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What Is The Pre-Teen Girls Group?

Why Do We Offer A Pre-Teen & Tween Girls Group In Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling Anyway?

Adolescent art group in Niantic, Connecticut, Niantic, Connecticut, Creative Artsy Girls Group, LGBTQ transgender teenagers welcome, self-esteem, relationship issues, anxiety skills, depression, frequent crying help, positive body image for eating disorder therapy, yoga,

Pre-Teen Girls Group In Niantic

For Confidence, Communication, and Connection

Now, this adolescent art group in Niantic, Connecticut is designed with pre-teenage girls ages 10-14 in mind. And, this weekly program provides young women with a safe, supportive environment. And, with a safe place to let out their stresses, your middle school girl can feel accepted and belong in the world.

Why would this adolescent art group in Niantic, Connecticut be a good fit for your daughter?

Further, this adolescent art group in Niantic, Connecticut provides positive coping skills to handle difficult feelings in healthy ways. So, if you daughter is struggling with making friends, this group can help. Or, if other friends are dating, or you’re getting divorced, this group supports her emotions through those family changes. Also, pre-teen girls will have an opportunity to explore their hopes, doubts, dreams, and fears under the guidance of an experienced adolescent and teen therapist here in Niantic, Connecticut. Call/text 860-451-9364 to enroll your daughter in this adolescent art group in Niantic, Connecticut.

The Benefits of the Girl’s Group Experience in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling

Unlike individual therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, this group experience gives pre-teen and tween girls a place to feel a sense of community. Many times, pre-teen girls need professional therapeutic guidance of an adult who they can trust that is outside of their family. And, this tween girls group in Niantic allows tween girls an opportunity to share their life experiences, encourage others, give advice, receive support and most importantly feel a sense of belonging.

Does your pre-teen say, “I’m too fat? I need to eat less?”

Improved Body Image For Pre-Teen Girls in Southeastern CT

First, one great benefit of this pre-teen girls group in Niantic is improved body image. Often, teen girls develop body image issues from the media and cultural influences. And, if these body image concerns go unaddressed, they can unfortunately develop into an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.

How can this adolescent art group in Niantic, Connecticut help young women love themselves?

Losing weight, restrictive food behaviors, and anorexia are very real. Further, your middle school girl can learn to understand the influences that affect how she sees her body. Also, she can learn self-love and self-care. Rather than worrying about what others think, she can develop confidence. And, in this adolescent art group in Niantic, Connecticut, pre-teens can learn acceptance. Plus, the positive environment encourages giving compliments and focusing on loving herself. Lastly, she can learn positive self-talk skills. And, she can let go of unrealistic cultural expectations and overcome her inner critic. Are you concerned that your teen has an eating disorder? Read more about teens and eating disorders, here.

So, call/text 860-451-9364 to enroll your child in the adolescent art group in Niantic, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling.

Niantic, Connecticut, Creative Artsy Girls Group, LGBTQ transgender teenagers welcome, self-esteem, relationship issues, anxiety skills, depression, frequent crying help, positive body image for eating disorder therapy, yoga, child therapist, teenager therapist, loss and trauma counseling, family therapy

Does your pre-teen say in frustration, “You just don’t get me! No one understand me.”

More Effective Communication Skills

Secondly, attending this weekly pre-teen girls group at Wisdom Within Counseling teaches positive coping skills. And, these positive coping skills include identifying emotions and learning how to verbally express feelings to convey inner feelings to others. Also, middle school girls will have a chance to identify communication styles and express emotions through creative art therapies.

How can this adolescent art group in Niantic, Connecticut help your pre-teen resolve conflict?

Likewise, pre-teen girls learn different skills weekly to handle conflict with peers and teachers in healthy ways. From therapeutic skills, handling conflict becomes easier. Additionally, pre-teen girls learn to be assertive and ask for what they need without being aggressive or passive. Perhaps, it is learning to ask for a paint brush or paper in group. Then, these confidence skills translate to school and life. In conclusion, this pre-teen girls group in Niantic, Connecticut also includes fun activities through art resolve conflict in constructive ways. Do you have a high schooler? Check out the teen girls group, here. Call/text 860-451-9364 to get your middle schooler enrolled in the adolescent art group in Niantic, Connecticut at Wisdom Within Counseling.

Adolescent art group in Niantic, Connecticut, Niantic, Connecticut, Creative Artsy Girls Group, LGBTQ transgender teenagers welcome, self-esteem, relationship issues, anxiety skills, depression, frequent crying help, positive body image for eating disorder therapy, yoga, child therapist, teenager therapist, loss and trauma counseling, family therapy, art therapies niantic, ct

Other Social-Emotional Benefits For Adolescent Girls and Pre-Teen Girls here in Niantic

Pre-Teenagers Learn To Set Healthy Boundaries

And, middle school girls can learn positive coping skills to negotiate healthy friendships. Therefore, they can form healthy boundaries with friend into high school and college years too. Moreover, pre teen girls can learn how to stop letting their friends walk all over them. Likewise, pre teen girls learn to identify their personal strengths, academic values, and present themselves in a way that attracts quality friendships. Call/text 860-451-9364 for more information.

Middle Schoolers Can Release Negative Self-Talk

Similarly, pre-teen girls can end negative belief patterns about their body and self-judgment, and form positive thoughts. These skills for understanding and overcoming all or nothing thinking can be used in college years and beyond. And, pre teen girls can finally develop social-emotional skills for building positive relationships. These emotional, empathy-building skills aren’t taught in school such as math, science, or P.E. Just like academics, social-emotional skills need to be taught over time too. Tween girls can receive professional support and peer-to-peer advice from girls who understand how they are feeling too!

Adolescent therapist, creative, artsy, LGBTQ, non binary, transgender counseling Southeastern Connecticut

How Can This Tween Girls Group Help Your Teen Be More Confident?

The Pre-Teen Girls Group in Niantic combines the best elements of group therapy with positive coping skills, creative art, role playing, and an age-appropriate curriculum that teaches middle school tweens critical skills in communication, self-acceptance, and self-reflection leading to improved self-esteem and self-confidence!

Niantic, Connecticut, Creative Artsy Girls Group, LGBTQ transgender teenagers welcome, self-esteem, relationship issues, anxiety skills, depression, frequent crying help, positive body image for eating disorder therapy, yoga, child therapist, teenager therapist, loss and trauma counseling, family therapy

How Does It Work?

Call/text to enroll 860-451-9364. Then, complete the electronic paperwork that Wisdom Within Counseling sends you. Arrive 10 minutes early.

Location: 8 W. Main St, 3-15. Niantic, CT 076357
Call/text: 860 -451 -9364

Learn more about this incredible program! Call or text 860 -451 -9364 to learn more and enroll.

It is important to pre-register before attending this group.

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