Did you know that there are 6 million children with ADHD. And, there is another 6 million with anxiety and depression. Often, children don’t have the vocabulary or language skills to talk about anxiety. Instead, children and adolescents develop problematic and concerning behaviors. Play therapy and child counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut can help children overcome anxiety, ADHD, and depression.
How do children show they are anxious if they don’t talk about it directly?
To note, children with anxiety may have trouble eating and sleeping. As well, children with anxiety may waking their parents up in the night due to bad dreams. A child suffering from depression and anxiety may refuse foods and may not eating properly. Play therapy can also support little ones who quickly getting angry. Moodiness, seeming irritable, and emotional outbursts are a sign that your child needs a play therapist.

Play therapy in East Lyme, Connecticut supports children with obsessive compulsive disorder
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we help children who have negative intrusive thoughts. Your child may have obsessions and be constantly worrying or having negative thoughts. For some adults, it my be hard to think of children as ones who suffer from depression. However, many children struggle with expressing sadness, loss, and trauma in healthy ways. In school, children learn about math and science, but don’t learn about anger management.
At Wisdom Within Counseling, we support positive coping tools for sibling jealousy and frustration.
Play therapy is the language of your child. To note, play therapy is a special type of counseling just for children. Play is how children tell their story. Children can release intense emotions like hurt, feeling left out, nervous, and sad in play therapy. And, play is what they do best. Your child’s play therapist will be able to assess deep feelings through their play. Play therapy and child counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut supports healthy emotional expression.

How does play therapy and child counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut work?
Without your child knowing it, your child’s therapist will be able to understand their emotions and story. Children tell how they feel through puppets and action figures. Sitting on the floor, using musical instruments, and painting are also parts of play therapy and child counseling. Holistically and creatively, the team of therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling help children feel better about themselves. From play therapy, children can release negative, traumatic, past experiences. Play therapy helps children with autism spectrum disorder develop social emotional tools. Essentially, using dolls, toys, and action figures, children can also learn social skills. As well, children with ADHD can use outdoor movement therapy to release energy in a healthy way.

Why would a child need play therapy and child counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut?
Children can’t talk verbally like adults can about being happy, mad, scared, and misunderstood. Therefore, play therapy and child counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut supports holistic outlets. To note, children literally can’t say, “I heard about a robbery on the radio in the car. Now, I am scared someone will rob my family and now I can’t sleep. This is why I have been crying at night, trying to kick my brother, and am biting my nails.” It is impossible for a child to have that level of self-reflection. However, adults can make these reflections due to a more developed brain. Instead, child therapists know that a child needs to play out their emotions. And, play therapy in child counseling is the very best way to promote lifelong self-expression. When children learn how to release sadness, loss, trauma, fear, and jealousy, they can make friends easier too.

To begin, click the button below to book your free phone consult for play therapy and child counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut.
What issues bring children in for play therapy?
There are many social and emotional issues that children may face growing up. For instance, bullying dampens self-esteem. To add, loss of a pet, sibling, parent, or grandparent may cause sadness. From being sad, children may seem tired, exhausted, hopeless, and moody. Children may develop withdrawn behaviors after loss or sadness. Get your child into therapy right away if you are noticing any of these emotional issues. Moving, changing schools, and changing homes all can lead to anger and anxiety.
How can holistic, creative play therapy in Southeastern Connecticut help children with ADHD, ADD, and hyperactivity?
Well, children with ADHD often suffer from an inability to focus. There can be inattentive traits to ADHD. As well, children with ADHD and ADD may struggle with impatience. Play therapy can increase frustration tolerance skills. Additionally, children can learn self-awareness tools for preventing emotional outbursts. Outdoor play therapies in nature at Wisdom Within Counseling promote joyful activity. Children can learn to express emotions in healthy way using art, yoga, animals, and music therapies.

Can play therapy and child counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut help my child who is anxious?
As well, children with anxiety may have trouble making friends due to low self-confidence. Children with anxiety may bite their nails, pick their skin, or suck on the collar of their shirt. From play therapy, children can have an outlet for these big, intense emotions. Essentially, your child’s therapist teaches them how to manage and deal with intense feelings. For some, these emotions may cause sibling or family conflict at home. And, for other children, big emotions can cause problems at school. Through holistic child counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, children develop lifelong emotional skills.

How does play therapy work?
When children play a game, play with puppets, or look at the feeling cats in my office, they release. For instance, a book can help a child release and get in touch with their own feelings. To note, children have so many feelings all at once. During play and emotion games, children develop emotional confidence. Self-esteem can improve from play therapy and child counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut at Wisdom Within.

How are the child therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut holistic and creative?
Child therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling supports creative, holistic play. In addition to play therapy, children can experience creative painting. As well, children can use musical instruments, drums, and shakers to make sounds. Additionally, walking in nature, animals, and outdoor movement sessions provide confidence. In play therapy and child counseling in East Lyme, Connecticut, art, yoga, music, and outdoor therapies help children thrive.

Play therapy helps children lean to love and accept themselves.
For just a moment, a child can release the stresses and emotional burdens of life. Often, problematic behaviors at school and home show a need for play therapy. Overall, children and adolescents benefit from play therapy to learn to take themselves less seriously. Adolescents with social anxiety can develop laughter and light heartedness in play therapy. As well, not many therapists understand how to connect with children.
Understanding holistic play therapy and child counseling in East Lyme
Traditional sitting and talking doesn’t work well. At Wisdom Within Counseling in Southeastern Connecticut, our team specializes in understanding children’s needs. Emotionally, children need to be able to use play and art to express themselves. When an anxious child is lost in play, emotional release occurs. For example, puppets, play dough, music, or games can be healing. The play therapy item or puppet helps them develop communication.
Holistic child therapists help children express their deepest feelings in a way that is developmentally appropriate for them.

Wisdom Within Counseling specializes in integrating art, yoga, music, and animal therapy with traditional talk therapy.
Katie Ziskind, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and her team of therapists offer play and child counseling. In Southeastern Connecticut, in East Lyme, your child can gain social emotional skills. From ADHD, to loss and trauma, to social anxiety, child can gain emotional tools. As well, your child can use play therapy, art therapy, yoga therapy, music therapy, and nature therapies. Plus, alternative to talking help children healing from trauma and loss feel safe. Likewise, parent-child counseling can support families in releasing anger and anxiety. Wisdom Within Counseling in Niantic, Connecticut teaches children self-regulation, trust, and social emotional tools. Our holistic, creative therapists can help your child or teen build confidence and self-esteem.