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3 Ways Play Therapy Helps Children With Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Autism

First, neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are dynamic conditions characterized by impairments in cognition, communication, behavior and/or motor skills. So, what this means is that a child may have trouble with thinking, talking, and emotions. To note, this results from abnormal brain development. Overall, creative, art and play therapy helps children with neurodevelopmental disorders and autism express themselves. Talking alone in counseling doesn’t support children with these disorders. Rather, we help these disorders by using creative, play therapy. We offer animal therapy along the Southeastern Connecticut shoreline. Also, walk and talk therapies by the beach support self-leadership and healthy self-esteem.

Play Therapy Supports Emotional Expression, Self-Esteem, and Communication

Call/text 860-451-9364 for animal therapy, creative art, and play therapy, which helps children with neurodevelopmental disorders and autism live successful, emotionally connected lives.

What are Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Communication Disorders?

Secondly, these communication disorders impact children socially and emotionally. Sometimes, children with communication disorders don’t know how to get their emotions across to others. Therefore, play therapy helps children with neurodevelopmental disorders and autism. In play therapy, children can learn to identify emotions and empathize. To help children and teenagers, we offer art, yoga, animal therapies, and music therapies. Now, these creative play therapies help children learn ways to communicate their emotions in positive ways. Call/text 860-451-9364 for information.

From holistic marriage, family, and child therapy, anger, worry, anxiety, and fear have a positive place to go.

So, don’t worry if your child or your teenager won’t speak in counseling. This is our speciality. Also, accommodations at school are essential in the academic success of children. We help children and teens who would become entirely self-absorbed, learn to social connect. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for holistic, animal, music, art, and yoga therapies for positive coping skills to go beyond talk therapy.

Holistic play therapy, animal therapy, art, yoga, and music in counseling

To add, some children with neurodevelopmental disorders and autism have varying degrees of communication disorders. Moreover, having a child with a communication disorder impacts all functions of daily life. Overall, the therapists in Niantic, CT go beyond talk counseling helping bridge communication disorders of understanding, speech, and oral language. At Wisdom Within Counseling, the creative child and teen therapists offer musical instruments to promote communication. Also, puppets, play therapy, and art allow children to open up and express emotions beyond words. Additionally, play therapy helps neurodevelopmental disorders and autism disorders understand emotions. emotional learning is essential.

Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for unique, animal, music, art, and yoga therapies to go beyond talk therapy.

What Is Childhood‐Onset Fluency Disorder?

Often, Childhood‐Onset Fluency Disorder (COFD) is known as stuttering. And, it is one of the most common disorders of speech. Therefore, our culture requires speaking. So, social communication becomes very limited for children with childhood-onset fluency disorder. To add, children who are learning multiple languages may have communication delays naturally. To conclude, the creative child and young adult therapists offer holistic art and music to improve social communication skills. Call/text 860-451-9364 for information on counseling.

So, call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for unique, creative, animal, music, art, and yoga therapies. They are specialized for children and young adults to go beyond talk therapy.

What Is Autism?

Well, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder. Furthermore, autism spectrum disorder shows through social communication and social interaction problems. Also, your child may show rigid, restricted, repetitive behaviors, sometimes injurious. In more severe cases of autism, children show head banging behaviors. Sometimes, play therapy can help children with neurodevelopmental disorders and autism become less aggressive. Over time, positive coping skills provide a release and relaxation. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for unique, animal, music, art, and yoga therapies to go beyond talk therapy.

Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for unique, animal, music, art, and yoga therapies to go beyond talk therapy. , grief therapist in Niantic, ct, animals in therapy, child theAt Wisdom Within Counseling, we are a group of holistic marriage and family therapists. We help all ages from preschoolers to grandparents with better relationships. For instance, we help children with ADHD learn self-regulation through movement therapies, anxious teenagers with eating disorders develop a healthy body image, distant, business-like couples recreate intimate connection, and stressed adults who have been through trauma/PTSD heal. My team and I offer traditional talk counseling, but specialize in using out-of-the-box and using creative art, yoga, music, or outdoor walk-and-talk therapies to teach emotional expression and self-confidence skills to children and young adults. Also, we are LGBTQIA+ affirming and work with non binary, transgender, and gender questioning people. We offer unique Saturday and Sunday availability as well as evenings until 8:45pm. We welcome your referrals. Do you know people or families with anxiety, depression, or self-esteem issues that could benefit from counseling? Have new clients text or call us for a complimentary phone consultation at 860-451-9364 ext 0. Every day, I do a facebook live video offering free resources and coping skills for families, relationships, self-esteem, and mental health topics. Like and Share at Respectfully, Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500, owner Holistic Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Trauma/PTSD Specialist, Private Yoga Teacher Couples, Child, and Teen Therapist, animal therapy, childhood anxiety therapist, New London, Connecticut therapy,
Animal Therapy In Niantic, Connecticut Supports Children With Developmental Support Needs

Moreover, social communication problems present in many ways. In school, at home, and with siblings, your child may struggle with emotional connections.

Typically, children with autism spectrum disorder don’t understand empathy or social norms. Also, personal hygiene, teeth brushing, and showering regularly may be lacking. If your child with autism has anger issues with you or at school, a therapist can support healthy anger management skills. Sometimes, your teenager may have issues with anger, and get stuck in anger. In therapy, we like to call this, “tunnel vision.” So, we help your child develop social and emotional thinking. Out of routine, your child with autism gets stuck on a negative repetition cycle of anger and aggression. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for unique, animal, music, art, and yoga therapies to help children and teens with ASD. Read more about play therapy, here and here.

How do you know if your child has troubles with emotional regulation?

For one, a child with autism may not be able to mirror a smile or reflect emotions. Naturally, when you see a loved one smile, a person with empathy will smile in heartfelt joy. However, a child with autism doesn’t naturally understand how to feel joyful for another person when seeing a smile on their face. With an autism diagnosis, a child will not empathize with another person. Therefore, he or she needs to work with a therapist to learn skills to recognize the another person’s feelings. Also, therapy can help young adults with ASD in relationships understand the another person’s hopes, dreams, and/or expectations. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation to work with a Southeastern Connecticut communication disorder and ASD therapist.

Overall, counseling for autism supports healthy social emotional experiences, which foster to relating personally to another’s feelings.

The therapist is a safe person and supports healthy relationship outside of sessions for a child with ASD. Creative, Niantic, CT counseling also teaches children with autism how to have positive thinking tools to physically and verbally express emotions. And, these emotions include joy, gratitude, love, anger, frustration, jealousy, and anxiety. Sometimes, children with autism will squeeze small animals too roughly or tightly. So, therapy supports empathizing with animals. We help children and teens with ASD share empathic feelings and grow long-term friendships. So, therapy builds an emotional foundation for children with autism to share a playful emotional experience. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation to work with a Niantic, Connecticut communication disorder and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) therapist.

Also, children with autism tend to excel in special areas like engineering, mathematics, science, or another area.

In school, a 504 plan or IEP is often put into place in elementary school. In a 504 or IEP, there will be sensory breaks, support for mood swings, and accommodations. Overall, people can live healthy, happy lives with social communication disorders. But, it is most helpful to provide children with the social emotional skills in art and play therapy from a young age. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation to work with a Southeastern Connecticut communication disorder and ASD therapist.

Also, young adults and children with neurodevelopmental disorders and autism may have challenges with verbal and nonverbal communication behaviors, which are needed for positive social interaction. As therapists, we help teach these social skills.

Therefore, counseling can help your teen with autism learn social skills for positive peer relationships. In autism, a child or teen may repeat themselves over and over. Simply put, playing cards, monopoly, doing art, or painting builds trust right in session. In counseling, play therapy helps children with neurodevelopmental disorders and autism. For teenagers with ASD, outdoor, nature walk and talk therapy builds autonomy and self-efficacy. Plus, we are LGBTQIA+ affirming and welcoming.

Why doesn’t talk therapy work for children with neurodevelopmental disorders and autism? And, what does?

Talking about anxiety can lead to more anxiety and anger. Further, walking outdoors or going to the playground brings out joy and playfulness. In therapy, your child or teen can use musical instruments to play out emotions and make sounds. Likewise, watercolors promote creative exploration and relieves anxiety. Throwing a frisbee outdoors in movement therapy is very healing for high energy children with ADHD. However, parents who are raising a child with autism are more susceptible to exhaustion and burnout. To add, having multiple children with neurodevelopmental disorders and autism can cause caregiver burnout. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, our team of counselors help support parents too. Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for unique, animal, music, art, and yoga therapies to go beyond talk therapy.

Essentially, creative play therapy helps children with neurodevelopmental disorders and autism learn emotional skills, which support healthy peer relationships.

To begin, it is essential for parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to have support through therapy too. In therapy, we offer parent only sessions. And, we offer individual therapy with children. Often, children and teenagers with autism have difficulty progressing socially in relationships. So, our team personalizes therapy and teach conversational skills. At times, sensory overload occurs in large crowds. Also, children and adults with autism tend to be inflexible and rigid. Unfortunately, children and adults with autism commonly say socially rude or disrespectful phrases without realizing it. So, ASD therapy is helpful resource for building empathy skills and flexible thinking. Usually, autism is diagnosed within the first two to six years of age. Lastly, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) impacts all ages across the lifespan.

Where to find creative, animal therapy, and play therapy?

Well, you can look on psychology today for a local therapist. Or, you can go to your local pediatric group. But, if you don’t live near a major city, it’s unlikely you’ll find a creative, play therapist nearby. So, it means you may need to travel or work with the therapist via teletherapy, phone, or long distance. In Southeatsern Connecticut, Wisdom Within Counseling is the only creative group offering art, painting, play, animals, and music in counseling within a 50 mile radius. Generally, creative play therapy is available for many areas of care from autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Lastly, play therapy has also been used in all levels of functioning children and adults to support self-worth, feeling capable, emotional expression, and confident.

children with neurodevelopmental disorders and autism, ADHD therapy in Southeastern CT, Connecticut Outdoor child therapists

Call/text 860-451-9364 for a phone consultation for unique, animal, music, art, and yoga therapies to go beyond talk therapy.

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