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6 Things High School Students Must Do

High school, yes, it is a time to explore, mature socially, and make lifelong friends. But, it is also a chance to become well rounded and grow. To add, holistic, creative therapy for teenagers in Niantic, Connecticut can help your teenager feel support and belonging. From emotional confidence, academic goals come more easily.

Choose Walk and Talk or Hike Therapy

Summer, it is a time of sun bathing, relaxation, and warm evenings with cricket sounds. With harsh winters, you have been waiting for it all year long. Likewise, sleeping late and hanging out with friends is important. However, summer is also a great time to prepare emotionally for college. Overall, in this article you’ll learn the top six ways your high schooler can grow their resume and sense of self.

Creative therapy for teenagers and young adults with anxiety along the Shoreline of Connecticut

Now, college admission after attending East Lyme High is highly competitive, which can put an awful amount of pressure on a growing teenager. So, spending time in the summer chipping away at volunteer work can make writing an admission essay easier. Often, colleges what to know that you did work you didn’t have to, like working at the shoreline soup kitchen and food pantry. From East Lyme High to college, it is a massive change.

Are you a natural leader?

Well, many colleges in anew England look for natural leaders and teenagers with inner drive. To add, this is because many freshmen in college end up drinking too much alcohol, and dropping out. So, colleges what a mature high school student to brighten the campus for all.

Looking for six simple activities that will help you stand out in the college admission process?

In general, creative therapy for teenagers in Niantic, Connecticut supports self-confidence, resilience, and positive coping skills. Also, holistic therapy for teenagers in the Southeastern Connecticut area can provide a strong foundation of mental health awareness for college life. Most often, as teen therapists, we see college freshmen fail due to lack of emotional support away from home. So, creative therapy for teenagers can provide the exact support through coping skills in mind, body and spirit.

Volunteer locally

Volunteering, you are correct when you think you don’t get paid. However, you’re paid in the rewarding and positive feelings that you get from helping others. College admissions departments, they look for volunteer work because it shows that you gave some of your free time, not to partying or friends, but instead to helping people really need it. For instance, help at the Shoreline food pantry and Soup Kitchens, go to your local preschool, church, or even LGBTQ pride parades,

Volunteer at the local Niantic Community church Sunday school with preschoolers. Likewise, the college admission board wants to know that you can work with children, I have patience, and can handle different types of situations as they arise. Working with preschoolers, you will be presented with different types of situations and a variety of different emotions while working with young children.

Clean up your online profiles on social media

Now, social media is a huge topic. However, if you are drinking, or reckless on social media, your college application may be denied because of this. So, focus on being respectful, being a world class citizen, and making the world a positive place with your social media post. Instead of posting a selfie in a bathing suit, post an inspirational quote from Mother Teresa. Remember, as a graduate from East Lyme High School, you are representing yourself and your school culture too.

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To add, if you are struggling with anxiety about your big move off to college, our team of teen therapists can help. Also, when teenagers go off to college, this is commonly the time parents announce divorce. The team of holistic marriage and family therapists in Niantic, Connecticut, can help. Call 860-451-9364 for information.

Get a job at Stop and Shop in East Lyme

Furthermore, colleges are looking for individuals with a strong work ethic. For you, being a highschooler, the way that you can show this on a college application is by holding a job long-term. For example, try applying at your local East Lyme Stop And Shop, Illianos Pizza, or even dairy queen in Niantic. Also, where he will be build character, increase your bank account, and save up for things that you want to buy.

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Yes, going off to college can be thrilling and exciting. However, if your parents are divorcing, your best friend is self-harming, your younger brother is being bullied, your grandma is sick, it can be stressful. And, now you’re told to forget your roles and worries at home to have fun at college. Our team of teen and young adult therapists can help you worth through anxiety and create a positive plan for the future. Likewise, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, therapy for teenagers is creative and holistic. Call for a phone consultation 860-451-9364.

Visit local colleges to get an understanding of what you like and don’t like

Another way to shine brighter than other applicants is to have an understanding of what you like and don’t like. To start, visit other local campuses to understand what type of housing you want, what type of classes you’d like to get started in, and what you want in a school. Therefore, visit schools around. And, along your journey you can talk about your feelings and emotions in therapy for teenagers at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut.

Creative, holistic, art in therapy for teenagers in Niantic, Connecticut

Being emotionally prepared for college is a huge step. Now, we are a group of holistic therapists that focus on teenagers and young adults,. With that said, we find that the college transition is the most difficult. Often, freshman in college end up with drinking problems and picking negative friends. Also, some freshmen even redo their freshman year of college. And, with the help of a professional teen and young adult specialist, your teen can have support. So, through phone and video sessions, we can ensure support is provided to your anxious young adult away from home. In addition, through phone and video therapy sessions, your young adult at college can continue to have a nurturing support and gain coping skills.

Creative art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor walk and talk therapies provide coping skills for negative emotions. Further, creative therapy for teenagers supports a smooth college transition. Now, therapy for teenagers is personalized and we offer an out of the box approach.

Call 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation to ensure a smooth high school to college transition.

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