What are teens struggling with in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida?
Frist off, some teenagers may be questioning their gender or coming out as bisexual. If your teenager is lesbian, gay, or bisexual, they may face more bulling at school. As well, teenagers who come out as transgender need extra emotional support. Many times, teenagers who a transgender get made fun of due to being different. Teens may want to be called a different name than they were given at birth. As well, some teenagers may need help exploring gender diversity and expression. Changing hair color, hair length, and clothing styles are parts of gender expression. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we are LGBTQIA+, queer, and non binary affirming. Adolescent and teen therapy in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida supports queer and non binary gender expression and LGBTQIA+ exploration.
Teenagers are dealing with the stress of new relationships
More so, teenagers are beginning to date one another for the first time. Dealing with heartbreak, rejection, and social exclusion are challenging. Likewise, your teenager can learn about consent, saying, “No,” and body positivity. For adolescents, learning to cope when a friend no longer wants to be a friend is difficult. Your teenager may need a safe place, outside of their school, to talk. Often, adolescents and teenagers are liked by someone, but they don’t like that person back.

Making confident decision and healthy choices are parts of teen counseling.
Essentially, a teenager with low self-esteem may say, “Yes,” to dating someone who is a negative influence out of obligation. Likewise, teenagers can learn to step away from peer pressure in counseling. Maybe, your teenager has insecurities and a fear of not being liked. Sometimes, adolescents and teenagers lack positive ways to cope and take part in negative behaviors. At times, teens may drink alcohol in excess to cope with a break up. Instead, adolescent and teen therapy in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida supports healthy coping outlets.
To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for adolescent and teen counseling with Katie Ziskind in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida.

How can teen therapy in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida support self-esteem?
Also, teenagers are struggling with self-esteem issues. Fitting in to certain social groups can be challenging. Your teenager may be trying to change themselves to fit in. Rather, counseling can help teenagers learn to embrace themselves authentically. They are trying to be perfect. As well, your teenager may feel pressure to succeed academically. As a result, they may put too much pressure on themselves to be perfect all the time. Learning to relax is a muscle just like learning to get good grades. Then, your teenager may always seem anxious, on edge, or tense. Your teenager can have a safe place to learn to manage stress and enjoy their life.

Is your teenager in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida suffering from depression?
Your teenager may be isolating themselves. Maybe, your teenager holds themselves up in their room. They may be sleep all day, or have negative changes in appetite. Perhaps, your teenager even tells you they are feeling down, depressed, or distant emotionally. Or, your adolescent may be no longer enjoying the hobbies they once liked.

Depression coping tools are a part of teen therapy in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida.
As well, your teenager with depression may feel reluctant to try new things. Maybe, they always need you there to goto doctor appointments or even soccer practice. They might be resistant to leave the house or get a driver’s license independently. Learning independence, confidence, and improve self-esteem help teens. Therefore, adolescent and teen therapy in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida supports healthy self-esteem. Lastly, healthy self-love and self-esteem prepare teenagers emotionally for college years and beyond.

To begin, click the button below for a phone consult for adolescent and young adult therapy Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida.
In what ways does teen therapy in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida helps adolescent stop self-harming?
Additionally, self-harm, self-injury and cutting impact teenagers. Commonly, peditricians notice cutting and self-harm marks on adolescents. And, if your teenager had friends who are cutting, it can be contagious. Peers who are self-injuring can negatively influence your teenager to cut themselves. If you notice cuts or scrapes, get your teen into counseling immediately. At Wisdom Within Counseling, we combine DBT therapies with holistic, creative therapies for teens.
Holistic DBT therapies support teenagers who self-injure in learning alternatives to self-harm.
Essentially, your teenager can find other ways to let go of big, intense emotions. To note, self-harm does not go away on its own. And, self-harm is a cry for help. Your teen is telling you they deeply need positive coping tools. Maybe, they are overwhelmed. Or, they just don’t know any other way of making emotional pain go way. In teen therapy in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida, parents can learn ways to keep their self-harming teen safe. Putting all razor blades, medication, and harmful object sin a lock box helps keep a cutting teen safe. Your teen’s therapist can provide you with skills to help regulate your teen emotionally. At Wisdom Within Counseling, adolescent and teen therapy in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida supports stopping self-harm.

What is holistic, creative teen therapy in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida all about?
Art therapies, yoga therapies, music therapies, and nature therapies support self-confidence and self-love tools. As well, meditation, yoga poses, and breathing skills help teenagers release stress. In a healthy way, your teenager can build lifelong coping outlets. Any emotional pain your teenager is experiencing can have an outlet. Furthermore, these holistic, mind-body therapies offer a language beyond just talking. sometimes, angry, or anxious teenagers need mind-body therapies to feel alive in the present moment. Painting while talking can release anxiety. As well, going for a walk in nature can release worry and alleviate mild depression.
We offer art, yoga, music and creative therapies as a part of teen therapy in Melbourne and Eau Gallie, Florida.