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Play therapy and child therapy in Mystic, Connecticut

Has your child who was talking, not speaking anymore due to shyness or anxiety? Do you have a child who is getting bullied, having a hard time making friends, or needing social confidence? Is your child questioning their gender, telling you they want a name change, or that they want to shop in the opposite gender section of the clothing store? Is your child going to be part of a blended family, and getting step siblings? Does your child need a movement-based, creative, arts-based approach to play therapy and child therapy? Play therapy in child therapy in Mystic, Connecticut supports active, emotional children in healing grounding skills.

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Has your child develop selective mutism, mesophonia, or has stopped talking to family members or in school do to anxiety?

To begin, children who go through something scary or troublesome in life may stop talking. Sometimes, children need the help of a professional child therapist to help them develop their emotional vocabulary. Children may stop speaking and develop selective mutism due to experience is of PTSD. If a child experiences sexual abuse or unwanted touch, they may develop selective mutism. As well, a child with social anxiety may develop selective mutism. Working with a professional play therapist for children gives liberation to stuck feelings. Child therapists who utilize play therapy can help you, as a parent, understand what your child is feeling inside.

To begin, click the button below to start with a phone consult for play therapy and child therapy in Mystic, Connecticut.

Also, children with selective mutism will not be able to talk it out in a verbal way.

They are trying to connect with you, and they do not know how to go about it in the right way. To begin, click the button below for a free phone consult to learn more about confidence building through holistic child and adolescent counseling in Old Lyme, CT. , sexual abuse therapist for children, child art therapy niantic, Also, art therapy in Niantic, Connecticut involves painting and creative expression. When it comes to treatment for eating disorders, Erin specializes in using art therapy to help teen girls with eating disorders. Now, Erin helps teenage girls learn positive coping skills and process feelings. Further, holistic therapy for teen girls with eating disorders uses art, yoga, music, and animal therapies for self-esteem skills. eating disorder therapy, eating disorder therapist,Niantic, Connecticut, therapy for teen girls with eating disorders, eating disorder treatment, eating disorder therapy connecticut, art coounseling, holistic counseling for teenagers

So, Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in play therapy in child therapy in Mystic, Connecticut. Play is a child’s natural language. And, creative play therapies help therapists build trust with young children. Via versa, children with trust issues feel safe using play to share their life journey. Acting, dance, music, and yoga are available as languages beyond words. Therefore, child centered play therapists near Mystic, Connecticut help children talk it out through play. Using miniatures, dolls, toy people, Legos, puppets, and even acting in storytelling, our team of therapists help young children talk it out. Therapy for children does not have to feel forced or like an obligation. Instead, children can naturally and freely share sadness, anxiety, and anger through child centered play therapy.

Child centered play therapy helps children have a safe space to talk about the bad things that have happened to them.

Young children, even preschoolers, have feelings of sadness, loss, fear, happiness, gratitude, isolation, and worry. Also, preschoolers need outlets for stress and anxiety. Child centered play therapy helps preschoolers and toddlers have a healthy, positive outlet for their feelings. After a play therapy session, parents may notice that their toddler sleeps better that night, due to better mental health. Also, a toddler may be more well behaved or listen better, due to learning emotional coping strategies in play therapy.

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Outdoor Play Therapy

Stressors for needing play therapy in child therapy in Mystic, Connecticut

Certain family stressors like having a parent die, of losing a sibling. Also, even having a new baby born or having a relative move in can cause selective mutism. Chronic illness in family can confuse a child. Sometimes, children become obsessed or scared of death. OCD, anxiety and fears all go hand in hand.

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Children are often afraid of big concepts like death and dying.

Play therapy can help children reduce fears and worries around death. As well, children who have fears of death or other fears often feel relaxed and relieved after therapy. This is a sign your little one could use play therapy in child therapy in Mystic, Connecticut. As well, moving to a new place can impact a child’s verbalization of feelings. If a child has selective mutism, a play therapist can support accommodations in the school system.

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What exactly is a creative arts and holistic approach to play therapy for children near Mystic, Connecticut?

Overall, creative therapy in Mystic, Connecticut incorporates things like yoga poses, breathing skills, and mindfulness meditation. For many children, children’s yoga poses bring a sense of playfulness and joyful movement. Joyful movement for children is like having an outdoor nature play therapy session. Using chalk, being outdoors in the fresh air, and moving the body is helpful for anxiety in children. When children have a therapy session outdoors, they can use a scooter on wheels and release anxiety. Children also learn coping tools from play therapy by using art, watercolor, acrylic paints, and model magic clay. Clay provides a sensory experience for children it helps them build confidence. Also, painting provides children with a sense of ease over anxiety, whether that be from a parents divorce or school.

trauma therapy in Mystic, Connecticut, anxiety therapy East Lyme, Connecticut, You can step away from caretaking for them and learn to set healthy boundaries. In addition, when you live with a spouse who has an alcohol use disorder, you may feel tired, depressed, worried, and more anxious than usual. Essentially, your mental health becomes impacted by there drinking. for instance, one day, you wake up and they are in a good mood. The next day, you wake up and they are screaming and yelling. Often times, when a loved one has an alcohol or drug problem, they will be emotionally unstable. It’s important to know, that no matter how much they yell or call you names, that you are not causing them to do this to you. As well, if someone hits you, it is never your fault for them hitting you. But, when people live with an alcoholic for many years, they forget their own self-worth. In counseling, we help spouses who love someone with an alcohol use disorder learn how to set healthy boundaries. In time, you can learn to say no and be firm with your boundaries. Maybe, you have done some enabling in the past. For instance, you might have enabled your spouse by getting them out of jail. As well, you may have called your spouses workplace to call out for them if they were drunk. In addition, these enabling behaviors leaders powers to avoid the real issue, their alcoholism. Also, alcoholism is a family disease. So, working with a family therapist can help you understand the generational patterns. Some cultures for instants, have more alcoholism than others. In addition, going to Alcoholics Anonymous is a great support group if you struggle with alcoholism. To get started in counseling, you can book a phone consult below. However, if you are looking to get help immediately, I recommend going to Alcoholics Anonymous. If your spouse is hung over or treats you with disrespect, they may have alcoholism. Essentially, alcoholism is something that needs to be treated with professional care. In time, your spouse can get the help they need from weekly therapy. , obsessive-compulsive disorder therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut, sex positive marriage therapists in Southeastern Connecticut

To begin, click the button below to start with a phone consult for play therapy and child therapy in Mystic, Connecticut.

Divorce can be very challenging for children.

They might not want to talk about it because they feel torn picking sides.

Art and expressive therapies like drama therapy can help children role-play. Drama therapy and music therapies are exceptionally beneficial because they offer children the freedom to be themselves. Children may build miniature houses with Legos.

They can role-play different people and their family. Child centered play therapy provides a youngster with a sense of freedom to express their emotions how they would like. Wisdom Within Counseling provides a mixture of creative art, yoga, music, and outdoor nature therapies to help children get back to being themselves. Play therapy in child therapy in Mystic, Connecticut Is creative and holistic for emotional calmness.

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Is your child identify as non-binary or wanting to be a different gender?

if your child is questioning their gender, we are happy to help. Sometimes, children who have a mixup of hormones, or born transgender. Transgender children may begin to come out as young as three or four years old. Other times, transgender children come out around eight or nine years old. Puberty is often a time when transgender feelings arise in youth as well. Our team of marriage and family therapists near Mystic, Connecticut specialize in transgender child therapy.

We help parents understand what it means to have a child who is gender questioning or transgender.

As well, we help siblings become LGBTQIA+ affirming and use preferred pronouns. Children who are transgender may need support around LGBTQIA+ affirming recreational activities.

Sometimes, it can be a struggle to come out to extended family members and grandparents. Grandparents may be accepting of your child’s transgender identity. Or, grandparents may be rejecting of your child pronouns and preferred name.

Therapy can be a safe place to talk about how to set boundaries and handle these family conflicts related to your child’s transgender identity.

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Blended families and family therapy near Mystic, Connecticut

Blending a family can be a great reason to get into Mystic, Ct child counseling. Children may not click right away with a new step parent.

As parents, you might need a safe space to talk about who disciplines and how boundaries are set now as a blended family. As well, step siblings may try to establish a pecking order so to speak.

Bullying may begin and leads to low self-esteem. In addition, there may be challenges around favoritism among siblings. Blending families can create anxiety, conflict, anger, and loneliness.

One sibling might feel left out and began behaving in an unmanageable, impulsive way. Overall, if you are blending your family, child therapy utilizing play therapy methods can help your youngster feel supported.

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Wisdom Within Counseling helps your child have a safe place outside of school, home, and better understand normalcy around getting new family members.

Bibliotherapy and reading books to children about extended family can be helpful. Also, blended family counseling can include family sessions as well as child therapy. Children are not able to discuss fears or anxieties about their home changing.

On the contrary, an adult might come in to counseling and talk about those things out right. However, play therapy is the language a child uses to talk about fears around beginning to share a room.

Sometimes, a child is forced out of their room so that an older family member may have an extended stay. An abrupt change like this can cause a child to develop selective mutism and need plate therapy. As well, children may develop anger or have trouble sleeping. These are signs they need play therapy to support mental health.

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To begin, click the button below to start with a phone consult for play therapy and child therapy in Mystic, Connecticut.

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