If your teenager is self harming, this is a great reason to reach out for counseling. Sometimes, teenagers also question their gender, come out as non-binary, or come out with transgender. If your teenager is in the closet, and struggling with anxiety about coming out, they might be self harming. Self harm, cutting, self injury, and eating disorders and all the signs that your teenager needs emotional support. Specializing with transgender and LGBTQ teenagers, the team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling, support gender exploration and LGBTQIA+ counseling. Work with a transgender teen and self-harm teen therapist in Greenwich, Connecticut helps your adolescent gain holistic self-love tools. Stopping self-injury, skin picking, and nail biting takes the help of a professional with adolescent and teen anxiety. We provide real world alternatives like meditation, breathing skills, painting, creative art, yoga, music, and walking therapies for cutting and self-harm.

Your teenager in Greenwich, Connecticut might be non binary or transgender and going by they and them pronouns.
Pronouns are a part of their developing gender identity. As a parent, it is normal to feel a mixture of emotions when your teenager is self-harming, gender questioning, queer, or depressed. A part of you might be happy for your teen to explore their gender and come out. But, another part of you might feel concerned or worried about their lack of self-control and regulation. As well, another part of you as a parent, wants to learn more and get more education on what transgender and non-binary even mean. As a parent, teen therapy in Greenwich, CT helps strengthen your parent child bond. There are a variety of LGBTQIA+, transgender and queer labels that LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy with a specialist can help you understand.

How does art play a role in working with a transgender teen and self-harm teen therapist in Greenwich, Connecticut?
Often times, teenagers with depression, who might be questioning their gender or dealing with anger may not want to directly talk. Talking about emotions can cause a teenager to relive the anger right in session. Art therapy in Greenwich, CT is a positive coping tool.
To begin, click the pink button below for your phone consult to work with a transgender teen and self-harm teen therapist in Greenwich, Connecticut

Also, art in therapy promotes emotional creativity. Learning to paint, using a variety of different colors, and even holding a paintbrush relieves anxiety holistically. To add, using clay, and going for a walk in nature, and mindfulness meditation or holistic approaches. In Greenwich, CT, Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in holistic counseling for teenagers.
Furthermore, holistic counseling in Greenwich, Connecticut provides holistic alternatives to talking to release emotions.
On video counseling, your teenager can take part in yoga and meditation. Self-soothing skills are part of Greenwich, CT teen counseling. Also, yoga therapy and meditation supports positive coping strategies for mental clarity. Connection to mind, body and spirit build self-esteem holistically. meditation helps slow down anxiety and the thinking kind. To add, taking a deep breath can help with present moment thinking. However, anxious teens need help learning how to breathe under stress. More so, yoga therapy, relaxation tools, and mindfulness meditation support self-soothing. from better self-care, your teen can attract healthier friendships.
And, if your teenager has emotional meltdowns, self harm, self injuries, or needs help loving themselves, our counselors can help.
We specialize in adolescent and teen counseling. Also, Wisdom Within Counseling works with suicidal adolescents and teenagers in Greenwich, Connecticut. On video counseling sessions, your teenager’s therapist can guide them in a relaxing visualizations and meditations. As well, yoga poses promote self-love. Also, painting, drama therapies, Gottman couples therapy, and nature therapies help shift teens into being positive thinkers.
Relaxation skills when working with a LGBTQIA+ transgender teen and self-harm teen therapist in Greenwich, Connecticut

Learning how to relax is a skill just like learning how to ride a bike or learning how to swim. To add, your teenager is learning about math and science in high school in Greenwich, CT. That is more taught. However, they are not learning about how to cope with anxious or angry emotions in healthy ways.
In Greenwich, Connecticut, therapy tools help your teen remain calm when angry or upset.
Your moody or upset teenager might be getting in trouble at school. Maybe, they recently got a detention or suspension. Working with a therapist in Greenwich, Connecticut can help your teenager realize there are alternatives to self harm. And, they can mindfully choose healthier emotional coping outlets. When your teenager feels an intense emotion, counseling can help teach them how to let it go. We teach holistic approaches like art, yoga, music and nature therapies. And, letting go is an important life skill, especially without hurting themselves.

To begin, click the pink button below for your phone consult to work with a transgender teen and self-harm teen therapist in Greenwich, Connecticut
Self-love when working with an LGBTQIA+ transgender teen and self-harm teen therapist in Greenwich, Connecticut
Additionally, self-love is an important coping tool that therapy teaches teenagers. When your teenager is suffering from depression or anxiety, they are always negatively criticizing themselves. Your teenager might put pressure on themselves to be perfect all the time. Unfortunately, teenagers can be very self critical. When your teenager learns to talk negatively to themselves, they end up with very low self-esteem. As a result of low self-esteem, they may end up in a negative friendship, or negative relationship.
Working from the core, teen counseling supports self-love skills.
Your teenager can learn to self soothe next time they feel a distressing emotion. Whether they feel anxious, or feel like lying, or even self harming, your teenager can learn to choose a positive coping tools. Also, by using a positive coping tools, your teenager can learn to be mindful, and practice self love. Learning positive coping tools and utilizing them in the moment are important skills transgender teen and self-harm teen therapy in Greenwich, Connecticut teaches. This way, your teenager can feel more inner peace, and communicate their emotions better.

Working with an LGBTQIA+ transgender teen and self-harm teen therapist in Greenwich, Connecticut
You might want your teenager to develop strategies for emotional confidence to use in college life. One day, your teenager will be living out of your home and can now learn ways to calm them selves down. Currently, it feels like your teenager gets so angry or so anxious very quickly.
Teen therapy in Greenwich, CT builds confidence and positive self talk
Wisdom Within Counseling can help your teenager in Greenwich, Connecticut take a leadership role in their own mental health journey and develop self-care skills. Working with a holistic teen therapist supports self-worth and clarity. Also, teenagers in Greenwich, Connecticut can develop better self-esteem. Self-critical talk is very damaging. Plus, getting bullied js very hard. There is so much painful social competition. Teenagers with depression can learn how to talk positively to themselves from counseling in Greenwich, CT.
Therapy helps teenagers have someone outside of a parent and family to talk to you about big emotions

In some ways, it is really positive for teenagers to start to get in touch with her feelings. But, teenagers do not yet have the coping tools to release these feelings and healthy ways. Therapy for teenagers in Greenwich, Connecticut allows a safe space to talk about sexual orientation, healthy dating tools, and being honest. Therapy can help teenagers learn how to trust their parents, and feel positive about going to their parents for help.
Your teenager might not want to go to you as a parent because they are afraid to disappoint you.
Therefore, having a therapist helps your teenager feel safe talking about all different experiences and being honest. Also, your teenager’s therapist can inform you if there are concerning behaviors. Otherwise, your teenager can have a safe place, besides talking with parents. Your teenager might feel hesitant to talk to you as a parent about dating or safe sex. Therefore, talking in therapy helps your teenager make healthy choices around dating and safe sex.
In Greenwich, Connecticut, counseling for adolescents and teenagers builds self-esteem.

Is your teenager struggling academically?
To add, your teenager may have grades that are dropping. At one time, your adolescent did very well in school. And, they were successfully turning homework in. However, your teenager now no longer cares about school. Now, you get into conflicts over them doing school work. And, they just seem to care about napping. Additionally, depression is very real for teenagers and young adults. A lot of times, depression could mean that your teenager in Greenwich, Connecticut needs to talk about something they have been through. Essentially, with depression, your teenager may feel sluggish, irritable, anger, and refuse to attend school. There could be a story they have not shared that needs to come out. They might not be able to vocalize what they have experienced. Your teenager in Greenwich, Connecticut might have a deep emotion that they are feeling.
As well, your teenager may have anxiety and school avoidance.
As well, your adolescent might not want to go to school. Or, they have a panic attack before school in the morning. Crying, panic and anxiety cause your teenager overwhelm. As well, you want your teen to know how to confidently handle their emotions. As well, your teenager may develop nausea or throw up before school or when arriving at school. Working with a transgender teen and self-harm teen therapist in Greenwich, Connecticut builds lifelong coping tools. Art, yoga, music, drama and creative therapies offer a positive language beyond words.

Why work with a LGBTQIA+ transgender teen and self-harm teen therapist in Greenwich, Connecticut?
Additionally, your teenager might be coming out as gay, bisexual, or even pansexual. Wisdom Within Counseling specializes with sexuality, gender questioning, non binary, queer, transgender, and gender diverse adolescents and teenagers. So, if your teenager is coming out as transgender, or bigender, or they are cross-dressing, contact us today.

Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in help LGBTQIA+ teenagers gain self-understanding, academic confidence, and clarity. You may have questions as a parent we can answer.
Additionally, we specialize in gender and sexuality and counseling.
Your teenager might need a safe space to talk about healthy dating boundaries and their sexual orientation. In one moment, your teenager feels like they are lesbian, and wants to be in a same-sex relationship. Also, a little bit later on, your teenager starts thinking they are bisexual or pansexual. So, being able to understand these different LGBTQIA+ labels helps them feel loved. Also, when you have LGBTQIA+ conversations with your teenager without fear getting in the way, they feel very important. Confidentially, counseling in Greenwich, CT helps your whole family be able to become more LGBTQIA+ affirming. From now on, you can have open discussions about transgender rights together. Fortunately, talking about LGBTQIA+ topics, or anything that your teenager wants to talk about iwill help improve their confidence. To add, talking about what your teenager wants to talk about builds your relationship, trust and improves your parent child bond.
To begin, click the pink button below to book your phone consult.

Suspicion of cutting or self-harm?
As well, your teenager may be wearing long sleeves in the summer. This is a sign that they could be self harming or concealing self injurious behavior. As well, you may have been through a lot of hospitalizations and suicide scares with your teen. Your teenager in Greenwich, Connecticut may be threatening to take their own life or talking about suicide. As well, you want parental support. its scary and uncertain.
Did your teenager come out of an intensive outpatient program for suicidal thinking?
Your teenager may have just gotten out of the Joshua center or another intensive outpatient treatment program for self-harm. If your teenager has been in an intensive outpatient program or IOP, our team of teen specialists and counselors would gladly help. We specialize in creative alternatives and helping suicidal adolescents in building positive coping tools. Your depressed teenager can learn that there are variety of different ways to cope with a difficult emotion. As well, your teenager in therapy in Greenwich, Connecticut can learn to identify their emotional triggers such as anger, sadness, fear of abandonment, or rejection. DBT therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling helps teenagers stop self-harming. Also, drama, painting, yoga, meditation, art, yoga, music and holistic, creative therapies support healthy self-care skills.
Why do teenagers need coping tools?
Furthermore, your teenager might be doing very well and feeling confident. However, a break up triggers heartbreak and rejection. And, your teenager begins to self harm and cut them selves again. Commonly, teens who self-harm need alternative skills to replace the negative behavior.
Self-harm: Essentially, hurt emotions are so painful, teens cut themselves.
So, therapy for adolescents and teenagers in Greenwich, Connecticut can be a steady and reliable part in your teenager’s life. As well, counseling can be a great resource if you are going through a divorce and the family system is changing. Additionally, counseling can be positive when a parent or sibling has a life-threatening illness or chronic disease. For example, these events cause anger, loss, rejection, fear, sadness, and hurt in teens. In general, counseling is a great resource for teenagers because it teaches positive strategies at a young age. Essentially, counseling for teenagers helps them process and release these emotions. To add, teenagers can learn and carry positive, holistic coping outlet into adulthood, And, these skills support healthy relationships with friends. Starting from self-care, adolescent and teen counseling in Greenwich, Connecticut teaches teenagers how to prioritize themselves emotionally.