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3 ways marriage counseling in Waterford, Ct builds trust

Do you wonder if your spouse is still in love with you?

Maybe, there are conversation topics that you avoid talking about?

And, do you have important life topics to talk about that only cause marital conflict?

Do you feel like distant roommates with your spouse, but deeply wish to fall back in love again with each other?

After anxiety, trauma, or betrayal, building trust can be hard. When you find out your spouse has been keeping a secret, it can be heartbreaking. On the other hand, you may have experienced trauma. Trauma can be a loss of a parent, sibling, or child. Undoubtedly, traumatic events put stress on a marriage. Just because trust with the world or your spouse was broken, doesn’t mean a conflict can’t be resolved. Conflict resolution skills and communication skills can really help in rebuilding trust and a healthy marriage. So, at Wisdom Within Counseling, as a team of specialists, we help couples build playfulness. Holistic marriage counseling in Waterford, Ct can help you reach your marriage goals of emotional intimacy. From counseling, couples can learn to grow their long-term marriage lovingly. No matter what trauma has been in your past, therapy provides you with positive coping tools to have a bright future. Overall, our marriage counselors in Waterford, Ct specialize in holistic couples therapy.

What is one way my spouse and I can build trust and love right now, before getting to marriage counseling in Waterford, Ct?

To begin, building trust is a journey and process over time. So, starting right now is a great idea. Conflict can push people far apart. And, without professional couples therapy in Waterford, Ct, it only gets worse. So, if your marriage is challenging, it will take time to build healthier coping tools through couples counseling. Couples may consist of some couples’ therapy sessions as well as individual therapy. Until starting marriage therapy, it is great to try new activities together. For instance, go to a yoga class together or take turns organizing a date night. Pick an activity that neither of you have done before. It may be partly scary, make you nervous, or exhilarating. Just enjoy the new experience together!

To begin, building closeness, connection and trust in your long-term marriage, book a free phone consult using the pink button below.

For one, marriage counseling in New London, Ct can help you build and prioritize positive rituals together

Next time you are scrolling on your phone on social media, get creative. Instead, secretly plan a fun vacation for your couple bubble. Or, surprise your significant other with fresh flowers at their place of work. In every healthy marriage, there will be fighting and conflict. But, the fighting doesn’t need to lead to resentment or intense anger. On that note, having a sense of organization around positive moments will reduce conflict. Prioritizing mini meaningful moments, such as holding hands on the couch make a big difference. Long term, couples who have rituals of connection like making Friday night a date night, create long-lasting love. Essentially, a great marriage takes presence, work, and attention. Nothing just happens. Just like you would tend to a garden, over time, your marriage can improve. Our marriage therapists in Waterford, Ct are excited to help you reach your marriage goals.

Secondly, marriage counseling can help you express your love in ways that resonate for your spouse

Do you wonder, “Does my spouse even still love me?” Well, you are not alone. Love languages can be confusing. Perhaps, you are a gifts person, but your spouse is a touch person. This can create some huge disconnection points. After a decade of marriage, it is easy to slip into feeling more stress than fun.

Often, when couples come in seeking marriage therapy, life feels chaotic, overwhelming, and frustrating.

Big emotions like anger, anxiety, fear, and concern all may surface. In therapy, our marriage counselors can help you gain confidence and clarity. Perhaps, there was a big loss or trauma that triggered seeking marriage counseling. At this moment, you may feel doubtful or confusion. Let’s sort through those intense feelings in a calm, peaceful place together. Using The Gottman Couples Therapy Method, we provide you with techniques for better communication. Our team of holistic marriage therapists in Waterford, Ct can help you reconnect, smile, trust, and hold each other tight emotionally and physically.

Marriage counseling in New London, Ct can help you and your best friend fall back in love with each other again

At one time, your marriage felt playful and carefree. Right now, does it feel like you are walking on eggshells? Trauma and loss experiences make the world feel unsafe. Experiencing loss and grief can dampen the potential brightness of married life. Working with a marriage therapist in Waterford, Ct can help you express your desires.

We help distant couples build positive connections and emotional intimacy.

For some couples, marriage counseling can really help them laugh together again. The stress of parenting, raising children or having a child with special needs takes focus and love away from the couple bubble. As well, life stressors, such as having a child with a chronic illness, having a parent with a chronic illness, having a chronic illness yourself take a toll on married life. Marriage counseling in Waterford, Ct can help you balance these stressors while making your marriage matter.

If you feel that divorce is inevitable, know that it is not going to be easy process. Military couples report that it is much more complicated than they expected, especially if children are involved. Going through the process of marriage counseling and doing the work you and your partner need to do to make the marriage move forward may be much easier than the process of divorce. However, it’s you’ve exhausted all efforts to reconcile, be prepared for what happens next. Knowing your rights as a military spouse is CRITICAL before you consider divorce. There are many laws that protect military spouses’ rights as well active members. However, they are rich with complicated details and exceptions. The process can take longer than civilian marriages because of the unique circumstances of being military. It is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. You need to be prepared before you start. military marriage therapy, military couples counseling, military specialist, couples therapy, east lyme, connecticut, couples cousneling, holistic marriage counseling, holistic couples counseling, holistic marriage therapy southeastern connecticut, distance holistic couples therapy for anger
Maybe, there are certain conversation topics that it feels challenging to bring up?

Your holistic marriage therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in New London, Ct can help you talk about past events that are sensitive. So, by working with a professional marriage counselor, you and your spouse can take steps in a positive direction. Playfulness, love, touch, and quality time together are all possible. Your therapist can help you express your needs and desires, from cleaning, cooking, in-law’s, to sex. And, your marriage therapist can help you express your love for your spouse in ways they feel loved best.

Marriage counseling in Waterford, Ct can be a safe place to bring difficult conversations.

Having a meditator can help you and your spouse rebuild love, trust, and presence for the growth of your realtionship. From putting energy into work and careers, energy is taken away from the marriage. So, a weekly marital counseling session can be the time carved out of your busy schedule to hear each other’s needs. Often, couples go years without talking, and wonder why they feel so separate. Marriage distance is a gradual process, and we can help you reach your goals for trust and emotional closeness today.

marriage counseling in Waterford, Ct

Start today with a free 30-minute phone consultation using the pink button below.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, New London, Ct marriage therapy helps prevent that distance from the beginning. Each session, you have an opportunity to voice your concerns and learn techniques to build a strong relationship. No matter the stage of your relationship, Wisdom Within Counseling is a team of marriage and family therapists.

How do we begin the process of looking for a marriage counselor in New London, Ct?

Well, this is a great question. First, looking for a marriage counseling in Waterford, Ct is about finding the right therapist to help you reach your goals. For improving your couple bubble, you want to pick a therapist who you click with. If you are missing the romantic side of your relationship, we can help you as a group of marriage and family therapists. Rebuilding meaningful connection takes time, so you want a therapist you feel you can trust. Essentially, feel free to ask the marriage therapist about their studies and trainings too. Find a therapist who is passionate about marriage counseling. So, ask your therapist about their experience and specialty with couples therapy issues. Schedule a free 30-minute phone call with at least three marriage therapists to see variations in styles.

To overcome anxiety and anger in your marriage, book a free phone consult using the pink button below.

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