Struggling with a boring sex life? Would you like to try using sex toys when you self-pleasure? Have you and your long term partner been needing creative ways to explore sexual pleasure? Do you want to have a more fulfilling, playful sex life in your marriage? Marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida helps couples gain intimacy, closeness, and bond in new ways. Would you like help sharing your kinks, sexual interests, and exploring sex toys with your partner? Need help overcoming religious shame around sex, insecurities, or sexual performance anxiety? We are here to help.
Wisdom Within Counseling, in Orlando, Florida, provides you with a safe place to explore your sexuality through counseling and playing with sex toys.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you get a space to talk about orgasming, sex toys, and sexual pleasure. Counseling teaches couples how emotional safety is a foundation for a healthy sex life. And, you get to talk with your marriage therapist about how to incorporate new sex toys to spice up your sex life.
In this article, you can learn how the team of marriage and family therapists help individuals and couples have a passionate, meaningful marriage and sex life.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for more intimacy, encouragement to use sex toys, and marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.
There can be a number of issues that create a challenging, sex life and intimacy issues.
Differences in sex drives
When your sex life is not the way you want it to be, it is normal to feel frustrated and anxious.
You and your partner may have different sex drives. One of you may have a really high sex drive, where you want to have sex multiple times a day. The other one may only want to have sex once a week, making issues when it comes to giving and receiving physical affection.
Missed matched sex drives are a great topic to bring to marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida at Wisdom Within.

You and your partner may have had some emotional issues that are clogging up your sex life.
For instance, having anger, issues, communication, problems, or even issues setting aside time together to have sex can all play into a just satisfying sex life. When you are yelling in fights, this can really halt all sexual passion. Fight, flight and freeze stress responses kick in. One or both people go into protection mode. Counseling can help improve emotional intimacy and communication skills for couples.
If you are experiencing name-calling, high conflict, fights, or anger issues, this can dampen your sex life. Emotional connection and emotional intimacy are foundations for a happy sex life.
Lack of quality time together can be an issue for many couples
Maybe, you have opposite work schedules and you rarely get time alone together.
You may have children that seem to break up what could be sexy moments alone.
As well, you may have in-laws or extended family living with you that make showing affection more challenging at home. Couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can be the time set aside to cherish your spouse. You can bring back sexual pleasure and passion through couples therapy in Orlando, Florida.

How can intimacy and marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida support a satisfying sex life?
Melbourne, Florida couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you spice up your sex life by using different sex toys. As well, your marriage therapist can help you both by working on emotional security.
You can also talk about different issues like orgasmic disorders, anxiety problems, or insecurities.
Anxiety and stress can lead to a dissatisfying sex life
Sometimes, people struggle reaching orgasm due to anxiety and stress. Even anxiety around sexual performance play a role in relationship and intimacy issues.
Medications can lead to low sexual desire and a low libido
Sex issues couples face can be from different medication‘s, like anti-depressants. Anti-depressants and SSRIs can lower sex drive drastically. Marital therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help couples figure out where sexual challenges are originating from.
Chronic pain can lead to sex life challenges
As well, medical conditions like fibromyalgia, or chronic pain can also play a role in orgasming. The female orgasmic system needs to be free from pain. But, sex can also provide a boost in oxytocin, which naturally relieves pain. Overall, we offer a safe place to talk about sex, sexuality, and feeling sexual pleasure.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for more intimacy, encouragement to use sex toys, and marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.
Trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms can be triggered through sexual stimulation and lead to relationship and intimacy issues.
Wisdom Within Counseling helps women and their sexual partners, build a loving, meaningful, and safe sex life. However, past sexual trauma and trauma in general can lead to sexual problems. Anger and irritability can be a trauma symptom. Also, tearfulness is a trauma symptom. If your partner is struggling with trauma symptoms, they may start crying when a part of their body is touched.
Fight, flight, and freeze responses are symptoms of trauma. Couples therapy in Melbourne, Florida can be a safe place to process unresolved trauma memories.

How can using sex toys support individuals and couples?
Using sex toys can increase sexual arousal, feelings of closeness, and playfulness for individuals and couples.
How does the female orgasmic system work?
First of all, talking about the female orgasmic system is an important part using sex toys. In marriage therapy, you can learn about the female body parts that need stimulation. Touching certain body parts in a certain order can support a female in feeling feel sexual pleasure. For one, the clitoris is not talked about enough when it comes to intimacy.
Where is the clitoris located on the female body?
The clitoris is located at the top of the vulva and is a major sexual pleasure center for females. However, many sexual partners will often touch this area too roughly or too quickly before a female is fully aroused. A male body only needs about 4-8 minutes of sexual foreplay.
The female body requires 45 and about 90 minutes of sexual foreplay. After lots and lots of foreplay, then the clitoris is okay to touch. For females, sexual foreplay is key before touching the clitoris as it needs to become engorged with blood to feel good being touched. Foreplay is also both emotional and physical.
One reason why women struggle with orgasm being is because there is not enough foreplay.
Foreplay being 45 to 90 minutes allows a female body to respond.
Her clitoris will become engorged with blood as she gets closer to reaching an orgasm. As her neck, breasts, nipples, belly, and lock back are all touched, a female’s clit becomes engorged with blood.
As well, foreplay allows for a female to become sexually excited both physically and mentally. It takes time for a female’s mind to release the responsibilities of caretaking, the things on her to do list, and caring for others. Parenting, working, and doing it all can dampen sexual arousal mentally.
As well, taking the time to promote sexual pleasure through the use of sex toys can help women climax and orgasm.
Touching the erogenous zones is very important when it comes to adequate foreplay, sexual pleasure, and proper sexual stimulation to support an orgasm.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for more intimacy, encouragement to use sex toys, and marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.
Working various erogenous zones with fingertips, kissing, oral stimulation, and sex toys can improve your intimacy in your marriage.
A lot of times, long-term couples get stuck in just focusing on the end goal of the male partner reaching orgasm through vaginal penetration.
Unfortunately, when we focus only on vaginal penetration, females often do not reach orgasm and are not very sexually satisfied or aroused.

What are erogenous zones?
Various erogenous zones include the breast, belly, nipples, neck, earlobes, lower back, and genitals.
Each female will have a different area of their body that they like touched as a priority. One woman may want her neck, belly, and breasts played with, whereas another female may feel incredibly turned on when her buttocks and lower back are played with.
Erogenous zones allow a female’s body to become aroused sexually.
Her body responds to touch and foreplay by bringing more blood flow to her nipples and clitoris.
Once a female orgasms, her cervix deepens and widened, allowing for more comfortable and satisfying vaginal penetration. If a female’s vagina is penetrated is touched too soon, without enough foreplay, she may not feel so good. Each female has a different area on her body that has a heightened sensitivity to promote sexual pleasure.
Couples therapy supports good communication around sex
Having good communication can help you and your partner talk about what feels good sexually to you both. Communication around sexual desires and needs can improve through couples counseling. In couples therapy, you can talk about which parts of your body like touched for sexual stimulation.

A disinterest in sex can lead to marital issues and relationship problems
As a result of lack of foreplay, a female partner may feel less and less satisfaction from sexual experiences. Due to less sexual arousal from too short of foreplay, a female partner will often start declining sex.
There can be a number of reasons for sexual rejection.
When a female partner does not feel sexual pleasure, due to lack of foreplay, or too much focus on vaginal penetration, or just not having enough time to become aroused, she will often find sex much less enjoyable. This can lead to sexual rejection and a dissatisfying sex life.
In marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida, females and their partners can start talking about erogenous zones. Many couples go decades without talking about sexual pleasure. Many times, marital therapy supports couples in having more intimate conversations around sexual needs. Couples therapy supports sexual expression rather than not wanting to do something out of anxiety. Instead of facing sexual rejection in silence, Wisdom Within Counseling supports couples in having sexual conversations. Also, couples therapy helps partners communicate what type of touch these areas need to elicit sexual pleasure and can lead to orgasm.
Overall, marriage counseling in Melbourne, Florida helps couples create and maintain a diverse sex life.
When couples share orgasmic experiences before vaginal penetration, this can lead females to feel more sexual pleasure. A positive association starts to build between sexual activity and this reduces sexual rejection. As a result, when a female gets to orgasm before vaginal penetration, she will want to have more sexual experiences with her partner.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for more intimacy, encouragement to use sex toys, and marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.
Using different sex toys on erogenous zones can also produce intense, sexual pleasure.
Sex toys can support foreplay that leads to orgasm and make foreplay more playful.
In general, foreplay should be the main focus of sexual experiences when it comes to marriage counseling in improving intimacy. Couples counseling helps to take the focus on vaginal penetration and sex being the main goal.

Why are sex toys so playful and a fun part of your marriage counseling experience?
Sex toys can be an incredibly fun part of your marriage experience because you get to try new things together. Using new sex toys can improve sexual satisfaction for all people involved in a relationship.
We talk about sex toys and how they can support your sex life below.
Often times, couples get stuck in a boring routine and never step outside of their comfort zone.
Try using lubricants during sexual play
Lack of adequate lubrication can make sexual intercourse painful and unsatisfying. Now, if you experience painful sex, there may be more than one root cause.
Counseling at Wisdom Within can help you figure out what is going on. With that said, using a lubricant can make sexual intercourse more passionate, satisfying, and pleasant for females. A lubricant can increase the pleasure for both partners. Use can use lubricants or natural oils when it comes to anal sex, fingering, or vaginal penetration. For example, olive oil or coconut oil can be used if you are looking for something more natural. Also, try out different water-based and silicone-based lubes, which are also great. It is important to always use lubricant when having anal play, using a butt plug, or having anal sex.
Along with lengthening foreplay, how can lubricants help with painful sex?
Lubricants can help if a females experiencing painful sex due to vaginal dryness. Lack of natural lubricant in the vagina can come from various places. For one, being on allergy medication naturally dries the mucus areas of the body, including the vagina. As well, lack of natural lubrication in your vagina can come from not enough foreplay. Lubricants can be a simple addition to your current sexual routine.

Vibrators and dildos can bring sexual pleasure
As well, a vibrator can provide a different type of sensation than a human hand or mouth. Vibrators can be small and discreet, or they can be large. Using a vibrator can be a fun way to spice up your sex life. There are vibrators that beat to sound of music. As well, there are clitoral vibrators or nipple clamp vibrators. There are fingertip vibrators that are much smaller. Working with a marriage therapist in Orlando, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you find which vibrator is most suitable for you.
Remote control vibrators for long-distance couples playing sexually together
If you are in a long-distance relationship, you can find a wi-fi control vibrator that corresponds to your needs across the miles. You can connect to an app from far away. While a female has the vibrator on her body, her partner can be controlling the wi-fi app vibrator from miles away.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for more intimacy, encouragement to use sex toys, and marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.
What are some other sex toys Wisdom Within Counseling in Orlando, Florida encourages couples to use?
Sex toys can also include adult games such as board games. As well, you can use dildos, anal beads, butt plugs, and more to spice to your sex life.
In marriage counseling, couples can talk about different emotional experiences that come from using new sex toys. There may be excitement, joy, pleasure, as well as anxiety that comes from vibrators, massage oils, nipple clamps, or butt plugs. You may feel a more passionate, intense connection from bettering your sex life. Or, you may have more orgasms that you never knew were possible. As well, couples often feel a new connection that occurred during the sexual experience.
Additionally, couples and individuals can feel encouraged and safe trying new sex toys through counseling.
Religious shame can make people feel taboo for wanting to try sex toys. Therapy can help couples overcome religious trauma and religious shame around sexual pleasure. Through working with a marriage therapist in Orlando, Florida at Wisdom Within, you can feel safe expressing yourself sexually.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help couples and individuals feel more confident in their sexual expression.
Self-pleasure and masturbation
Sometimes, people feel that masturbation in a relationship is bad. We learn what we like from touching ourselves sexually and masturbation. A female partner can incorporate sex toys into self pleasuring experiences to increase dopamine and serotonin. Self-pleasure and masturbation always okay and acceptable. Using sex toys in self pleasure can promote more sexual confidence. Self-awareness from masturbation helps individuals share what they need more clearly.
From a great sex life, a female and her partner experiences more bonding, love, and a sense of commitment.
Whether you are in the same-sex, poly or heterosexual relationship, incorporating sex toys can bring more pleasure. As you know, sex toys can help a females clitoris become engorged with blood to support an orgasm, or multiple orgasms.
Marital therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help women feel more sexual pleasure with sex toys.
Masturbation can help a female know what she wants to incorporate into partner sexual experiences. Sex toys as a whole can provide a change of routine.
Overall, using sex toys helps support female sexual pleasure. Helping a woman climax and reach orgasm before vaginal penetration is an essential part of a positive sex life. As well, expressing sexual passion and sexual energy is a big part of marriage counseling.
In a positive, satisfying sex life, a female partner should always have the amount of time needed to reach an orgasm.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for more intimacy, encouragement to use sex toys, and marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.

How to talk to your romantic and sexual partner about incorporating new sex toys?
If you want to use a new sex toy, take the time to talk with your partner about it before the event occurs. Your partner might have their own sexual shame from their religion or childhood. Maybe, your partner is dealing with fears and that they might need to voice in intimacy and marital counseling. Your partner might have anxiety about if something goes wrong when using a new sex toy that marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida can support with. Maybe, they had a bad experience in the past they want to talk about.
If you use a sex toy during self pleasure and masturbation, you know how you like to use it, and what it feels like. Counseling can help partners communicate pleasure and passion.
From using a sex toy during self pleasure, you can more easily verbalize with your partner how you want to sex were used during part or sex. You might want to show your partner a website link. Or, you can send them a picture of the sex toy you want to use. Or, you might tell them how you like it used.
When using a new sex toy, it is very important to ask for consent, and make sure all parties involved are consenting.
Don’t talk right in the moment without any advance notice. Your partner may need time to talk about their fears. Talking about using new sex toys can increase sexual pleasure because females can achieve multiple orgasms more easily.
You can talk about what it would be like to use a sex toy in counseling. As well, you can have a safe place to discuss how the sex toy can increase sexual pleasure for everyone involved.
We are LGBTQIA+, transgender, queer, non-binary, bi, gender, non-binary, and alternative relationship affirming.
We help couples who are polyamorous, practicing ethical, non-monogamy, or monogamous couples who are looking to increase their sexual pleasure. Intimacy skills are not ones we learn in school. We learn about math and science, but not emotional intelligence or emotional intimacy.
No matter, your relationship style or your sexual orientation, our team of marriage and family therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you build sexual pleasure and have incredible orgasms.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for more intimacy, encouragement to use sex toys, and marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.
Sex toys can help a woman focus on herself rather than care taking for all others in her life.
Women are stuck in a caretaking role. Being so giving to others and children all day can lead to sexual desire issues. Being in the role of “mother” or “employee” doesn’t feel sexy. There is a mental shift when it comes to enjoying sexual pleasure. Sex toys can help a female feel empowered and know she deserves sexual pleasure. So, taking time to refocus on your sexuality can be a liberating experience.

In what ways can talking about using new sex toys in marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida increase sexual pleasure?
Building sexual confidence is one benefit from using sex toys. Sexual pleasure can be multiplied for females from multiple orgasms that can be more easily attained from using sex toys.
Marriage therapy in Melbourne, Florida area can support communicating which sex toys you like best.
Healthy communication skills are so essential for increasing sexual pleasure. Marriage therapy supports healthy communication about orgasming and sexual pleasure.

In marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida, you get a safe place to talk about trying new sex toys.
It is normal if one partner is more sexually experienced, for the other partner to feel a bit of anxiety.
Simply trying new things can bring up anxiety. Think about the first day of kindergarten, or the first time you had to go on a job interview. Performance anxiety is very real and a big topic in intimacy and marriage therapy sessions.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, our therapists help couples and individuals process sexual anxiety.
Performance anxiety can get in the way of a healthy sex life. Any type of worries, fear, or distraction, as a whole, can decrease a female‘s ability to orgasm.
Having a safe place to talk about guilt, shame, hurt, loss, and anger can promote a healthy sex life. As well, trying to sex toys can be a space to create adventure, mystery, and suspense.
Getting over anxiety and finally trying a new sex toy can be the best thing that has ever happened to you. You might need to help of a marriage therapist who specializes in intimacy with couples to help you do so.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for more intimacy, encouragement to use sex toys, and marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we can help you overcome, anxiety, fear, And mental distractions to be present in your body to fully understand that you deserve sexual pleasure. Sex toys can increase clitoral stimulation, and even provide better stimulation of the vaginal G spot or anal G spot.
You might find that you are less depressed after experiencing an orgasm due to the different chemicals released in your brain.
As well, talking about sex and sexuality can improve sexual health as a whole.
As well, you might find that you and your romantic partner feel more close, connected, and bonded after reaching an orgasm. Talking about sex in a positive way has many benefits for your relationship.

How can marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida be a safe place to talk about trying new sex toys?
If you partner has anxiety, marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida can be a safe place to process it.
In addition to the female, climax and orgasm, sex toys can have many benefits. Improving sex, life, improving intimacy, improving, sexual pleasure all come with great benefits. Women can achieve, not only one orgasm, but multiple orgasms.
Multiple orgasms can be a fun thing to play with when using sex toys. Sex toys can increase sexual pleasure even more for couples.
Pain relief is also a benefit as pain can be reduced by orgasming. From the dopamine and oxytocin released in the brain. After orgasming, there is less pain in the body from dopamine and oxytocin.

What are the other benefits from talking about using sex toys in marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida?
Yes, pain relief is a huge benefit from orgasming!
If you suffer from chronic pain or fibromyalgia, playing with sex toys, might be a nice alternative pain management method. As well, learning to orgasm and using new sex toys promotes sexual pleasure.
Using new sex toys can have a benefit on the communication you have in your marriage.
By communicating better about sex to use and sexual pleasure in your marriage, you can communicate better about finances, how to deal with emotional issues around the holidays, and more. The communication skills that you gain regarding sexual pleasure can translate to other areas of your marriage and relationship. We would love to help you build a satisfying, positive, and passionate sex life.
To begin, click below for a phone consult for more intimacy, encouragement to use sex toys, and marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida.

Additionally, having a healthy sex life and experiencing sexual pleasure can make going through different challenging life stages easier.
Going through menopause may be emotional and physical in terms of challenges, you face. So, improving sexual pleasure and orgasm through the use of sex toys during menopause can make menopause more easy. Other events, like dealing with stress, less stressful because you have had an orgasm.
Overall, Wisdom Within Counseling, you get a safe place to explore sexual expression, using your sex toys, and building a positive marriage.
You and your partner can explore the issues that might be dampening your sex life, such as poor communication, anger, lack of foreplay, and lack of education on the female orgasmic system.
By learning more about the female body and the female climax and orgasm, you can decide which sex toys are right for you.

Wisdom Within Counseling strives to give you a safe place to talk about why you are experiencing painful sex, low libido, lack of sex drive, or issues orgasming.
BDSM, role-play, and your libido and sex drive can help couples gain closeness. Wisdom Within Counseling is a kink positive marital therapy practice.
Emotional intimacy is a huge foundation for having a positive and healthy sex life.
So, marriage therapy in Orlando, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling is the place where you can improve emotional intimacy and bonding in order to improve sexual issues.
We would love to help you reduce relationship stress, and gain confidence around sexual pleasure like you have never had before.