Are you looking to explore alternative relationship styles? Is your romantic relationship not in a good place because of jealousy or anxiety from your partner dating others? Do you remember the good times, when you felt wanted and loved? Right now, does it feel like conflicts are never ending and you need resolution skills? Do you feel insecure like your spouse no longer finds you attractive because they are with multiple people? Is your sex life and intimacy no existent, boring, or on the back burner? Are you looking for a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor? Do you and your spouse have SO MANY complicated things to work through in your marriage, aside from polyamory? Is your open marriage or polyamorous relationship with your romantic partner not going as smoothly as you want? Has there been an betrayal that leaves you suspicious, hurt, and needing reassurance? Are you or your spouse questioning your gender identity, sexual orientation, or looking to explore alternative relationship dynamics? The team of couples therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you improve your romantic relationship.
When you are polyamorous, you may need professional help navigating relationship with multiple partners. It might be easy to talk to one person, but with your primary partner, things are more difficult. Do you find big, intense emotions prevent you from validating your spouse? Would you like your spouse to be more expressive and calm when they are upset? Are you feeling inadequate and defensive with your spouse in your open marriage? In addition to the joys and positive benefits of polyamory, couples may be facing conflict resolution issues.
As well, couples who are polyamorous may be in different stages of ethical non monogamy. Have you been married for some time, but are now looking to open your marriage?

To begin, click below for a phone consult for a phone consult to work with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor.
Wisdom Within Counseling specializes polyamory relationships, intimacy, and marriage therapy. You may be identifying some emotional challenges on a personal level. Therefore, working with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor can help you and your partner navigate new territory. Many couples who are in an open marriage need guidance from a consensual non monogamous relationship specialist. Working with a Wisdom Within Counseling marriage therapist can help improve how you communicate what you are feeling.
Communication skills are always a great benefit from polyamory affirming couples therapy.
You get a weekly set aside time to talk about what they are going through. Whether you are in a monogamous relationship or already are ethically non monogamous, the team at Wisdom Within Counseling can help. Couples may be in different stages of opening their relationship when they realize counseling is necessary. You may have experienced hurt, betrayal, or mistrust and asked your partner to stop seeing their other partners. However, your partner seems hesitant or resistant to stop dating others. There may be conflicts arising due to different needs around intimacy, sex, and pleasure. One of you may have more experience being in a polyamorous relationship, but the other one has only been in monogamous relationships. Working with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor at Wisdom Within supports sharing and communicating emotions.
You want a safe, confidential space to help work on relationship repair. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can gain skills to create and build the relationship you are dreaming of and visualizing.
Complex trauma plays a role in high conflict fighting
As well, you and your partner both have a history of complex trauma, loss, and need help sorting through it all.
Childhood trauma can deeply affect you and your partner. In addition to current conflicts, you want a therapist who understands complex trauma and childhood trauma. When things are good, they feel good. However, when you and your partner trigger each other, there are hurt feelings everywhere. It feels like you can break the cycle of fighting, name calling, and criticism. You want your partner to appreciate you and value you.
Right now, it doesn’t feel like you are important or signifiant to them in the way you want to be. If fights always end in explosions of anger, meeting with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor can really help. Not only can communication skills support conflict resolution. But, also, talking about complex trauma from childhood can provide understanding of attachment styles and triggers. Often, high conflict fight cycles have roots in childhood trauma wounds that needs resolving and repair.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for a phone consult to work with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor.
Fears of abandonment are a great thing to talk about with your polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor
Maybe, you or your partner fear losing each other due to a parent of caregiver showing emotional and physical abandonment. Fears of abandonment are very real. If one of you has fear of abandonment issues, it may be triggered when opening your marriage. Even though you might be going off with another partner and coming back at the end of the night, fears can arise. Your partner may suffer from abandonment issues and feel upset.
Due to fears of abandonment, a partner may experience panic attacks and anxiety. Anxiety attacks can make being playful together very difficult. Your partner may be calling you dozens of times when you are out on a date with someone else.
As well, due to abandonment fears, a partner may experience explosive anger. Having anger issues can be very challenging too. Many times, couples just get stuck on the anger issues, rather than talking about the deep feelings of fear. Working with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor can help couples process deeper emotions under anger. Fears of loss and abandonment can come out many ways. Couples therapy in Florida can be a safe place to share the emotions underneath anger and anxiety.
Being able to talk about how you feel anxiety when your partner goes on dates with their other partners can be helpful. Perhaps, your partner felt abandoned by a parent or caregiver in childhood and thoughts of losing you trigger those fears. Fears of abandonment often come out as very intense, high conflict arguments. Instead of yelling or door slamming, you can feel confident calmly resolving conflict.
Talk about past trauma and complex loss when you meet with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor
Also, complex childhood trauma can also include having a parent who is narcissistic. Having a parent who is narcissistic can lead to deep emotional wounds. As a result, you may be on a journey of learning to reparent yourself and nurture yourself. In your childhood, your parents may have told you that it was not okay to cry.
It was unacceptable to be anything by happy. You were only allowed to be happy. In your childhood, you had to smile even when you were feeling sad and upset. If you begin crying, your parents emotionally criticize you and shamed you. You learn to stuff your emotions away and stay silent to keep the peace.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for help overcoming conflict and childhood trauma that keeps coming up.
How does complex childhood trauma play a role in intimacy and couples counseling?
When you have a parent who is emotionally abusive or critical, you may become more sensitive to criticism. Or, you may be subconsciously repeating negative generational patterns. You might not realize it but you might be talking down to your partner or belittling them. The similar way to how your parents treated you, you might be using negative communication tactics.
You may have intimacy issues and trust issues due to complex childhood trauma experiences.
When your parent is an alcoholic, you may be more upset when you partner drinks alcohol in excess. Or, if your parent physically hurt and abused you, you may feel scared when your spouse yells.
You may be striving for an even healthier relationship with your spouse now. Childhood trauma can also include sexual abuse, incest, and molestation. As a child, if you had someone in your life that you were told to trust, but they sexually abused you, its normal to have trust issues.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can meet with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor to better your communication. Working with a polyamory relationship specialist can help you gain emotional intimacy, fostering sexual playfulness.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for a phone consult to work with an ethically non monogamous relationship and couples counseling specialist.
A polyamory relationship specialist can help when you have different life experiences and expectations
When one person in a relationship doesn’t have as much experience with polyamory, anxieties and fears can be more present. For instance, your spouse may have been in a series of polyamorous relationships. Over the course of their life, they have become very familiar with navigating multiple romantic relationships.
They want to be in an ethically non monogamous relationship with you and other people. However, you have been in a series of monogamous relationships. As a result, you both have different life experiences you bring to the table. You are more familiar with a commitment to just one romantic and sexual partner. As a result of these different relationship experiences, you and your partner have been getting into conflicts.
Therefore, meeting with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor at Wisdom Within can help you talk about your open marriage. Right now, it might feel like you are both in an endless negative state of trying to convince each other to change. Instead of trying to convince each other or over explaining your side, couples therapy can help you share your emotions.
You can learn to validate your partner’s life experiences and they can learn to validate yours. Different life experiences can also bring relational strengths to the table. Your LGBTQIA+ affirming couples therapist can help you see the different strengths that you both bring to your open marriage.
Betrayal is a great topic when meeting with your polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor at Wisdom Within Counseling
Often, couples both in monogamous and non monogamous realtionships struggle with betrayal and hurt. Couples counseling Florida can support you and and your partner in healing from betrayal. As well, you don’t have to be in a monogamous marriage or close your marriage to overcome betrayal. Rather, talking about the hurtful, painful experiences in couples therapy can be positive. When thinking about needing to repair, couples in therapy may find hurtful memories arise. Due to lack of communication skills, couples find themselves hurt and upset.
Honest communication is a benefit from working with a a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor. Your partner may have a different meaning of the word honesty than you do. Honesty might mean sharing and communicating the basic gist to your partner. But, to you, honest communication means sharing every small detail. As well, you may have a different definition of the word cheating than they do. Therefore, couples need to talk about their different meanings and definitions. Building honest, open communication can be a big part of couples counseling. More often than not, couples do not talk enough about the meaning of words. Overall, consensually non-monogamous relationship counseling and couples therapy can help you and your partner build a sense of trust and security.

To begin, click below to work with a consensual non monogamous affirming therapist and better your communication and bond.
Specific events can also leave a painful, traumatic, and lasting impact
Perhaps, there was a hurtful incident months or years ago that you simply can’t get out of your head. You find yourself struggling to concentrate at work. Sometimes, thoughts of this painful incident brings anxiety to your mind. And, at 3 am in the morning, you are awake with anxious thoughts. You find yourself waking up in the middle of the night with a variety of intense emotions related to this painful, hurtful memory.
An example of miscommunication
Perhaps, your partner went on a date with another partner and you thought that they were just socializing and having fun.
That felt like a good boundary to you. But when they got back home, they stayed out much later than you expected. As well, you later learned that your partner had sex with someone else and that really hurt your feelings. To add, you may have found your partner participating in sexual activities that you had wanted to do with them. When you found out they enjoyed doing those sexual activities with someone else, you felt very hurt.
There can be a number of betrayal issues that can come up within polyamorous relationships. It’s important to know that both monogamous and ethically non monogamous couples face betrayal issues. You don’t have to close your marriage or be monogamous to avoid betrayal. Learning to talk about your emotions and your needs are key skills to repairing from betrayal wounds. At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can work with a a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor who understands the impact of betrayal. You can learn skills to build a secure, trusting, and meaningful bond again.
LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy
In addition to opening your marriage, you may also be exploring your LGBTQIA+ identity. For instance, you may be questioning your gender. Or, your spouse may be coming out as bisexual or queer. Perhaps, you now identify as transgender and are transitioning genders. You or your spouse may be wanting to talk about cross-dressing, or even identify as bi-gender. LGBTQIA+ queer affirming couples therapy can be a safe place to explore your queer identity and talk about gender expression.
Couples in therapy can talk about traumatic upbringings such as being raised in a strict, religious home. Having strict, religious parents can make the coming-out process more anxiety provoking. If your partner was raised in a strict, religious home, they may have limiting beliefs around gender identity or sexual orientation. Your partner can benefit from LGBTQIA+ affirming therapy to better understand their own sexual orientation and gender expression.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for a phone consult to work with a consensual non monogamous relationship specialist and polyamorous affirming couples counselor.
Couples therapy in Florida can support your partner in accepting your evolving LGBTQIA+ identity.
As well, after years or decades of being together, you may decide to open your marriage. This way, you and your partner can explore being with either the same sex or a different gender partner.
For instance, your wife may tell you that she has only been sexually active and intimate with males. And, part of the intention of opening your marriage, she wants to explore sexual experiences with other females. As well, you decide to participate in polyamory to support her in having diverse sexual experiences. She may come out to you as bisexual, and now realize she has always wanted to be sexually active with a woman. Instead of getting divorced, many couples choose to practice consensual and ethical non monogamy.
Notably, people who are polyamorous often identify as being able to love multiple people at once.
As humans, we often receive love in different forms from different people. Though our culture stigmatizes polyamory in a negative way, many people are polyamorous without realizing it. Your aunts and your uncles give you different types of love. You often can’t get all of your love needs met from one single person. One of your best friends may offer loving energy in a different way than your other best friend. Your spouse may love you in a different way than your other romantic partners. Love doesn’t have to be competitive.
With that said, our society is very focused on a one-size-fits-all approach to monogamy. More so, movies show monogamy. Many times, the role models we see growing up are in monogamous relationships. You and your partner may not have polyamorous or ethically non monogamous role models. Therefore, polyamorous couples therapy can help normalize ethical non-monogamy.
From a place of consent and healthy boundaries, many couples feel fulfilled from having polyamorous relationships. Polyamorous relationships don’t have to be sexual. There can be a sexual components when it comes to polyamory. However, many people find that love takes different forms. One partner may offer emotional intimacy and emotional connection.
Another partner may be more romantic and sexual in nature. In your open marriage, you may want long-term or short-term partners. A person may want to have a long-term partner with an open marriage. Or, a person may just want to have one night stands or hook ups with an a polyamorous marriage.

To begin, click below for a phone consult to work with an ethically non monogamous marriage therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling.
Intimacy and sexual pleasure when working with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor at Wisdom Within
To note, we often grow up in environments where we are not allowed to talk about sex, sexual desires, or intimacy. When you were an adolescent, your parents educated you with your fear-based tactics. If you were to have sex before marriage, your parents threatened to kick you out of the house.
Or, if you were to have sex before marriage, and get pregnant, your parents told you that you would die. And, you would go to hell. You can learn to overcome fear-based messages around sex from misinformation growing up.
As well, you may have been given lots of misinformation about sex. Many adolescents are told that if they use a tampon, this is considered having sex before marriage and will make them goto hell. We are not taught from a young age how to explore your body is in a healthy sexual way. If anything, we are taught sex is a conversation to be avoided.
Couples therapy in Florida can help you and your partner talk about what you both enjoy sexually. You can learn to role-play, incorporate sex toys, and maximize passion and playfulness in your bedroom.
As well, in couples therapy, you can talk about your childhood influences. Couples can work to overcome sexual fears and anxieties from misinformation in childhood. You may have never seen your parents passionately kiss. Maybe, you grew up in a home where no one said, “I love you.” No one explained sexual urges in a healthy way. More commonly, you saw your parents get into high conflict fights and ignore each other. Your parents did not normalize intimacy, affection, and fondness.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for a phone consult to work with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor.
Wisdom Within Counseling as a sex positive couples therapy practice in Florida
Masturbation and self-pleasure can be a healthy part of your relationship with yourself. However, growing up, you may not have been taught about how to nurture yourself through masturbation or self pleasure. Some people struggle with pornography addiction or masturbating too much. Finding healthy balance within your relationship to yourself can be a part of LGBTQIA+ affirming couples counseling.
As well, talking about sex, sexual fantasies, it even your kinks and fetishes can be a part of couples therapy. One study noted that over 50% of people identify as having a kink or a fetish. However, many people just think of sex is vaginal and penis penetration. As well, many people do not receive proper education on the female orgasmic system and female pleasure needs.
Therefore, a healthy sex life can be so much more than vaginal and penis penetration. With your couples therapist in Florida, you can talk about playfulness with new sex toys.
And, you can explore lengthening foreplay and different erogenous zones. You and your partner can start to build a passionate intimate sex life from marriage counseling. Sex and intimacy are important topics in couples therapy in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling.

What can meeting with a Florida polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor look like?
When you are in an ethically non monogamous marriage, you might want to do counseling sessions with you and your primary partner. Or, you might want to invite your different partners in to improve communication within those relationships. Working with a a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor can be exactly what you needed to be.
You can work on communication, overcoming anger, and foster bonding.
We often do not learn healthy relationship skills growing up from our parents. From meeting with a a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor, you can learn to have healthy, loving relationships.
Why work with a specialist in a polyamory, intimacy, communication and marriage counseling in Florida?
Anytime an issue or conflict arises, you can feel reassured working with a therapist who specializes in polyamory. Your therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling won’t tell you to close your marriage in order to stop feeling jealous or anxious. Monogamous couples struggle with anxiety and jealousy in the same way polyamorous couples do.
You will never be blamed that your anxiety is a result of polyamory. Working with a polyamory specialist means that you get to have someone that values your relationship structure and style. Your therapy process can be unique to your needs and goals.

To begin, click below for a phone consult for a phone consult to work with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor.
In addition to traditional talk therapy, Wisdom Within Counseling offers couples self-regulation tools and holistic outlets.
Creative art, yoga, breathing techniques, and mindfulness meditation skills are available right in each counseling session. Meditation and mindfulness practices can help with reducing anger.
Alongside traditional talk therapy, holistic coping strategies support a calm nervous system. Learning to breathe and soothe yourself are key skills when it comes to having multiple relationships and being polyamorous. Right in couples counseling, your therapist can teach you how to take deep breaths. Your couples therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida will pause you if the conversation if it gets too triggered. Then, your marriage therapist can provide a self-soothing technique right then to teach you how to self-regulate in session.
When you find yourself getting triggered, you can utilize the holistic, positive coping tools your therapist will teach you. The team at Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida supports you in bringing a calm, grounded self to your relationships.
Meeting with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor can help you identify when you need to pause and take a break from an intense conversation.
Resources to normalize polyamorous relationships
As well, your therapist may recommend you read a book, such as “Opening Up.” Additionally, your therapist can recommend that you listen to a polyamory affirming podcast like, “Multiamory.” Polyamorous parents can read affirming books normalizing polyamorous relationships to their children. For instance, “A Color Named Love,” to normalize love from a variety of adults. Your ethically non monogamous affirming therapist can recommend various books and resources to normalize polyamorous relationships.
The coming out process
At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can talk about coming out as polyamorous and ethically non monogamous to your friends and family. Likewise, you may have a variety of emotions like anxiety and fear when you think about coming out. But, you may still want to come out as polyamorous to family. You can process these feelings with your polyamorous affirming couples therapist at Wisdom Within Counseling in Florida.

Working with a polyamory relationship specialist and marriage counselor supports lifelong love
You can learn skills to navigate opening your marriage and ethical non monogamy. Participating in a consensually non monogamous relationship means communicating about emotions in calm ways. Learning to communicate how you feel, such as anxiety or jealousy, can be a part of couples therapy in Florida.
Marriage counseling in Florida can help you and your spouse get back to a playful, passionate marriage. From couples counseling, you can learn to be kind and friendly towards one another. You are both hard working, talented, loving people at your core. However, complex trauma, loss, hurt feelings, anger, and resentment are blockers to intimacy.
Meeting with a couples therapist in Florida at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you and your partner feel confident in your marriage again. You can develop skills to feel secure, emotionally intimate, and strong as a team together.
Rather than feeling like you are walking on eggshells, couples therapy helps you communicate your needs and have a voice. As well, the team of marriage specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling can give you tools for lifelong relationship success.
Couples therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can be a fun, positive experience. It is the time set aside each week to prioritize your sex life, intimacy, and marriage again.

Where in Florida can Wisdom Within Counseling help couples needing more intimacy and relationship therapy?
Tallahassee, Tampa, Ocala, Fort Myers, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Orlando, Miami, Sarasota, Pensacola, Naples, Kissimmee, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Melbourne, Merritt Island, Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, Titusville, Siesta Key, Englewood, Port Charlotte, Punta Gorda, Boca Grande, Longboat Key, Bradenton, Clearwater, Crystal River, Lakeland, Winter Haven, St. Cloud, Hudson, New Port Richey, Alligator Point, St. George Island, Miramar Beach, St. Augustine, Palm Coast, Port Orange, Pompano Beach, Hollywood, Hialeah, Key Biscayne, Key Largo, Key West, Marathon, Duck Key, Islamorada, Layton, Big Pine Key, Tavernier, Marco Island, Delray Beach, Pahokee, Stuart, Jupiter, Vero Beach, St. Johns County, Florida.