Do you feel that masturbation and touching yourself in a sexual way is becoming obsessive? Experiencing compulsive sexual thoughts? Have you found that masturbation and sex is becoming an addiction? Do you want to masturbate or look at pornography all the time, at work, when you are at home, and can’t stop? Does it feel like your pornography and sex addiction needs the help of a sex addiction therapist Melbourne, Florida and a professional?
As well, has your pornography addiction and masturbation addiction been causing relationship problems in your marriage?
Has your sex addiction and pornography addiction become out of control? Do you feel upset, confused, regret, or even shameful after watching pornography because you want to learn other positive coping tools, but you can’t bring yourself to stop on your own? Are you wondering if your masturbation addiction and pornography addiction is a result of experiencing childhood trauma or emotional abuse? Is the relationship you have with one or both of your parents dysfunctional, stressful, or even abusive?
Have you been through childhood trauma experiences such as having an emotionally abusive parent?
Would you consider your father or mother to have narcissistic personality disorder? Did your mother or father guilt trip you and blame you throughout your childhood? When your mother or father was being incredibly selfish or having their own problems, did your parent make it seem like your fault? Was your parent sexually abusive to you? Do you feel like you grew up in a chaotic, toxic household where you had to emotionally take care of your narcissistic, abusive parents? Did your parents struggle with alcoholism or drug use? And, did your parents struggle with problematic sexual behaviors themselves?
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Sex addiction, also known as compulsive sexual behavior or hypersexuality, is a complex topic.
Also, sex addiction refers is an intense and persistent desire for sexual activity that may be difficult to control. If you suffer from sex addiction, you may often engage in a range of sexual behaviors. These can include excessive pornography consumption, frequent casual sex encounters, or compulsive masturbation.
Furthermore, sex addiction can have significant negative impacts on various aspects of your life. Unfortunately, your sex addiction may be harming relationships, work, and your overall well-being.
It is important to note that sex addiction is a distressing problem that requires professional help from a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can get professional sex addiction help and support. You are not alone if your struggle with impulsive sexual behaviors.
The Wisdom Within Counseling sex addiction therapists Melbourne, Florida help people better understand the root causes of compulsive, impulsive sexual behaviors.

What are signs of pornography addiction, sex addiction, and mastrobation addiction?
When you have a pornography, sex addiction, or masturbation addiction, this gets in the way of building healthy relationships. You might find yourself thinking about pornography and masturbation whenever you are alone.
And, masturbation addiction is an impulse or an obsession with masturbation. As well, a pornography addiction means that you are obsessed with watching pornography. When you struggle with sexually addictive behaviors, you may feel out of control. It might feel like your brain is being hijacked.
To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Masturbation addiction and pornography addiction can lead to lack of sex with a partner.
As well, if your romantic partner is always declining your interest in having sex, you may also develop a masturbation or pornography addiction. Sexually addictive behaviors can often be rooted in childhood trauma.
Additionally, people who struggle with compulsive and impulsive sexual behaviors may have seen a parent or caregiver demonstrate these dysfunctional sexual behaviors as well. If you struggle with a pornography or sexual addiction, you may also struggle with alcoholism, technology addiction, or even be a workaholic.
Addictions often go hand-in-hand with complex childhood trauma experiences. Learning about the root cause of your addiction, often in complex childhood trauma, can help you fully heal.
Mastrobation addiction
Notably, when you are addicted to masturbation, you receive great pleasure from touching your body in a sexual way. But, you are always chasing a high.
Do you isolate and withdrawal from friends and family in order to masturbate?
However, as a result of your addiction to masturbation, you may end up self isolating. You may socially withdraw and decline invitations to hang out with friends. Instead of socializing, you would rather spend hours touching your body in a sexual way. Touching your body in a sexual way and masturbating creates feel-good chemicals in your brain.
Instead of enjoying time with your family, you may socially withdraw to masturbate or watch pornography. As well, your young children may want you to attend their baseball game on a weekend. However, you decline in order to have time alone to masturbate or watch pornography. Additionally, you may find that you are turning down your significant other when they initiate sex. When your significant other or romantic partner wants to have sex with you, you decline because you would rather masturbate and watch pornography by yourself.
Has masturbation been taking up more and more of your time?
As well, you notice that your addiction to masturbation has been taking up more and more of your time. At one point in your life, you may have masturbated once a week. Then, it became daily. Now, it is multiple times a day. Additionally, you may also masturbate for a longer and longer periods of time.
Instead of masturbating for 30 minutes, you are now masturbating for hours on end. You may find yourself masturbating for five or more hours at a time. Or, you may find that you masturbate for many hours cumulatively throughout the day, but at different times during the day. When masturbation is an addiction and you are addicted to sex, it takes up a lot of your day.
Are you masturbating in unusual places?
Additionally, you find yourself masturbating in more strange places. At one point, you may have just masturbated in the shower or in the bathroom. Now, you are masturbating in your work office, in the bathroom at work, or even in a restaurant bathroom. It feels like there is this deep urgent need to feel better.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Do you get moody or frustrated if you can’t masturbate?
When you suffer from a sex addiction and masturbation addiction, you feel frustrated and moody when you cannot masturbate. If you cannot touch yourself in a sexual way, you begin to get irritable, on edge, and short with others. You might not be able to verbalize while you are moody. But, deep down, you know it is because you would rather be masturbating.
Additionally, when you have a masturbation and sex addiction, you use sexual activities to cope with challenging, negative feelings. For instance, if you experience a post traumatic stress disorder flashback, or a memory from abuse that occurred in your childhood, you may find yourself having a craving to masturbate.
Talking with emotionally abusive people in your life can trigger an increase in your sex addiction behaviors and masturbation addiction.
When you have a conversation with your narcissistic mother or father, you may find yourself needing to masturbate or take part in more sexual activities. To this day, you may feel torn about having a relationship with your narcissistic, emotionally abusive parent. But, having them in your life and talking with them makes you realize that sexually addictive behaviors increase after toxic conversations with them.
Meeting with a pornography addiction therapist and sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida helps you better understand childhood trauma
Working with a sex addiction therapist and intimacy specialist in Melbourne, Florida can help you talk about the root causes of your masturbation addiction. To note, sex addiction is often rooted and painful, negative experiences in childhood. Your narcissistic parent is always making you feel guilty or shifting the blame onto you. Therefore, you may be trying to cope with your own feelings of guilt or upset through dysfunctional sexually addictive behaviors.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
When you have a masturbation addiction and a sex addiction, your mind will always be focused on the next time you can masturbate.
Also, you may find that your genital area is bruised or shaved from the amount of masturbation you have been doing. As well, you might find scabs, or sensitive skin developing on your genitals. There might be a hypersensitivity or a desensitization to touch on your genitals due to masturbation addiction.
Emotional chaos from struggling with your sex addiction
When you are addicted to sex, it it creates emotional chaos and problems for you. Receiving the help of a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida can help you have a safe place to talk about guilt, shame, loss, and the trauma you’ve experienced in your childhood. As well, when you struggle with masturbation addiction and a sex addiction, you are consumed with shame and guilt after masturbating. Notably, in the moment you get a pleasant high. But, afterwards, you feel guilty and ashamed.
Secret keeping
It also might feel like you were trying to keep these increasing sex addictive behaviors a secret. You might be hiding and tiptoeing around your romantic partner. Plus, parts of you are afraid that if your romantic partner found out that you have a masturbation and sex addiction, they would leave you. There may be fears of abandonment that keep you masturbating and watching pornography in secret.
Talking with a professional sex addiction therapist in Melbourne Florida, can help you understand the root causes of sex addiction.
As well, talking about coping tools and alternatives and masturbation can be a part of meeting with a pornography and sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida. At Wisdom Within Counseling, there are many positive benefits of working with a professional who understands the root of trauma. Porn addiction, trauma, shame, and compulsive sexual behaviors all go hand-in-hand. By meeting with an intimacy therapist and sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida, you can safe verbalizing shame and trauma.
You can begin healing by talking about abuse in your childhood. Gaining awareness and coping tools for childhood trauma helps in fully recovering from addictive sexual behaviors. Your addictive sexual behaviors and masturbation addiction no longer have to cause major problems in your life. It is possible to have a healthy relationship with yourself after childhood trauma through working with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team specializes in pornography addiction, sex addiction, and complex trauma recovery therapt.
If you feel like you are using pornography in an addictive way, or masturbating in an addictive way, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Pornography addiction
When you suffer from a pornography addiction, you may be trying to numb yourself from pain from your childhood. Having a parent who is emotionally abusive can be very painful. Also, having a parent that blamed you for their problems is traumatic. If your parents also sexually harmed you, this can lead to dysfunctional sexual behaviors. There may also be feelings of anxiety, depression, shame, or guilt that you maybe trying to numb out. Watching pornography may have started to take over your life in an addictive way.
You may find that you are slipping behind at work and in your career due to your pornography addiction and sexually addictive behaviors
Also, when you are supposed to be working or working towards a deadline, you find yourself watching pornography.
As well, you have found that your pornography addiction has been causing problems when it comes to sex with your romantic partner. A pornography addiction can make sexual activities with your romantic partner much more dull and boring. When your partner wants to have sex with you, you may decline sex, in an effort to watch pornography. Additionally, when your romantic partner finds out about your pornography addiction, you may feel embarrassed, humiliated, or afraid of abandonment.
A pornography addiction can be greatly helped by learning mindfulness skills, trauma coping strategies, and relaxation skills.
Working with a sex addiction specialist and marriage therapist in Melbourne, Florida can help you cope with anxiety, depression, and trauma in a healthy way. When you suffer from impulsive and compulsive sexual behaviors, you may also struggle with low self-esteem. You might feel low about your self-worth. Due to your pornography addiction, you may doubt if you are lovable, and need help learning how to be intimate with your romantic partner in real life.
Additionally, marriage counseling with a focus on sex and intimacy can help reduce pornography use that has become problematic. The pornography can be erotic, went over used and used in a compulsive way, it can create marriage problems.
Sex addition
Many people with a sex addiction have obsessive, compulsive sexual behaviors and sexual thoughts. If you feel like you might be a sex addict, you might have excessive, impulsive, and obsessive thoughts about sex. These obsessive thoughts about sex may cause harm to your romantic relationships, family, and with work. Essentially, you may be struggling with a hyper sexuality. Meeting with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida can help. Regular therapy can help you find alternative ways to cope with the intense emotions fueling your hyper sexual behaviors.
Sex addiction often takes a toll on relationships, leading to trust issues, communication problems. You may be experiencing emotional distance in your marriage. Therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can provide you with a safe space to address these challenges. You can take part in both individual and couples therapy to improve communication, rebuild trust, and work towards more meaningful intimacy.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
When your sexual behaviors have become problematic, you are not alone.
Shame, guilt, fear, and anxiety may revolve around you sex addiction and pornography addiction. A sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida can help you cultivate self-compassion. You may be engaging in excessive use of pornography, phone sex, or even find yourself an online chat rooms. Additionally, your sex addiction may because problems in your marriage.
You might feel out of control or like your brain has been hijacked when struggling with a sex addiction. Often, there is a hope that sexual pleasure can reduce anxiety and depression. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn holistic, positive coping strategies to release your feelings and healthier ways.
Being able to talk about past trauma, from childhood, can be very positive when it comes to recovering from a sex addiction.
Importantly, counseling helps to address the root cause of addictive behaviors including sex addiction and pornography addiction.
Often times, these pleasure seeking behaviors are in an effort to heal from complex childhood trauma. Talking about and healing from complex childhood trauma with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida can be very positive. You can talk about the root causes of some of the distressing, hurtful, angry, and anxious feelings you struggle with.
Meeting with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can assist you in developing healthier coping strategies. Coping tools can help you to manage stress, anxiety, or other triggers that may lead to your compulsive sexual behaviors. Holistic, somatic techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, stress management, and emotional regulation can be helpful. Your sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida can teach you these to help you respond to cravings and triggers in healthier ways.
Your therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can help your explore and identify underlying emotional experiences in childhood that cause your compulsive sexual behaviors.
Also, there may be past trauma and other relational issues that may contribute to the growing intensity of your sex addiction. By understanding how past trauma influences your sex addiction, you can gain insight into the root causes your sexually addictive behaviors.
What is the connection between childhood trauma and sex addiction, pornography addiction, and mastrobation addiction?
In general, childhood trauma can take many forms and lead to a pornography addiction and sex addiction. You may have been sexually abused by a parent. Or, a neighbor or close friend may have touched her body in an unwanted way. Rape, incest, and molestation can trigger hyper active sexual behaviors. Shame, guilt, disassociation, disconnect, anxiety, and even anger can develop around sexual behaviors after surviving sexual trauma.
Even forms of non-contact sexual abuse can be very traumatic.
For instance, a parent may have had sex in front of you. Or, a parent may have introduced you to pornography. Even though a parent did not touch your body in a sexual way, they did expose you to sexual material that was not appropriate and not consensual. Perhaps, you send someone a naked photo of yourself and they sent it to other people without your permission.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Emotional abuse
Additionally, trauma can include emotional and verbal abuse. A parent may manipulate you, gaslight you, blame you for their problems, and even get extremely angry with you. When you have a parent who has narcissistic personality disorder, you may have faced and continue to face emotional abuse. As well, childhood trauma can include having a parent who is an alcoholic, drug addict, or even chronically having affairs.
You may know that your mother or father has narcissistic personality disorder.
Having a parent who is a narcissist can be very traumatic and lead to addictions of all kinds. Even though your parent may not have physically abused you, narcissistic abuse and emotional abuse are just as damaging. When your parent has narcissistic personality disorder, they force you to care about their emotional needs before your own. Instead of being playful in your childhood, you may have been forced to be an emotional caretaker for your parent.
A narcissistic parent makes their child feel like they will never be good enough.
No matter how much you do or how much you try to support your narcissistic parent, they will always look at the bed. Additionally, Conversations with your narcissistic parent often revolve around then. If you are planning something fun, they will make it about them. To know, pornography addiction, sex addiction, and reckless sexual activity can be a result of having a parent who is a narcissist. Every time you talk with your narcissistic mother or father, you might find a spike or an increase in sexually addictive behaviors.
Chronic lying in a parent
When you have a parent who lies to you repeatedly, this can be very traumatic. To note, when you have a parent who is a pathological liar, it can make building trusting relationships very challenging and difficult. There may be a sense of fear to this day within the relationship you have to one of your parents. When you have a parent who lies to you and is deceitful, you may develop a pornography addiction or a sex addiction.

How do you know if your parent was narcissistic, emotionally toxic, or abusive?
Now, when do you have a parent who is narcissistic and emotionally abusive, you may have a sexual addiction and pornography addiction as a result. Addictions are an effort to numb away pain. Overall, growing up with a parent who is narcissistic and emotionally toxic is very traumatic. Children who grow up with narcissistic parents may have concentration issues and memory issues. Due to having a narcissistic, abusive parent, you may have forgotten parts of your childhood and have blocked out memories of abuse.
When your parent is narcissistic, they break down your self-esteem every chance they get.
Every time you talk with your mother or your father who is narcissistic, you feel like the relationship is toxic.
Your narcissistic mother or father creates emotional damage. Instead of talking calmly or efficiently, your narcissistic mother or father will scream and yell at you. As well, your narcissistic mother or father may try to rile you up and get you angry back. They know how to say the most hurtful things to get underneath your skin and get you yelling.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.
You might even find yourself getting caught up in the anger tornado and screaming and yelling back with your narcissistic parent.
Narcissistic parents don’t try to get to know you. Instead, they want the attention to be all about them. When you have a parent who is narcissistic and abusive, they may try to push the blame on you for everything. You may feel emotionally exhausted and emotionally tired after talking to your narcissistic parent.
One part of you may feel grateful that your parent is still alive. However, another part of you is very angry at your narcissistic parent for the hurt and trauma that they have caused you. You can talk about childhood trauma at Wisdom Within Counseling. Overall, you get. safe place to verbalize sadness, guilt, isolation, fear, and even anger with your sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, working with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida can provide positive coping outlets after childhood trauma.
As a result of having emotionally abusive and narcissistic parents, you may be trying harder and harder to numb away pain. Emotional pain is the opposite of pleasure.
When you have experienced a deep amount of emotional pain due to childhood trauma, it is normal to seek pleasure. Masturbation, sex, and watching pornography can be forms of pleasure. When you watch pornography or masturbate, you naturally increase serotonin and dopamine.
By working with a holistic sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida, you can learn to love and accept yourself.
You can take part in positive coping tools that are more self-loving than compulsively watching pornography. As well, you can find alternative ways to increase serotonin and dopamine besides hyper sexual behaviors through sex addiction counseling. Maybe, watching comedy makes you laugh and that increases dopamine and serotonin. But, all you have been doing on the internet is watching pornography compulsively.
Counseling for sex addiction can help you get back in touch with your hobbies. Maybe, you like to go hiking, listen to music, play the piano, socialize with others, workout, or do yoga. Part of recovering from a sex addiction and pornography addiction means reconnecting with healthy hobbies.
The Wisdom Within Counseling therapists can assist you in developing a personalized relapse prevention plan. Often, this plan involves identifying your triggers to compulsive pornography use and your sex addiction. From there, you can work on creating strategies to manage your cravings. As well, you can work on establishing healthy boundaries with your narcissistic parents.
Where in Florida do the Wisdom Within Counseling sex addiction therapists help?
In Florida, adults and couples can receive help for sex addictions and pornography addictions in Melbourne, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Port St. Lucie, Fort Lauderdale, Cape Coral, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, Miramar, Gainesville, Coral Springs, Miami Gardens, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Pompano Beach, West Palm Beach, Lakeland, Davie, Miami Beach, Boca Raton, Deltona, Plantation, Sunrise, Palm Coast, Largo, Cocoa Beach, Cocoa, Deerfield Beach, Boynton Beach, Fort Myers, Lauderhill, Weston, Kissimmee, Homestead, Delray Beach, Tamarac, Oviedo, Indian Harbor, Satellite Beach, and Daytona Beach, Florida.
The Wisdom Within Counseling sex addiction therapists also help adults and couples in Connecticut.
In addition to Florida, the Wisdom Within Counseling sex addiction therapists and counselors also help adults and couples Bridgeport, New Haven, Hartford, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury, New Britain, West Hartford, Bristol, Meriden, Niantic, Waterford, Montville, East Haddam, Higganum, Portland, Middlebury, West Haven, Milford, Middletown, Norwich, Shelton, Torrington, Naugatuck, New London, Ansonia, Derby, Groton, Windsor, Stratford, Trumbull, Glastonbury, Manchester, East Hartford, Wallingford, Greenwich, Southington, Newington, Branford, Cheshire, Guilford, Clinton, Madison, East Lyme, Colchester, Mystic, Stonington, Avon, Vernon, Windsor Locks, Farmington, Wethersfield, Ridgefield, and Killingly, Connecticut.

Working with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida can help you work with someone who specializes in sexuality and complex trauma.
Your sex addiction therapist understands the unique challenges you have faced due to the complex trauma in your past. In sex addiction counseling, you can talk about your upbringing and how this impacts your romantic, intimate relationship.
Due to your pornography addiction and sex addictive behaviors, you may be keeping secrets, being deceitful, and even walking on eggshells around your spouse. You might feel afraid of the outcome if they find out about your compulsive porn use.
Relationship problems with porn addictions and sex addictions
Due to using pornography compulsively, you may no longer find your spouse physically attractive. You might find yourself attracted to images and videos that you see in pornography.
As well, you may have developed unrealistic expectations around activities you could do with your romantic partner. Often times, you may be getting all of your sexual health education from pornography. However, pornography is not proper sexual health education. Pornography does not show adequate foreplay, which many females need to feel sexually satisfied, for example. As well, pornography videos are paid actors and actresses, not real life partners.
Working with an intimacy therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling can give you proper sexual health education. From there, you create a more satisfying, meaningful sex life with your spouse.
There may be more conflicts in your marriage due to the lack of intimacy and sexual problems. As well, you may be feeling emotionally distant as a result of your pornography addiction and masturbation addiction.
With a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida, you can build a positive coping skills toolbox to use when you feel triggered.
You may still have some sort of relationship with your narcissistic parents. And, when you communicate with your narcissistic mother or father, you crave pornography and masturbation.
After conversations that feel toxic or emotionally abusive, you can learn to use coping tools when you feel triggered. As well, from counseling with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida, you can learn strategies to better manage trauma flashbacks and inner criticism.
When working with a sex addiction therapist in Melbourne, Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling, you are recovering from compulsive porn use and sexual behaviors by healing the root causes including past trauma.
The team at Wisdom Within Counseling would love to help you feel safe and comfortable talking about your sexual behaviors. You get a safe place to unload past trauma, feel safe, and better understand your impulsive, hyper sexual behaviors.