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Nutrition Counseling

Wisdom Within Counseling, LLC. Marriage and Family Therapy. 8 West Main St. Niantic, CT 06357. 860- 451-9364.

Feeling Tired All The Time? Crying Too Easily?

The first place you might think to restore the feeling of inner balance is… nutrition. Over 80% of your serotonin, a natural mood boosting chemical, is absorbed in your gut lining. When considering ways to improve your mental wellness, better self-confidence, and easily maintain sustainable energy, your nutrition and how you eat can play a positive role! And, at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, we provide holistic nutrition counseling in conjunction with traditional psychotherapy.

Manifesting Your Magnificence  –  I am strong, healthy, and whole.

Part of therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic are mind-body-spirit perspectives. And, food and mood are connection. Further, true therapy means exploring nutrition, how you eat, what you eat, the ritual of cooking, and even the process of making your next delicious meal. Our team of creative, holistic therapists provide TeleTherapy, distance counseling for nutrition support also. Read more, here.

Holistic, Nutrition Counseling

Feeling overwhelmed with food choices? Stressed and rushed, and gaining weight? Your therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling works compassionately to help teach you nutrition education as well as why you may emotional eat. We help all ages of people who have food sensitivities, allergies, and sensory processing accommodations when it comes to eating. This is a new beginning for you. And, even if you are on medication, what you’ll learn from nutrition sessions is so valuable and you can take it into every meal.

Living off coffee? Feeling tired at 2pm? 

When you find yourself living off the high’s of coffee after skipping meals, you will begin to feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, lethargic, and cranky. So, nutrition counseling in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling can be a form of coaching. Further, physicians don’t offer guidance, so having a weekly food and mood session in Niantic, can be a great routine to learn balance. Further, you’ll feel more confident about yourself from positive skills learn in therapy and professional mental health support. Moreover, your food and mood therapy session can also be combined with your child, adolescent, or teen’s individual and family therapy sessions.

Looking for more than just talk counseling in Niantic? 

Next, the team of creative therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic take the compassionate, holistic components of Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, alongside the Westernized nutrition concepts of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. You get to have therapy that is a blend of both together for a highly effective approach to meet you where you are. And, truly effective food and nutrition session support your mind, body, and spirit. This is because food and emotions are so deeply connected. The biggest error most make is only changing at foods, but not supporting mood or emotions too. At Wisdom Within Counseling, your nutrition is improved alongside your emotional state for centeredness and self-confidence.

The Structure of Your First Nutrition Counseling Session (Families Welcome)

For your first session, you will meet to discuss your needs, presenting health concerns, diagnoses, and any food issues with your professional marriage and family therapist. Next, your therapist in Niantic will listen without judgment. And, there are no gimmicks and no living off powders or shakes. Then, you and your therapist will plan a weekly schedule to help you develop positive coping skills to handle the emotions underneath the food issues your are experiencing. To get started with a phone consultation, call/text 860-451-9364.

Mental Health, Depression, and Nutrition

For some, nutrition and depression go hand in hand. First, nutrition falls, then depression comes. And, if you feel rushed, overwhelmed, and have develop medical issues, you can finally get the mind, body, spirit support you’ve been needing.

A Healthy Relationship With Yourself and Food

This is about building a fun-loving, positive, and intimate relationship with real food, so you can live until you are 100 years old! Food can be a tough subject loaded with anger, emotions, and feelings. So, your holistic therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic will help you learn how to use food as medicine and be your own best friend.

Feeling Frustrated Around Food? Food and Mood: Nutrition Counseling Session in Niantic

For your nutrition counseling session in Niantic, your therapist will focus on your personalized needs, allergies, or presenting medical concern. A plan will be created to help you incorporate more balancing foods. Food is a family matter! You or your loved one may have a recent diagnosis including sensory processing disorder, autism spectrum disorder, diabetes, gout, high cholesterol, chronic kidney stones, gluten-sensitivity, dairy-sensitivity, or another. And, at Wisdom Within Counseling, you get holistic therapy that helps you feel empowered to feel confident in your body.

Free Resource For You

Looking for some quick food tips to use today! Download this PDF to start feeling more balanced right now. Food & Mood Tips

Food Needs and Sensitivities

Perhaps you have a strong desire to come off medication and maintain your health with food and nutrition. Perhaps your child or young adult told you he or she wants to be vegetarian or vegan and you want to offer them sustainable, life skills.

Eating Disorder Treatment

Additionally, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling also works closely with all ages who develop eating disorders. When that is the case, we use nutrition counseling in conjunction with weekly or twice-a-week counseling sessions to foster growth. Read more about teens and eating disorders, here.

Building A Loving Relationship with Food, and Yourself

First, you get to talk about your worries, what has worked, what you have tried, and the emotional component to eating. Further, you get to share your story, and look at the deep emotions and experiences under your behavior of eating such as trauma, trust, intimacy, food, lifelong sustainability, self-love, and self-care. In conclusion, nutrition therapy in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling compliments talk therapy sessions for your child, frustrated adolescent, and anxious teen very well.

Want Something Personalized? A Personal Touch To Food Prep

Further, we personalize everything to your needs and desires. For example, You get to organize sessions to fit your schedule. In fact, we provide appointments on the weekdays and weekends in the mornings, afternoons, and late evenings.

Want Confidence From Within and Through Food?

Remember, feeling tired, having allergies, and feeling depressed can be helped through food. You don’t have to feel like this forever. And, this is a playful, hands on exploration of touching food, building an intimate relationship with yourself, making recipes, trying new foods, getting a little messy, and encouragement.

Looking for something holistic and out-of-the-box?

Throughout your week at work and with your family, you will be snacking on you new homemade protein pack or recipe learned in your holistic therapy session in Niantic. You’ll remember your wisdom within, feel empowered, and be ready to take on the world!

Picky Eaters? My Speciality.

This type of nutrition therapy is helpful for people who are picky or sensitive eaters because it takes the fear and intimidation away from food and leaves you feeling confident and strong!

Call/text to get started in a nutrition support session for self-confidence 860) 451-9364.

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