When you have raised your child, and they cut you out, as a parent, it can be devastating. For one, you remember the day that they were born. It was such a happy day. Seeing them take their first steps, their first day of kinder garden, and teaching them to dive a car. It all makes you sad to think about now that they have distanced themselves from you. You feel angry, hurt, confused, shocked, and wonder if meeting with our specialists in family estrangement therapy can help with repairing and reconnecting.
When you are a parent, who is on the opposite side of family estrangement, you may struggle with eating disorders, sleep problems, depression and anxiety.
You may not feel hungry, or even find yourself binge eating. Good sleep seems like a fantasy. As a parent, you might not realize that the root cause of the mental health challenges you are facing is because of the strained relationship with your adult child. Family estrangement can be one of the most painful life experiences. You might be grieving, feel a lack of motivation, low and self-esteem, and even anger.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy.
You feel lost and confused without a connection to your adult child.
When you are a parent, on the opposite end of an estrangement, it may be very hard to not have any contact between you and your adult child. Extended family members may be able to have a relationship with your adult child. This can lead to jealousy and anger. It’s very hard when your adult child seems to so easily sever ties with you. Family estrangement counseling can help you heal and develop positive self-care skills.
Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, digestive issues, and trouble sleeping are all normal symptoms of family estrangement.
Your mind may have restless, obsessive thoughts about your loved one. As well, you might stay awake at night worrying if they are ok.
Rather than getting depressed because you missed the connection that was once they are, you can learn to pay attention to you and love yourself.
Family estrangement counseling can help you take steps towards reclaiming your own life, discovering your own hobbies again, and developing emotional coping skills. So you may be experiencing painful emotions and loss, you can choose to take care of your own mental health.
Family estrangement counseling can be a safe place to gain self-awareness about the past.
Also, you want to learn about what they are feeling and have a safe place to talk about the past. It feels like you don’t know what to do right now, but reaching out for help can be very helpful. You feel helpless and depressed thinking that your adult child has discarded you. There are moments when you feel angry and mad too.
As well, you feel envious and jealous of other parents, who are your friends, who seem to have such well-connected relationships with their adult children. All of these emotions are normal when it comes to disconnection, lack of communication, and strained family relationships. At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you get to work with specialists in family estrangement therapy.

What is it like to be a parent and be on the opposite side of a family estrangement from your adult child?
When you least expect it, feelings of helplessness, grief, anger, and sadness overwhelm you.
One moment, you feel angry that your adult child has the willpower to have chosen to cut you out of their life. Your adult child seeks independence for sure. But, you never thought they would be this independent and choose to cut you out. You wish your letters, phone calls, and messages would get through to them about how badly you want to reconnect.
As well, at night, your mind feels anxious and chaotic with strained contact with your adult child.
You wonder what your adult child’s experience was like. As a parent, you’ve done nothing but give your child love, financial support, and attention.
Does your adult child tell you they felt emotionally neglected?
You also feel confused as to how your child could be perceiving their childhood is toxic or abusive, and choose to estrange themselves from you.
Family estrangement often occur because an adult child feels like they were emotionally neglected or emotionally abused when growing up. Even if there was just one moment where abuse occurred, family estrangement counseling can give your adult child a safe place to talk about past hurts.
To note, parental alienation can be a result of abuse or neglect.
Your adult child may want you to be empathetic or validate their emotions. However, they feel like they endured some type of emotional trauma. Better understanding your adult child in family counseling can help with repairing the connection.
Being able to talk about past emotional trauma experiences as a family in estrangement therapy can help with healing.
Even though abuse or neglect may not have been intended, if your adult child believes that they were abused, talking about it in therapy will be helpful.
Your adult child can explain why they felt like parental alienation was their only option.
Maybe, they are afraid to continue the relationship because they don’t want to be abused again. Gaining emotional awareness tools can be a wonderful benefit of family estrangement therapy.
Parents and children can develop greater empathy and better communication skills.
Through family estrangement counseling, you and your adult child can build an even better relationship. Your family estrangement therapist will help both of you to understand each other’s points of you.
It can be a positive thing to talk about past wounds and family estrangement therapy.
Parents who are on the opposite side of family estrangement can gain greater emotional awareness tools and empathy skills from counseling.
With a family estrangement therapist present, all members can calmly express themselves.
Family estrangement therapy with our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching can offer peace and reflection.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy.

Our family estrangement therapists and specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching understand that the pain and confusion you are experiencing.
Due to the estrangement from your adult child, you feel deeply challenged. As a parent, you struggle with emotions of loss, grief, and uncertainty. These can be overwhelming.
You that you are not alone on this path of processing family estrangement and reconnection.
As you navigate these complex feelings, working with a family estrangement therapist provides invaluable support.
It can be emotionally painful to realize your adult child is distancing themselves from you.
To note, the pain of family estrangement is unlike any other. It touches the very core of our sense of belonging, identity, heart energy, and unconditional love.
The emotions you are feeling are normal when your adult child will not communicate with you. Maybe, you have been blocked by phone and email.
Family estrangement therapy with our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching can help you cope with the loss, grief, guilt, anger.
To note, all these emotions are valid and natural reactions to this painful separation.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy.
With that said, anger, guilt, surprise, shock, grief, and sadness can lead to negative coping behaviors.
Unfortunately, when dealing with a family estrangement, some people turn to negative outlets. For instance, alcoholism, drug use, technology addiction, sex addiction, and become a workaholic. Other compulsive behaviors may take over too.
Instead of turning to alcohol or compulsive behaviors when you are dealing with sadness and loss, you can learn to use positive coping behaviors.
Family estrangement therapy with our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching helps you gain holistic, mind body coping skills. Positive coping behaviors can be helpful for self-care and self-acceptance tools.
As well, positive coping skills help you feel grounded and centered to bring your best self into your relationship with your adult child. When your adult child is ready to communicate with you, family estrangement therapy can help you stay calm and grounded.
From family estrangement therapy with our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you can have a toolbox of positive coping strategies.
When you feel panic, depression, anxiety, or grief come, these emotions no longer have to be overwhelming.
Being alienated as a parent can be devastating. You may find yourself drinking more alcohol than is healthy. Or, you may be seeking love in obsessive ways from other people. There may be anxious, angry, and obsessive thoughts that go through your mind.
You avoid talking about your children out of loss and grief.
Maybe, it’s uncomfortable to talk about your adult child because of the pain associated with that relationship.
You’ve had to put family photos in drawers, because you get triggered looking at them. Family estrangement therapy helps you learn how to cope with triggers in healthy ways
Counseling can help all parties understand each other’s experience. This means everyone in the family takes ownership and accountability for their part in the estrangement.
From family estrangement therapy, you can become a calm listener, helping your adult child feel heard, fostering a better relationship.
The journey of acceptance and healing begins with acknowledging your emotions and releasing them in healthy ways.
When you are seeking guidance to navigate these intense, painful feelings, family estrangement therapy with our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching really helps.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy.
What is the role of your family estrangement specialist at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching?
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, your family estrangement therapist is a trained professional who specializes in helping families navigate the complexities of severed relationships.
Family estrangement sucker for a variety of different reasons.
There are usually complex trauma factors at play beneath family estrangement. Family estrangement therapy can be a safe place to learn complex trauma coping mechanisms.
Essentially, emotional expression skills are important for family members to have healthy relationships. However, when you or your adult child feel angry, if you notice criticism or blaming, this will create a negative emotional reaction.
Furthermore, family estrangement therapy teaches all family members emotional expression skills.
Notably, from counseling, emotional expression skills reduce yelling, criticism, and guilt tripping.
Often times, and adult child will alienate a parent because they have felt guilt pushed on them. Perhaps, a parent blamed their child, leading their child to feel unwanted, inferior, and not good enough.
Having a parent who is highly critical can make an adult child doubtful that the relationship is worthwhile. What an adult child reflects and feels like a burden to their parent, they create distance between them and their parent.

Your family estrangement therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling will teach you emotional expression skills for connection.
Reducing guilt tripping behaviors and becoming aware of alternatives, such as through emotional expression, can help with family connection.
If negative communication like yelling, blame, guilt tripping, or even emotional shut downs appear in session, your family estrangement therapist will help you find ways to verbalize what you are feeling.
Your family estrangement therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching will help all your family members understand each other’s experience with empathy.
Each person gets to have a voice and time to talk. With the meditation and guidance the family estrangement specialists provide, everyone can feel safe talking.
For example, one family member may feel like the estrangement was their only option. Perhaps, this family member felt like their boundaries were not being respected.
Or, they may talk about feeling hurt. Additionally, your family estrangement therapist can help other family members in vocalizing and verbalizing their emotional experience.
Trauma and emotional dynamics contribute to estrangements in families.
The family estrangement therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching possess a deep understanding of the trauma and emotional dynamics.
Family estrangement therapy with our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching gives you a safe place to talk, open up, heal, and connect. Our family estrangement therapists have extensive expertise to guide you through the process of healing and a safe reconnection process.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy.
How does family estrangement counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching work?
The therapeutic relationship with a Wisdom Within Counseling family estrangement therapist is built on trust, empathy, and acceptance. We do not judge you at all. This safe space allows you to openly express your feelings, fears, regrets, and hopes without fear of rejection or criticism.
Together, you and your family estrangement therapist will work to unravel the layers of your emotions and the past. From there, you and your loved ones can identify the factors and trauma experiences that led to the estrangement.
We recommend each member of your family has at least one individual therapy session.
Also, a mixture of individual and family sessions through out can be helpful when it comes to family estrangement therapy with our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching.
What happened in the past that created the family estrangement and a need for family estrangement therapy with our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching?
To add, through gentle exploration of the past, your family estrangement therapist helps you and your adult child understand the underlying dynamics that contributed to the breakdown in communication.
Many times, talking about the past previously has gone very poorly. Maybe, you have tried family estrangement therapy before, but it didn’t go well. At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, we specialize in family estrangement and support each family member.
Each person commonly remembers the past differently. Your adult child may feel hurt, betrayed, upset, and angry about the past.
And, processing memories and emotions slowly and gently are key stepping stones in reconnecting.
As well, talking with a family estrangement counselor can help if wither of you or your adult child become triggered or upset. Family estrangement therapy with our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching supports playfulness and emotional safety skills.
When you begin talking about the past, your family estrangement counselor can ensure the conversation remains calm, safe, and empathetic.
Talking about the past can bring up old feelings, and sometimes anger, hurt, and betrayal.
As a parent, you may learn things about your adult child’s experience that you never knew.
From talking about the past, you and your adult child can gain insight together.
And, insight is pivotal in fostering empathy, forgiveness, and bonding. Family estrangement therapy with our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching becomes an opportunity for healing wounds that may have been left unaddressed for years.

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Gaining Healthy Communication Skills in Family Estrangement Therapy with Our Specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching
One of the most valuable aspects of working with a family estrangement therapist is learning and practicing effective communication skills. Family estrangement therapy with our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching provides guidance on how to express your feelings and needs.
And, you can learn to do so in a way that promotes understanding and minimizes conflict.
You or your adult child may not have the awareness right now to realize you may be raising your voice, or talking in a demeaning tone.
Tone of voice can play a huge role in communication and bonding. If your adult child feels like you are being condescending or talking down to them, this will cause them to emotionally close up.
Likewise, if you feel your adult child is speaking to you in a disrespectful way, you may find yourself emotionally shutting down. Learning healthy communication skills can help you better your parent child bond.
From counseling, you can learn to talk about even the most triggering and difficult subjects calmly.

Being able to communicate in a calm, effective manner is a benefit of family estrangement counseling.
If our family estrangement therapists notice you or your adult child are using criticism, defensiveness, or yelling, we will provide you with healthy communication skills.
These communication skills are invaluable, whether you aim to rebuild your relationship with your adult child, or find closure within yourself.
When an estrangement occurs between a parent and an adult child, a myriad of emotions can arise, including anger and jealousy.
Expressing these emotions in healthy ways and communicating calmly are key in healing and repairing family bonds. The advent of social media further complicates these feelings for many estranged parents. As a parent, you may be witnessing seemingly happy family moments shared by others.
In family estrangement therapy with our family therapy specialists, we will explore the roots of anger and jealousy in the context of parent-adult child estrangement.
You can talk about the impact of social media.
Holistic coping strategies from therapy offer support to parents struggling with strained relationships.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy.
Struggling With Anger Towards the Estranged Adult Child?
Also, it’s important to note that anger is a natural response when a parent is faced with the emotional pain of an estranged relationship.
The feelings of hurt, abandonment, and unmet expectations can manifest as anger towards the adult child who initiated the estrangement.
To add, this anger may stem from a sense of rejection, the perception that the parent’s efforts were unappreciated, or the inability to comprehend the reasons behind the estrangement.
Therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching can be a safe place to process and let go of estrangement anger. it is important to control and manage anger through individual therapy.
So, then as a parent, you can be calm and relaxed when speaking. with your adult child. The resulting emotional turmoil can be overwhelming if you try to talk with your adult child when angry. Sadly, this can lead to further communication breakdown.
Jealousy in the Age of Social Media
In the era of social media, where curated images of happiness and connection are prevalent, parents estranged from their adult children may experience jealousy.
To add, the constant exposure to idyllic family gatherings and joyful moments depicted by others can evoke feelings of inadequacy and exclusion. But, you don’t know the deeper struggles behind those picture perfect family photos.
Those family members may have gotten into a conflict right before that perfect photo was taken.
Typically, jealousy arises from a sense of comparison and the desire for a similar experience, further exacerbating the emotional turmoil already present due to the estrangement.

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Holistic Coping Strategies Through Family Estrangement Therapy
Family estrangement therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching offers holistic and positive coping strategies. These mind body therapies can assist estranged parents in navigating these complex emotions. Holistic coping tools aid in fostering personal growth and healing. Some effective strategies you can learn in family estrangement counseling include:
Emotional Validation
Your Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching family estrangement therapist provides a safe space for parents to express their anger, jealousy, and grief without judgment. Validating these emotions is the first step towards understanding and processing them.
Communication Skills
Our family estrangement therapists teach effective communication techniques that can help parents express their feelings and thoughts in a non-confrontational manner.
Likewise, learning to communicate openly and respectfully lays the groundwork for repairing the parent-child bond and relationship.
Through family estrangement therapy, parents can explore their own emotional triggers, past experiences, and expectations.
Self-awareness allows them to understand the origins of their anger and jealousy and develop strategies to manage them.

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Mindfulness and Meditation
These practices promote emotional regulation and provide tools to manage overwhelming feelings. Mindfulness in family estrangement therapy encourages being present in the moment. As well, mindfulness skills help estranged parents detach from distressing thoughts and emotions.
Setting Boundaries
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, family estrangement therapy can guide parents in setting healthy boundaries for themselves and their interactions with their adult child.
Maybe, this means having a scheduled length for phone calls such as 5 or 20 minutes. Or, using family estrangement therapy to be the safe time to talk with a mediator each week. Boundaries promote self-care and protect all against further emotional harm.
Focusing on Personal Growth
Family estrangement therapy with our specialists encourages parents to focus on personal growth and finding fulfillment outside of their parental role.
Engaging in hobbies, pursuing passions, and cultivating new relationships can alleviate feelings of jealousy and inadequacy. Estranged parents can learn to create joy and happiness with a broader sense of self.

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Reframing Perspectives
The Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching family estrangement specialists help parents reframe their thoughts and perspectives about the estrangement and social media comparisons. This can lead to a healthier understanding of their situation and reduced feelings of jealousy.
Coping with anger, jealousy, and a strained relationship with an estranged adult child is undoubtedly challenging, but family estrangement therapy can help.
The impact of these emotions is amplified in the era of social media, where idealized family portraits are constantly showcased.
However, family estrangement therapy offers a path of healing through holistic coping strategies that enable estranged parents to process their emotions.
In family estrangement therapy, estranged parents can communicate effectively, gain self-care tools, and foster personal growth.
By addressing these emotions head-on, estranged parents can ultimately work towards finding inner peace.
And, parents can come to know that this peace is possible regardless of the outcome of the estranged relationship. From family estrangement therapy, parents can embrace a sense of well-being and contentment in their own lives.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy.
What are common reasons family estrangements occur between and adult child towards their parents?
Family estrangements between adult children and parents can occur for a variety of reasons, often stemming from complex interpersonal dynamics, unresolved issues, and individual differences. Working with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy can help you and your adult children comb through why the cut off began.
With our specialists in family estrangement therapy, you can talk about what is needed for each person to feel emotionally safe moving forward in a relationship. While each situation is unique, here are some common reasons that can contribute to family estrangements:
Unresolved Childhood Issues
Unaddressed or unresolved conflicts from childhood can resurface in adulthood, leading to strained relationships. Adult children may carry emotional baggage from their upbringing that affects their interactions with their parents.
Communication Breakdown
Poor communication or a lack of healthy communication skills can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and pent-up emotions, eventually driving a wedge between family members.
Differing Values and Beliefs
As children grow and develop their own identities, they may adopt beliefs, values, and li
styles that diverge from those of their parents. These differences can cause friction and result in estrangement if not managed respectfully.
Emotional Neglect or Abuse
Experiences of emotional neglect, manipulation, or abuse during childhood can lead to feelings of resentment, hurt, and a desire to distance oneself from the source of pain.
Unmet Expectations
Unmet expectations on either side can lead to disappointment and frustration. Adult children might feel their parents didn’t meet their emotional or practical needs, while parents might feel their efforts were unappreciated.
Lifestyle Choices
Lifestyle choices such as romantic relationships, coming. out as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, career decisions, or personal values might clash with parental expectations, leading to tension and estrangement.

Traumatic Events
To add, traumatic events within the family, such as divorce, addiction, or the loss of a family member, can create rifts and cause family members to cope in different ways.
Personal Boundaries
Some adult children might establish boundaries to protect their mental and emotional well-being, especially if they perceive their parents as intrusive or controlling.
Perceived Favoritism
Perceived favoritism towards siblings or other family members can breed resentment and jealousy, leading to strained relationships.
Change in Dynamics
Major life changes like marriage, parenthood, or moving away can alter family dynamics and potentially strain relationships due to shifting priorities and responsibilities.
Personality Conflicts
Plus, personality clashes and differences in communication styles can contribute to misunderstandings and tensions.
Cultural and Generational Differences
Differences in cultural values, generational perspectives, and societal norms can create gaps in understanding between adult children and their parents.
Financial Disputes
Conflicts over financial matters, such as inheritance, loans, or financial support, can strain relationships and lead to estrangement.

Unresolved Sibling Conflicts
If there are unresolved conflicts or rivalries between siblings, it can create divisions within the family and impact relationships with parents.
Mental Health Issues
Untreated mental health issues on either side can affect behavior and communication, contributing to misunderstandings and estrangement.
It’s important to note that family estrangements are complex and multifaceted. Often, a combination of these factors, as well as individual histories and perceptions, contribute to the breakdown in relationships. Addressing these issues through open communication with our specialists in family estrangement therapy is very helpful. Our specialists in family estrangement therapy help each family member express and verbalize a willingness to understand each other’s perspectives.
Generally, working with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy can play a crucial role in resolving conflicts and rebuilding connections.

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As you embark on this journey, remember that seeking help from a family estrangement therapist is not a sign of weakness, but strength.
Rather, seeking family estrangement therapy is a testament to your commitment to healing and growth.
In family estrangement therapy, our specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching will help you uncover your strengths. You can connect to your own resilience, and see the capacity for transformation. Your family estrangement counselor will work on guiding you toward a better communication.
In moments of family estrangement, the prospect of reconnecting with your adult child may seem distant.
You may feel angry, hurt, hopeless, and depressed right now. But, with the right therapeutic support, healing and reconciliation after family estrangement are possible.
Working with a family estrangement therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching can serve as a beacon of hope.
We guide you through the darkest moments and empowering you to work towards a brighter future.
Remember that your feelings are valid, and you can learn to process and cope in healthy ways. There is no rush or timeline for healing.
The decision to work with a family estrangement therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching is a courageous step toward reclaiming your sense of self and fostering understanding and healing.
Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching is here to support you every step of the way. Working with a family estrangement therapist can help you gain healthy communication skills and have a safe place to talk together.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy.
Why work with our team at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching to gain healthy communication skills and reconnection after family estrangement?
The team of family therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching specialize in the area of helping family members in mending broken bonds and rekindling family connections. Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching are passionate and dedicated family estrangement therapists.
We specialize in facilitating the healing and growth of family members whose relationships have been strained by emotional trauma and cut offs. In family estrangement therapy, family members can gain healthy communication skills and work on reconciliation.
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, the family estrangement specialists have specialized experience in the realm of family dynamics, trauma, and emotional healing.
Empowering Reconnection Skills In Family Estrangement Therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching
In family estrangement counseling with our specialists, the primary focus lies in reuniting family members who have drifted apart due to emotional wounds and unresolved conflicts.
Our family estrangement counseling specialists help family members connection to the resilience of familial ties.
Through family estrangement counseling with our specialists, there is so much room for potential for growth and transformation.
Our family estrangement counseling approach is rooted in empathy, active listening, healthy communication, and creating a safe space for open expression. Steps include processing grief, loss, and pain, while also understanding the root causes of estrangement. In family estrangement counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you can an opportunity to embark on a journey of healing guided by a family estrangement specialist.
Holistic Healing In Family Estrangement Counseling
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, our team of family estrangement therapists understand that family estrangement goes beyond the surface. Often, there are intertwining aspects of individual life, mental health, abuse, and trauma.
At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, our family estrangement counseling approach is holistic. Therefore, we addressing not only the familial relationships.
But, we also support each individual’s emotional well-being, mental health, and personal growth. We incorporate various therapeutic techniques, such as IFS, mindfulness stress reduction skills, narrative therapy, yoga therapy, meditation, music therapy, and art in therapy.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy.
Unlocking Communication Skills With Your Family Estrangement Counselor and Specialist
Essentially, many cut offs develop due to unhealthy communication dynamics. Therefore, effective communication becomes the cornerstone for any healthy relationship.
On that note, one of our core objectives is to equip you and your family members with the essential tools and skills to communicate openly, honestly, and respectfully.
Instead of feeling a cut off is the only option, you and your family members can learn about healthy boundaries and healthy communication tools.
Through guided exercises, role-playing, and personalized guidance, the family estrangement counselors at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching empower family members to navigate difficult conversations.
You and your family members learn tools to confidently and calmly express emotions. As well, you and your family members can learn to listen to each other with empathy.

At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, our team of family therapists specialize in family estrangement therapy
Having witnessed the transformation of countless families from estrangement to reconnection, the team of family estrangement counselors are true believer in the human capacity for healing and growth. Our team provides a safe place for optimism as well as trauma healing and trauma recovery.
Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching is dedicated to helping distant families rediscover the love, understanding, and shared history that bind them together.
As beacons of hope, the family estrangement counselors at Wisdom Within stand by and guide you and your loved ones on a journey. We help you work towards connection, learn skills for healing estrangement, and reconciliation.
To add, the impact of family estrangement can lead to depression symptoms, anxiety, panic attacks, and grief.
So, processing these core emotions in calm ways is necessary to then create supportive family bonds.
The team of family estrangement counselors and specialists emphasize the importance of the mental health of each individual within a family.
In family estrangement counseling, you can expect to gain depression and grief management tools, positive coping strategies, and communication skills.
We live in a world where family bonds and family relationships are optional. And, family relationships are tested and strained.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with the Wisdom Within Counseling specialists in family estrangement therapy.
As a parent, an unexpected cut off can be surprising, unexpected, saddening, and confusing.
Processing these emotions can be a part of family estrangement counseling. At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, you get a team of family estrangement specialists who are honored to serve as guides, healers, and facilitators of transformation.
We help you focus on healthy communication skills, which in turn foster reconnection and healing. As well, you can discuss topics like trauma, loss, and forgiveness.
Holidays can be particularly challenging when your adult child has cut themselves off from you.
Parental estrangement can leave you feeling sad, shaky, anxious, guilty, surprised, and hurt.
Furthermore, positive coping strategies from holistic counseling can help you deal with these emotions that may spike during holiday times. When everyone else seems to be happy with their family members, you feel depressed and upset about your broken family.
Rather than seeing your family as broken, positive coping strategies from family estrangement counseling can help you practice self-care.
This might mean making your favorite Christmas or Hanukkah breakfast. Or, this might mean taking a yoga class. Though there may be emotional pain and despair, you do not have to deal with these intense emotions behind closed doors.
Working with one of our family estrangement therapists can help you focus on what is within your control.
You may not be able to force your adult child to talk to you or even want to have a relationship with you. But, you can take good care of your mind, body and spirit.
Together, we can navigate the path from family estrangement and loss, to renewed hope.
Generally, family estrangement counseling at Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching helps fosters a more hopeful, brighter future for distant families torn apart by emotional trauma.