First, you may be wondering the benefits of yoga inversions. Well, inversion yoga poses reverse your blood flow and improve circulation. Also, inversions like handstands and headstands change your perspective on life. Well, in Niantic, Connecticut Katie Ziskind teaches private inversion yoga lessons. Lastly, learning your inversions with Katie Ziskind can boost your self-esteem, self-worth, and help you develop newfound confidence! Let’s learn about some amazing benefits that happen when you do yoga inversions in Niantic, Connecticut!
Flexible Body and Flexible Thinking
Furthermore, as your body starts to become more flexible, so does your mind! When you stretch your muscles along the front and the back side of your body, you’ll get more in tune with your core. And, and yoga when we talk about your core, we’re talking about your personal power. Your core, your center, your physical core muscles, your intention, and your life‘s purpose, all come into play with inversions. Inversions help you develop confidence to let go of anxiety when plans change.
Practicing poses like headstands and handstands can help you feel playful and think more flexibly.
Thinking outside the box, a great skill for off your yoga mat, can help you when things don’t go your way. You can learn to go with the flow, by practicing yoga inversions! Katie Ziskind also offers private yoga lesson in her Niantic, Connecticut office. Read more about yoga therapy and private yoga lessons.
Digestion improves as one of the benefits of yoga inversions
Moreover, doing yoga inversions and getting her heart above your head improves your digestion. Did you know, your liver is your heaviest internal organ? So, by going upside down, you relieve the stress of the weight of your liver that is always resting on your other organs. And, this can help to relieve gas. Therefore, if you have any digestive issues, inversions can help to reset things naturally. Simply taking legs up the wall pose, can be very restorative for digestive discomfort and IBS! Katie Ziskind, owner of Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut uses yoga a method for helping teach positive coping skills for anxiety and PTSD. Overall, Katie Ziskind of Niantic, Connecticut helps you build a loving relationship with yourself! Lastly, Katie Ziskind helps you be fierce, compassionate, gentle, and curious all at once through private yoga in Niantic, Connecticut!
Boosting your immune system is another one of the benefits of yoga inversions
Similarly, getting your feet above your head in a yoga inversion will boost your immune system. Simply put, this helps to move your lymphatic fluid around your body. Did you know, that your lymph nodes don’t have a pump, where is your circulatory system does? That means, your heart and lungs help the pump oxygen around your body in your bloodstream. But, your lymphatic system uses gravity. Therefore, sending your feet up to the sky can use the natural force of gravity to increase your immune system’s ability to fight off colds. When you have a strong immune system, you recover faster when you get sick too! Work on your inversion yoga poses with Katie Ziskind, LMFT, RYT500! Lastly, Katie Ziskind of Niantic, Connecticut offers both private yoga lessons and group yoga classes.
Inversions, meaning getting your heart above your head, benefit your whole body. Yoga therapy in Niantic, Connecticut is naturally healing.
Benefits of yoga inversions don’t stop there. Likewise, inversions also help you build strength. On that note, did you know that your bone density can increase from inversions? Yes, simply by strengthening your muscles, your bones will take nutrients from food you eat and to grow. Inversions, very challenging and strengthening poses, can help you improve your bone density along with a nutrient rich diet. You also gain muscle tone, flexibility in your muscles, and strengthen your core. In Niantic, Connecticut, there a tons of gyms and fittness studios.
How can I gain core strength? Do yoga therapy in Niantic, Connecticut for self-care and strength
But, if you want rock hard abs, and versions are a great way to get there. Don’t focus on doing so many sit ups, and try going into a forearm stand or a headstand! In Niantic, Connecticut, Katie Ziskind helps you understand proper headstand alignment. Or, add on and learn leg variations. Headstand, handstand and acro yoga engage every single muscle in your whole body! Overall, inversions are a full body workout. Call 860-451-9364 to use yoga therapy with Katie Ziskind to gain self-confidence, strength, and inspiration for a healthy life in Niantic, Connecticut!

Where can I take an inversion Workshop in Niantic, Connecticut?
In southeastern Connecticut, Katie Ziskind, teachers inversion workshops. Also, in these workshops, yoga students have time to learn challenging poses under direct supervision. On that note, inversions take a holistic guide and experienced teacher. Katie Ziskind is highly skilled in teaching yoga and inversion yoga poses. Katie Ziskind offers alignment feedback and helps you feel confident. Always, alignment is your foundation. Furthermore, taking a yoga inversion workshop can improve the growth of your yoga practice!