How is play therapy for preschoolers in Niantic, Connecticut beneficial?
First, are you experiencing disconnection, frustration, anger, exhaustion, burnout, and self-doubt as a parent? Now, navigating your marriage is very challenging as a result of your child’s anger outbursts. Well, this means that you need a specialist that can help your toddler express their feelings. Whether your child is two, four, or six years old, our team can help. Overall, creative play therapy for preschoolers and toddlers in Niantic, Connecticut supports your whole family. In addition to toddler sessions using creative art, yoga, music, animals and outdoor therapies, we offer parent only support sessions.
Creative play therapy for preschoolers and toddlers in Southeastern Connecticut
Often, concerned, worried parents call Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic for preschool counseling. First, preschoolers have various needs. And, when these needs are not met, it’s been hard. Then, your preschooler or toddler throws a tantrum. Furthermore, toddlers can not talk like adults can to communicate. Also, preschoolers and toddlers in counseling need a specialist to go beyond talk counseling. Toddlers in therapy can’t talk it out like an adult can. Furthermore, preschoolers and toddlers don’t have higher thinking, so they need play therapy. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, CT, we help worried, overwhelmed parents and preschoolers with play therapy in counseling.

Why do toddlers experience frustration?
Now, each preschooler develops at different levels. And, understanding that each child grows and evolves at a different time and pace is essential. Understanding child development and toddler needs is part of therapy. Also, in creative play therapy for preschoolers in Southeastern Connecticut focuses on expressing emotions through art, yoga, music, animals, and outdoor nature therapies. In therapy, your frustrated toddler can express anger around divorce through playing musical instrument and being outside in nature. Also, a worried, timid, non verbal child can talk through art and music therapies. Art and music provide a universal language for toddlers in counseling.

One tip for parenting preschools and toddlers at home!
Well, play therapy for preschoolers in Southeastern Connecticut helps toddlers let frustrations out. But, your toddler feels frustration because they are trying to communicate through behaviors. Often, you feel frustration too because you want your child to listen, but you little one refuses. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut, our team of child therapists help families thrive. Overall, creative, holistic play therapy for preschoolers provides a safe place to identify and let go of negative feelings.
Are you feeling exhaustion and overwhelm as a parent?
Sometimes, you Feel overwhelm, frustration, and doubt as parent because your little one doesn’t understand time. In the morning, you know you have to get going. But, in the morning, you feel chaos. First, you’re trying to get your toddler to preschool, but they just want to play. And, there is yelling, then your toddler yells, and there is doubt and frustration. Well, as a child therapist and play therapist, I recommend using a visual timer at home. Instead of simply saying, “We only have ten minutes to get ready for preschool. Stop playing.” I would recommend getting a large kitchen timer. And, you can have your toddler help set the timer. Keep reading below for more info on play therapy for preschoolers in Niantic, Connecticut.

How does allowing your toddler to set a timer help create a calm morning?
Together, you are helping your toddler feel capable. And, you’re creating a sense of leadership around getting ready before the timer is up. Instead of being on different teams, focus on teaming up together. Also, giving your child freedom in play helps your child learn these important developmental steps. Maria Montessori is also a great name when it comes to play therapy and child development. In general, Maria Montessori is an amazing pioneer in child play therapy.

Looking for play therapy for your preschooler in Niantic, Connecticut?
You are right where you’re meant to be. Additionally, at Wisdom Within Counseling, our team of child and teen therapists offer art therapy, yoga therapy, music therapy, yoga therapy, and outdoor nature and walking therapies. And, all of these creative, holistic therapies boost self-confidence, self-esteem, and emotional expression. Lastly, we offer appointments seven days of the week for a comer family life.