First, narcissistic personality disorder causes some one to only think of themselves. And, someone with narcissistic personality disorder can’t show empathy. Often, this disorder develops from experiencing severe childhood trauma. For some children, they don’t get the emotional connection, affection, or attention they need. Unfortunately, narcissists and gaslighters make being in a relationship with others very hard. Often, narcissists and gaslighters don’t easily trust others. For people who have narcissistic personality disorder, they don’t usually know how to show emotions, and have trouble reading emotions. Also, if you have ever romantically dated someone with narcissistic personality disorder, you know how hard and abusive that can be.
What is it like to exit a relationship with someone who is a narcissist?
Well, if you find yourself dating someone with narcissistic personality disorder, it will feel abusive in time. First, you may feel like this person is trying to control you. Next, you’ll feel like your partner with narcissistic personality disorder is not your partner, but withholds love. Also, if you partner has narcissistic personality disorder, they will often verbally abuse you to make you feel small. Adult children of alcoholics were often raised by narcissistic parents. People with narcissism try to make other people feel insecure or stupid to remain in control. To note, the reason someone with narcissistic personality disorder does this is because of their PTSD history as a child.

Why do narcissists and gaslighters tend act the way they do?
First, gaslighting is a form of verbal and emotional abuse. Gaslighting, when your spouse makes you question your reality to make you feel insane, is abusive. So, if you recently got our of an abusive relationship with someone with narcissistic personality disorder, you may actually have PTSD yourself. People with narcissistic personality disorder can exhibit gaslighting. However, everyone who uses gaslighting does not having narcissistic personality disorder.
If you experienced gaslighting and were in a relationship with someone with narcissism, our team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you holistically!
Now, a person who has a narcissistic personality will always want others to see them as perfect. So, in order to uphold that perfect persona, your spouse may tell you not to cry.
What is an example of gaslighting or verbal abuse?
For example, your self-centered spouse may disregard traffic laws, and break promises. This provides a sense of superiority and is ego centered. In general, they think they are above the law. Like, boundaries don’t apply. Moreover, gaslighting behavior can include direct humiliation. So, your partner makes fun of you in front of a group of mutual friends. Or, your narcissistic partner makes sarcastic comments in an effort to cause you embarrassment. Also, even a hateful text message that leaves you questioning your sound judgment can be gaslighting. Lastly, narcissists are very quick to look down upon and judge others for being gay, fat, or anything different than why they think someone should be.

Do you feel like some feelings are not okay to show?
Or, you spouse with narcissistic personality issues may shame you or even make fun of you for crying. For people with narcissism issues, trauma therapy along with couples therapy is very effective. Often, narcissists and gaslighters grew up in a home where their parents didn’t show them love. Perhaps, their parents taught them to be cold and manipulative. Living in a home without love, presence, kindness, or affection really damages a child. So, for many people with narcissistic personality issues, they have these issues because their inner child is not developed. Therefore, holistic marriage and family therapy can really help you and your partner.
What is different about Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut?
On that note, we use creative art to help you heal after being in an abusive relationship. Right now, you are feeling low self-esteem, low self-worth, and maybe even regret taking your partner back. But, at the time, that was the best you could do. Perhaps you need a holistic, calm, safe place to let of your feelings and pay attention to yourself! Now, if your partner wasn’t there for you emotionally, thats really hard. But, we can teach you how to be your own best friend and really love yourself.
Really, holistic marriage and family therapy is a journey of self-love and self-care.
You get to do yoga, mediations, walk outside by the beach, and even painting to transform yourself and grow. You’ll gain a positive coping skills tool box to notice red flags in the future and be confident. Overall, we offer a holistic, creative approach to traditional marriage and family therapy.