Going through divorce can leave you feeling low in your self-worth and doubting relationships in the future. Sometimes though, two people have enough time apart where they fall back in love again. Yes, people do end up remarrying an ex spouse. There might be a lot of shame and guilt that comes up with this decision. Maybe, your immediate family is rejecting your choice to get back together. As well, when a divorced spouse remarries their ex-spouse, children have their own feelings.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for confidence and clarity for when you are a divorced spouse who remarries their ex-spouse.
Is it possible to fall back in love with an ex?
However, everyday, people that divorce do fall back in love and move back in together. As well, from holistic couples therapy, many people can work through their trauma and emotional challenges, and find themselves falling back in love. Many divorced couples will in fact reconcile differences, learn to forgive, and want to try their romantic relationship again. After spending time alone, couples remember how much they are missing their ex. As well, when you are getting back with an ex, it is important to remember that the romance you are creating in this moment will be different than the past.
Overall, East Lyme, CT couples counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling supports couples in emotional intimacy and true connections.
What to consider before a divorced spouse remarries their ex-spouse?

Think of this time around as marriage #2
It is important to remember, that is marriage will be different from the last one. Now, the first marriage you had before your divorce will be very different than the new relationship you are creating with your ex spouse. As well, couples counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you talk about the anger, frustration, and forgiveness that is needed to truly move forward to be married again. In addition, relationships differ between different couples. So, couples therapy can be a great place to learn how to let go of marriage number one and forgive. As well, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you confidently and calmly embark on your marriage number two.

When a divorced spouse remarries their ex-spouse, it is important to consider why
To add, divorced couples tend to get remarried because they realize they truly enjoyed their time together. As well, couples realize it is unsatisfying being alone and single. Sometimes, couples will divorce and realize a need for company. Sometimes, couples need to have a period of time living separately in order to realize they are still in love with each other. Furthermore, some people divorce impulsively or relatively quickly, and do so out of emotional reasons. Therefore, from time apart in personal growth, exes realize their marriage is what they truly want once again.
With your couples therapist in East Lyme, Connecticut, it will be helpful to talk about past mistakes and trust issues.
In East Lyme, CT couples therapy, making your marriage work the second time around will take extra attention, compassion, and focus. Yes, you are getting back with the same person you were once with, but in a brand ew way. In East Lyme, Connecticut, you can talk about the past and how they hurt you emotionally. You can have a safe place to look at your goals for your future. When a divorced spouse remarries their ex-spouse, it can be very helpful talk about individual progress since the divorce. And, you can talk about joyful future steps within your romantic relationship.
Should you remarry someone you divorced?
As well, you have both grown personally and you both have a new sense of mental clarity about your second marriage to one another. And, you may be joyfully rekindling the romance with your ex-spouse. In reuniting with your ex spouse after divorce can bring up excitement, love, and passion. With that said, the beginning of any relationship is all fun. Quickly, all couples tend to fall back into dysfunctional patterns of passive aggression, high conflict fights, and distance, without professional guidance. As well, any unresolved anger or lack of forgiveness will resurface. And, this can be great things to talk about with your East Lyme, Connecticut couples therapist.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult if you are a divorced spouse who remarries their ex-spouse and want to build a healthy marriage.
In the past, if your partner was unfaithful, betrayed you, and you find it hard to rebuild trust, working with a couple therapist can help you create an even stronger marriage than before.

Childhood trauma plays a role in divorce and remarriages
A lot of times, we do not learn how to have a successful marriage from childhood. Maybe, your parents were alcoholics. And, you identify as an adult child of alcoholic parents. As well, you feel that your parents were emotionally neglectful or abandoned you. Perhaps, your ex spouse has a fully absent father, or a childhood of adversity and stress. With the help of your therapist, you can learn to be vulnerable about these painful parts of your past. Lastly, when a divorced spouse remarries their ex-spouse, part of remarrying means understanding the impact of childhood trauma. In marriage counseling, we help couples learn be to be trauma aware. Your holistic couples therapist in East Lyme, Connecticut will teach you ways to soothe yourself after a PTSD flashback.
How can couples therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut support couples?
Each person can learn to take accountability for their triggers. As well, couples therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut helps couples learn to speak from their heart. So, you might learn to say, “I had some major traumas and abandonment issues from my childhood years that leave me worried that you’ll up and leave me. I need reassurance. Hugs help me feel safer in our marriage.” To note, anxious attachments and lack of secure attachment with parents in childhood, lead to adult stress. In your romance, you may feel angry, sad, hurt, or confused if you have a trigger from childhood that gets hurt. So, going to couples therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you and your partner communicate better overall.
You and your spouse can build a sense of long-term, loving, meaningful connection.

Now, when a divorced spouse remarries their ex-spouse, think beforehand about the long term commitment and feelings
When you are getting back with an ex partner for any reason, it is important to look at your intuition. When a divorced spouse remarries their ex-spouse, it can be a great decision. But, to be sure this is a good decision for your situation and family, journal about it. Right now, make a list of pros and cons. Focus on the reasons why you want to be with your ex partner again. Is it because you feel alone? Is there something special about them to you? Or, do you like the pleasure of good sex? Or, is your reason for getting back together well thought out, and because you feel they are a great compliment to your life long term?
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for marriage therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut.
And, with your therapist, you can focus on the reasons why you don’t think this is a good idea.
Sometimes, therapy can be a safe place to think before acting. Right now, you may need help seeing the big picture or thinking from the observer perspective. Maybe, you feel hurt by your ex, but are purposely ignoring hat feeling. Focus on being honest with yourself and you will be more honest with your new relationship. Remember, in a new relationship, it might feel perfect and amazing in the beginning. But, every relationship goes through a honeymoon phase and the novelty wears off. Can you laugh about anything and feel conformable together? Or, does it feel like you can’t really be yourself, or that you are walking on eggshells? To conclude, think about being your authentic, real self with your ex.
Once the novelty of the newness wears off, you are left with your ex spouse and their fears, traumas, and their unspoken expectations.
So, talk about your hopes and your dreams, as well as your relationship expectations. To add, in this new version of your marriage, make sure to be honest and open with your communication. Talk about your worries and your day. When a divorced spouse remarries their ex-spouse, it is important to gain skills to precent the negativity of the past form happening again. If you find that there are secrets, game playing, or mind reading that is causing challenges in your new relationship, reach out for holistic East Lyme, CT couples counseling today. Look out for red flag behaviors like addiction or alcoholism and secret keeping. Any secrets create shame and guilt, and create dysfunction in relationships.
Next, when it comes to a divorced spouse remarrying their ex-spouse, don’t do it just for your children.
When it comes to your children, remember that they need to, happy, reliable, and consistent parents. It really doesn’t matter to your children if you are both together again, but angry. So, if you are both in conflict, your children will feel negative. Overall, children need a home where conflict is easily resolved and parents talk respectfully to each other. If it means having two homes to keep peace and calm, then do so. But, couples therapy can help you fight fairly if you do want to live together again.
East Lyme, CT couples counseling can help you and your spouse create a foundation of healthy communication.
Furthermore, children look and observe when their parents say and do all the time. With that said, any negative communication or anger will trickle down to your children and they will begin to repeat those patterns. Unfortunately, children mirror what they see their parents say, even sarcasm and name calling. If you are name-calling or yelling, your children will often think that these are normal and okay ways to talk with their friends.
Holistic, creative East Lyme, CT couples counseling helps your children communicate is healthier ways too.
Children learn how to build relationships from the relationship they see between their parents. Also, children learn how to behave when angry from parents. And, children also need help from their parents to learn how to work through and release anger and loss.
So, when a divorced spouse remarries their ex-spouse, couples therapy and family counseling supports healthy communication tools.
You can feel confident talking about touchy subjects was calmness. From a time of separation, you and your ex spouse can tackle your issues. But, East Lyme, Connecticut holistic couples therapy can help make sure you are not blaming one another. Sometimes, couples get stuck navigating their own childhood abuse and emotional challenges from their partner’s. Lastly, marriage counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut helps you remain compassionate, friends, cordial and respectful in fights.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for positive communication tools and deep closeness in marriage therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut.

Now, don’t get back together with your ex spouse just because you have children and want to make them think you are happy.
If you are getting back together just for your children, you will still have resentment, sadness, and tension in your home. And, these unresolved conflicts and intense emotions will trickle down to your children. East Lyme, CT couples counseling supports healthy communication when intense emotions are present.
From art, yoga, music, and drama therapies, you can learn to process past experiences.
Art therapies and drama therapies support couples in trusting, bonding, and talking. So, take the time to understand your intuition and if you truly want to get back with your ex spouse. Remember, sexual infatuation and sexual pleasure will change. If you want to get back with them, make sure it is because you feel comforted and nurtured by them.
So, in East Lyme, Connecticut, couples counseling, you can learn how to reconcile, overcome conflict, and la laugh in a playful way with your partner.
In East Lyme, CT couples counseling, you can learn to model for your children, that couples can overcome conflict in a marriage. For one, you and your spouse can learn to speak up when something is bothering you. Often, couples avoid conflict and don’t directly talk about the stress at hand.
So, issues tend to snowball and get larger and larger without communication skills.
As well, you can learn skills to show your children that you and your spouse can goto bed happy together. In the marriage number one, there might be dishes smashing in severe cases, and hurtful name calling. You might be afraid that these negative aspects of your old marriage may come back when you marry your ex again. Maybe, you a sleeping separately or slamming doors in fights in marriage number one. For instance, your marriage therapist can pinpoint stressors and outlets for stress. In your past, you may look back and realize you had too much stress in marriage number one. Perhaps, you and your spouse were pregnant, renovating a home, both of you had a day job, and felt overwhelmed. Form couples therapy, you can recognize that the relationship wasn’t in balance in the past.
East Lyme, Connecticut couples therapy supports couples in learning emotional expression tools to better help their children release anger and sadness.
Right now, you might feel overjoyed to be back with your ex spouse. But, another part of you is apprehensive and anxious. When a divorced spouse remarries their ex-spouse, it is normal to feel a mix of excitement, joy, and fear. And, you can learn to focus on your future together, and learn to trust your intuition. In all marriages there will be conflicts. However, East Lyme, CT couples counseling is all about how you learn to handle and overcome those conflicts. Now, you don’t have to get into high conflict fights to express yourself. You can learn to manage conflict in a healthy, calm way from holistic counseling.
How does couples therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut help?
Furthermore, distant couples can use couples therapy sessions, away from work, child care, and family life, to practice communication tools. Overall, couples therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut can help you feel more fulfilled in your marriage. And, from getting married to your ex spouse again, you can develop an even closer marriage now. Before, your marriage was not right. But, going into your marriage number two, you can release and express openly.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult if you are a divorced spouse who is remarrying your ex-spouse and want to build a nurturing, passionate, and secure marriage.
You can learn to overcome past trust issues, learn how to communicate in healthy ways, and build healthier lifestyle habits as a couple unit.
In holistic couples counseling, you can do yoga poses, breathing skills, art, painting, and even act out emotions. At Wisdom Within Counseling, in Niantic, Connecticut, you can pick from out-of-the-box therapies. Sometimes, words and talking alone don’t provide couples with healthy communication tools. So, painting or art therapies may bring you both closer together. From couples therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut you can understand the dynamics of your childhood and how they playing into conflicts in your marriage.
As well, holistic marriage counseling provides you with coping strategies to communicate your needs, and build a loving, long-term marriage like you’ve never had before.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn to build trust and forgiveness by incorporating expressive arts into your couples therapy. Many couples don’t receive tools for emotional expression in traditional counseling. For one, you can do art, painting, and use clay to express your emotions beyond words. As well, you can do meditation, mindfulness, breathing techniques, and yoga therapy to develop intercom and self-regulation tools. You can learn to release anger, and express words in calm ways. Furthermore, drama therapies, role-play, and improvisation, alongside Rehearsals For Growth trainings can help you feel confident expressing these intense emotions in your marriage.
How do deal with family and parents?
In the process of getting back with your ex spouse, your family may be against you doing so. Understandably, your family and friend may ave helped you exit your marriage the first time. You family may feel protective over you, or like you are making a bad choice. There may be shame, guilt, anxiety, longing for acceptance, and loss that comes up for you. Maybe, your friends and family helped you get through the frustrations of divorce years ago. If it feels like a lot and overwhelming, a mixture of individual and couples therapy can help. It’s common to hear friends say they want you to get back with and to remarry your ex. However, this is your life and a beautiful one to say the least. You deserve to create a marriage that fulfills you, supports you, and leaves you feeling joy.
Holistic therapies provide couples with a true sense of security.

We also help same-sex couples, LGBTQ, poly, and transgender couples thrive.
Couples go through a variety of changes over the lifespan. So, when a divorced spouse remarries their ex-spouse, couples therapy can support a smooth, calm unfolding of love. Therapy can be a safe place to talk about building a strong, healthy couple bubble. Now, working with a holistic couples therapist can help you and your spouse positive coping strategies and methods for healthy communication. No matter what phase of life you are in, your couples therapist can help you feel important to your spouse.