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5 Reasons Why Is Pen Pal Life Coaching For You

Hi there! I am Katie Ziskind, licensed psychologist in Niantic, Connecticut. I also offer distance video counseling sessions, email sessions, and pen pal life coaching to suit your distance therapy needs!

1) Pen Pal Life Coaching Encourages the, “Wise Owl Mind,” an essential DBT skill and Perspective-Taking

As young adult years approach, it is naturally to become worried about self-image, what other peers will think, and feel concerned about being judged. Also, at this time, young adults become more self-focused, which can result in tunnel vision. Even an adult who is going through a major life transition, such as divorce, separation, a job transition, or move benefits from pen pal life coaching. Having a psychologist from a distance, can ease life transitions and improve overall mental health.

Even though, your life and my life may have different events between when we write letters to each other, as a psychologist I empathize with you in each personalized letter to you.

Always, I support you with positive affirmations, reiterate your accomplishments, and encourage you through words. Hearing first-hand stories from a pen pal life coach can provide some perspective on the deep emotions you may be feeling at the time when writing. Knowing that your letter is coming in the mail from your psychologist in Niantic can give you hope and uplift your mood to remember a brighter future.

Then, when you receive a letter back, you’ll be in a whole new place with a new perspective on the issues you were facing. Giving yourself perspective is not only a DBT skill (read more, here), but also a great life skills for navigating relationships, triggers, and conflict.

2) Pen Pal Life Coaching Promotes Hope and Patience

As young adults emerge out of teenage years and into adulthood, people develop a need for instant gratification, such as instantly buying new clothes online with overnight shipping or instant text message response. We can’t think this way when we are trying to make a new relationship work or learning to heal a broken heart after a sudden and unexpected break up.

As a psychologist in Niantic, I want you to know that when we try to apply these same instant gratification principles to other people and romantic relationships, they don’t work. We aren’t taught how to handle break up’s in school in the same way we are taught about math, science, and reading. That is why many find having a psychologist in their corner to be very beneficial! 

4) Time Heals

People take time to express, trust, and open up. In this case, pan pal life coaching In contrast, letters or packages from an international pen pal can be spaced out by weeks or even months.

By having a pen pal, an adult can experience the joy of anticipation, hope for the future, and the potentially more satisfying reward of getting a pen pal life coaching letter after a wait patiently for a deeply heartfelt and compassionate response. To conclude, since delay of gratification is related to many positive outcomes, for instance work and school success and sound mental health, promoting hope and patience is essential. A simple note from your psychologist in Niantic can brighten your day, help you feel confident about your accomplishments, and help you create a life you love.

5) A Safe Space For Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

Secondly, pen pal life coaching is a way to reflect on your own thoughts, feelings, and experiences between each letter that you receive back from me. In just a few weeks, with the support of pen pal life coaching, you may feel more motivated and see your accomplishments are headed in a new direction. Pal pay life coaching is a form of positive guidance that can an incredibly beneficial support when going through a break up, ending a relationship, getting separated, and grief.

Why Would Pen Pal Life Coaching Work For Me?

For centuries, writing has been a form of collecting inner thoughts, releasing stress and tension, and gaining new life direction. Now, you have an opportunity to share your feelings with me, receive positive support in a reciprocal manor, and look forward to a new day filled with hope and inspiration. With bills, stress of work, junk mail, and more, getting the mail can now be something you look forward to doing because you’ll find a compassionate, empathy-based letter waiting for you from me, your psychologist in Niantic, Connecticut.

How Does Pen Pal Life Coaching Work?

First, we talk on the phone for a single 45-minute session and get to know each other. Next, I send you a letter to the address you’ve provided within one week after our initial phone call reiterating your positive qualities, complimenting your successes (academic, work, family, and more), and ask a few questions for your reply letter. After reading your letter to me, I think about what I will say, then I will mail you your pen pal life coaching letter back. My commitment to you is that I will send you a letter in the mail to your address or P.O. box within one week of receiving your letter. Lastly, my letters will be legible, handwritten, infused with positive energy, collaborative, and conversational, as well as personalized for you!

Pen Pal Life Coaching can be combined with individual therapy sessions or for distance support. 

Let’s connect! Read more about costs, here.

Call for your free 15-minute consultation (860) 451-9364 to talk about redefining your positive journey with pen pal life coaching today!

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