Do you worry your spouse is an alcoholic?
And, do you and your spouse get into frustrating conflicts when you drink alcohol?
Do you notice negative alcoholic and drinking behaviors in your young adult, and you want them to have better coping tools?
As well, did you grow up in a home where you were raised by alcoholic parents?
Would you like a stronger, more emotionally close marriage?
First off, if you or your spouse has symptoms of alcoholism, this can create marital conflict. Often times, adults who have alcohol use disorders have difficulty controlling their drinking. Wisdom Within Counseling offers alcoholism and childhood trauma counseling in New Canaan, CT.
Therefore, you or your spouse may have an alcohol addiction if you rapidly increase your use of alcohol around stressful times.
Alcoholism and childhood trauma counseling in New Canaan, CT can help you and your spouse identify the triggers behind your problem drinking. Maybe, your spouse’s anxiety triggers your drinking. Or, your boss yelling at you triggers your urge to drink alcohol. Frequently, people who have alcoholism will focus entirely on drinking. So, at work, you are thinking about going to the package store right after. Essentially, at a restaurant, an alcoholic will always order alcohol over water. On that note, alcoholism and childhood trauma counseling in New Canaan, CT can help you build a sober life. And, once drinking, alcoholics can’t make themselves stop drinking alcohol. But, with counseling, you can learn positive coping tools to live free from alcohol.
What makes someone an alcoholic?
And, an alcoholic is unable to focus on other important people in their lives like their children or their spouse. Alcoholism and childhood trauma counseling in New Canaan, CT can help you learn to have fun without drinking. On that note, if you identify as an alcoholic, and you have noticed your drinking is increasing, counseling can help you understand where your desire to drink comes from. Maybe, it is childhood trauma. Often times, people with alcohol use disorder grew up in a home environment where their parents had trouble with drinking too.
Did you grow up with alcoholic parents?
Often times, as a child, you may have avoided bringing your friends home after school because you didn’t know if your parent would be drunk and passed out. Or, you felt too embarrassed to have friends over because you parents were emotionally unstable. In addition, adults who have problem drinking behaviors may have generational alcoholism. Lastly, alcoholism and childhood trauma counseling in New Canaan, CT can help you identify where alcoholism started in your family tree.
Frequently, adults who have alcoholism learned this behavior from a parent who used alcohol to cope in a negative way.
Many times, if you have a desire to stop drinking, you might be the first person in your family and in your generation to stop. First off, if you are an alcoholic, it’s important to understand that once you start drinking, it is uncontrollable. So, alcoholism and childhood trauma counseling in New Canaan, CT helps you have coping tools to find what you can control in your life. You can gain a sense of empowerment from alcohol counseling.
Alcoholism and childhood trauma counseling in New Canaan, CT helps you build positive coping skills
Often, alcoholism is a negative coping tool to push away feelings. And, people who are alcoholics will often obsess over getting their next drink of alcohol. So, you may avoid going to work to get drunk. Or, you may skip out of your child’s baseball game to go to the package store.

So, when it comes to marriage counseling, it’s important to look at the alcoholism first and treat it.
Frequently, marriage counselors make an error by trying to focus on the relationship versus trying to treat alcoholism first. In marriage counseling, learning about alcoholism comes first. And, in marriage counseling, talking about alcoholism might mean talking about childhood trauma.
How do children show trauma symptoms?
Commonly, children growing up in a home where a parent was an alcoholic have more aggression and compulsive behaviors. Children growing up with an alcoholic parent may have trouble restraining their own alcohol use. As well, children may have trouble in school concentrating due to an unstable home life. In addition, identifying yourself as an adult child of an alcoholic parents means that you missed out on your childhood.
Often times, children who grew up with an alcoholic parent have to parent their parents.
As a 10 year old, you may have had to put your drunk and vomiting parent to bed. Or, you may have grown up in a family where you felt afraid of high conflict or emails related to alcoholism. Now, in your adult life, you are aware that you are a product of parents who drink too much alcohol. In counseling, you can learn about how alcoholism runs in families. And addition, you may have noticed that your parents had blackouts, dizziness, and anger. And, now in your life, you find yourself craving alcohol.
Wisdom Within Counseling can help you change your family pattern for the better.
In addition, you might notice the same behaviors in yourself where alcohol is causing problems with your romantic relationship and with your children. Commonly, even when alcohol causes you major problems with your career or with your family, you might find it hard to stop drinking. Lastly, working with a counselor can help you manage the anxiety in the loneliness beneath your alcoholism.

Essentially, by treating the trauma and their fear beneath your alcoholism, you can start to overcome your substance dependence.
Work with one of our alcoholism specialists today.
We are a highly specialized group of marriage and family therapists with extensive training. As well, we help anxious children, depressed, self-harming teens with eating disorders, and LGBTQIA+ and queer adults. In addition, we help adults with alcoholism and distant couples understand alcohol use disorders. We teach skills and positive coping tools for emotional confidence. In alcoholism and childhood trauma counseling in New Canaan, CT, we offer options in addition to sitting and traditional talking to go beyond words. Often, these holistic therapies help when children and adults don’t want to talk.

So, in alcoholism and childhood trauma counseling in New Canaan, CT, you can pick from play therapy, art therapy, yoga, meditation, music and outdoor walking therapies by the beach.
Our team offers in person and video openings and a creative, relationship-building approach to helping families thrive.