Did you grow up around parents that stuffed away their feelings and told you that your feelings were not valid? As well, as a child, do you feel that you were not given the love and attention that you deserved? And, do you feel like a type A person, try to control all things, and feel like a perfectionist? Realizing you are an adult child of an alcoholic parents can be really traumatic and scary.
For one, you may remember really intense, difficult moments where of physical or emotional abuse. Often times, adult children of alcoholics are very judge mental of themselves and critical of themselves. In counseling, your therapist helps you change negative habits from how you were raised, into healthy habits.
To begin, book a phone consult to work with a therapist who specializes with adult children of alcoholics and emotional confidence.
Furthermore, our therapists help adult children of alcoholics develop healthy boundaries and self-worth skills.
To share, are you caregiving to a fault, where you sacrifice your own desires and needs? And, do you struggle saying, “No?” Well, growing up and becoming an adult child of alcoholics can lead to a low sense of self-esteem. As well, low self-worth impact how we make and keep friendships. Moreover, do you may find yourself questioning if you are good enough? And, in relationships, you typically put others first and yourself last. Additionally, you may find that you surround yourself with people who are overly controlling. Frequently, adult children of alcoholics experience gaslighting and verbal abuse. A lot of times, growing up with parents were alcoholics was lonely. Lastly, you didn’t learn important skills to nurture yourself. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we teach people how to love, nurture, and accept themselves.
Do you feel afraid fo abandonment?
A lot of times, feelings of abandonment are very real. Frequently, adult children of alcoholics may turn to drinking alcohol themselves to push away these feelings of abandonment. As well, alcoholism can be a family issue. Break ups, loss, and any abandonment can trigger childhood feelings of parental abandonment. Sometimes, adult children of alcoholics stay in unhealthy relationships too long. If you feel like your parents abandoned you because they chose drinking over you, adult children of alcoholics counseling can help. Our holistic therapists offer yoga, art, walk and talk therapies, and video counseling for self-esteem skills. Lastly, adult children of alcoholics counseling helps improve decision making skills too.
As holistic therapists, we help people who grew up in dysfunctional homes create a healthy, calm life.
It can be really traumatic growing up in an environment where abuse, neglect and trauma were present. And, today, you may wonder how we deal with all these big memories. In counseling for adult children of alcoholics, we specialize in teaching positive coping tools. As well, we specialize with trauma and PTSD therapy. You can heal deep trauma through holistic, creative coping strategies. You gain a safe place to let go of shame and abandonment. In counseling, you can learn tools become your own nurturing support.
What is a support group that helps adult children of alcoholics?
To continue, adult children of alcoholics is a free support group. It helps individuals to recover from growing up in an alcoholic, dysfunctional family. For short, ACA is often the abbreviation for adult children of alcoholics.

Adult children of alcoholics counseling can help you live in the present moment and create a life worth living .
Now, in adult children of alcoholics counseling, we look at alcoholism as a family disease. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help people who feel weak develop inner strength and healthy boundaries in friendships. Your adult children of alcoholics counselor also teaches you skills to let go of guilt. From there, you can stand up for yourself instead of giving into others. Holistic counseling for adult children of alcoholics is all about setting boundaries in clear ways. Sometimes, it is easier to criticize yourself or blame yourself for your trauma experiences.
Overall, adult children of alcoholics counseling allows you to let go of self blame and develop meaningful, nurturing friendships.
What does trauma look like?
As well, trauma responses look different for different people. For some, trauma responses are auditory. It’s typical for adult children of alcoholics to become frightened by loud, angry people. Loud noises, slamming doors, or even yelling can trigger a trauma response. As a child, adult children of alcoholics often experience emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. In childhood, it may have felt very uncomfortable, painful, and lonely to live in your home. Therefore, as an adult child of an alcoholic parent, therapy helps you develop self-confidence. As well, adult children of alcoholics counseling supports self-loving, positive self talk.

Also, your therapist helps you develop trauma coping strategies
As well, learn to calmly identify and share how you feel with others in intense moments. Remember you are no longer in that environment with positive coping tools from counseling.
What does it mean to be a parentified child?
To begin, children who grew up around alcohol and substance abuse are more mature in some areas. As a child, you remember violence, neglect, and abuse. Furthermore, even though this does not happen currently, you relive negative memories. For some, experiencing uncertainty and chaos as a daily part of life still today. In counseling, you can learn skills to create a calm life from self-love.

To begin, book a phone consult to work with a holistic therapist who specializes with adult children of alcoholics and healthy boundaries.
Do you care give for others that leaves you feeling depleted and exhausted?
As well, experiencing arguments, conflict, and abuse as a child, made you be a caretaker for your parents. Further, being a parent to your adult parents at a young age, took away playfulness from your childhood. As a child, being more mature than you had to be, took away from being a child. Now, you have a safe place to talk, unload, and create a life you love.
Is alcoholism and substance abuse a concern for adult children of alcoholics?
Additionally, adult children of alcoholics are also much more likely likely to have addictive drinking problems. As a result of childhood trauma, therapy can help to reduce excessive drinking habits. As well, eating disorders, anorexia, and bulimia are common in adult children of alcoholics. In childhood, you did not learn how to accept yourself as good enough. Frequently, adult children of alcoholics get told they are not enough for their parents. Essentially, parents who are alcoholics will never be satisfied. But, with therapy, you can learn to believe you are good enough as you are. Furthermore, holistic therapy is about helping you attract positive relationships with yourself and others.

Often times, children who grow up and abuse, neglect, and as trauma experience anxiety, challenges sustaining long-term relationships, troubles with attachment, and loneliness and depression.
Anxiety disorders and panic disorders are also a component of post traumatic stress disorder. Also, parentified children often have positive qualities that they develop too. Resilience, empathy, maturity, and responsibility are great qualities commonly in adult children of alcoholics.
To add, these got you through those rough moments. Therefore, therapy can help you understand addiction and alcohol in your family. As well, your therapist can help you change your family’s pattern. Additionally, you can understand your triggers, like abandonment or anger, that cause you to shut down. And, you can also understand tools for verbalizing what you need as well as emotional confidence.
How can therapy help me if I am an adult child of alcoholic parents?
As an adult child of an alcoholic, your therapist can teach you how to break the cycle of dysfunction. To add, you can start to love and accept yourself. And, you can let go of blame and guilt, knowing you didn’t cause this. Further, you can start to let go of your shortcomings. From there, you can learn to remember you are good enough just the way you are.

If you want to move past your trauma, we help you learn to believe in yourself from lifelong sleep, exercise, and food choices.
Adult children of alcoholics can recover. And, we provide professional support to improve your self-care skills and emotional confidence. Sometimes adult children of alcoholics these higher risk challenges due to depression, mental health challenges, and addiction recovery needs.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we teach adult children of alcoholics positive coping tools. From counseling, you can learn to handle negative feelings in healthy ways.