First. Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, is about self-love. To note, you get to learn the very best practices for empowerment, and self-love. Also, Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, involves breathing skills for anxiety. Likewise, you’ll learn yoga poses to help ease pain. Additionally, in Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, you’ll learn guided meditations for relaxation and calmness. For instance, Yoga Nidra, can help you sleep deeply theough the night. Through nutrition, you’ll learn what foods balance you. You can feel great in your skin! Lastly, Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, is all about refilling your energy reserves. You’ll feel balance and centeredness.
Do you have digestion problems or irritable bowel syndrome?
Right now, you’re having gas, bloating, and an upset stomach in the morning. And, you are taking medications that give you problems. Healthy digestion, something everyone can attain, is possible. But, having proper digestion through Niantic nutrition counseling, takes a professional to guide you. And, in nutrition counseling sessions, you’ll learn sustainable eating. Likewise, you’ll receive specific meal plans personalized to your favorite foods and food you need to avoid. Also, from Niantic nutrition counseling, you learn about long lasting energy through food. From simple food changes, and professional guidance, you’ll start to have more energy and feel better about your body.
How can Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, help you feel balanced?
Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, teaches lifelong balance. First, you’ll learn specific coping skills to handle physical pain or physical ailments. Then, you’ll learn how to rebalance yourself and let go in the moment. Quickly, you can implement the positive coping skills learned in sessions, to re-center yourself. Plus, you learn breathing techniques, yoga poses, and create a personalized self care plan. Yoga therapy in Niantic, Connecticut is all about bringing out your authentic self.
Have you always wanted to feel authentic being yourself?
Have you always wanted something but you put other people’s feelings before your own? Yoga therapy is all about putting yourself first! And, you get to fully express yourself in Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga.
Are you looking for more than just talk counseling?
Now, Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, brings spirituality to the table. To note, you get to learn about yourself in mind, body, and spirit. If you’ve been having low back pain, and modern medicine is not working, Niantic yoga therapy could be exactly what you need. Back pain is often related to root chakra issues. If you had a tough childhood, are you making a huge life transition, or going through a big move, your first chakra can get out of balance. If your first chakra isn’t rebalanced, you will still feel ungrounded no matter how much medication you take.
Is your root chakra unbalanced and are you going through a huge life transition?
So, if your root chakra is uncentered, you’ll keep feeling stuck. In Niantic yoga therapy, you can learn ways to re-center your first chakra, your root chakra. From here, you will feel confident in your roots! And, you’ll have a strong foundation from which to grow! Niantic Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, is about building a loving relationship with yourself!!
What does Katie Ziskind believe works best?
In holistic marriage and family therapy, I believe that is the best approach is one that brings in Eastern and Western medicine. From ancient India, Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, offers so much. In Ayurveda counseling sessions, you will learn specific mind and body therapies for mindfulness, self acceptance, and self love. From a strong and healthy sense of self, then you can create healthy, meaningful relationships with others.
Do you keep finding yourself dating alcoholic partners that don’t care about you emotionally?
If you’re a person that keeps picking alcoholic partners, and you keep getting mad at yourself for this, yoga therapy is perfect. Yoga therapy allows you to look at yourself without judgment, so that you can change old patterns into positive energy. If you’re stuck on regret and guilt from a past trauma, Niantic yoga therapy offers you relief in mind, body, and spirit. Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, combined with traditional marriage and family therapy, both can help you feel resilient and have positive self-esteem.

Would you like to feel confident and authentic being yourself and expressing your feelings?
From a healthy level of self-esteem and self-confidence, you can attract other healthy people around you. If you are used to picking negative partners because you’re great at caretaking and nurturing, I can help you choose healthy people. Holistic marriage and family therapy is about choosing yourself and being your own best friend. Lastly, Ayurveda counseling sessions, the sister science of yoga, is about putting yourself first.