundaries and keep yourself healthy around family alcoholism and addiction. We provide holistic counseling and creative therapy services for adult children of alcoholics and therapy for alcoholics and addicts. Call or text 860-451-9364 to begin in substance abuse, alcoholism, and addiction therapy in Connecticut. Lastly, both telehealth video appointments for therapy and face to face counseling is available.

A variety of feelings come up in family and marriage alcoholism therapy

Not only this, but many families experience family violence, conflict. So, therapy can help with healthy communication and understanding the root of family. Furthermore, cutoffs and damaged relationships can be discussed in addiction therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling. You can get clear on next steps and set healthy boundaries in relationships. These holistic marriage and family therapies are essential for going beyond traditional talk therapy when words are difficult.

Reasons for Adult children of alcoholics:

The following are the significant characteristics of adult children of alcoholics. First, knowing the signs of adult children of alcoholic parents helps you grow. Often, living with an alcoholic is a traumatic experience. Therefore, adult children of alcoholic parents often have post-traumatic stress disorder. From therapy, you can learn holistic skills to love yourself and overcome trauma. Then, you can overcome the panic and anxiety before it overwhelms you!

Lack of trust is common in adult children of alcoholic parents

The first thing that we observe in adult children of alcoholics is the erosion of trust. Therefore, adult children of alcoholics stop trusting the people around them. Sometimes, ad adults, trauma holds you back from being the best parent you can be. For example, if you don’t trust your children in casual matters, they start feeling like a criminal. Maybe, you are very critical and don’t realize it. But, this unhealed part of you due to your childhood pushes your children away. To add, this lack of trust from your childhood, may perpetuate the negative cycle of addiction and lead to their alcoholism.

To begin in alcoholism and addiction therapy in Connecticut, call or text 860-451-9364 today!

Growing up with fear:

ACOAs, which have faced domestic violence, conflict or any internal clashes in family, grows up with a fear. This fear ruins the life of the child and takes away a playful childhood. Also, this childhood fear creates trauma because self-confidence can never develop. So, the child living with parental alcoholism lives a life in fear of their parents. Due to the uncertainty and instability in childhood, adulthood is also uncertain and emotionally unstable. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we specialize in helping adult children of alcoholic parents thrive with confidence and clarity. Call/text 860-451-9364 to begin with a phone consult.

Overcome shame and develop confidence through alcoholism and addiction therapy in Connecticut

When a child grows up in an environment where domestic violence is not a big deal, this child always feels shame. And, sometimes, the situation is so terrible that even the child doesn’t know it is wrong until adult years. Often, shame is the root of addiction, alcoholism, and depression. Therefore, ACOAs were victims of verbal, physical, and sexual abuse. So, at Wisdom Within Counseling, we help adult children of alcoholic parents no longer be a victim. Lastly, we help families overcome alcohol and other addictions from trauma focused therapies. 

Learn skills for self-leadership and confidence:

Often, our marriage and family therapists specialize in childhood trauma. Therefore, post traumatic stress disorder is a result of childhood abuse and neglect. Now, when children grow up with alcoholism, they lose their childhood and take on parental responsibilities. Unfortunately, when the children are unable to be children, and grow up too fast, they develop impulsive, reckless parts. And, these parts are a result of childhood trauma.

Often, we help families and parents who survived domestic violence. Domestic violence is where you or your child was physically, emotionally, or sexually abused. Alcoholism and addiction therapy in Connecticut is holistic, playful, and creative at Wisdom Within Counseling. Call/text 860-451-9364 today to begin.

About Wisdom Within Counseling:

Wisdom Within Counseling is dedicated to helping those who are suffering from alcoholism or who are ACOAs. We know that you and your wants to enjoy life, but addiction can hold them back. Wisdom Within Counseling offers adult children of alcoholics therapy and therapy for family violence. Plus, our marriage and family therapist help families resolve conflict in family addiction therapy. Plus, we specialize in holistic and creative play therapy for children of alcoholic parents. Also, you can choose from art, painting, yoga, music, and walk and talk nature therapies. We are all about teaching positive coping skills for lifelong emotional expression. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling loves helping families thrive online over telehealth video sessions and in East Lyme, Connecticut.

Call or text 860-451-9364 to begin online or East Lyme alcoholism and addiction therapy in Connecticut. Start today!

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