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Drug and alcohol counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut

Anxiety counseling, Niantic, Connecticut, depression alcoholism, alcohol drinking, drugs, sobriety, drug and alcoholic counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut

Drug and alcohol counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut

First, you feel out of balance. One moment, you’re happy and the next, you’re tired, anxious, and  angry. With drugs and alcohol always on your mind, working is getting harder. Do you want help developing your life goals? And, would you like help creating a loving relationship with yourself to attract healthy friends? Lastly, would you like Professional help getting sober for real? Learn more about drug and alcohol counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, here. Generally, the team of therapists in Niantic, CT help you learn anxiety coping skills. And, your therapist can help you live a sober life with DBT skills. From there, you can learn skills to feel socially confident and release alcohol for good. Call or text 860-451-9364 for holistic drug and alcoholic counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut.

Also, do you feel lack of motivation and want to find yourself again? Or, do you feel depression and no purpose in life? Do you got your liquor cabinet every day? And, need to drink alcohol daily? Are you friends alcoholics or do you wish you had more healthy friends? Or, do your children and family distance themselves from you? Also, do you feel anxious, moody, angry, and unstable emotionally? Lastly, do you struggle with relationships with siblings, children, and friends? To share, these are signs of drug addiction, alcoholism, and alcohol use disorder. 

Call us for help with alcoholism in East Lyme, Connecticut- 860-451-9364.

Eating Disorder and Alcohol Use and Your Inner Critic

Drinking alcohol and an eating disorder both are negative coping skills. Therefore, someone pushes away feelings and emotions, and is not really dealing with them. An eating disorder is a sign that you have pain and loss under the behavior. Likewise, avoiding pain from the past leads to alcoholism. By understanding the underlying feelings of anxiety, shame, guilt, a person gains understanding for themselves and self-awareness to make positive changes. In therapy, people with alcoholism and eating disorders find inner peace, contentment, and relief from their sabotaging behaviors. Parents and grandparents end up passing down the inner critic and negative behaviors. Read more about adult children of alcoholics, here.
Drug and alcohol counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut helps you overcome and heal after childhood trauma, physical abuse, or sexual abuse? 

Often, after enduring trauma of some kind, a person turns to restricting/binging with food, develops an eating disorder, or drinks alcohol. Next, in hopes to numb and control their feelings, they use their eating disorder and alcohol to escape. However, pushing away these feelings only makes negative behaviors more extreme. Then, going to the hospital for a eating disorder, DUI’s, and anger management classes, life is stressful.

Call or text 860-451-9364 for creative, holistic drug and alcohol counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut. 

Pushing Inner Dragons Away Makes Them Come Back Even Worse
Often, when a person stops drinking, they may be unaware that they are developing an eating disorder or other negative behavior to control and suppress their inner feelings. Also, by validating and hearing your emotions in counseling, you can develop skills to live a sober life. Sometimes, it’s just mean quitting smoking cigarettes and nicotine. For others, sobriety means no longer drinking alcohol.

Call or text 860-451-9364 for creative, holistic drug and alcohol counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut. 

they will become your friend. Listen to your emotions and let your dragons tell their story. In a therapists office, this healing from an eating disorder and alcoholism can take place. Then, when a person starts drinking again, they have a different relationship with their eating disorder. Read more about how to identify an eating disorder, here. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help in drug and alcohol counseling areas. From talking in a safe space, you can feel empowerment and inner strength.

Eating Disorders and Alcoholism Are A Negative Escape From Feelings
And, it may seem like it semi goes away. The alcoholic part takes over. Healing these deep feelings will stop negative behaviors. So, the feelings beneath are what perpetuate the eating disorder and alcoholism. An alcoholic feels like they can’t stop drinking. However, once they begin working with a therapist, they create a better life. Then, after this person gets sober again, their inner critic, mean parts, and exiled feelings fuel their eating disorder. An eating disorder and alcoholism are both behaviors that need nurturing, support, and compassion in therapy.
Therapy That is Integrative and Holistic in Niantic at Wisdom Within Counseling
And, the deep rooted pain from childhood experiences surface. So, the feelings and emotions of blame, shame, guilt, betrayal, and neglect are underneath both an eating disorder and alcoholism. Likewise, crying is healing. Also, talking can be supportive with a licensed marriage and family therapist, such as Katie Ziskind LMFT. To add, learn more about the relationship between drinking and eating disorders, by reading. For example, Drinking A Love Story, by Caroline Knapp, is a good book. In the book, Caroline Knapp is an alcoholic and shares her story of battling an eating disorder and alcoholism. Additionally, alcoholism is seen as a disease that can impact a person, families, and generations. Finally, we help alcoholics who want to get sober create a meaningful, intentional sober life with healthy friendships.

Call or text 860-451-9364 for creative, holistic drug and alcohol counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut. 

Family therapy, Niantic, ct, cold therapy, alcoholism, alcohol, sobriety, drug and alcoholic counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut
Moreover, We Offer Better Self-Esteem Skills and Communication Skills. Here’s Information About How Wisdom Within Counseling in East Lyme, CT Can Help You
To note, marriage and family in Niantic is integrative and holistic, Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500, practice owner of Wisdom Within Counseling, is here for you. Likewise, Katie Ziskind LMFT, RYT500 accepts you just the way you are in this moment. Katie Ziskind specialized with a variety of issues including substance and alcohol use as well as eating disorders in counseling. Also, at Wisdom Within Counseling, near East Lyme, Connecticut, is a practice that uses art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies woven together with talk therapy. Wisdom Within Counseling is an LGBTQIA+ friendly practice that advocates for youth and adults. Read more about LGBTQ support at Wisdom Within Counseling, here.

Call or text 860-451-9364 for creative, holistic drug and alcohol counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut. 

Katie Ziskind. drug and alcoholic counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut
To conclude, only a few open sessions are left in Katie Ziskind’s schedule. To begin, call or text 860-451-9364 to begin in integrative, holistic therapy that can help you heal from your negative behaviors, eating disorder or alcoholism.
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