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Narcissist Abuse Recovery Therapists and Counselors Help Empathetic People Heal During And After A Narcissistic Marriage – NPD Trauma Counseling

Realizing your current spouse or ex lover is a narcissist can be an angering, sad, and sobering experience. Learning about gaslighting and manipulation tactics can be healing. Sometimes, you feel anger at yourself for staying for so long in an emotionally unsafe relationship. Other times, you feel sad and tearful, grieving your hopes and dreams. When are currently, or have been in a romantic relationship or marriage with a narcissist, you feel exhausted and defeated. After walking on eggshells in a romantic relationship or marriage with a narcissist, the Wisdom Within Counseling narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors can help you.

You deserve to feel valued, seen, heard, and share your trauma story. Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you learn about trauma, gaslighting, and overcome emotional abuse experiences.

To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for confidence and positive coping strategies after relationship trauma.

Living with a narcissist can lead to self-doubt, high levels of anxiety, depression, and flight, fight, and freeze trauma responses. after leaving a marriage to a narcissist, you may struggle with digestive pain, body aches, and head aches.

Somatic body symptoms are parts of surviving narcissistic abuse. Holistic therapies at Wisdom Within Counseling with our narcissistic abuse recovery specialists can help you heal and reconnect to your mind, body and spirt.

Growing up, you may have had parents who had narcissistic personality disorder. Your mother may be a narcissist and constantly emotionally invalidate you. Or, your father may have narcissistic traits and be physically abusive.

Growing up, narcissism and emotional abuse was normalized. So, you didn’t see anything wrong when your romantic partner started showing these same traits.

Your counselor who specializes in narcissism at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you rebuild self-worth, self-esteem, and confidence after emotional abuse has pushed you down.

No matter who you have been bound to – narcissistic a parent or spouse, they feed off your empathetic traits.

You’re naturally compassionate, caring, giving, and loving. And, a narcissistic ex spouse suck the life out of you.

When you are highly empathetic, narcissists prey on your naturally empathetic qualities. You’re naturally sensitive, and are in tune with others and what they are feeling. When you have a narcissist in your life, they are self-centered.

When you are married to a narcissist, their mood will change like a light switch. One moment, you are excited to see them. But, they seem angry, frustrated with you, and are highly critical of you. The next moment, they seem happy.

Narcissistic people are emotionally immature, unstable, and push this emotional chaos on their spouse. As well, when your ex spouse has narcissism, they will struggle with giving back emotionally.

This lack of emotional connection can make co-parenting very difficult. As much as you may want to cut them out of your life, you may have to work with them due to co-parenting.

Overall, when you ex lover has narcissism, you may have felt like they were an energy vampire.

Our team of narcissism and trauma specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you learn trauma coping tools, emotional regulation skills, and self-love.

To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for confidence and positive coping strategies after relationship trauma.

When you are in a narcissistic marriage, your spouse will never take accountability or admit wrongdoings.

Living with a narcissist can lead to self-blame, guilt, depression, anxiety, appetite changes, and sleep problems. You may struggle with weight loss or weight gain, feel sad and down, and even be easily angered. As well, narcissistic abuse can cause loneliness, feelings of emptiness, irritability, mood swings, headaches, and digestive pain.

Counseling can help you love yourself, practice self-care, and balance your mood after narcissistic abuse.

Additionally, when your spouse has narcissism, they are self-absorbed. And, they can never admit they are at fault.

It’s difficult for the narcissist in your life to be empathetic towards you. Narcissistic spouses ever admit wrong doings. It is difficult for them to take ownership.

Then, they play the victim card, and make you feel like you are the one who is crazy. The narcissist in your life is a big bully due to their own insecurities. They may also have an unstable work history, or have challenges keeping friends.

Wether you are currently in, or have recently ended, a romantic relationship with a narcissist, our team of narcissism and trauma specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you.

Healing and narcissistic abuse recovery is a process of rebuilding self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence.

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To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem.

When you have a narcissist in your life, you’re now researching narcissistic personality disorder and narcissistic abuse recovery therapists.

Learning about emotional abuse and recovery from narcissistic abuse, gaslighting, and trauma, can help you understand the situation you were in.

Often times, narcissistic people are very charismatic at first when dating.

In the early stages, dating a narcissist feels like you have found your king or queen. They shower you with compliments and in a sense, “groom” you. In the beginning of a romantic relationship, a narcissist is kind, respectful, and even showers a victim with gifts.

What is grooming in an emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissist?

Notably, narcissists often engage in a process commonly referred to as “grooming.” When grooming, narcissists target highly empathetic people and manipulate their victims. Grooming is a deliberate and manipulative strategy used to gain control, build trust, and establish emotional bonds with their victims.

While grooming tactics can vary, they typically involve the following elements:


Narcissists often begin by showering their victims with excessive attention, affection, and compliments.

This intense and overwhelming display of love and admiration is designed to create a strong emotional connection.

Love bombing in a narcissistic marriage is an intense and excessive display of affection, attention, and admiration that the narcissistic partner uses to gain control and manipulate their spouse. It typically occurs in the early stages of the relationship but can continue throughout the marriage.

In the beginning of a narcissistic relationship, you may not even know you are experiencing love bombing.

Love bombing is designed to make you feel special and valued. And, it is okay if you felt valued and special from love bombing. These are normal reactions to receiving gifts and compliments. However, in an emotionally abusive relationship, love bombing is followed by anger, social isolation, gaslighting, name calling, and abuse.

Our team of narcissism and trauma specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you identify relationship red flags, gaslighting, and love bombing abuse tactics.

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To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to learn about love bombing.

Here’s an example of love bombing in a narcissistic marriage:

Imagine a newlywed couple, Sarah and John. In the beginning, John is charming, attentive, and seemingly devoted to Sarah. He bombards her with affectionate texts and calls throughout the day and buys her extravagant gifts. And, he constantly tells her how perfect she is. He plans elaborate romantic gestures and surprises, and he appears to be the most loving and caring husband.

However, as time goes on, the love bombing begins to take a toll on Sarah. She also notices that John becomes controlling and angry. He demands that she spend all her free time with him and isolating her from her friends and family. When John gets angry, he calls Sarah derogatory names. And, then takes her to a fancy restaurant, paying for her meal the next day.

Slowly, the love bombing gives way to manipulation and emotional abuse. John uses his initial displays of affection as a tool to control Sarah and undermine her self-esteem. Sarah begins hanging on to the hope that John will change.

In this example, the love bombing in the early stages of the marriage was a manipulative tactic employed by the narcissistic partner (John) to establish control and dependency in the relationship. Over time, it can lead to emotional abuse and a power dynamic that favors the narcissistic partner.


To maintain control, a narcissistic spouse may isolate you from friends and family. As well, a narcissistic spouse may do this by undermining existing relationships.

Your narcissistic spouse may create conflict with loved ones. Or, they may convince you that they are the only one who truly understands and cares for you.

Our team of narcissism and complex trauma specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you set boundaries, get and stay socially connected, and create a positive network for yourself.

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To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for confidence and positive coping strategies after relationship trauma.


Narcissists frequently employ gaslighting techniques to manipulate their victims’ perception of reality. Your narcissistic spouse may deny their abusive behavior. As well, your narcissistic spouse may twist facts, or make you doubt your own memory and sanity.

Gaslighting can lead you to question your judgment and become more dependent on your narcissistic spouse.

One example of emotionally abusive behavior that a narcissist may deny or downplay is gaslighting. Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic in which the abuser seeks to make the victim doubt their own perception, memory, or sanity.

Here’s an example of gaslighting:

Suppose Sarah confronts her husband, Mark, about a hurtful comment he made during an argument. Mark, who exhibits narcissistic traits, denies ever making the comment and insists that Sarah must be imagining things. He tells her that she’s overly sensitive and tends to make things up. As a result, this makes her question her own memory and judgment. He may even become angry and accuse her of trying to start arguments or being “too emotional.”

In this scenario, Mark is engaging in gaslighting by denying the hurtful comment he made. Gaslighting is when Sarah doubts her own recollection of events, and he invalidates her feelings.

Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can erode your self-confidence and make you more dependent on the narcissist’s version of reality.

The narcissistic abuser may deny their abusive behavior and shift blame onto you, as the victim. This makes it challenging for the victim to confront or address the abuse. As well, the abuser never has to change their behavior.


After gaining your trust and dependence, narcissists often shift their behavior by devaluing and criticizing you. This can be done to keep you off balance and on edge.

As well, being highly critical towards you helps your narcissistic spouse maintain control. You begin to always hope for the compliments and praise to come back.

To add, this ensures your continued efforts are to please your lover or spouse with narcissism.

Manipulative Guilt and Fear:

Narcissists use guilt, fear, and threats to manipulate you into compliance. They may exploit your vulnerabilities, insecurities, or past traumas. You end up fearing the power your narcissistic spouse has, which keeps you emotionally attached and obedient.


Notably, narcissists sometimes introduce a third party into the relationship to create jealousy, insecurity, and competition. This tactic can serve to further control you and maintain the narcissist’s power.

Grooming is a calculated strategy used by narcissists to establish and maintain their control over their victims.

It often leads to a cycle of emotional abuse, where your self-esteem and sense of reality are eroded over time. Recognizing grooming tactics is crucial for those who suspect they are in an abusive relationship.

Understanding the signs of grooming and narcissistic abuse are parts of meeting with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists. Breaking free from your narcissistic spouse’s manipulation means seeing it for what it is.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our therapists specializes in helping victims heal after narcissism, gain trauma coping tools, gain emotional regulation skills, and gain self-worth tools.

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To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to identify relationship red flags.

When married to a narcissist, you walk on eggshells all the time.

In time, a narcissist becomes egocentric. They have an inflated sense of self-esteem and have a difficult time taking criticism. No matter what the issue is, it is always someone else’s fault.

Someone with narcissistic personality disorder may also have chronic lying issues.

They may not be able to tell the truth no matter what. To note, they may bend the truth because of their abundance of confidence. Chronic lying makes it difficult to continue a romantic relationship with a narcissistic person.

For instance, your narcissist abuse recovery therapist can give you a safe space to vocalize your suspicions regarding if your spouse may be cheating.

Your narcissistic spouse may lie about there whereabouts, or who they are texting. There may have been a series of affairs and infidelity in your marriage to a narcissist.

Furthermore, narcissistic people lie to portray a false image of themselves. Additionally, people with narcissistic personality disorder crave praise and admiration from others. If they don’t get the praise or appreciation they want, they may get extremely angry.

Narcissistic people are known to have intense, extreme emotional reactions when things don’t go their way.

Furthermore, narcissistic people need to control everything and everyone. Truly, they believe they are entitled to be in control.

So, if something doesn’t go the way they want, they will use a scare tactic. Yelling, anger, throwing a temper tantrum, or even throwing an item at the wall are all common in people who have narcissism.

These intense, angry, and often scary emotional reactions put the fear in others. You may have been scared in the presence of someone with narcissistic personality disorder due to the extreme anger episodes.

In these extreme anger episodes, a narcissistic person denies their partner or their child of healthy emotional experience. Narcissistic people will not calmly talk about emotions.

Instead, a narcissist uses gaslighting, crazy making, and other narcissistic abuse techniques to create a power imbalance in all of their relationships.

Our team of narcissism and trauma specialists at Wisdom Within Counseling support you in gaining education on emotionally safe, healthy, verses unhealthy, abusive relationships.

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To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem.

Our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors help you let go of self-blame and guilt.

Many times, survivors of narcissistic abuse need help removing self-blame in counseling. It is normal to try analyzing the past over and over, when you have PTSD.

You may blame yourself for staying so long with a narcissistic spouse or partner.

Counseling at Wisdom Within plays a pivotal role in helping you, as a victim of narcissistic abuse, shed the self-blame and guilt. Often, after having a spouse with narcissism, guilt and self-blame weigh heavily on your shoulders. In the therapeutic setting, as a survivor, you can explore your experiences, emotions, and thought patterns in a safe and nonjudgmental environment.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors are skilled at helping survivors, like yourself, understand the dynamics of narcissistic abuse. You can gain skills to recognize that the responsibility for the abuse lies squarely with your narcissistic abuser. Additionally, your narcissist abuse recovery therapist and counselor will validate your feelings and trauma experiences.

By providing a compassionate space for you to share your stories, Wisdom Within Counseling helps you begin the process of unraveling the web of self-blame.

Even after emotional abuse is over, you may wonder what you did to cause it. Your marriage may have ended, but you still have your narcissist ex lover living in your head, at times. This is a normal part of having PTSD.

Moreover, our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors equip survivors with coping strategies and emotional tools to counteract the damaging effects of narcissistic abuse.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors work with you to rebuild self-esteem, self-worth, and self-compassion. To note, chronic emotional abuse erodes and diminishes these.

Through various therapeutic techniques, you can gain insight into the manipulation tactics used by the narcissists in your life. As well, counseling after narcissistic abuse can help you challenge distorted beliefs about yourself. You can develop healthier boundaries and assertiveness skills.

Over time, counseling empowers survivors of emotional trauma and narcissistic abuse to release the burden of self-blame and guilt.

From working with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors, you can replace guilt with a renewed sense of confidence, resilience, and start on a path toward healing and self-empowerment.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors support you in rebuilding your identity, verbalizing your needs, and attracting healthy relationships.

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To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to heal after emotional trauma.

As a victim of narcissistic abuse, you might blame yourself for staying in an abusive relationship for several reasons, even though the abuse is not your fault.

Here are some common factors contributing to self-blame and staying even though there is emotional abuse:

Manipulation and Gaslighting:

Narcissists are skilled at manipulation and gaslighting, which involves distorting your perception of reality and making you doubt your own judgment.

Over time, as a victim of narcissistic abuse, you may internalize the narcissist’s false narrative. Unfortunately, you may truly start to believe that you are the cause of the problems in the relationship, leading to self-blame.


Narcissists often isolate their victims from friends and family, making it difficult for them to seek support or perspective from outside sources. This isolation can intensify feelings of self-blame, as you may feel that you have no one to turn to for validation or advice.

Trauma Bonding:

Victims of narcissistic abuse can develop a strong emotional bond with their abuser, known as a trauma bond. Trauma bonding comes from the emotional attachment and intense high’s and low’s. This bond can create a sense of dependency. To add, trauma bonding can make it challenging for victims of narcissistic abuse to leave the relationship. As an emotional abuse victim, you may blame yourself for being unable to break free from your abuser’s control.

Low Self-Esteem:

Narcissistic abuse can erode your self-esteem and self-worth. Due to low self-worth, you may start to believe that you deserve the mistreatment you are enduring.

This low self-esteem can lead to self-blame, as you may see yourself as unworthy of better treatment.

Idealization and Devaluation Cycle:

Narcissists often cycle between calm and idealization, and devaluation of their victims.

During the calm and idealization phase, you may feel loved and valued.

This leads to happiness and calm for a short time. But, the cycle of abuse begins again. Unfortunately, feeling valued and loved during the calm phase then reinforces the negative belief that you are responsible for the problems when the devaluation phase begins. To note, you are not actually responsible for the abuse. But, a narcissistic person wants you to think that you are.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors help you appreciate, love, and accept yourself after emotional trauma.

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To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem.

Fear of Repercussions:

Furthermore, narcissists can be vindictive and may threaten or retaliate. If you attempt to leave or expose the abuse, the narcissist exerts power and control. This fear of potential consequences can keep you trapped in the abusive relationship and lead to self-blame for not taking action.

Hope for Change:

Many victims of narcissistic abuse, like yourself, hold onto hope that the narcissist will change or return to the calm and idealization phase.

You may blame yourself for not being able to “fix” the relationship or the narcissist. As well, you may believe that if only you can love the narcissist more, or better, they will no longer being emotionally abusive. Working with the team of narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you realize it is not your duty to fix the narcissist in your life. They have to want to grow, change, and better themselves.

It’s essential to understand that victims of narcissistic abuse are not to blame for the abuse.

Abuse is the responsibility of the abuser. And, victims of narcissistic abuse are often manipulated and psychologically harmed, making leaving the relationship extremely challenging.

Seeking support from the Wisdom Within Counseling narcissist abuse recovery therapists helps you recognize the abuse, heal from it, and let go of self-blame. You can have a tool kit of skills for future relationships as well.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can work with our team of narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors to let go of blame and guilt, and free yourself.

Our Wisdom Within Counseling narcissist abuse recovery therapists can help you develop resilience, inner peace, and mental clarity.

Narcissistic people also have a difficult time giving and receiving emotional intimacy. Emotional intimacy is all about understanding of someone else’s feelings and wanting them to feel loved and better. However, someone with narcissistic personality disorder lacks emotional intimacy skills and doesn’t have an interest in building them.

Additionally, when a narcissist feels threatened they will dismiss you entirely. They may use the silent treatment, walk out of the room when you were talking, or call you a derogatory name.

To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for confidence and positive coping strategies after relationship trauma.

When you have someone in your life who has narcissistic personality disorder, you may become accustomed to being called mean names.

As well, narcissistic people may use degradation or put downs when they feel threatened.

For instance, you may be called a derogatory name or called, “stupid.”

For instance, your significant other may call you a, “loser.” Your narcissistic mother may call you a, “slut.” Or, your narcissistic father may continually call you, “stupid.” Overtime, sadly, survivors of narcissistic abuse start to believe this is all they can be. It becomes normal to be disrespected when you are in an emotionally abusive relationship.

You may have very low self-worth from the degradation and emotional abuse from having been in a relationship with a narcissist. The Wisdom Within Counseling narcissistic abuse recovery therapists can help you heal from complex PTSD. Narcissistic abuse recovery therapy can help you develop a sense of confidence again.

For years after emotional abuse from a narcissist, you may still hear these names being called to you. Even though you may no longer be in the presence of the narcissist in your life, you hear their hurtful voice playing over and over again in your head.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors can help you overcome PTSD symptoms.

Hearing the hurtful voice of a narcissist in your head even after you are no longer in their presence is a common experience among survivors of narcissistic abuse. Narcissists often create strong emotional bonds with their victims, known as trauma bonding.

These trauma bonds can be incredibly powerful and long-lasting.

Even when you, as the victim, physically removes yourself from the narcissist, the emotional connection can persist. The hurtful voice in your head may be a manifestation of this lingering emotional attachment.

Narcissistic abuse can lead to psychological conditioning, where your mind becomes accustomed to the narcissist’s critical and demeaning messages.

Over time, you may internalize these negative messages, making them feel as if the narcissist’s voice is a part of your own self-criticism.

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To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem.

Narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors specialize with survivors of narcissistic abuse who experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Intrusive thoughts and flashbacks are common symptoms of PTSD, and these can include hearing the narcissist’s voice or replaying hurtful conversations in your mind.

As a victim of narcissistic abuse, you may struggle with cognitive dissonance. This is where you hold conflicting beliefs and emotions about the narcissist. Your mind may try to reconcile these conflicting thoughts by replaying the narcissist’s words or actions, causing distress.

Emotional abuse can leave deep emotional scars. Hearing the narcissist’s voice may be a way of processing and trying to make sense of the emotional pain endured during the relationship.

Narcissists often undermine their victims’ self-esteem and self-worth. The internalized self-doubt and self-blame can perpetuate the hurtful voice even after the narcissist is no longer present.

To heal from the effects of narcissistic abuse and silence your abuser’s hurtful voice, our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors can help.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn positive coping strategies for when you begin to hear your abuser’s hurtful voice all over again. As well, you can learn positive affirmations and self-loving statements.

Overcoming narcissistic abuse means developing a self-love tool kit and believing in yourself again.

To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to feel heard, validated, and seen.

What is gaslighting and how can the Wisdom Within Counseling narcissist abuse recovery therapists help me heal?

As well, gaslighting is common among people with narcissistic personality disorder. Gaslighting is a form of manipulation.

A narcissistic person makes someone doubt their own perception, memory, or reality. The term “gaslighting” comes from the 1938 play and subsequent films titled “Gas Light.” In the play, a husband manipulates his wife into thinking she is going insane by dimming the gas lights and then denying that the lights are changing.

For instance, a narcissist may gaslight you into thinking they have never called you derogatory names, or never yelled at you.

Or, when you try to talk to the narcissist in your life about how they have hurt you, they twist the truth making you feel like you are the one with the problem.

They flip the situation back on you and manipulate you to think that you did something wrong.

Gaslighting creates a codependent relationship.

When you are recovering from narcissistic abuse, our narcissist abuse recovery therapists will teach you about gaslighting. This way, you can be on the lookout for manipulation tactics and emotional abusive tactics in the future.

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To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem.

Gaslighting typically involves the following tactics:


The gaslighter denies that certain events or conversations ever occurred, even when there is clear evidence to the contrary. They may say things like, “I never said that,” or “You’re making things up.”

Let’s say your narcissistic husband got drunk, screamed for two hours, called you a variety of derogatory, hurtful names, and then fell asleep on the couch. The next morning, you try to talk with him about what happened.

Instead of acknowledging that he drank too much alcohol and yelled at you, he denies it. Your alcoholic, narcissistic husband tells you that you are the one imagining things.

Then, your alcoholic, narcissistic husband tells you that the kitchen is a mess, the laundry needs to be done, and the floors need to be vacuumed. When you try to talk about how hurt, scared, and surprised you were about his behaviors, he denies them. He begins telling you that you are crazy for thinking he would do and say that.

Then, he buys you fancy jewelry, a gift, and love bombs you to make you quickly forget about his bad side.

This is gaslighting you as a victim of narcissistic abuse. Our Wisdom Within Counseling narcissist abuse recovery therapists can help you learn that this is in fact emotionally abusive.


Gaslighters downplay the significance of your feelings or experiences, making you feel like you are overreacting or being too sensitive.

Being in an emotionally abusive relationship can be incredibly distressing and harmful to your mental and emotional well-being. In a narcissistic relationship, you may feel like your feelings don’t matter. You may feel like you are overreacting or being too sensitive.

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To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to feel heard, validated, and seen.

Here are some key characteristics and signs of an emotionally abusive relationship:

In emotionally abusive relationships, the abuser often minimizes or dismisses your feelings and emotions. They may say things like, “You’re too sensitive,” “You’re overreacting,” or “You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”

Essentially, emotional abusers use manipulation tactics to maintain control and power over their partner, you. This can include guilt-tripping, blaming you for their abusive actions, or using passive-aggressive behavior.

An emotionally abusive spouse will criticize and belittle you. in time, this undermines your self-esteem and self-worth. Your narcissistic spouse may insult, mock, or ridicule you both in private and in front of others.

Abusers may isolate you from friends and family, making it harder for you to seek support and validation from others.

As mentioned earlier, gaslighting is a common tactic in emotionally abusive relationships. It involves making you doubt your own reality, memory, and perception.

Emotional abusers seek to control various aspects of your life, including their actions, choices, and even their thoughts. They may use threats, intimidation, or manipulation to maintain this control.

Additionally, emotional abusers with narcissism withhold affection, attention, or support as a way to punish or manipulate you.

The relationship often follows a cycle of tension building, explosion (where abusive behavior occurs), and reconciliation (where the abuser may apologize or promise change). This cycle can keep the victim trapped in the relationship.

In an emotionally abusive relationship with a narcissist, you live in fear of your narcissistic partner’s reactions.

You walk on eggshells to avoid triggering more abuse. Fear and anxiety are at an all time high. Sometimes, you have trouble sleeping, and trouble eating.

Over time, emotional abuse erodes your self-esteem, self-confidence, and sense of self-worth. Unfortunately, you may come to believe the negative messages and criticisms from your narcissistic abuser.

It’s important to recognize the signs of emotional abuse and understand that it is not acceptable or healthy in any relationship.

Our Wisdom Within Counseling narcissist abuse recovery therapists can help you understand what you are going through. You can process the past, and set boundaries for a healthier future. Leaving an emotionally abusive relationship can be difficult. You may not be able to leave due to co-parenting children together. So, counseling with our narcissistic abuse specialists can give you a safe place to release anger, loss, pain, and hurt. As well, you can use counseling to regain self-esteem and set boundaries.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, we specialize in narcissist abuse recovery therapy to help you regain control of your life and heal from the trauma of abuse.

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To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to identify emotional abuse tactics.

What are other traits of someone with narcissistic personality disorder and being married to a narcissist?


Gaslighters with narcissism may accuse you of the very behavior they themselves are engaging in. This is about deflecting blame and responsibility. For example, if they are cheating, they may accuse their partner of infidelity.

If you feel suspicious that your partner is talking to someone in a sexual way, violating the boundaries of your monogamous relationship, they will project that onto you.

Withholding information:

Gaslighters and narcissists may withhold information or actively keep secrets from the victim. As the victim of narcissistic abuse, this leads you to question your own judgment or intuition.

Narcissists often engage in manipulative tactics to maintain control and feed their need for admiration and superiority. Withholding information is one such tactic they may use to keep you in the dark. To note, this is to maintain power.

Here are some ways in which a narcissist might withhold information:

A narcissist may only reveal certain information that portrays them in a positive light or makes them look superior. They carefully choose what to share and what to keep hidden to maintain their desired image.

Narcissists may provide partial or incomplete information, making it difficult for others to have a full understanding of a situation. They might use half-truths to manipulate perceptions and control the narrative.

They may intentionally omit crucial details or facts that are relevant to a situation. By leaving out key information, they can shape the narrative in their favor or keep others in the dark about their true intentions.

Our Wisdom Within Counseling narcissistic abuse recovery counseling specialists help you gain insight into how emotional trauma has impacted your self-esteem.

Narcissists may divert attention away from important issues or concerns by focusing on trivial matters or unrelated topics. This diversionary tactic can confuse and frustrate those trying to have a meaningful conversation or gain insight into the narcissist’s behavior.

To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for confidence and positive coping strategies after relationship trauma.

Narcissists use the silent treatment

When confronted with questions or requests for information, a narcissist might stonewall by refusing to engage in the conversation, giving the silent treatment, or avoiding the subject altogether. This tactic can be used to maintain control and frustrate you.

Instead of providing straightforward answers, narcissists often deflect by turning the conversation back on you or by shifting blame. They may make counter-accusations or focus on your perceived flaws.

Some narcissists may portray themselves as victims to gain sympathy and avoid accountability. They may use sob stories or exaggerate their suffering to divert attention from their own behavior or actions.

In some cases, narcissists may hoard information to create a power imbalance in a relationship. They might control access to important documents, financial information, or other resources, using them as leverage to maintain dominance.

Dealing with a narcissist can be challenging, exhausting, and upsetting.

Seeking counseling from a Wisdom Within Counseling therapist who specializes in narcissistic personality disorder is a great way to start healing.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn to identify narcissistic manipulation tactics and be compassionate with yourself.

Our narcissist abuse recovery therapists help you identify love bombing, gaslighting, and emotional abuse tactics.

When your spouse, mother, or father is a narcissist, narcissist abuse recovery therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling can help you set boundaries.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists, help you set boundaries when you have to keep a narcissist in your life.

You may not want to cut a narcissist out of your life entirely, and can’t if you co-parent together. Additionally, setting boundaries in therapy can help protect your mental well-being when you are in relationships with narcissistic individuals.

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To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to better identify blame shifting.

Does your narcissistic spouse shift blame on to you?

Narcissist abuse recovery therapists help you identify blame-shifting tactics. Notably, narcissistic people shift the blame for their actions onto the victim. To add, blame shifting makes you then feel responsible for the narcissists behavior.

Here is an example of a narcissistic mother and child:

Say your narcissistic mother yells at her best friend causing the relationship to end. Your narcissistic mother will blame you, as a child, that you acted up, or were disrespectful. She will make it your fault she lost her friendship, taking no accountability. However, you are just a young child, and it is not your fault your narcissistic mother yelled at her close friend. And, you are not responsible for your narcissistic mother’s inability to maintain lasting friendships due to her emotionally explosive, narcissistic traits.

Blame shifting, also known as blame-shifting or deflecting blame, is a manipulative tactic in which a person avoids taking responsibility for their actions or mistakes by assigning blame to someone else.

Another blame shifting example, at work:

Scenario: Imagine a situation where two coworkers, Alex and Chris, are collaborating on a project with a tight deadline. They’ve been working on a crucial part of the project for weeks, and the deadline is approaching.

Blame Shifting Example:

Alex (to Chris): “Chris, I noticed that the part of the project you were responsible for isn’t complete yet. We need it to move forward. Why hasn’t it been finished?”

Chris (deflecting blame): “Well, Alex, the reason it’s not done is that you didn’t provide me with the information I needed to complete it. You’ve been holding up the process, and that’s why it’s not finished.”

In this example, Chris is shifting the blame onto Alex by implying that the project delay is entirely Alex’s fault because Alex didn’t provide the necessary information. Chris is avoiding taking responsibility for their own part in the delay and is attempting to make Alex appear responsible for the entire situation.

Blame shifting can be frustrating and manipulative because it often diverts attention away from the person who should be held accountable for their actions or mistakes.

It’s essential to recognize such tactics in personal or professional relationships to address issues honestly and promote accountability. Blame shifting can be present even when someone does not have narcissistic personality disorder. However, blame shifting does make it very difficult to work collaboratively as a team.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists, help you speak calmly when holding the narcissist in your life accountable.

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To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to understand blame shifting.

In a narcissistic marriage, blame shifting can be a common and damaging behavior.

Here’s an example of how blame shifting might manifest in such a relationship:

Scenario: Sarah and John are married, and Sarah has noticed that John has been frequently coming home late from work and spending less time with the family.

Blame Shifting Example in a Narcissistic Marriage:

Sarah (concerned): “John, I’ve noticed that you’ve been coming home late a lot lately, and we hardly spend any time together as a family. It’s affecting our relationship and the kids.”

John (blame shifting, deflecting): “I’m coming home late because I have to work so hard to provide for this family. You don’t appreciate how much pressure I’m under. You’re always nagging me and making me feel like I can never do anything right.”

In this example, John is shifting the blame for his behavior onto Sarah. Instead of acknowledging his actions, he portrays himself as the victim and accuses Sarah of being unsupportive and critical.

This tactic deflects attention away from John’s actions. These include coming home late, and he manipulates the situation to make Sarah feel guilty for raising legitimate concerns.

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To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to set healthy boundaries.

In narcissistic marriages, blame shifting can be a recurring pattern, making it challenging for the non-narcissistic spouse to address issues.

As well, blame shifting makes it hard to hold your narcissistic partner accountable for their actions. Recognizing this behavior is a part of working with our Wisdom Within Counseling narcissist abuse recovery therapists.

Our team at Wisdom Within Counseling help individuals and couples break free from gaslighting, narcissistic abuse, and complex trauma patterns, and learn healthier ways of communicating in relationships.

Your narcissistic spouse may belittle your thoughts, feelings, or experiences, making you feel insignificant or foolish.

The goal of gaslighting is to gain power and control over you by making you doubt your own reality. Essentially, belittling your feelings and thoughts makes you rely on your narcissistic spouse’s version of events.

This can lead to emotional confusion, self-doubt, and a sense of isolation. Gaslighting is often associated with abusive relationships.

But, it can also occur in other contexts, such as workplaces or friendships.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists, help you verbalize your needs and emotions calmly when dealing with narcissists – at work and at home.

To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to feel heard, validated, and seen.

When your narcissistic spouse belittles your thoughts, they are engaging in a form of emotional abuse and manipulation.

This narcissistic behavior is intended to undermine your self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence. As well, belittling you and talking down to you asserts their superiority and control.

Here’s what it means:

Your narcissistic spouse dismisses or trivializes your thoughts, opinions, and ideas. They may make you feel like your thoughts are unimportant or unworthy of consideration.

Belittling your thoughts can erode your self-esteem over time, making you doubt your judgment and capabilities. This can result in feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

Narcissists use belittlement as a way to assert dominance and maintain control in your marriage or relationship. By making you feel inferior, your narcissistic romantic partner gains a sense of power and superiority.

When your thoughts and ideas are constantly undermined, you may become reluctant to express yourself.

This can lead to social isolation, as you may withdraw from friends and family due to a lack of confidence in your own thoughts and abilities.

Belittlement can be a component of gaslighting, where your narcissistic spouse manipulates you into doubting your own reality and memory. They may use belittlement to make you question your own perceptions and beliefs.

By belittling your thoughts, your narcissistic spouse creates a dynamic where you becomes dependent on their approval and validation.

This can make it difficult for you to make independent decisions or think for yourself.

Narcissists often have a deep need to feel superior and admired. Belittling your thoughts is a way for them to reinforce their own sense of importance and grandiosity.

Recognizing gaslighting is an important step in protecting your mental and emotional well-being.

Working with the Wisdom Within Counseling narcissist abuse recovery therapists can help you recognize gaslighting.

Does the narcissistic person in your life talk down to you?

Additionally, narcissistic people find themselves to be better than everyone else.

Narcissistic people talk down to others.

They are superior in every way. As well, people with narcissistic personality disorder brag about themselves.

For instance, they brag about how much money they make, how big their house is, and how they can do everything better than you. This may make you feel negative about yourself. Or, you may feel like you aren’ good enough.

Narcissistic people have a very big ego that limits their ability to be successful in relationships.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists, can help you remember you are good enough.

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Feel confident after narcissistic abuse has left you feeling anxious and hurt.

Is the narcissistic person in your life highly critical of you?

Narcissistic individuals can often be highly critical of others. This critical behavior is a common trait among many narcissists and is rooted in their need for superiority, control, and admiration.

Here are some reasons why narcissistic people may exhibit high levels of criticism:

Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe they are superior to others. Your narcissistic spouse may criticize you as a way of reinforcing their own perceived superiority.

Narcissists crave constant admiration and validation.

Criticizing you can be a way for them to draw attention to themselves. Narcissists often have a limited capacity for empathy and struggle to understand your emotions. This can lead to a lack of sensitivity overall in romantic relationships.

Criticizing others can be a way for narcissists to exert control and manipulate situations. By pointing out flaws or weaknesses in you, your narcissistic spouse may gain a sense of power and control.

Your narcissistic spouse may project their own insecurities, flaws, or negative traits onto you. They may criticize you for qualities or behaviors that they don’t have. Narcissists are often preoccupied with maintaining a positive self-image. Criticizing you can be a way for them to deflect attention from their own shortcomings and flaws.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists, can help you talk with your partner about how their criticisms are impacting you.

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To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for confidence and positive coping strategies after relationship trauma.

Dealing with a highly critical narcissistic person can be challenging, as their criticism can be hurtful and damaging to your marriage.

Narcissists may believe that they are entitled to special treatment and that you should meet their needs and expectations. When you fail to do so, your narcissistic spouse resorts to criticism.

It’s important to note that not all narcissists exhibit the same level of criticism. Narcissism exists on a spectrum. Some individuals with narcissistic traits may be more critical than others.

Wether you are currently married to a narcissist, or are co-parenting with a narcissist, setting boundaries when you experience criticism is helpful. Setting boundaries is a part of narcissist abuse recovery therapy at Wisdom Within Counseling.

How can your narcissistic spouse hurt your feelings by being overly critical?

For instance, you go to a special effort to make your narcissistic wife’s favorite dinner. You set the table, make sure everything is hot, and are really excited about her arrival home after work. Unfortunately, she sees the dinner and begins being very critical.

Your narcissistic wife blames you for it being too salty, not hot enough, and tells you that you have to loose weight.

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To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem.

Can narcissistic abuse trigger high anxiety and flight, fight, and freeze responses?

Yes, narcissistic abuse in your marriage can indeed trigger high anxiety and “fight, flight, or freeze” responses. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissist abuse recovery therapists specialize in education on calming your fight, flight, and freeze responses holistically. You can learn relaxation and self-soothing skills to cope with trauma symptoms in counseling.

Manipulation, control, gaslighting, and explosive anger episodes can lead to significant emotional distress and. Post-traumatic stress symptoms include heightened anxiety and stress response systems.

Here’s how narcissistic abuse can trigger these PTSD responses:

Anxiety After Narcissistic Abuse:

Narcissistic abuse from your spouse creates a constant state of uncertainty, fear, and emotional turmoil. On that note, you may always be on edge, anticipating the next abusive episode or criticism. Living with a narcissistic spouse lead to generalized anxiety.

Fight Response After Narcissistic Abuse:

In some cases, victims of narcissistic abuse may respond with a “fight” instinct. Fights can escalate to physical altercations. Or, fights can be verbal in nature. At times, fights with a narcissist can become high conflict as you may be trying to defend yourself. A fight response to trauma can lead to conflicts and arguments within your relationship.

Flight Response After Narcissistic Abuse:

The constant stress and emotional abuse may lead to a “flight” response. As a victim of narcissistic abuse, you avoid your abuser or withdraw from your relationship as a coping mechanism. You may isolate yourself to escape the abuse.

Freeze Response After Narcissistic Abuse:

More so, many victims of narcissistic abuse experience a “freeze” response. You may feel paralyzed or unable to react. This can result from feeling overwhelmed, confused, or helpless in the face of the abuse.

A freeze response to trauma triggers, especially after emotional abuse, can manifest in various ways. This response is often characterized by a feeling of paralysis, where the you feel unable to react or respond to the triggering situation.

Here are some examples of freeze responses to trauma triggers after emotional abuse:

For instance, you may become emotionally numb when confronted with a trauma trigger. You might feel disconnected from your feelings and unable to express your emotions.

As well, you experience a freeze response that makes it difficult or impossible to speak. You may struggle to find words or become completely silent when triggered.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn how to cope when you feel triggered. Instead of shutting down, you can learn to release various, intense emotions in therapy.

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To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to feel heard, validated, and seen.

When in a high anxiety state due to emotional trauma and narcissistic abuse, do you fee like a frozen raccoon in headlights?

In cases of extreme trauma, freeze responses can lead to physical immobility. You may feel stuck in one place, unable to move, as if your body has temporarily shut down.

Furthermore, freeze responses can interfere with memory recall. When triggered, you may have difficulty remembering important details or events.

There is a sense of time distortion during a freeze response. Minutes can feel like hours, and there may be a disorienting sense of time standing still.

Dissociation is a common aspect of the freeze response. You may feel detached from your surroundings, body, or your sense of self.

During a freeze response, you may experience tunnel vision. Your focus narrows on the triggering stimulus or situation, making it difficult to perceive anything else.

To add, during the freeze trauma response, you may feel a loss of control over your body and emotions. This can be distressing and lead to a sense of powerlessness.

Paradoxically, some individuals in a freeze response may also become hypervigilant. You may start intensely monitoring your environment for any signs of danger or further abuse.

Freeze responses are a natural and adaptive survival mechanism in the face of trauma.

Freeze, as well as flight and fight, serve to protect you from immediate harm. However, if freeze responses persist and interfere with daily functioning, working with the team of narcissist abuse recovery therapists at Wisdom Within Counseling who specialize in trauma can be helpful.

In counseling, you can learn to lower anxiety using art, painting, yoga, meditation, walking therapies, and music therapies. Learning about holistic therapies can help you trust your intuition rather than reacting from fear and anxiety.

You get a safe place to begin processing and healing from emotional abuse and gain coping tools for triggers.


Victims may become hypervigilant, constantly scanning their environment for signs of danger or manipulation. This heightened state of alertness can contribute to chronic anxiety.

Hypervigilance after emotional trauma is a heightened state of alertness and constant monitoring of one’s environment for potential threats or triggers.

It is a common response among individuals who have experienced emotional trauma, such as abuse, neglect, or intense stress. This hypervigilance can be a protective mechanism that the brain adopts to ensure one’s safety in the aftermath of traumatic events.

Individuals with hypervigilance often find it challenging to relax or feel at ease, as they are always on the lookout for signs of danger.

They may exhibit exaggerated startle responses, experience racing thoughts, and be easily overwhelmed by sensory stimuli.

This state of hyperarousal can lead to chronic stress, mood swings, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. Trouble sleeping, anxiety, and mood swings further exacerbate the emotional toll of the trauma. It can be difficult to enjoy life and be present when in a very anxious state.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can learn positive coping tools to more fully enjoy life.

Anxiety coping strategies can help you relax into your body. Positive coping tools can help you feel more happy, content, peaceful, and emotionally regulate. From there, you can extend self-love to create a future, healthier romantic relationship.

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To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem.

Holistic therapies after narcissistic abuse can help you relax, feel safe in the present moment, and develop positive coping strategies.

Hypervigilance can also impact relationships and daily functioning. It may lead to avoidance of situations or places that remind the individual of the trauma, as well as difficulties in trusting others.

Coping mechanisms may include withdrawing from social interactions to reduce the risk of perceived harm. Recognizing and addressing hypervigilance is an important step in the healing process after emotional trauma, as it can be a barrier to emotional well-being and may benefit from therapeutic interventions aimed at reducing anxiety and re-establishing a sense of safety.

Physical Symptoms After Emotional Trauma:

The ongoing stress and anxiety associated with narcissistic abuse can manifest in physical symptoms, such as headaches, digestive issues, and sleep disturbances. Body pain and stomach issues are very common after experiencing gaslighting, emotional trauma, and narcissist abuse. There may be no physical cause, but the cause can be from emotional abuse symptoms.

It’s important to note that the effects of narcissistic abuse can vary from person to person.

Some individuals may experience severe anxiety and emotional trauma. Others may develop symptoms consistent with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Seeking support from a mental health professional who specializes in trauma and abuse at Wisdom Within Counseling is key in healing and recovery.

Working with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists, you can heal from the effects of narcissistic abuse.

You can learn about boundary setting for dealing with the narcissistic who are still in your life. Additionally, establishing healthy boundaries and self-care practices are crucial steps in regaining emotional well-being and resilience.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, you can let go of anger, shame, guilt, and confidently rebuild your life after relationship trauma.

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Painting connects mind and body

To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for confidence and positive coping strategies after relationship trauma.

How can holistic, creative therapies including art, yoga, music, and meditation help in counseling after narcissistic abuse?

Holistic and creative therapies, including art therapy, yoga, music therapy, and meditation, can be highly beneficial in counseling after narcissistic abuse. These therapies offer a holistic approach to healing. Holistic therapies address the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of complex trauma recovery.

Here’s how each of these holistic, creative therapies can help:

art, holistic, creative therapies including art, yoga, music, and meditation help in counseling after narcissistic abuse
Painting is a somatic therapy

Art In Therapy:

In trauma therapy, art provides a non-verbal outlet for survivors of narcissistic abuse to express their emotions and experiences.

Through drawing, painting, or other creative activities, you can process trauma in a safe and supportive environment.

Creating art can help release repressed emotions. You can gain insight into your feelings through colors, painting, and clay.

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Yoga therapy

To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to release anger and grief holistically.

Yoga Therapy In Complex Trauma Counseling:

Now, yoga therapy combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and mindfulness techniques to promote relaxation and reduce stress. After narcissistic abuse, survivors often experience high levels of anxiety and hypervigilance.

Yoga can helps you regain a sense of control over your body, reduce tension, and restore a sense of calm.

It also encourages self-compassion and self-care, which are crucial aspects of complex trauma healing.

Yoga therapy can serve as a healthy and positive coping tool and outlet for individuals who have endured painful emotional experiences, such as narcissistic abuse.

To add, the practice of yoga encompasses physical postures, breathing exercises, meditation, and mindfulness techniques. These can be highly effective in helping process your trauma and regain a sense of well-being.

Overall, yoga therapy encourages you to reconnect with your body in a safe and compassionate manner. After narcissistic abuse, you may have developed a disconnection from your physical body due to emotional distress.

Yoga therapy gently guides you back into your body, helping you become more aware of sensations, tensions, and emotions held within.

Through the practice of asanas (yoga postures), survivors can release physical tension and stored emotional stress, fostering a sense of liberation and control over their bodies.

Secondly, yoga promotes emotional regulation and stress reduction. Survivors of narcissistic abuse often grapple with heightened anxiety, hypervigilance, and emotional volatility.

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To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem.

How can deep breathing skills be helpful in the process of narcissistic abuse recovery counseling?

The deep breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques in yoga help individuals manage their emotional responses and find moments of calm amidst emotional turmoil.

Through regular practice, survivors can learn to ground themselves in the present moment, reduce the physiological effects of stress, and develop healthier coping strategies for dealing with painful emotions.

Finally, yoga therapy provides a holistic approach to healing by addressing the mind-body connection. It encourages self-compassion, self-care, and self-acceptance, all of which are essential aspects of recovery after emotional abuse.

By fostering a sense of empowerment and self-awareness, survivors of narcissistic abuse can gradually rebuild their self-esteem.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, holistic mind body trauma therapies help you create a more positive relationship with yourself. And, they help you on their path to healing and emotional resilience after narcissistic abuse.

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Music builds mind-body connection in counseling after narcissistic abuse and emotional trauma.

To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to express yourself through art, yoga, music and holistic trauma therapies.

Music Therapy Helps After Narcissistic Abuse:

More so, music therapy involves listening to or creating music as a means of processing emotions and improving emotional well-being.

Music can evoke powerful emotions and memories, making it an effective tool for trauma recovery.

As well, music therapy can help individuals connect with their feelings, reduce anxiety, and enhance self-awareness and self-esteem.

More so, music therapy can be a powerful language beyond words for individuals who have experienced narcissistic, emotional abuse.

After enduring the emotional trauma of abuse, survivors often find it difficult to express their complex and deeply rooted emotions verbally.

Music therapy provides an alternative means of communication that transcends language barriers.

Additionally, music therapy allows you to convey your innermost feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

In music therapy, you can select or create music that resonates with your emotions. Overall, music therapy enables you to externalize your pain, anger, sadness, or fear in a safe and non-threatening way.

Music can mirror your emotional journey. It offer a sense of validation and understanding that may be lacking in your life.

Through playing instruments and using music in counseling, survivors of narcissistic abuse can process their trauma and begin to heal.

Moreover, music therapy engages the brain on multiple levels, promoting emotional regulation and relaxation. The rhythmic and melodic components of music can help stabilize the autonomic nervous system, reducing anxiety and hypervigilance often experienced by survivors of emotional abuse.

This non-verbal language of music fosters a sense of empowerment, self-expression, and emotional release, ultimately contributing to the individual’s emotional recovery and self-discovery.

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To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to feel gain relaxation skills.


Additionally, meditation practices, such as mindfulness meditation, can help survivors of narcissistic abuse develop a greater sense of self-awareness and self-compassion. Meditation encourages individuals to be present in the moment and observe their thoughts and emotions without judgment.

This can be particularly helpful in breaking free from the negative thought patterns and self-blame often associated with narcissistic abuse.

After narcissistic abuse, the combination of meditation alongside counseling can be a potent and holistic approach to support inner peace, emotional regulation, and present moment thinking.

Firstly, meditation can be a powerful complement to counseling by promoting inner peace.

Survivors of narcissistic abuse often grapple with lingering feelings of anxiety, fear, and distress.

Meditation techniques, such as mindfulness meditation, encourage individuals to cultivate a sense of inner calm and tranquility. By focusing on the present moment without judgment, survivors can learn to let go of the painful memories and anxieties tied to their past experiences, ultimately fostering a greater sense of inner peace.

Secondly, meditation aids emotional regulation by teaching you how to navigate your emotions mindfully.

During counseling sessions, survivors may delve into the emotional scars and traumas left by the abuse.

Meditation equips them with tools to approach these emotions with greater awareness and acceptance.

By observing their feelings without becoming overwhelmed, survivors can begin to regulate their emotional responses more effectively, ultimately reducing the intensity of emotional turmoil and fostering a sense of emotional stability.

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To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for increasing your self-worth and self-esteem.

Can the Wisdom Within Counseling narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors help me learn to enjoy the present moment again?

In holistic counseling for trauma recovery, you get to learn positive coping strategies. Meditation, music therapy, and other mindfulness practices help you enjoy the present moment again.

When you are anxious all the time, you can’t really enjoy your life as the way you should.

To note, meditation encourages present moment thinking, which is vital in breaking free from the cycle of rumination and anxiety often experienced after narcissistic abuse. Counseling sessions can help individuals process their past experiences, but meditation offers a practical way to ground oneself in the here and now.

By consistently practicing present moment awareness, survivors can learn to disengage from harmful thought patterns and gradually regain a sense of control over their thoughts and feelings.

Generally, this enables you to live more fully in the present, free from the constant mental turmoil associated with past trauma.

In combination, meditation and counseling provide a comprehensive approach to healing after narcissistic abuse.

At Wisdom Within Counseling, our team of complex trauma specialists empower survivors to find inner peace.

We help survivors of narcissistic trauma regulate their emotions, and live in the present. Holistic therapies support your journey toward recovery and emotional well-being.

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To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to feel heard, validated, and seen.

Holistic Approach To Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Counseling:

Combining these holistic therapies in counseling provides a well-rounded approach to healing. They address not only the emotional and psychological aspects of trauma but also the physical and spiritual dimensions.

This holistic approach promotes self-care, self-compassion, and a sense of empowerment, all of which are essential in rebuilding one’s life after narcissistic abuse.

It’s important to note that these therapies can complement traditional counseling or psychotherapy. Holistic, creative, and mind body therapies after narcissistic trauma provide additional tools and techniques for coping.

Coping in positive ways helps you, as a survivor of narcissistic abuse, to have outlets for the painful experiences you’ve been through.

As well, in counseling, art, yoga, music, and holistic therapies, help you process your experiences and regain your sense of self.

When seeking holistic therapies, it’s advisable to work with trained and certified practitioners who specialize in trauma and abuse recovery. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our therapists hold dual licenses and certificates in narcissistic abuse recovery counseling and music therapy, yoga therapy, and holistic therapies.

You can feel reassured that you are working with specialists who are passionate about helping you heal after narcissistic abuse and emotional trauma in counseling.

At Wisdom Within Counseling and Coaching, our couples and marriage therapists in Longboat Key in Sarasota, Florida, trauma bond marriage therapy in Florida, Sarasota Florida marriage counseling For Narcissistic Abuse

To begin, click below to meet with our narcissist abuse recovery counseling specialists to feel heard, validated, and seen.

Where in Florida does the Wisdom Within Counseling team of narcissist abuse recovery therapists offer support?

In Florida, narcissist abuse recovery therapy is available in Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Hialeah, Tallahassee, Fort Lauderdale, Port St. Lucie, Pinecrest, Jacksonville, Cape Coral, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, Miramar, Gainesville, Coral Springs, Miami Gardens, Wellington, Clearwater, Palm Bay, Pompano Beach, West Palm Beach, Lakeland, Davie, Miami Beach, Deltona, and Plantation.

Wisdom Within Counseling also helps survivors of narcissistic abuse, gaslighting, and complex PTSD in Port Charlotte, Parkland, Winter Park, Sarasota, Naples, Englewood, Key Biscayne, Key Largo, Boca Raton, Marathon, Key West, Rotonda West, Lake Suzy, Arcadia, Boca Granda, Lake Placid, Windermere, Weston, Jupiter, Sanibel, Aventura, Fort Lauderdale, and Orlando, Florida.

Along the Space Coast, near Space X, NASA and the Kennedy Space Center, and Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, narcissism abuse recovery therapy is also available.

Furthermore, Wisdom Within Counseling offers skills for recovering from narcissistic abuse in Titusville, Melbourne, Indian Harbor, Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, Rockledge, Sebastian, Satellite Beach, Palm Bay, Indialantic, Mims, Malabar, and Vero Beach.

Our narcissist abuse recovery therapists help you regain confidence, self-worth, and education on emotional abuse

Shown above and below: A winter walk at Hole In The Wall Beach, near McCook's Park

To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for confidence and positive coping strategies after relationship trauma.

Wisdom Within Counseling also offers the speciality of narcissist abuse recovery therapy in Connecticut.

In Connecticut, we offer counseling for narcissistic abuse recovery in Avon, Simsbury, Farmington, Easton, Fairfield, Ridgefield, Westport, Wilton, Weston, Greenwich, New Canaan, Suffield, Cheshire, Seymour, South Windsor, Stamford, Haddam, Darien, Newtown, Franklin, Storrs, Glastonbury, Orange, New Haven, Hartford, East Lyme, Colchester, Pawcatuck, Mystic, Stonington, Old Lyme, Clinton, Guilford, and Madison.

Our Wisdom Within Counseling holistic therapists, who specialize in narcissistic abuse recovery, play a crucial role in helping victims understand and heal from the cycle of abuse.

This includes tension building, explosion, and reconciliation that often characterizes abusive relationships. At Wisdom Within Counseling, our narcissistic abuse recovery therapists provide a holistic approach that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of healing.

Firstly, our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors assist survivors in recognizing the abusive cycle and its impact on their lives.

In general, victims of narcissistic abuse may not always recognize that they are caught in this destructive pattern.

Our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors educate survivors about the cycle of tension building, explosion (or abusive episode), and reconciliation (often referred to as the “honeymoon” phase).

By gaining insight into this cycle, you can understand the manipulative tactics used by your narcissistic spouse and the repetitive nature of the abuse.

Feel empowerment and confidence from narcissist abuse recovery counseling

Secondly, our holistic narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors empower survivors with positive coping strategies and tools to break free from the cycle and create healthier relationships moving forward.

This may involve teaching assertiveness skills, boundaries setting, and self-care practices that promote emotional well-being.

Our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors guide survivors in rediscovering their self-worth and self-esteem, which may have been eroded during the abusive relationship. Holistic approaches like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness are integrated into therapy to help survivors manage stress, reduce anxiety, and develop a greater sense of inner peace.

Lastly, the Wisdom Within Counseling holistic narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors often focus on the spiritual and emotional healing of survivors.

We encourage self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and self-acceptance, which are critical for building resilience and fostering healthier relationships.

By addressing the whole person—mind, body, and spirit—these therapists support survivors in their journey toward recovery, personal growth.

You can create positive, nurturing relationships that empower you to thrive beyond the shadows of narcissistic abuse.

To begin, click below to work with our narcissist abuse recovery therapists and counselors for confidence and positive coping strategies after relationship trauma.

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